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Masum Qahar

Formal Proposal
Title of magazine you wish to produce
The title of the magazine I will produce will be Underground as I will base my magazine around underground hip hop artists trying to make it. The responses I received from my questionnaires and focus group interview helped encourage this choice as the name fits in well with underground artists and it will enable me to target the future and the upcoming artists. Explanation of choice of genre I chose hip hop as the genre for my music magazine as I listen to this genre and am a big fan of it, I dont really listen to another genre which will make it hard if I was to create a magazine about the other genres. Also I wanted my magazine to be aimed at college students and when I asked whether they listen to hip hop magazines in my questionnaire to 16-19 year olds the vast majority said yes therefore it would be best to choose this genre as the majority do in fact listen to the genre and wouldnt really buy a magazine about a genre they dont listen to. Target audience My target audience will be 16-19 year old college students as this is my own age group and most of my peers all listen to hip hop music, also the respondents of my questionnaire were this age which gave me evidence to believe that 16-19 year olds do listen to hip hop music. Also hip hop music is more modern and may mean more to the audience as most of the hip hop music produced are loud and used for parties, this also supports the stereotype that teens/young adults are all party animals. Initial ideas about photographs For my front cover I would like one male model in a medium close up shot looking directly at the camera, I would want the model to be wearing jewellery which represents wealth and also because the models on all the magazines I analysed were in fact wearing jewellery. For the contents page I would want artists in places that they would normally be seen, I will have 3 images on the contents page and I would want one of them to be of the artist on stage; I could take this in the college theatre to make it seem as realistic as possible. The second image will be a long shot of the artist in the street perhaps talking to a fan to represent the bond between underground artists and their fans. The last image will be a medium shot of the artist looking at an angle writing lyrics, to show that they are not directly looking at the camera to show their focus in their dreams. On the double page spread I will have a long shot of the artist leaning against a wall with a hand pose that they may hold to help identify them to their fans which may be the brand recognition of the artist. Initial ideas about front page On the front page I would have my masthead at the top and underneath the date of issue and maybe a selling line, also the price. I will have the model in the centre and will try to follow the rule of thirds; I will have the cover lines around the model and will try not to overlap the model to show their importance. I will have a barcode in the bottom right corner to occupy the dead space and maybe a strap line for one of the cover lines on the bottom left corner.

Masum Qahar Initial ideas about contents page For the contents page I will have the masthead at the top with the contents title to follow convention and to make my magazine look more professional, I will have the features on the left side of the page and will have the text on the right side with page references, I may also have a line in the middle of the page like a border to separate the two. I may have the date of issue and page number in the footer. Initial ideas about double page spread My initial ideas for the double page spread are to have the model on one side of the double page covering the whole page and then a Q&A interview on the other. I will most likely have the artist on the left side and the text on the right side as this will enable the reader to see the artist before reading the text and could make them decide whether they want to read the article or not. I will have the headline on the top centre of the second page which will be big and bold to make it stand out. I may have a by-line to give reference to the writer and a stand first with a little introduction about the artist. I may also have illustrations at the bottom of the page.

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