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Hexagonal BZs

Fermi surface pockets

Fermi surface pockets

hole ee-

w/ periodic potential

hole ee-e-

If Fermi sphere extends past rst Brillouin
Fermi surfaces become rounded, and usually do not intersect zone, several pieces of Fermi surface will exist in multiple bands in free electron limit

Once weak interactions are added, cuspy

Free electron-like FSs

point inside the neck is on Bragg plane. Band gap opened at this k, lowering the energy of valence band so it moved inside the Fermi surface. This explains tendency to necking

Free electron-like FSs

apparently, at least the larger Fermi surface of Al is free-electron-like.

compare to Ch. 9, Fig. 1

More zoology
Periodic Table of the Fermi Surfaces of Elemental Solids Tat-Sang Choy, Jeffery Naset , Selman Hershfield, and Christopher Stanton Physics Department, University of Florida Jian Chen Seagate Technology
(15 March, 2000)

Wild stuff

Tight binding method

The opposite limit from NFEA - assume the ionic potential strongly connes electrons

only a small number of atomic orbitals are important

We can try to construct Bloch states from these orbitals only conceptually similar to making bonding and anti-bonding orbitals on molecules but with 1023 atoms instead of 2!

Tight Binding
as a superposition Write the wavefunction X
(r ) =

R ( r R )


orbital of atom at R

Amplitudes obey discrete Schrodinger

R = 0 R H
atomic energy


R,R0 R0 = R
hopping amplitude decays rapidly with distance

Tight binding
Often we assume just nearest-neighbor

Example: one dimensional chain

Solve it?
x = 0 x (x+a + xa ) = x H x = eikx

Easily generalized to 2d and 3d lattices (see


(k ) = 0 2 cos ka

2d hexagonal lattice
a2 -a1 a3 -a2 -a3 a1

0 R

hR0 ,Ri

R0 = R

2d hexagonal lattice
a2 -a1 a3 -a2 -a3 a1

0 R

3 X i=1

(R+ai + Rai ) = R

2d hexagonal lattice
(k ) = 0 2
3 X i=1

cos k ai
3 2 )


Primitive vectors: (1, 0) ( 1 2,

(k ) = 0 2 cos kx + 2 cos

( 1 2,
3ky 2

3 2 )

kx 2


2d hexagonal lattice
(k ) = 0 2 cos kx + 2 cos

kx 2


3ky 2

(4!/3,0) 0

kx 2!


Single layers of honeycomb lattice of carbon First systematically exfoliated and studied by A. Geim + K. Novoselov, 2004. Nobel prize, 2011 Interesting because it intrinsically has a point Fermi surface

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