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Our shared
Defence Arrangement). effect. If the same sense of
The point has been made cross-border affiliations can
by many that the money
and resources spent by (and
be replicated on the western
halves of both countries, then Road safety starts
defending against) the threat
could have been much better
spent in helping the victims of
we will be much closer to ac-
cepting that differing political
institutions and methods of
in school
the appalling tragedy and on- gaining independence need IT IS deeply disturbing to fully lacking in a lot of the

ALL bilateral relationships
by Tunku
‘Abidin Muhriz

tion of the group not only by

going crisis in Padang, where
entire villages – including the
eponymous villages of many
of the Minangkabau sukus
(clans) surviving in Negri
Sembilan – were destroyed.
The Yang di-Pertuan Besar
not stand in the way of close
friendship. Alas, that is un-
likely to happen unless we
see the value in acknowledg-
ing our pre-independence
heritages and giving pre-
modern history the emphasis
note with all the precautions
taken, even to the extent of
declaring Sept 18 a public
holiday to spread the balik
kampung traffic, there was
no reduction in the number
of accidents and deaths
driving public when they take
to the roads. Taking short-
cuts, beating the lights and
intimidating other road users
to their right of way seem to
be the feature among many
motorists and motorcyclists.
between countries exhibit the sensible peace-loving has sent his own condolences it deserves. compared to similar periods One mindless act can cause
some differences in opinions citizens of both countries, to the people of Padang from It is a cliché to say that the in previous years. a pile-up and several deaths.
held by their political elites but, significantly, by their where his ancestors origi- way forward is to acknowl- Without attempting to The survival of the fittest
and the general population: governments. nated, and the establishment edge the shared history be- cast aspersions on the au- should never be the motto.
usually it’s the political elites These wannabe warmon- of numerous donation drives tween the two countries, but, thorities concerned it is plain Whatever is the cause for
trying to convince their gen- gers have been condemned has further emphasised that for our part at least, we aren’t to see that Ops Sikap XX has such a mindset and attitude?
eral populace that they know not only by those who yearn a great number of Malay- doing that when we reify eth- not produced the desired Could it be that they have not
what is best, and, depend- for some sort of Southeast sians remain generous results. been taught better?
ing on how democratic the Asian version of the Eu- in these times. That is It is time a comprehen- To my mind it is due to a
It is a cliche to say that sive study is undertaken to gap in their education. The
countries are, the media can ropean Union, but also by why it was so frustrat-
be trusted upon to increase or those who just a few weeks ing to read that a Royal the way forward is to find the cause of this phe- road is not an avenue for ad-
decrease the heat. Sometimes ago were making accusa- Malaysian Air Force acknowledge the shared nomenally high rate of fatal venture and asserting one’s
more pernicious strategies tions of cultural theft and plane was pelted by accidents. ego should never be the
are used, such as getting your poor treatment of migrant stones as it delivered history between the two Our highways are said to goal. Educating children on
citizens to vote on treaties workers. Importantly, it’s rescuers and aid to the countries ... be some of the best in the the precepts of road usage
repeatedly until they give the forced the governments region. The incident world for their structural should go hand in hand with
“right” answer, or by invent- of both countries to issue was apparently the lay-out and quality. Yet the the learning of the 3R’s.
ing new pretexts for war. statements asking citizens to work of children caught up in nic categories which at best figures on accidents keep Learning by example is
The relationship between keep calm and not take the the anti-Malaysia stirring but confuse and at worst eradi- spiralling upwards. I think effective. If adults do not set
Malaysia and Indonesia is no threat too seriously while still, why are these children cate the past: identifying with this has much to do with our a good example, then the
different. being vigilant. Our deputy susceptible to it? Were they our pre-modern heritages is mind-set. children will know no better.
Oct 8 was the date set inspector-general of police not aware that their cousins an essential part of seeking Many of us have not been They will follow suit thinking
by a group called Benteng issued a statement that they are just across the Malacca out our trans-national roots. inculcated with the right at- it is the way of life.
Demokrasi Rakyat (Bend- would keep on guard, and Strait? It seems that the antics of ris- titudes in our developmental Essentially, respect, civil-
era) – the chaps who were security was stepped up As a contrast, during the ible groups like Bendera, if years on the correct approach ity, courtesy, care, patience
sweeping for Malaysians in along the border in Borneo tension in the build-up to the anything, will help cajole all to using the roads. Addition- and consideration are the
the streets of Jakarta with (as dramatic as this sounds, invasion, the Dayak com- of us into appreciating these ally, the lack of stringent iron-clad virtues to ensure
sharpened bamboo spears if this was considered a munities on both sides of the heritages. and concerted enforcement safety on the roads. Missing
– to invade and crush us. I genuine threat, our foreign border in Borneo continued has over generations bred a out on any one of those vir-
expect the day will end with- minister and defence person- to forge a closer relationship Tunku ’Abidin Muhriz is lackadaisical attitude in our tues could spell disaster.
out a successful invasion, nel should already been on despite the nationalistic founder director of Malaysia motorists and motorcyclists.
but what this declaration has the phone with their coun- sentiments around them, Think Tank. Comments: let- Consideration, courtesy, JYR
enabled is a solid condemna- terparts in the Five Power and made statements to that care and patience are woe- Petaling Jaya

Consumers must call the shots

THIS newspaper, ing from consumer competition.
particularly some advocacy here It is commendable that the
of its columnists, are the so-called Arts, Culture and Information
has often been consumer rights Communication Ministry wants
bombarded by groups aka Father to review the exclusive 20-
calls, emails and Mother & Son Sdn year rights which expire only
letters from read- Bhd which get in 2017. But unfortunately the
ers complaining grants from the plight of the consumer is not a
about service government and catalyst for this shift in policy.
providers. private sector to The reason for this reassess-
Astro is a fre- issue press state- ment apparently is because of
quent topic of un- Down2Earth ments. a lack of establishment-friendly
happy Tamil movie With lax aware- programmes over the satellite
by Terence Fernandez
aficionados who ness among the channel.
complain there people and some Hence, if consumers feel
aren’t enough in the government they cannot rely on the gov-
shows in this language; movie who tend to be more “domestic ernment to fully protect their
fans who bitch about frequent trade” than “consumer affairs”, rights, they should take things
repeats on HBO, Cinemax the consumer is at the mercy of into their own hands.
and Star Movies; rock music profit-oriented entities. If like myself, you cannot do
devotees who protest against Corporate firms, especially without your CNN, NatGeo or
the deluge of hip-hop music on those in a monopoly, should History Channel, you can start
MTV and Channel V and sports not take their customers for by doing without the lesser
lovers who cannot understand granted. Part of the blame falls viewed channels. Although I
why they have to pay more to on the government for award- love Spongebob, I don’t believe
watch cricket or tennis. ing the 20-year sole satellite in paying for three kiddy chan-
Our retort to them is simple: direct-to-home transmission nels just to watch one cartoon,
no one is putting a gun to your operating licence to one opera- hence I terminated these chan-
head to subscribe. tor. It is true that the monopoly nels.
Their reply is then this: has prompted the public to As someone who hates
“But there are no other cable feel that Astro has taken its watching football matches by
television providers.” That, we consumers for granted. The lat- himself, the increase in rates
say is your problem and this est being the increase in rates for the sports channels has
is the main issue with our for the sports channel due to tempted me to consider taking
consumers. In countries such the purported monopoly of them off and going over to the
as India, Bangladesh and the ESPN on the Barclays Premier mamak stall or my brother’s
UK with a powerful consumer League. place down the road to catch
rights movement, there will no Not too long ago it promised some of the action.
dearth of consumers who will that with digitalisation and Consumers just have to take
band together to bring powerful the launch of a new satellite, control of our choices. Like I tell
conglomerates to their knees interruptions to service due to complainants, unsubscribe if
with mass boycotts. rainstorms would be a thing you are unhappy. If you can’t do
However, back home the of the past – and consumers that, then by all means continue
consumer movement is a joke ended up paying more for it. parting with your hard-earned
where we are only concerned Today, service continues to money grudgingly.
with personal gratification. One be disrupted even during a driz-
consumer advocate who called zle. This we are told is because Terence wonders why he pays
for the boycott of chicken during the latest system cannot cope RM110 a month for a service he
a price hike by poultry breeders with the additional channels hardly uses. He is deputy editor
was caught on camera buying introduced. special reports & investigations
fried chicken for his daughter at Plans for a rival network and can be reached at terence@
a fast-food outlet. fizzled out as many channels and followed
Hence, the only ones benefit- were brought out to kill the on twitter @ TerencetheSUN

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