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Nguyen Quang Huy

340/80, Pham Van Thuan Street Thong Nhat Ward, Bien Hoa City Dong Nai Tel 0989. 210. 156

De" #8th, #0$3

Hoang Viet Foreign Language Centre

$%!, Tran Van &a Street , 'uarter 3 Trang Dai Ward, Bien Hoa City Dong Nai Pro(in"e

Dear Sir)/*adam),
+n re),on)e to your ad(erti)ement in, + am -riting thi) letter to a,,ly .or the ,o)t a) an English Teacher. + graduated .rom /a" Hong 0ni(er)ity -ith a good 1a"helor degree in China2ology and + had 1een trained to 1e ,ro.i"ient in English, Chinese and a little Ja anese a) -ell a) "om,uter )3ill) and "ommuni"ation )3ill)4 5.ter graduation, + had o!er 5 year e" erien#e $or%ing as a sales&an' ur#hasing sta((' inter reter an) translator .or )e(eral o(er)ea enter,ri)e), dealing -ith "u)tomer) and )u,,lier) to )ol(e e(erything related to !ngli)h2Chine)e4 +n addition, + u)ed to 1e an English tea#her in *ly& i# #entre lo#ate) in Long +hanh ,istri#t (or - &onths an) ha!e .een a (reelan#e tea#her sin#e 2011. *oreo(er, + am going to .ini)h the 3 year !ngli)h Cour)e 6Se"ond Degree7 o. /a" Hong 0ni(er)ity in 8une, #0$44 There.ore, + am "on.ident that my degree and my year) o. -or3ing and tea"hing e9,erien"e "an ma3e me an e9"ellent "andidate .or your "entre4 *y CV i) en"lo)ed -ith thi) letter .or your "on.eren"e4 + )hall 1e ,lea)ed to ,ro(ide any .urther in.ormation you may need and + am ready .or any inter(ie- at your "on(inient time4 + "an 1e rea"hed any time at my "ell ,hone 0989 210 1564 Than3 you .or your time and "on)ideration4 :our) )in"erely, Nguyen Quang Huy

Na&e N/01EN Q02N/ H01 2)) 380/40 ;#, Thong Nhat War, Bien Hoa City, Dong Nai4 +el 0989. 210. 156 E&ail *3JEC+4VE +o o.tain a osition o( an English +ea#her. 3e a.le to #o&&uni#ate $ith eo le4 E56E74ENCE 20128109201- : Ha!as ;attress #o.' Lt) Vinh Cuu' 3ien Hoa City' ,ong Nai

<or%e) as 4nternational =ales an) 4nter reter Hel e) sales tea& inter ret English8Vietna&ese. Conta#te) (oreign #usto&ers to a)!ertise ne$ ro)u#ts. ,is#o!ere) ne$ an) lu#rati!e &ar%ets. Negotiate) )eals an) )eli!ery )ates4 201182012 : Cli sal Co& any. =treet >' 3ien Hoa 4 4n)ustrial ?one' ,ong Nai.

<or%e) as Sales Assistant and Interpreter 4n(or&e) #usto&ers an) #lients o( all .ene(its on o((er. ;a)e a#tual sales through #on!in#ing sales&anshi . 2naly@e) &ar%et tren)s. =u orte) #olleagues in English8Vietna&ese inter retation. V;E6 ;anu(a#turing an) E" ort 6ro#essing CoA'Lt). +a& Hie ' 3ien Hoa City' ,ong Nai.

200882011 :

<or%e) as Purchasing Assistant +ranlate) te#hni#al )o#u&ents. 6re are) an) #he#%ing ur#hase or)ers.B as% (or Cuotation' analyse ri#es' &anage or)ersAD. ;a)e sure a.out the #ost re)u#tions an) ro)u#t a!aila.ility .y sele#ting !en)ors.

;aintaine) an) u )ate) all sales an) ur#hasing. re orts (or (ore#asting an) #ost tra#%ing. 200>82008 : 6ou#hen Li&ite) Lia.ility Co& any. Hoa 2n' 3ien Hoa City' ,ong Nai.

<or%e) as Interpreter and Shoes Examiner 7es onsi.le (or e"a&ining shoes sa& le4 +ranslate) an) 4nter rete) Chinese into English an) re!erse. E,0C2+4*N 2012869201E : ,egree 2011889201- : ,egree 200-8200> : ,egree =F4LL= E"#ellent ! #o&&uni#ation s%ills BEnglish' Chinese G Ja aneseD. 6ro(i#ient $ith 4+ s%ills B;i#roso(t <or)' E"#el '6o$er6oint' 4nternetD. 2.le to er(or& &ulti le tas%s an) &anage&ent s%ills. 2.le to #o&&uni#ate $ith a $i)e range o( au)ien#es. La# Hong 0ni!ersity English 8 32 ,ong ,u Ja anese =#hool Ja anese BNED La# Hong 0ni!ersity Chinese 8 32

4N+E7E=+= =tu)ying' Co& uter' /a&es' ;usi#' 7ea)ing .oo%sA

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