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Date: 08/01/14 Location: Media Studies Task being assessed: Students filming/taking photos in college Gene al !isk assessment DEGREE OF RISK "orst Pro'a'i(it) Risk o#t$o%e Ratin+ & * A,E CONTROL MEASURES E-istin+ $ontro( %eas#res taken a+ainst t.e risk Student "ame: #llie $a%kins ACTION PLAN ".at / $ontro( %eas#res are re0#ired 1.en and ') 1.o%

HAZARDS Hazard !ega dless of cont ol measu es

Persons at risk !

$&01 lectu e theat e T ipping up o do%n the steps due to them being 'uite steep( This is also made %o se because of the automatic lighting %hich doesn)t tu n on st aight a%a*+ meaning that %hen *ou go to %alk do%n the steps *ou can)t see ,e * %ell( The e %as %i ing fo the base bo%hich %as on the floo ( This could potentiall* see someone t ipping up on it+ thus ha ming themsel,es(

Sf . staff St . students

Seeing a membe of staff o student falling do%n the stai s+ b eaking a leg o am / T ipping up the %i ing+ falling on thei face %hich could see them %ith a bad head in0u *(

!. emote/unlik el* but concei,able

1eing told to take it slo% do%n the stai s b* a sign outside the doo ( This %ould p e,ent people f om unning do%n them+ %hich %ould cause the dange ( The e is also a sign to tell students to put e'uipment back+ p e,enting e'uipment f om being e-posed fo someone to in0u e themsel,es on(

2 %ould also info m membe s of staff and students about the automatic lights b* also ha,ing a sign on the ent ance of the doo ( The sign %ould make people a%a e of the lights+ thus %aiting until the* come on to %alk do%n the steps

1 ueton 308 Staging bench+ %hich could see somebod* standing on in an agg essi,e manne + causing them to fall off it and hu ting themsel,es The e is also p ops on the floo of %hich su ounded the oom( 4lthough lights can be tu ned on easil*+ people could fall o,e this due to not being a%a e of them being the e(

Sf . staff St . students 5 . cont act os 5l . cleane s 6. ,isito s

Someone could possibilit* fall o,e the p ops+ seeing them b eak a leg + a m o damaging thei head %hich could led to b ain dange (

7s . possible/coul d occu sometime

4t the moment students a e asked thei teache to put back the p ops the* ha,e been using+ to p e,ent this f om happening( To teache is also asked to info m the students about the dange of the stage+ falling o,e o f om it(

2 %ould make su e befo e+ the students lea,e the oom that the* ha,e put all the p ops a%a*( This %ould ha,e to be said b* the teache as this autho it* %ould make them mo e %illing to put all the p ops a%a*( 2 %ould also make su e the teache of the class did not allo% too man* people to stand on the stage as this could also cause those to fall off it(

Solihull 3th fo m 5a 7a k

The* !. 4 The e a e pasts fo the students and 2 %ould make su e to put signs could emote/unlik staff membe s to %alk do%n instead up fo d i,e s+ 0ust become The e is a ha8a d of ca s doing potentiall el* but of the oad( ente ing the ca pa k+ making past as m* model %ould be in the * get un concei,able them a%a e of students %alking middle of the oad( M* model o,e b* The e a e also people at the gates of on the oad( 2 %ould also make %ould be facing me the efo e she the ca the college signalling students to su e the speed limit %as %ouldn)t be able to see if a ca due to the %alk on the past( ,isible+ causing the d i,e to be %as coming also the location of d i,e mo e ca eful of those %alking the shoot might su p ise the being a ound the ca pa k( d i,e + seeing them panic and una%a e possibl* un us o,e ( of a shoot taking The e is also the issue of lea,es place( and b anches f om the This su ounding t ees( This could could cause them to fall o,e it+ hu ting cause them( se ious in0u * f om inte nal in0u ies to death( 91 9& This is %ithout cont ol measu es 9> This is %ith cont ol measu es in place Sf . staff D . people %ith disabilities = . fatal = . f e'uent/likel*/could occu epeatedl*/e-pected St . students : . *oung/ine-pe ienced Ma0 . ma0o in0u * o pe manent disabilit* 7 . p obable/not su p ised/might occu often 5 . cont acto s L . lone %o ke s Min . mino in0u * 7s . possible/could occu sometime 5l . cleane s ; . %omen of child<bea ing "! . non< epo table ! . emote/unlikel* but concei,able 6 . ,isito s age ? . unlikel*/imp obable such that likelihood is almost 8e o

Sf . staff St . students

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