Combat Abilities: Fighter (Offensive)

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Combat Abilities

Fighter (Offensive) Ancestral Blood - The blood of the ancestors flows through the characters veins as they go into a rage, gaining (+3) to attack and (+4) to damage at the cost of (-5) to A , however enemy attacks that deal (!") or less damage are ignored# This ability lasts for 4 combat rounds# $hen the battle rage wears off, the character has a %5& stun chance as the ha'e lifts# This ability can be used once every day and the character must be well rested# Battle Shout - The character lets out a battle cry, ins(iring nearby (arty members in a 3" metre radius, giving himself and (arty members (+%) to attack and (+!) to A , and at the same time striking fear into the hearts of his enemies, giving them (-%) to attack and (-!) A in a 3" metre radius for 3 combat rounds# This ability can be used at the beginning of an encounter# Cleave The character attem(t to cleave through u( to three enemies in a single swing# The character rolls their normal attack roll with a (-4) to attack# )f the character kills the first target, re roll his attack roll at (-*) to attack, if he kills the second target, re roll his attack roll for a final time at (-+) to attack# ,ou can only use cleave with a two-handed wea(on# This ability can be used twice an encounter# Greater Cleave The characters strength in battle drives fear into the hearts of his enemies as his blade cuts a swathe through enemy ranks# leave can now be used whenever the character kills-downs an enemy and can also now be used with one handed wea(ons if gras(ed with both hands# .e/uires leave# Screaming Charge (Replaces one primar attac!) The character charges an enemy within 3" metres of them, striking fear into the enemy and causing them to lose their first attack against the character# The target enemy must make a save vs# (etrification in order to determine whether or not they lose their first attack# This ability can only be used to initiate combat# "ecimate (Replaces normal attac!) The character devastates the target enemy with a cri((ling attack# The character inflicts %d4 damage on the enemy and the (layer is able to roll on the critical hit tables if the attack is successful# The enemy target must make the normal save vs# death roll in order to determine whether the attack is successful or not# This ability can only be used on enemies which have an A value of (4) or less# "eath From Above The character lea(s off a ledge at least 5 metres above the enemy target and strikes them with an aerial attack# The character gets a bonus (+%) to hit and if the attack is successful, the character can automatically roll for double damage# 0owever, if the attack fails, the character falls to the ground and takes !d* falling damage# This ability can be used whenever the chance (resents itself# Committed Charge (Replaces one primar attac!) - The character runs at enemy lines in a reckless manner# The character charges at an enemy within %" metres of them and if the charge is successful, the

character inflicts double damage on their ne1t attack# The character rolls at a (-%) (enalty to attack and if they are damaged before they close on the enemy, they lose their momentum and the charge fails# Bull Charge (Replaces one primar attac!) The character charges forwards in a heroic manner at an enemy within %5 metres from them# The character slams into his target (touch attack), knocking the wind out of them and causing them to have +%"& stun, and the enemy must also roll a save vs# wands or be knocked to the ground and s(end their ne1t turn getting back u(# The character may also use bull rush in order to break down unreinforced doors (reinforced doors in some cases), but if the character fails, they are stunned for (!) round# Rend Armour (Replaces normal attac!) 2 The character strikes with such (ower that the enemies armour buckles from the blow# The character roles their normal attack role, but then halves whatever they role for damage# The targets armour must make a save vs# crushing blow or have its A reduced by (!)# annot reduce armour by more than (5) A (oints# #ummel Stri!e (Replaces normal attac!) 2 The character bashes the enemy with the (ummel-shaft of their wea(on# The character makes a normal attack roll and if successful, the enemy gains +!"& stun# Fighter ("efensive) "efensive Retreat The haracter forms a shield wall before them as they move backwards at half s(eed, giving them a frontal bonus of (% A ) as well as drawing attacks from melee range enemies as allies retreat# 0owever, this leaves the character vulnerable to back attacks, giving enemies attacking from behind a (+4) to attack rolls on to( of normal back attack bonuses# As time (asses, enemies will lose interest in the character and move to attack other targets# This ability can be used once every encounter# Shield Slam (Replaces normal attac!) The haracter slams his shield into the target, knocking them back and da'ing them for !d% rounds causing them to have a (enalty to attack of (-4) as well as dealing !d3 damage + the characters strength bonus# )t also gives the enemy a +!"& stun# This ability is only effective against targets of smaller or similar si'e to the character# Alertness The character has mastered the style of fighting in which they are aware of their enemies (ositioning at all times# 3nemies attacking the character suffer a (-%) to attack rolls from flanking or back attack (ositions# )f the character is being attacked from behind, the character has a chance to react to the enemy4s first attack by (assing a de1terity check in order to negate back attack bonuses and make the attack act as if it were a normal frontal attack# This ability is a (assive# Sure Footing The character can fight on dangerous ground such as sli((ery rocks, ledges and rocking boats without risk of falling or any (enalties to attack rolls# This ability is a (assive# $aunt The character yells insults at the enemy, drawing its attacks from another character to themself# The target enemy must roll a wisdom check in order to determine whether they are taunted or not - or the 56 decides whether the target is taunted or not at their own discretion#

#ain Attunement The character is no stranger to battle, having received and recovered from serious wounds in the (ast, giving the character a resistance to (ain# $henever the character is struck by a critical hit and they fail their save vs# death roll, the character is able to roll a second time with a (-%) (enalty# Also the severity of critical hits is reduced by (-%)# This ability is a (assive# "uelist The character is a master of one-on-one combat and is able to take the advantage in single combat# The character marks a single target and when engaging with this target in single combat, the character gains (+3) to attack against the target while the target has (-3) to attack against the character# This ability can be used whenever the character is in single combat-duels# )f another enemy enters melee range or fires a missile into the melee, this bonus is lost# %scape Artist The character is a master of evading tackles and avoiding being locked u( in melee combat# $hen someone tries to grab the character and they succeed, the character gets to roll a save vs# wands in order to have a second chance of evading the grab attem(t# This ability can be used any time an enemy attem(ts to grab the character and can also be used to give the character a chance to esca(e from sim(le bindings such as crude shackles and having their hands tied# Ranged & $hro'n Attac! Abilities (ital Shot The character aims his ranged wea(on at a vital s(ot on the enemy and fires, knocking the target down for (!d%) combat rounds as well as slowing the target by 7 its normal movement s(eed for %d3 combat rounds if the target fails its strength check# The character must make his normal attack roll for this ability# This ability can be used once every combat turn# #iercing Shot The character notices a weak s(ot in the enemies armour and is able to take advantage of it with a ranged wea(on# The character gains a bonus (+%) to attack rolls against a marked target# This ability can only be used once an encounter# Stead Shot (Crossbo' Onl ) The character rests their crossbow on a surface in order to steady their aim, giving the character a (+%) to attack rolls with the crossbow# 0owever this leaves the character e1(osed, giving enemies a (+4) to attack when in melee range# )unters *nstinct The character marks a single target as their /uarry, watching how they move and act# 3ach successful attack on the target with a ranged wea(on grants a (+!) to the ne1t attack roll against the same target, when using the same ranged wea(on# This ability stacks from each successful hit, however, if the character fails an attack, the stacks dro( and must be built u( again# This ability can be used once an encounter# Stead Shot The character steady4s their bow-crossbow and fires with a steady hand at long range# $henever the character fires at their ma1imum range, instead of receiving a (-5) to their attack roles, they instead roll with a (-!) (enalty to attack, as well as having no (enalties at medium range# 0owever, the character loses their second attack if they have more than one attack that round# This ability can be used whenever firing at long range#

#o'er Shot The character fires a missile with devastating force# )f the shot kills the target above a certain threshold of damage, the character may reroll his attack roll at a (enalty of (-5) in order to determine whether the missile (asses through the initial target and hits a second target behind them# This ability can be used whenever the character kills the initial target by (3) or more damage# Sniper The character has trained e1tensively with their bow-crossbow and has become a master marksman with their chosen wea(on# The character is able to negate %5& of all (enalties to their attack rolls when shooting at enemies who are behind cover# haracters may now also fire into melee without called shot (enalties# 0owever, the character can now only fire once (er round instead of their normal attack rate# The character may choose when this ability is active# This ability is a (assive# Split-Shot 2 The character knocks two arrows and fires them at the same time in a dis(lay of skill# The target must delegate two different targets which are both within 3" metres of the character and then make a normal attack roll with a (enalty of (-4) to attack, as well as a (enalty of (-!) damage to both arrows# Rogue & $hief "isarming Blo' (Replaces normal attac!) The character strikes at the enemy4s wea(on hand, disarming the enemy# The character must roll his de1terity check and if the character (asses, the target is disarmed if they fail their save vs# death roll until they retrieve their wea(on# Shado' "ance The character weaves (ast an enemy4s attack, dodging it com(letely# The character must make a save vs# wand check in order to dodge the attack# This ability can be used once an encounter# Assassination The character marks a target for death, striking at an enemy4s vital (oints and killing them instantly# The character must still make their normal attack role in order to hit their target, but they roll with a bonus of (+5) to their attack roll# This ability can only be used on a target which has (%") or less hit (oints# This ability can only be used when the character has observed his target and has not been interru(ted for 3 combat rounds# )amstring (Replaces normal attac!) The character slashes at the targets legs, inca(acitating the target and causing them to move at 8 of their normal movement s(eed for !d4 rounds, as well as falling to the ground in (ain, forcing them to s(end the ne1t round standing back u(# The character must make a normal attack role for this ability, while the enemy must make a save vs# death roll in order to determine whether they fall to the ground or not# )ead-Butt (Replaces normal attac!) - The character sur(rises the target with a /uick head-butt# )f the attack is successful, the target is da'ed for !d% round and suffers a (enalty of (-4) to attack rolls for the amount of rounds rolled and also gains +5& stun# )f the target is (somewhat) stronger than the character (this ability has no effect on much stronger creatures-enemies much larger than the character) , both the target and the character must roll a strength check, with the character rolling the lowest being the one who gets da'ed#

% e Gouge (Replaces normal attac!) 2 The character en9oys fighting dirty# The character lashes out at the enemies eyes with the intent of causing as much damage as (ossible# The character must make their normal attack roll and if they succeed, the enemy must then make a save vs# wands roll# )f the enemy fails, they are blinded for !d3 rounds# Surprise Attac! 2 The character strikes with une1(ected ferocity and swiftness# The first attack the character makes in an encounter will always count as a backstab attack, regardless of the direction the character is attacking their target from# Surprise $hro' 2 The character makes an unantici(ated move# :efore combat begins, the character may throw two small hand wea(ons (e#g# hand a1e, dagger, dart, shuriken) at the same target or two different targets with a bonus of (+5) to attack rolls# 5uring combat, the character may throw an additional small hand wea(on if they have already thrown a wea(on during the current round# %scape Artist The character is a master of evading tackles and avoiding being locked u( in melee combat# $hen someone tries to grab the character and they succeed, the character gets to roll a save vs# wands in order to have a second chance of evading the grab attem(t# This ability can be used any time an enemy attem(ts to grab the character and can also be used to give the character a chance to esca(e from sim(le bindings such as crude shackles and having their hands tied# Sure Footing The character can fight on dangerous ground such as sli((ery rocks, ledges and rocking boats without risk of falling or any (enalties to attack rolls# This ability is a (assive# Shan! 2 The character gets close and (ersonal with their target# The character makes a grab attack against the target and if successful, the character gains a (+4) to their attack roll and gain a bonus (%) damage to their damage rolls as well as %1 their strength bonus#

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