Final March-April Vision Newsletter

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s League of Temple Beth Sholom

Since 1945, each generation has enriched the lives of our members.

The Vision
CONTENTS: ! ! ! !

Vision Editor: Alyson Sinai Issue 2014 March/April Let"s Celebrate 4

President"s Message 2 ! Membership / Torah Fund 3 ! Tributes / Dedications 5 ! PSW Retreat / Recipe 6

WLTBS Calendar 2013-14

Mishloach Manot Mania!

sponsored by Womens League of Temple Beth Sholom Fun for Families & All Ages!
Join us Sunday, March 9th from 10AM to 1PM at Temple Beth Sholom Make hamantashen, decorate & ll Mishloach Manot boxes to give to friends, family or to donate. Its a mitzvah to give them on Purim day! Cost: $7 per box (do it yourself) OR $9 per box (we do it for you)
* Pre-Order by February 28th for a 10% discount


MARCH 2nd Torah Fund Event 3rd Rosh Chodesh Meeting 7 PM 5th WL Board Meeting 9:30 AM 7th Circle of Prayers GRP 10:45 AM 9th Purim Event 28th-30th PSW Retreat APRIL 2nd WL Board Meeting 9:30 AM 2rd Election Meeting / Program 3rd Rosh Chodesh Meeting 7 PM MAY 1st 5th 21st WL Board Meeting 9:30 AM Rosh Chodesh Meeting 7 PM Donor Event

JUNE 2nd Rosh Chodesh Meeting 7 PM

Mishloach Manot Mania! Order Form ___________________________________________________________

Name !!
Type of box

Pre-Order Discount Approved

# of boxes



# for Donation

$7 $9
LESS 10%: if received by 2/28

I will be at the event to make my own boxes. I will need someone else to make my boxes. I know I am responsible to pick up my boxes by 6PM on Monday, March 10th. ______ (initials) <Total due to WLTBS

VISIT THE SCHWARTZ JUDAICA SHOP in Temple Beth Sholom, for the best selection of Judaica in Las Vegas! Open mornings, except Shabbat, from 9:30-Noon. Call 804-1333 for an appointment.

PAYMENT: ! Enclosed is my check made out to WLTBS for $_________


Drop off your form at TBS ofce or mail to TBS, Attn: WLTBS 10700 Havenwood Ln. LV, NV 89135

The Election Meeting scheduled for April 2nd has been rescheduled for April 30th. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

By Carole Kainen, WLTBS President
The weather has been so nice lately it makes me!feel like Spring may be here early this year. The arrival of Spring in Las Vegas always brings many exciting things. I love it when the peach trees in my backyard bloom with pink owers,!and the weather is sunny and temperate too. !Its the perfect time of year to spend time outside. !We've been doing some new gardening, walking our dogs!more, and starting!some!much!needed projects around the house. !Although, I"m sure I wouldn"t be too upset with a few!rainy days before it gets too hot,!I"m quite happy to say goodbye to the rainy, gloomy, cold days of winter.!! Spring for our Women"s League means a!lot!of fun upcoming!events. I hope you'll !all!come take part with us.! First, there is a Torah Fund Luncheon this coming weekend!on!Sunday, March 2nd. Our guest performer is the famous actress,!Charlene Sher. Then for all of our TBS families,!March 9th is Mishloach Manot Mania. Come make Mishloach Manot boxes for family and friends. Add your own special style to the!decorations of the box!you give while fullling the mitzvah of Purim. In about a month, on April 30th,!Women"s League is having its annual Election meeting. Our speaker, Chris Baughman,!will address the issue of human trafcking around the world, and in Las Vegas specically.! Between these great programs Women"s League also has many ongoing programs such as Circle of Prayers,!Rosh Chodesh meetings, and the get-togethers of our numerous Special Interest Groups.!I"m sure I"m forgetting something, because there's always new and exciting programming for me to look forward to, but as!you can see the Women's League calendar is full of interesting events.! Make sure you check out all the great programs!Women"s League is!hosting. All the information is listed in our eblasts, the Vision and the TBS!bulletin, and you can always call one of our members to nd out more. Hope to see you at an event soon!

Womens League
of Temple Beth Sholom


CHAI SPONSORS: Audrey Adams Plotkin Lovee Arum Michelle Barney Marion Davidson Bernice Friedman Carolyn Goodman Flora Mason Sharon Pierce

2013-2014 Board
EXECUTIVE OFFICERS President: Carole Kainen Executive VP: Lillian Radomsky Communications VP: Diane Kaiser Education VP: Kate St-Pierre Membership VP: Jill Super Programming VP: Elaine Schnee Torah Fund VP: Brenda Katz Ways & Means VP: Kim Memar Recording Sec.: Sara Price Mason Corresponding Sec.: Lois Joseph Treasurer: Merle Mitzmacher Financial Secretary: Jackie Kramer Counselor: Barbara Lukasiewicz BOARD OF DIRECTORS Marilyn Barkan Melanie Greenberg Vicky Bloom Sharon Lancz Sheila Bloomfield Stacy Lelah Elissa Burda Blanche Meisel Marsha Cohen Caline Schwartz Eunice Galsky Becky Solomon

Doris Aarenau Sonia Adelman Bobbi Altman Adele Baratz Shelley Berkley Harriet Elisofon Sally Eskenazi Bobbi Feinstein Helen Feldman Corinne Fields Susan Garber Traci Grossman Marisa Kagan Carole Kainen Brenda Katz Judy Mack Marci Murdock Laurie Robinson-Frankoff Bette Schifrin Rochelle Schneider Sylvia Schwartzer Priscilla Schwartz-Hodes Charlene Sher Marcy Simon Faye Steinberg Hillary Steinberg Heidi Straus Sally Venger Devra Weiss Linda Wilner

EX-OFFICIO Liz Goodman Margot Menes PAST PRESIDENTS Bunny * Kaufman ZL Adele Baratz Fern Kozoloff * Kathy Brookhart Fran Levien * Sandy Brown Barbara Lukasiewicz Gerri Cramer Blanche Meisel Beverly Eisen Kim Memar Irene Fisher Susan Molasky Florence Frost Margret Ofek Roberta Gang Dorothy Ogron Annette Goldfarb * Sharon Pierce Ruth Goldfarb Anne Pink * Sally Gordon * Florence Sabbath * Melanie Greenberg Sara Saltzman * Alene Hepler * Marilyn Sayegh Sheryl Honig Bess Schwartz * Ruth Irwin Joan Shapiro Pat Kane Faye Steinberg Brenda Katz Edythe Katz Yarchever Kay Wallerstien


Suzie Frank Gina Retke Leslie Schoenberg

Bobbi Altman Michelle Barney Barbara Chozahinoff Bobbi Feinstein Helen Feldman Florence Frost Eunice Galsky Melanie Greenberg Carole Kainen Stacy Lelah Barbara Lukasiewicz Marcia Klein Marx Flora Mason Karen Meppen Sharon Pierce Lillian Radomsky Priscilla Schwartz-Hodes Marcy Simon Elaine Steinberg Faye Steinberg Heidi Straus



Welcome to the TF Corner, where all the latest news about Torah Fund will be shared. We hope you have each received the beautiful invitation in the mail inviting you to attend our annual TF event. It will be on Sunday, March 2nd at TBS in the large Social Hall from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. The doors will be open at 9:45 so that you can nd a seat and be ready to begin our fabulous program. This year, we are honoring those special women who have continually donated to the TF campaign at the Guardian level or above. The following women deserve our thanks and recognition: Lovee Arum, Shirley Chaplin, Helen Feldman, Ruth Goldfarb, Brenda Katz, Flora Mason, Blanche Meisel, Susan Molasky, Lillian Radomsky, Priscilla Schwartz-Hodes, Marci Seltzer, Sharon Sigesmund Pierce, Doris SorokyAarenau, Betsi Steinberg and Faye Steinberg. In addition to a wonderful luncheon prepared by our own Kitchen Krew, we have the opportunity to be entertained by Charlene Sher, a WLTBS member, an acclaimed actress with a vast theater background who will perform "A Tale of Three Women." When you support TF, you are ensuring that Conservative Judaism will remain alive and well. Please help us fulll our goal of always making sure that there are Conservative Rabbis, Cantors, Educators and Lay Leaders to teach this and future generations. For any information regarding this event, please call Brenda Katz at 242.8577.


There are so many wonderful things that Women's League does because there are so many things which all of you do for Women's League. Some of these are more obvious than others. We often speak of the success of our programs and the work that went into making them that way. We support each other and our synagogue. I would like to speak of one of these because it has touched my inner self and provided a model for my children and grandchildren. I hope you too will choose to become engaged in this manner. Last May (2013) I recited Haftorah Naso at Women's League Shabbat. #I spent two months learning not only the Troupe but the story behind the Haftorah, the story of Sampson. My teacher, Lillian Radomsky, helped me learn to chant the Haftorah and to understand the lessons it taught. # We talked about enunciating word endings as well as philosophy. We got to know and appreciate each other in so many ways. #And, what I learned is serving as a model for my children and grandchildren. #My rst grandchild will be reciting her #haftorah soon. #She knows she can go to her safta for help because her safta DID IT TOO! # I sincerely hope I have made her and Women's League proud. #You can do it too. I can recommend a wonderful teacher and friend. Diane Kaiser Women's League Vice President for Public Relations


We continue to welcome new and returning women to Women"s League. We are excited to announce we are 176 women strong! Just a reminder it is important that we as Women"s League members support events at the synagogue. Please check your email for upcoming Women"s League events. The programming committee has been working hard in planning some great events this spring season. Women"s League is open to all women; you don"t have to be a Temple Beth Sholom member to join. If you know of anyone that might be interested in learning more about Women"s League or joining, please email me. I will be happy to contact them and give them more information. My email is

Lets Celebrate!!!
03-01 Traci Grossman 03-02 Torah Fund Event 03-02 Randi Lampert 03-05 WL Board Meeting 9:30am 03-05 Cheryl & Jason Garber 03-07 Candle Lighting 5:23pm 03-08 Sonia Adelman 03-09 Purim Event 03-09 Dee & Fred Berkley 03-10 Sally Rita Venger 03-13 Taanit (Fast Of) Esther 03-14 Candle Lighting 6:29pm 03-15 Megillah Reading at TBS 03-16 Purim Carnival at TBS 03-17 Ruth Brewster 03-17 Carole Kainen 03-17 Jacquie & Marc Frye 03-17 Shushan Purim 03-18 Suzanne Steinberg 03-21 Candle Lighting 6:36pm 03-22 Charlene Sher 03-23 Sara Price Mason 03-24 Florence Frost 03-24 Betsi & David Steinberg 03-25 Carolyn Goodman 03-25 Sheryl Honig 03-27 Elaine Schnee 03-28 Diane Kaiser 03-28 Shelley Berkley & Larry Lehrner 03-28 Candle Lighting 6:41pm 03-29 Sarah Memar 03-30 Norma Wilensky 03-31 Lisa & Neil Braunstein

04-01 Lisa & Neil Braunstein 04-02 Barbara & Igal Chozahinoff 04-03 Rosh Chodesh Meeting 7pm 04-04 Candle Lighting 6:47pm 04-05 Alyson Sinai 04-09 Melanie Ron-Agatstein 04-09 Melanie & Seth Agatstein 04-09 Bobbi & Hesh Altman 04-11 Candle Lighting 6:53pm 04-11 Suzanne Steinberg & Sam Green 04-12 Marilyn Barkan 04-12 Nina & Leslie Boshes 04-13 Jill Carmer 04-13 Ronnie Schwartz 04-14 Eve Of First Day Of Passover 04-14 Heidi Straus 04-14 Estelle (Lee) & Edward Devore 04-15 Eve Of Second Day Of Passover 04-15 Carol Lubritz 04-16 Blanche Meisel 04-16 Dr. Louisa Sanders 04-18 Candle Lighting 6:59pm 04-20 Eve Of Seventh Day Of Passover 04-21 Eve Of Eighth Day Of Passover 04-23 Claudia Kneitinger 04-24 Terri Wilensky-Genzer 04-25 Candle Lighting 7:05pm 04-25 Miriam Katz 04-26 Margot & Hazzan Rob Menes

05-01 WL Board Meeting 9:30am 05-02 Candle Lighting 7:11pm 05-04 Sharon Pierce 05-05 Rosh Chodesh Meeting 7pm 05-05 Tammy Ofek 05-08 Beth Miller 05-09 Candle Lighting 7:17pm 05-11 Michelle Barney 05-12 Marilyn Bulmash 05-15 Leona Cohen & Norman Weissman 05-16 Candle Lighting 7:23pm 05-18 Rosalie Krutchik 05-20 Lillian & Michael Radomsky 05-21 Donor Event 05-21 Marion Davidson 05-23 Candle Lighting 7:28pm 05-23 Sharry & Steve Solomon 05-24 Bobbi & Peter Feinstein 05-27 Brenda Katz 05-27 Lauren & Barry Nahin 05-28 Marci & Robert Murdock 05-29 Nadolyn & Kenny Karchmer 05-29 Lisa Rosenberg 05-29 Michelle & Michael Barney 05-29 Nadolyn & Kenny Karchmer 05-30 Candle Lighting 7:33pm 05-30 Marcy & Jack Simon 05-30 Becky & Michael Solomon 05-31 Lily Philips


Tributes and Dedications

Shelley Berkley June Colodny Faye Steinberg ! Anita Lewy Kay Greenberg ! Edie Radomsky Lee Moster ! Fran Bloomeld Sherrill Nesbitt Betty Schwartz ! June Colodny

Sympathy to Joel & Victoria Bloom & Family, Sympathy On The Loss Of Your Father ! Sheila Bloomeld Sympathy to Charlotte Kuklin, In Loving Memory Of Your Dear Cousin Sympathy to Herbert Lewy, Deepest Sympathy On The Loss Of Your Wife, Glenys Sympathy to Antionette Springs, Deepest Sympathy On The Loss Of Your Husband, Sidney ! Anita Lewy Sympathy to Anita Lewy, Deepest Sympathy On The Loss Of Your Cousin, Glenys ! Lois & Bruce Joseph

Carole & Ed Kainen ! Anita Lewy


Anita Lewy ! Sheryl Honig Fred Memar Phyllis Zuckerman ! Anita Lewy


Virginia Battles, Thank You For Your Thoughtful Contribution To WLTBS ! Womens League Lois & Bruce Joseph On The Birth Of Your New Granddaughter Madissyn Kate Lois ! Anita Lewy Lois Joseph, Thank You For Your Friendship And Your Concern ! Anita Lewy Ruth Goldfarb On The Birth Of Your New Great-Grandson, Caleb Shane Fackrell ! Lois & Bruce Joseph Anita Lewy - Be Well And Happy! ! Lois & Bruce Joseph

is to create a caring community of women that celebrates and perpetuates Conservative/Masorti Judaism in their lives, homes and synagogue. Through service, education, tzedakah and observance, we reinforce our bonds with Jews locally, nationally, in Israel and worldwide.


For tributes-Vicki Bloom 363-6319 or email or Edie Radomsky 448-7211 or email

SIGs (Special Interest

To learn more about the S.I.G.s, or to RSVP to one of the events, email your name, phone and in which S.I.G.s you are interested to For program info, please check your Eblasts and Vision.

Don!t Retreat...Go To The Reatreat!

This year, for the rst time ever YOUR WL Pacic Southwest Region is offering you the opportunity to get away from it all. Be adventuresome and visit the beautiful mountains in the Simi Valley, close to Burbank CA at Camp Brandeis - Bardin. You do so much for other people in your!s time you did something special for YOU. Kim and I are going and we would love your company. It!s going to be Friday, March 28th - 30th. Call me, with questions and for more info. Brenda Katz, PSW Sisterhood Support VP, WLCJ International Board Member 702.242.8577

Join us for Book Club selections and fun discussions, whether you read the book or not. Join us monthly on Fridays at 10:45 AM to Noon for a spiritual and wonderful discussion and prayers. Rabbi Goodman participates in part of the

Enjoy friends, wine, chocolate, and learning with a lovely group of women. Meets monthly, 7 PM to 9 PM. Each session will be an opportunity to learn something new: knitting, computer skills, etc.

Panko Crusted Baked Tilapia By Lillian Radomsky

Spray the bottom of a baking dish with cooking spray. Layer tilapia lets on the bottom of the pan. Squeeze fresh lemon juice on top of lets. Sprinkle salt, pepper, and garlic powder on top. Spread a thin layer of your preferred kind of mayonnaise all over the lets. Cover lets with panko breadcrumbs or your favorite kind of crumbs. Sprinkle with paprika and spray with cooking spray. Bake at 350 degrees until sh akes and crumbs are browned.

K.I.T. Keep in

Join us to prepare meals for WLTBS If you know of a TBS college student, please give us their name so they can receive care packages for Jewish holidays.
GIRLS TIME OUT! Fun events for women of all ages! Marsha Cohen, Chair

Women!s League of Temple Beth Sholom invites you to hear

Chris Baughman
one of the top authorities on Human Trafcking in the U.S. Wednesday, April 30, 2014 from 9:30 to 11:30 at our ANNUAL ELECTION MEETING held at Temple Beth Sholom Open to the public, but only WLTBS members may vote!
Reserve your place by April 23rd RSVP to Lillian at or call 702-942-3251

Light refreshments served $5 donation for non-WLTBS members

The Women's League Nominating Committee is meeting to find the best candidates for our 2014-15 Slate of Officers and Directors. If you know of anyone who is interested in serving, please contact me at 768-0936 or email It is an honor for each of us to serve on the WLTBS Board of Directors and it is a pleasure to work with so many caring and dedicated women. I look forward to hearing any suggestions you may have and presenting the new slate to the general membership in April. Best regards, Melanie Greenberg WLTBS Nominating Committee Chair

Temple Beth Sholom Women"s League 10700 Havenwood Lane Las Vegas, NV 89135

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