How To Import and Export Property Data Using The CAPE-OPEN

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How to import and export property data using the CAPE-OPEN Property Package file ...


Revision Date: 21-Aug-2008 - Updated for V7.0 Revision Date: 20-Dec-2005 - Updated for 2004.1 Revision Date: 06-Dec-2004 - Updated for 2004 Revision Date: 07-Sep-2004 - Updated for 12.1 Creation Date: 04-Dec-2000 04:33AM

Applicable Version(s)
Aspen Properties 10.2 and later Aspen Plus 10.2 and later

Problem Statement
How to import and export property data using the CAPE-OPEN Property Package file (*.cota) format.

Aspen Properties (as well as Aspen Plus) 10.2 and higher supports the CAPE-OPEN Property Package file as a way to transfer physical property parameters and data between different applications. To enable this, Aspen Properties provides functions to import and export property data in this CAPE-OPEN (.cota) format. These files are ASCII (text) files, but like .bkp files they are not "readable." Version 11.1 supports version 0-9-3 of the CAPE-OPEN standard. This version is very similar to the version 0-9-0 supported in Aspen Plus 10.2 but there are some clarifications which can be found at . AES 12.1 and later support Version 1.0 of the CAPE-OPEN standard, including the CAPE-OPEN error handling specification for the CO thermodynamic and physical property components. You can now use CAPE-OPEN Property Packages to calculate transport properties as well as thermodynamic properties. In addition, the calculation performance of the CAPE-OPEN interface has been reatly enhanced. In Version 11.1, AspenTech delivered example CAPE-OPEN property packages in the Aprsystem directory (for example, D:\Program Files\AspenTech\APRSYSTEM 11.1\Engine\CapeOpen Property Packages\default.cota). In Version 12.1 and later, these example property packages are delivered in the Profiles directory for All Users in a folder named for the internal version number, typically C:\Documents and Settings\All Users, in the subdirectory Application Data\AspenTech\CAPE-OPEN Property Packages\xxxx. All exported CAPE-OPEN property packages are stored in this directory by default. You can also specify a different location when you export the property package.

Import of property data x x Click on the Import CAPE-OPEN Property Package button on the Aspen Properties Toolbar. In the Available Property Packages window, select the property package you would like to use and click OK. This view lists all the *.cota files that are available.

Aspen Properties can import CAPE-OPEN compliant property packages prepared by other vendors. The imported property packages will be used in physical property calculations.

Export of property data x Click on the Export CAPE-OPEN Property Package button on the Toolbar. The CAPE-OPEN Aspen Property Package Manager dialog box appears. Click on the save button. Enter the name of the property package.

x x

Note: The exported Aspen Properties property packages are not intended for use by Aspen Properties User Interface or Aspen Plus. However, they are used for the Aspen Excel Properties interface.

Use and Benefits

The availability of the *.cota file format is one element in supporting the CAPE-OPEN (CO) initiative. This is a consortium representing a wide range of users, researchers and vendors from three continents with the objective to "deliver the power of component software and open standard interfaces in computer-aided process engineering." CAPE-OPEN compliant physical property packages can be used in Aspen Plus and Aspen Properties to perform property calculations. You can also use Aspen Plus or Aspen Properties to prepare a CAPE-OPEN property package for use in other applications, such as a spreadsheet, an in-house program, or another process simulator which is CAPE-OPEN compliant. For detailed information about the CAPE-OPEN COM Thermodynamic Interface see the Aspen Plus User Models Reference Manual, Chapter 27. On the other hand, IK-CAPE represents a consortium of German companies which cooperate to define key standard property models and data exchange format for use in computer-aided process engineering. The IK-CAPE file format is currently used for data exchange with DECHEMA's DETHERM database. For information on how to import and export property data using the IK-CAPE neutral file (*.ikc) format, please see solution 104105.


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While both initiatives have a different scope (global CAPE OPEN vs. national IK-CAPE), they share the intention of defining common standards for information exchange in computer-aided process engineering (CAPE).

Import and Export of Property Data Interface to Third-Party Data Cape-Open Property Package File (*.cota)


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