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theSun | THURSDAY OCTOBER 15 2009 11

speak up!

And the crocodile

shed tears
I WAS told there was a café in way of describing massage used
Vienna, Café Central, where Trot- to rejuvenate the male sexual or-
sky and Freud used to frequent. gan. This is the unpatented Malay
This was during the belle epoch version of Viagra – guaranteed
when European women were without any side effects.
wearing those bulky dresses and From the number of adverts I
covered their heads with those see in the streets I conclude that
funny looking hats. the Malaysian male is suffering
I knew why they both fre- from a huge erectile complex. A
quented the café – Trotsky was phenomenon that was not dealt
hiding from Okhrana, the Czar’s specifically by Freud due to his
secret police, and Freud came to Rais Whine over-concentration on the uncon-
abate his tension after listening to scious.
the dreams of his patients. After by Hishamuddin Rais Bomoh, pawang and dukun of
coffee and chocolate mousse many shades and colours used to
both of them would contemplate operate in the kampungs but no
on how to reshape the world. Leon Trotsky longer. Now the “unregistered” medicine
came out with his theory on permanent men offer their much sought after massage
revolution while Sigmund Freud with his in the suburbs.
permanent erection. These are two of the Some claim to have the ultimate knowl-
most profound Jewish ideological contribu- edge to cure erectile dysfunction passed
tion that shaped our civilisation. down from many generations. These spir-
The film school which I enrolled in itual masseurs strategically set up shop not
forced me to read some Freudian concept at “home clinics” but in three-star hotels in
that is closely related to cinema. The notion Batu Road. The reason is obvious – after a
of object of desire is much a Freudian ter- spiritual massage the patient can move on to
minology as a cinematic narrative. I was so another massage with a happy ending.
enlightened that I began to realise the raison On the eve of Hari Raya I was walking
d’être why I went crazy over Maria Menado aimlessly around Jalan Masjid India. In one
and Latiffah Omar when I was barely six of the alleyways I stumbled onto a bizarre
years old. stall that had no connection whatsoever with
Our perception of sex and sexuality has the Hari Raya celebrations. It had neither
evolved tremendously. Nudity is no longer songkok nor kueh raya but crocodile penises.
hidden in secret archives. There is nothing I took a closer look at the product. Amaz-
that could shock one’s sensibilities anymore. ing, the crocodile’s dried penis had been cut
Once upon a time in an art into inch-long bits and packed
salon a nude mademoiselle in small plastic bags. The stall-
in salle du bain could create I was so holder was only too happy to
a sensation – today it would enlightened that explain to me the wonders of this
be considered post passé. I began to realise the traditional medicine. Guess what
When Brigitte Bardot in raison d’être why I – this is also another unpatented
When God Created Woman Malay version of Viagra.
threw away her bra, went crazy over Maria I had a good laugh much to
the French nation went Menado and Latiffah the stallholder’s distaste. I was
drunk wild. In America Omar when I was imagining how difficult it would
the film was condemned barely six years old. be for the crocodile to urinate
by the Catholic League of without his penis. It would be
Decency. But when John hilarious if the crocodile had a
Lennon and Yoko Ono appeared nude on the wife and babies. I would not like to imagine
Two Virgin album cover it was no longer a the havoc he created explaining it to his fam-
sensation. Not many people were “sexcited” ily. What about all the fish, turtles and frogs
looking at two bushy hippies. in the river that he used to bully for food
Yet, there is still an unfinished project – would they show any sympathy towards
confronting the human sexuality – to be more him for losing his penis to the bomoh.
specific, the male sexuality. Erectile dysfunc- How I wish Trotsky and Freud instead of
tion seems to be the unresolved agenda of sipping coffee in Vienna had their regular
the male species. I came to this conclusion tea tarik at a stall in Brickfields. The world
not through reading peer reviewed research would have been a different place. Trotsky
papers on sexuality but by walking in the would be theorising on the importance of
streets. conserving tropical rainforests while Freud
Walk on any street or lane and you would dwelled deep into the unconscious, not of
not fail to notice A3-size adverts plastered on human beings but of animals. Earthlings
bus stops, telephone cabins or lamp-posts. would be permanently engulfed in a green
Sometimes the advert is glued on a tree by environment with a youthful sexual inno-
the roadside as if some monkey or squirrel cence while all male crocodiles would be
would be keen on urut batin. safe forever.
For those who are unfamiliar with the
term, let me explain. Urut batin is a polite Comments:

» From Page 10

Work on freedom of choice

from others. If a political party wishes to uphold when the social contract of the country first
the rights of a community to practise its own came about. This is no longer merely an issue of
culture and beliefs, it is by far more inclusive to leadership or party agenda but one of the par-
work on a basis of freedom of choice rather than ties’ very raison d’etre. Representation based
on the basis of minority or racial rights. Certainly on an outmoded idea can only lead to further
in the world of academia, where I have spent my erosion of support and eventual obsolescence.
last 12 months, the concept of race is one that Political parties need to stimulate and take part
is highly suspect as it is regarded as a modern in a national discussion of how to present their
ideological justification to exclude others who ideologies in the future without applying racial
appear different. As evinced by an eminent pro- distinctions. Thereafter, the only way they can
fessor, people can always compromise if they are remain relevant is if they reform according to
separated by political ideologies but not if their the mood of the nation. But this very important
differences are cast in racial terms. step to change will continue to be put off as long
Thus, the challenge that race-based political as those claiming representation powers cannot
parties such as the MCA face is how they can stop squabbling among themselves.
redefine themselves and their role in a vastly
different world from the one which existed Comments:

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