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Tumor segmentation from MRI data is an important but time consuming manual task performed by medical experts. The research which addresses the diseases of the brain in the field of the vision by computer is one of the challenges in recent times in medicine, the engineers and researchers recently launched challenges to carry out innovations of technology pointed in imagery. This paper focuses on a new algorithm for brain segmentation of MRI images by fuzzy c means algorithm to diagnose accurately the region of cancer. In the first step it proceeds by noise filtering using wavelet transformation later applying FCM algorithm to segment only tumor area .In this research multiple MRI images of brain can be applied detection of glioma (Tumor) growth by advanced diameter technique.

Segmentation is a process in which image is partitioned into its constituent salient image regions to acquire the region(s) of interest (ROIs). Being an important technique of image processing, it has a lot of applications in many fields of which medical imaging is the one. Medical image segmentation is an important technique in areas like help in diagnosis, detection of lesions, tumors, cysts or other abnormalities, surgical assessment and post-surgical assessment. It has long been used for tumor recognition as well as for determining tumor boundaries. Image segmentation techniques [6] are mostly used in medical field for detecting diseases in human body structures such as nerves damage, blood vessels extraction and tumor detection. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a non-invasive technique for medical imaging that uses the magnetic field and pulses of radio waves. It gives better visualization of soft tissues of human body. In this paper, we propose a hybrid technique that makes use of wavelets and FCM. Through wavelets we extract the high pass image. The noise-robust nature of wavelets and the noise-sensitivity of FCM combine in our method to give better accuracy results.

Literature Survey
[1] (Bullitt et al., 2003) Automatic brain tumor segmentation from MR images is a difficult task that involves various disciplines covering pathology, MRI physics, radiologists perception, and image analysis based on intensity and shape. There are many issues and challenges associated with brain tumor segmentation. Brain tumors may be of any size, may have a variety of shapes, may appear at any location, and may appear in different image intensities. Some tumors also deform other structures and appear together with edema that changes intensity properties of the nearby region. For many human experts, manual segmentation is a difficult and time consuming task, which makes an automated brain tumor segmentation method desirable. There are many possible applications of an automated method, it can be used for surgical planning, treatment planning, and vascular analysis. It has been shown that blood vessels in the brain exhibit certain characteristics within pathological regions. [2] An objective and reproducible segmentation procedure coupled with vascular analysis would allow us to study the relation between pathologies and blood vessels and may function as a new diagnostic measure. The challenges associated with automatic brain tumor segmentation have given rise to many different approaches. Automated segmentation methods based on artificial intelligence techniques were proposed in (Clark et al., 1998; Fletcher-Heath et al., 2001). The two methods do not rely on intensity enhancements provided by the use of contrast agents. A particular limitation of the two methods is that the input images are restricted to the T1, T2, and PD MR image channels. Additionally, the methods require a training phase prior to segmenting a set of images. [3] Other methods are based on statistical pattern recognition techniques, for example the method proposed by Kaus et al. (1999). This method combines the information from a registered atlas template and user input to supervise training of a classifier, demonstrating the strength of combining voxel-intensity with geometric brain atlas information. This method was validated against meningiomas and low-grade gliomas. [4] Gering et al. (2002) proposed a method that detects deviations from normal brains using a multi-layer Markov random field framework. The information layers include voxel intensities, structural coherence, spatial locations, and user input. [5] Cuadra et al. (2002) presented high-dimensional warping to study deformation of brain tissue due to tumor growth. This technique relies on a prior definition of the tumor boundary whereas the method we propose in this paper focuses on automatically finding tumor regions.

The existing method is based on the thresholding and region growing. The thresholding method was ignored the spatial characteristics. Normally spatial characteristics are important for the malignant tumor detection. In the thresholding based segmentation the image is considered as having only two values either black or white. But the bit map image contains 0 to 255 gray scale values. So sometimes it ignores the tumor cells also. In case of the region growing based segmentation it needs more user interaction for the selection of the seed. Seed is nothing but the center of the tumor cells; it may cause intensity in homogeneity problem. And also it will not provide the acceptable result for all the images.

This paper focuses on a new algorithm for brain segmentation of MRI images by fuzzy c means algorithm to diagnose accurately the region of cancer. In the first step it proceeds by noise filtering using wavelet transformation later applying FCM algorithm to segment only tumor area. Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) is applied to MRI image to extract high level details and after some processing on this high pass image, we add it to the original image to get a sharpenedimage. The processing includes the Fuzzy C-means (FCM) segmentation algorithm applied to the wavelet transformed image.


The goal of a clustering analysis is to divide a given set of data or objects into a cluster, which represents subsets or a group. The partition should have two properties: 1. Homogeneity inside clusters: the data, which belongs to one cluster, should be as similar as possible. 2. Heterogeneity between the clusters: the data, which belongs to different clusters, should be as different as possible. The membership functions do not reflect the actual data distribution in the input and the output spaces. They may not be suitable for fuzzy pattern recognition. To build membership functions from the data available, a clustering technique may be used to partition the data, and then produce membership functions from the resulting clustering. Clustering is a process to obtain a partition P of a set E of N objects Xi (i=1, 2,, N), using the resemblance or dissemblance measure, such as a distance measure d. A partition P is a set of disjoint subsets of E and the element Ps of P is called cluster and the centers of the clusters are called centroid or prototypes. Many techniques have been developed for clustering data. In this report c-means clustering is used. Its a simple unsupervised learning method which can be used for data grouping or classification when the number of the clusters is known. It consists of the following steps. Step 1: Choose the number of clusters - K Step 2: Set initial centers of clusters c1, c2 ck; Step 3: Classify each vector x [x , x ,....x ] T into the closest centre ci by Euclidean distance measure ||xi-ci ||=min || xi -ci|| Step 4: Recomputed the estimates for the cluster centers ci Let ci = [ci1 ,ci2 ,....cin ] T cim be computed by, Cim = xli Cluster(Ixlim) Ni Where, Ni is the number of vectors in the i-th cluster. Step 5: If none of the cluster centers (ci =1, 2,, k) changes in step 4 stop; otherwise go to step 3.

BLOCK DIAGRAM Proposed System for Fuzzy C means Clustering with Wavelet Transform

Medical Image

Image Smoothing

Image Denoising using Wavelet Transform

Fuzzy Cmeans

Cluster Info

Morphologic al Operation

Detected Tumor Region


We have presented a new method for Brain Segmentation to localize Tumour. The method of segmentation of colour images is based on fuzzy classification. It uses a fine initial segmentation obtained by applying the FCM algorithm based on a criterion introduced for fuzzy regions. The main advantage of this method is that, first it requires no prior information on the images to segment. The computation speed is fast so less execution time. Less memory requirement.MRI images are

highly weighted so other methods consume high iteration and also more sensitive to the initialization of cluster centres but using FCM less iterations are needed in clustering Tumor volume is an important diagnostic indicator in treatment planning and results assessment for brain tumor. The measurement of brain tumor volume can assist tumor staging for brain tumor volume measurements is developed which overcome the problem of inter-operator variance, besides partial volume effects and shows satisfactory performance for segmentation. This method is applied to 8- tumor contained MRI slices from 2 brain tumor patients_ data sets of different tumor type and shape, and better segmentation results are achieved. In this paper a new approach has been discussed to detect the volume of brain tumor using diameter and graph based method to find the volume.

*1+ W. Gonzalez, Digital Image Processing, 2nd ed. Prentice Hall, Year of Publication 2008. *2+ S. Murugavalli, V. Rajamani, A high speed parallel fuzzy c-mean algorithm for brain tumour segmentation, BIME Journal, Vol. no: 06, Issue (1), Dec., 2006.

*3+Mohamed Lamine ToureAdvanced Algorithm for Brain Segmentation using Fuzzy to Localize Cancer and Epilepsy Region, International Conference on Electronics and Information Engineering (ICEIE 2010), Vol. no 2. *4+ Dr.G.Padmavathi, Mr.M.Muthukumar and Mr. Suresh Kumar Thakur, Non linear Image segmentation using fuzzy c means clustering method with thresholding for underwater images, IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 7, Issue 3, No 9, May 2010. *5+ Matei Mancas, Bernard Gosselin, Benot macq, Segmentation Using a Region Growing Thresholding *6+ S.Karpagam and S. Gowri Detection of Glioma (Tumor) Growth by Advanced Diameter Techniqu e Using MRI Data

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