Thesun 2009-10-14 Page03 Change or Be Changed Muhyddin Tells Umno

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theSun | WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 14 2009 3

Umno Annual General Assembly 2009

Change or be changed, Muhyiddin tells Umno

by Husna Yusop
“Umno is capable of going
through this challenge and fulfilling
new expectations. This is because
KUALA LUMPUR: Umno must Umno is a pragmatic party which
change to remain relevant. “If we are is quick in reading the situation and
not prepared to change, Umno will dare to make changes.”
be changed,” Deputy Prime Minister He called on all Umno members
Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said. to close ranks and start with one
The Umno deputy president said mind, feel with one heart, move on
the party views seriously the demand one resolve and aim for one goal in
for change because rejuvenation order to make changes and ensure
process is the pivotal point for Umno party continuity.
now in facing current and future “We want no more of internal rifts,
challenges. no more of Team A and Team B, no
“The major direction of the current more of movements out to topple the
demand faced by all Umno members leaders, no more of threat culture and
is to prove that we are prepared to no more of power grab to the extent of
make changes. And to ensure that the party becoming the victim.
Umno would remain relevant.” “There must only be one platform,
Opening the annual general as- one team, one Umno!” he said.
sembly of the three Umno wings Muhyiddin said the 12th general
– Wanita, Youth and Puteri – at Putra election was proof that the younger
World Trade Centre here yesterday, generation has yet to fully grasp
he said change and relevance is Umno’s struggle and the party was
interconnected. not seen as meeting its aspirations.
“It would be meaningless if we “Umno was seen as an exclusive
could only change but do not make party, distanced from the masses.
Umno relevant with the times. There- Party works in terms of increasing
fore, Umno needs to be relevant in members and new voters are weak.
understanding the voice, language, These are some of the challenges we
style and nuance of new politics. have yet to deal with,” he said.
“Umno needs to be relevant in To ensure Umno provides new
the open borderless world and in the hopes, he called on the three wings to
Umno president Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak briefs the delegates.
midst of information and knowledge set their key performance indicators
outflow. Umno needs to be relevant by as going through a jaman edan or the nation were at stake.” They did not feel sinful talking about that is to increase members, register
representing the voice of the Malays, zaman gila (crazy era) whereby Muhyiddin said these people were fairness and Islam while at the same new voters and create networks with
bumiputra and rakyat as a whole.” people were confronted with slander proud when they had some power; time destroying their own Islamic non-governmental organisations.
Muhyiddin said Umno wants to and lies, resulting in confusion and they demonstrated in the streets, values.” “I give you two years to achieve
change, has started to change and deception becoming a norm. went against the voice of democracy Muhyiddin said a strong party the target. We are running out of
will continue to change for the better “This is the work of those who and dissented the judiciary, the po- which has done a lot of good deeds time. This move must start now,”
as it is not a party which is static, caused damage in the name of lice and the Election Commission. could also collapse if it is not accepted Muhyiddin said, adding that other
rigid and frozen while the world is freedom, equality, fairness and “They forgot God’s reminder not by the people but he believed Umno BN component parties must also be
changing fast. also religion. Their ends justify the to create disunity, not to spread lies, and Barisan Nasional will revive and prepared to initiate a more profound
He described the country today means, even though the country and not to insult fellow human beings. repeat its glory. transformation.

Najib wants Flashing the

1Malaysia Intellectuals advised to
BN parties to sign, Tan
Sri Mohd
come up with new thinking
DEPUTY Higher Education Minister Datuk
start outreach Isa Abdul
Saifuddin Abdullah called on intellectuals
in institutions of higher learning to conduct
programmes (fourth
from left)
poses for a
research and come up with a more healthy
and refreshing new political thinking.
Saifuddin, who has written a book titled
by Eva Yeong and Karen Arukesamy photograph Politik Baru (New Politics), said they should with some base their political research on racial diversity,
of the gender equality and participation by race.
PRIME MINISTER and Umno president delegates. “The time has come for members and lead-
Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak urged all Isa ers of political parties to set aside their conflict-
Barisan Nasional component parties to attracted ing political ideologies and listen to the views
start outreach programmes and form a lot of of intellectuals to establish a better political
skuad sayang (care squads) to reach attention phenomenon for now and the future.”
out to the grassroots and bridge the gap yesterday
between them and the coalition. following
Commending the Wanita Umno his huge ‘Amendment to constitution
wing for coming up with Projek Sayang victory in should spur attitude change’
or Care Project initiative, he said: “This the Bagan UMNO Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin hopes
concept will certainly help to show- Pinang that the amendment to the party constitution,
case a new image for Wanita Umno in by-election scheduled for tabling at the party’s extraor-
proceeding with its social and welfare on Sunday. dinary general assembly tomorrow, will also
activities on the ground.” spur attitudinal change among members,
Wanita Umno chief Datuk Seri Shahri- particularly Youth members.
zat Abdul Jalil said the project will see
the movement connecting more with Amendments will have major impact: Najib “I regard the Umno Youth general as-
sembly and the general assembly as a trans-
the grassroots in their activities, which formational assembly where we incorporate
include visits to places of worship, hos- » From Front Page is to put in place a tighter and more delegates. Up to now, the fate of changes not only to provisions in the con-
pitals and community centres, instead of transparent system of elections,” he the top leaders were determined stitution but also to our political compass,”
organising “money-oriented events”. Umno should undergo a process of said. by 2,500 delegates only, “meaning, he told reporters after chairing the Umno
“Don’t (always) put money and change and renewal, besides retain- The proposed amendments are change the system and the system Youth executive council meeting yesterday.
social welfare work together. We can ing the traditions and noble values it expected to abolish the nomination will modify the behaviour of the – Bernama
always help, do charitable work without had upheld all along. quota system for candidates vying members,” he said.
involving money,” she said. “Apart from that, Umno must for top posts in the party and involve Najib said Umno’s disciplinary
In her opening speech before portray the image of a party which is the participation of more grassroots committee and code of ethics
Delegates to debate
launching the project, Najib’s wife, Datin dynamic and progressive,” he said. members in the election process to, were still in place to check money Bagan Pinang victory
Seri Rosmah Mansor, said through this On the proposed Umno consti- among others, make the elections politics. THE Barisan Nasional’s by-election victory in
initiative Wanita Umno can better un- tutional amendments, Najib said more open and transparent as well Asked whether there had been Bagan Pinang will be debated during a motion
derstand the feelings and problems of the measure had a major impact as stem money politics. objection from grassroots members of thanks for the presidential policy speech on
the people besides identifying the true because this was the first time in Najib said that if an individual to the proposed minimum condi- the final day of the Umno general assembly
issues that matter most to them. the history of Umno that such radi- wanted to exploit the new system tions for an individual contesting top on Friday.
“Malaysians are becoming more cal constitutional amendments had by buying votes, the risk would posts in the party, he said there had Umno deputy president Tan Sri Muhyiddin
mature and concerned about their been proposed for adoption. be too great because the number been none so far but the final deci- Yassin said this was because the victory could
rights as citizens of the country. They He said the amendments hitherto of delegates involved would be sion would be made at the special spur the party’s transformation process.
are becoming more bold, outspoken were more procedural in nature but 150,000. general assembly. “The change has begun and the Bagan
and critical in claiming their rights. this time around they were more “If the person were to try that, Asked whether his own position Pinang victory will be deliberated and factors
“We should not focus only on a cer- substantive because they touched he or she would surely be found could be threatened by the proposed that led to our achievement will be studied,”
tain race or group in implementing the on the electoral process itself and out and action can be taken against amendments, Najib said: “My fate is he told reporters after attending a briefing by
Care Project but a collective effort must in terms of making entry into Umno whoever has abused their right in in the hands of Umno members and Umno constitutional amendment committee
be taken to reach out to the society as more open and inclusive. our party,” he said. the people. I leave it to the people chairman Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein
a whole, without looking at race and “I feel it is difficult to change It would be impossible to conceal and Umno members to determine yesterday.
religion,” she said. human beings but what we can do attempts to buy votes from 150,000 my fate.” – Bernama

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