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Award winning newspaper
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No. 4864 PP 2644/12/2009 (023092)

October 14, 2009

» Jobless rate to go down pg6 » North Korea prepares to fire more missiles pg8 News without
pg18 borders
The heiress r
and the butle
No need for
Caring ... Najib and his wife
Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor wave at
outsiders to
the launch of Skuad Sayang (Care
Squad) at Putra World Trade Centre
yesterday. They are flanked by Deputy
Prime Minister and Umno deputy
president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin
and Wanita Umno head Datuk Seri
says Liow
Shahrizat Abdul Jalil by Giam Say Khoon

PETALING JAYA: MCA vice-president Datuk

UTRAJAYA: Datuk Seri Najib Seri Liow Tiong Lai says the party does
Abdul Razak said yesterday the not need any outsider to intervene in its
time has come for Umno to be internal crisis and that it has the capability
the main political party to take to deal with the problem itself.
charge of the welfare and well-being He said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib
of not only the Malays and bumipu- Abdul Razak had yet to ask about the MCA
tras but of all Malaysians. crisis.
The prime minister said that “I think the prime minister respects
while representing the interests of MCA and has full confidence in us. The
the Malays and bumiputras, Umno party needs to solve the problem itself. We
had to change with the times to also know we have the capability to solve the
look after the interests of the other problem without the intervention of any
races. SUNPIX quarter,” he told reporters after launching
This was in line with the 1Ma- GlaxoSmithKline’s (GSK) Global Information

Umno party
laysia concept of “People First, Per- Technology Centre yesterday,
formance Now” which was gaining “He (Najib) wants MCA to be strong
positive acceptance from all the and able to solve the problem fast and we
races, he said. promise we will do it as soon as possible
“I think we have come to a stage to ensure the party is strong again to help
where Umno is seen as a party Barisan Nasional.”
which looks after the welfare and On Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek’s call for
well-being of all Malaysians,” Najib, fresh party elections, Liow urged members
who is also the Umno president, said to be calm and “we have to abide by the
in an interview with Bernama here. party constitution to resolve our present
situation”. “If there is any vacancy, the central
Although Umno was a party
committee (CC) must convene and decide
of the Malays and bumiputras, it
on the direction of the party,” he said.

for all: Najib

should be allowed to take charge
On theSun’s report yesterday that he,
of the interests of all the people, he vice-president Datuk Seri Kong Cho Ha
said. and several other central leaders had had
Najib offered the reply when a meeting on Sunday to discuss the future
asked of the message and image leadership, Liow did not admit nor deny the
which Umno wanted to bring to meeting took place.
the party’s general assembly and Meanwhile, party president Datuk Seri
special general assembly to amend Ong Tee Keat said in his blog the 60-year-old
its constitution, to be held over two party is capable of solving its own problems
days from tomorrow. through its own internal mechanism.
However, he stressed that this Saying the party is now at a crossroads,
did not mean Umno would open trate on our members only, though were a satisfied lot. and in a more organised manner he also said he will do what needs to be
its doors to all the races right now, our members are important, but He said the massive BN victory to achieve bigger victories. We still done in the best interest of the party.
and added that it would be left to the we must have the capacity and in the Bagan Pinang state by-elec- have bigger responsibilities and He said the crisis in MCA is typical of
members to determine that some wisdom to expand what we can do tion on Sunday was a crucial point duties which we have to discharge any organisation that calls for change and
time in the future when they were in terms of delivering our message in the process to restore the spirit with full commitment and dedica- reforms, particularly the eradication of
ready to do so. and fulfilling all the aspirations of Umno members. tion,” he said. unacceptable and decadent practices.
He said Umno had to put forward and resolving the problems of the However, he reminded party “Only then can we assume that “We can either change or carry on at our
the openness in its approach to take people as a whole,” he said. members the victory did not mean Umno is on a strong and solid own peril. We have to take stock of what has
care of the interests of its members Najib said this was why he em- that everything was back to normal foundation.” happened and learn our past lessons. Ulti-
and the people as a whole in under- phasised “people first” because the because “one swallow does not In this connection, he said, mately, we hope the party will emerge wiser
going the process of renewal. people would support the Barisan make a summer”. and more mature.”
“It does not mean that we concen- Nasional (BN) government if they “Umno should strive harder » Turn to Page 3 » See also Page 2

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