Thesun 2009-10-14 Page09 Sarkozy JR Embroiled in Nepotism Now

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theSun | WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 14 2009 9

news without borders

Sarkozy Jr embroiled
in nepotism row White House targets Fox
PARIS: The imminent promotion of President
Nicolas Sarkozy’s son to manage France’s
wealthiest business district drew howls of
protest and derision on Monday over the 23-
year-old’s meteoric political rise. Opposition
politicians accused the president of nepo-
as it goes after press critics
tism and charged the “Sarkozy clan” was WASHINGTON: The White Speaking of media magnate Dunn said the White House
tightening its grip on the “treasure chest” House has gone on the offensive Rupert Murdoch’s Fox, Dunn would not be a “passive by-
of La Defense, a district west of Paris where against its critics in the press, told the Times in an interview stander” as opponents try to
top French firms are headquartered. singling out Fox News and go- published on Monday: “We’re “tear down the president and his
Dubbed “Prince Jean” by the press, ing so far as to accuse the News going to treat them the way presidency.”
undergraduate Jean Sarkozy is in line to Sarkozy Jr Corp-owned network of waging we would treat an opponent. “We will push back,” she
replace the minister for economic recovery, a “war against Barack Obama.” As they are undertaking a war said.
Patrick Devedjian, as chairman of Epad, the White House Communica- against Barack Obama and the The push back has included
agency overseeing office development in department and the treasure chest that tions Director Anita Dunn has White House, we don’t need to a blog post on WhiteHouse.
La Defense. comes with managing the richest depart- led the charge, appearing on pretend that this is the way that gov in which the White House
The appointment, which is all but certain ment in our country,” said Socialist MP CNN television and conducting legitimate news organisations denounced what it called “Fox
to be approved by the agency’s board of Manuel Valls. interviews with Time magazine behave,” she said. lies” and “an attempt to smear
directors in December, would be the latest Home to 2,500 head offices for such and The New York Times in re- In comments just days ear- the administration’s efforts to
boost to Sarkozy Jr’s skyrocketing career. giants as Total and Societe Generale bank, cent days to make her case. lier to Time magazine, Dunn, win the Olympics for the United
The younger Sarkozy, who seems to have La Defense employs more than 150,000 The unusual White House a veteran Democratic Party States.”
inherited his father’s confidence and bold- people in the complex of skyscrapers on campaign comes as President communications strategist who The White House blog singled
ness, dismissed the criticism, saying he was the western edge of Paris. Obama faces mounting opposi- joined the White House in May, out Glenn Beck, a conserva-
“very determined, very motivated.” An online petition launched by a local tion to his healthcare reforms, denounced Fox as “opinion tive talk show host on Fox, for
“Whatever I say, whatever I do, I will be opposition leader calling on Sarkozy Jr to growing concern over the journalism masquerading as criticism, saying his programme
criticised,” he told Le Parisien newspaper’s withdraw his candidacy has gathered more situation in Afghanistan and a news.” “has shown that nothing is wor-
website. “I will always go through this le- than 8,200 signatures. continuing general economic “They are boosting their audi- thy of respect if it can be used as
gitimacy trial.” A Twitter feed on the internet drew hun- malaise. ence. But that doesn’t mean we part of a partisan attack to boost
The blond-haired law student is an elect- dreds of sarcastic comments suggesting, The president also suffered are going to sit back,” she said. ratings.”
ed councillor in Neuilly, the rich Paris suburb for instance, that Sarkozy Jr was now ripe a setback recently when his Appearing on CNN on Sun- Beck has been a relentless
that catapulted his father to prominence 30 to succeed Ban Ki-moon as UN secretary- personal effort to win approval day, Dunn said “the reality of it critic of the Obama administra-
years ago and leads the right-wing majority general. Hackers posted a fake job offer on for Chicago to host the 2016 is that Fox News often operates tion and labelled the president
in the Hauts-de-Seine regional council. Epad’s website stating that no experience Olympics was rejected and his almost as either the research a “racist” in a July appearance
“We know very well that the Sarkozy was needed to be chairman but that “basic Nobel Peace Prize has met with arm or the communications arm on another Fox programme.
clan wants to get the upper hand on the notions of law” were an asset. – AFP more barbs than bouquets. of the Republican Party.” – AFP

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