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-./%-01 2T1T. 3405.%20T6, P%1-3. " 7381P.

2T , M16 19 ' +0, 2014

March 6, 2014 Monday May 19, 2014 day one arrive Prague air bus transfer


arrive Prague meet ISP program manager at the airport transfer to hotel, check in rest of the day at leisure


May 20, 2014

day two getting acquainted hotel hotel lobby public transport/walk




breakfast orientation by ISP program manager guided tour of Prague explore the magical city of a hundred spires, walk through its fairy tale small lanes and see its ma!or landmarks such as "ld #own $%uare and its astronomical clock, &enceslas $%uare, and 'harles (ridge lunch on your own free for sightseeing & shopping OR optional cultural event 1: guided tour of Prague Castle explore the 'astle as you )isit the "ld *oyal +alace, $t, -eorge.s (asilica, and $t, /itus 'athedral, which hold centuries of history within their walls welcome dinner with fol lore show return to hotel

sts pay indi)idually

public transport/restaurant public transport


May 21, 2014

day three econo!ic " business cli!ate in the #$ech %e&ublic hotel public transport




breakfast visit 1: C!ech economy and business environment: has the transformation been successful" e,g, 'i)ic 0nstitute !anage!ent &resentation, discussion lunch on your own visit #: starting local$ going global: e%pansion strategies of a domestic company e,g, 1)ast2 3'4ech anti)irus software company5 !anage!ent &resentation, discussion free to rela% OR optional cultural event #: &a!! e%perience: live concert 6a44 has a definite presence in +rague,7 experience an e)ening full of great music in a popular local !a44 club 3one drink included5

public transport

sts pay indi)idually


May 22, 2014

day four the challenges of globali$ation hotel bus full day



breakfast visit ': traditional industry under the pressure of global competition e,g, (ohemia 'rystal 3producer of high %uality crystal products5 !anage!ent &resentation, discussion, tour of facilities group lunch visit (: foreign investor)s perspective: why is the C!ech Republic and attractive investment destination" e,g, 8oxconn 3electronics contract manufacturing company5 !anage!ent &resentation, discussion, tour of facilities return to hotel ' stop at St* +arbara,s Church (last entry at )*+0&!,



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May 2+, 2014

day five culture hotel

morning afternoon

breakfast free for sightseeing & shopping lunch on your own cultural event 1: Pilsner brewery learn about the traditional and modern ways how to brew one of the world.s finest beers9 the process used to brew +ilsner beer is not used in any other ma!or brewery throughout :urope, ;ou will get to see +ilsner.s modern bottling plant, with its capacity of 120,000 bottles per hour, as well as brew houses from three different centuries return to hotel

public transport/$tudent 1gency bus

public transport/$tudent 1gency bus day si: 7ratislava hotel bus transfer restaurant bus transfer


May 24, 2014

morning afternoon evening

breakfast, check'out transfer to +ratislava -duration appro%* 'hrs '. mins/ group lunch free time to e%plore the city transfer to +udapest -duration appro%* ' hrs/ arrive +udapest check'in rest of the day at leisure


May 2), 2014

day seven e:&lore 7uda&est hotel bus/walk



breakfast guided tour of +udapest embark on this tour through (udapest to disco)er its architectural gems such as the +arliament, the magnificent *oyal 'astle and the famous 8isherman.s (astion and 'itadel group lunch cultural event #: 0erny1 2ine 3state )isit a family owned winery and learn the secrets of culti)ation and composition of the soil, all while basking in the beauty of the (uda <ills7 includes > wines and a plate of sausages, chesses, ham and bread return to hotel

<erny=k &ine :state bus/walk


May 2;, 2014

day eight local business environ!ent hotel public transport



breakfast visit 4: overview of the 0ungarian economy & business environment e,g, <ungarian 0n)estment and #rade 1gency !anage!ent &resentation, discussion lunch on your own visit 5: challenges & opportunities of the local start6up scene e,g, :uropean :ntrepreneurship 8oundation !anage!ent &resentation, discussion, meeting an entrepreneur rest of the day at leisure

public transport


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May 2<, 2014

day nine !ade in =ungary hotel bus full day



breakfast visit 7: investing in 0ungary 6 challenges faced & lessons learned e,g, -rundfos !anage!ent &resentation, discussion, tour of facilities group lunch visit 8: manufacturing & design in the #1st century e,g, 0)anka 3concrete design5 !anage!ent &resentation, discussion, tour of facilities rest of the day at leisure



May 2>, 2014

day ten the way forward hotel public transport


afternoon evening

breakfast visit 9: mar eting to millennials in the C33 region e,g, Mc'ann :rickson !anage!ent &resentation, discussion, interactive case study farewell lunch free to rela% OR optional cultural event (: :anube river cruise en!oy a pleasant hour on board, sailing between the splendid )ision of (uda and +est and get ac%uainted with the sights of (udapest at night9 the +arliament, the 8ishermen?s (astion, the Matthias 'hurch and the *oyal +alace


sts pay indi)idually


May 29, 2014

day eleven day at leisure hotel


breakfast free for sightseeing & shopping OR optional cultural event 4: half day trip to ;argaret Island located on a 2,> km long central 0sland on the @anube, the historical Margaret 0sland is a special landmark of (udapest7 en!oy a A hour long tour riding a (ringo 3a type of bicyle5 and learn about the wonders and secrets of the island7 at the end of the program you will also be offered soft drinks, coffee, and scones or ice cream

sts pay indi)idually


May +0, 2014

day twelve de&art for 321 hotel bus transfer air


breakfast, check'out transfer to the air&ort depart for <S=


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