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Importance of Research Design

A research design basically means the plan or technique of shaping the research, or as Hakim (1987) puts it esign eals mainly !ith aim, purposes, moti"es an plans !ithin the practical constraints of location, time, money an a"ailability of staff#$ %he possibilities of success of a research stu y is significantly impro"e !hen the beginning# is properly efine as a precise statement of goals an &ustification$

Need and Importance of Research Design

'esearch esign carries an important influence on the reliability of the results attaine $ (t therefore pro"i es a soli base for the !hole research$ (t is nee e ue to the fact that it allo!s for the smooth !orking of the many research operations$ %his makes the research as effecti"e as possible by pro"i ing ma)imum information !ith minimum spen ing of effort, money an time$ *or buil ing of a car, !e must ha"e a suitable blueprint ma e by an e)pert esigner$ (n a similar fashion, !e require a suitable esign or plan &ust before ata collection an analysis of the research pro&ect$ +lanning of esign must be carrie out cautiously as e"en a small mistake might mess up the purpose of the entire pro&ect$ %he esign helps the in"estigator to organi,e his i eas, !hich helps to recogni,e an fi) his faults, if any$ (n a good research design, all the components go together !ith each other in a coherent !ay$ %he theoretical an conceptual frame!ork must !ith the research goals an purposes$ (n the same !ay, the ata gathering metho must fit !ith the research purposes, conceptual an theoretical frame!ork an metho of ata analysis$ A research esign is like a successful &ourney

.roa ens your min +ro"i es fascinating / e)citing e)perience 0i"es un erstan ing of !orl aroun you +ro"i es chance to meet people 0i"es fun an re!ar , but sometimes, "ery te ious / monotonous too$

%he importance of research design in research methodology is ue to the follo!ing

(t may result in the preferre kin of stu y !ith helpful conclusion$ (t cuts o!n on inaccuracy$ Allo!s you get optimum efficiency an reliability$ 'e uce !astage of time$

'e uce uncertainty, confusion an practical hapha,ar relate to any research problem$ 1f great help for collection of research material an testing of hypothesis$ (t is a gui e for gi"ing research the right path$ 0ets ri of bias an marginal errors$ +ro"i es an i ea concerning the type of resources nee e in terms of money, effort, time, an manpo!er$ 2mooth / efficient sailing (sets boun aries / helps pre"ent blin search) 3a)imi,es reliability of results$ +ro"i es firm foun ation to the en ea"or$ A"erts mislea ing conclusions / thoughtless useless e)ercise$ +ro"i es opportunity to anticipate fla!s / ina equacies (anticipates problems)$ (ncorporates by learning from other people4s critical comments / e"aluations$

5fficient research is epen ent first upon the consi erate statements of purpose and objectives, and associated research questions$ %hese essential preliminary steps in turn ri"e important choices regar ing stu y type, plans for analyses an competent implementation !ithin boun e timeframes an bu gets$ %he research en ea"our materiali,es by picking suitable stu y types accor ing to coherent research questions, appropriate ata collection, an e"entually conclu es by ra!ing inferences base on correctly planne analyses$

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