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Stephanie Snater

Sun Walker Chapter One

Spotting movement in the corner of her eye Madelyn Burges headed for the bank of trees surrounding her small brick town house scanning the forest floor for any sign of tiny black feet. f ever find you !anny" #ll skin you alive$% the threat had no effect. &he missing black and white tom Maddie was searching for still didn#t show himself. &he bedraggled old cat with a torn ear that lived on her porch had come with the house' Maddie worried that someone had either run him over or decided to adopt the poor devil. !anny$ Come here$ #m only going to wait five more minutes$% Walking along the narrow path leading to a small meadow cut between the dense forest Maddie felt the cold slowly seep into her already chilled skin. I am freezing my but off searching for a stupid cat that doesnt even come when I call it! t#s not like he can understand you" he#s a cat stupid" and now you#re talking to yourself. (reat. )o wonder you don#t have neighbors.% &ripping on a pine tree#s e*posed root Maddie caught herself against the large trunk and paused to search the meadow for !anny#s small body. With already horrible night vision the small amount of light cutting through the canopy only cast eerie shadows making Maddie wish for the third time she had brought a flash light. +eeping her eyes glued to the ground Maddie walked the perimeter of the meadow and fro,e when two large pair of dark boots stepped into her path. -ooking up two pair of familiar dark green eyes meet Maddie#s shocked stare.

Stephanie Snater /ello" little sister.%

Sun Walker

Choking on a sob of 0oy and confusion Maddie launched herself at the tall dark man casually leaning against a tall pine. !aniel$ /ow1 don#t understand2% 3ulling her tight against his body !aniel felt her tears leaking through his shirt. 4h. Maddie" how have missed you.% /is long sigh of relief was both amused and anguished. Where have you been !aniel2 thought you were dead. 5ears" !aniel" years$% am sorry" bambina, if not for (abriel would have believed the same of you.% 4t the sound of his name the previously 6uite man stepped from the shadows and Maddie#s silent heart began a rapid beat against her chest. Biting back a gasp she stumbled backwards catching !aniels hand for support. )o.% the 6uiet whisper slipped past her lips before she could stop it and (abriel eyes flared with warning. /is tall" hulking frame" rich dark hair" beautiful deep green eyes" and strong s6uare 0aw were too harsh to be called handsome. /owever" Maddie was drowning in the unfamiliar sensations running through her mind and body with the force of a monsoon" she was tingling from head to toe and the beating of her heart was causing her breath to come out in gasps. 7ighting her own body she shook her head and looked back to !aniel for 5es" piccola.% Satisfaction laced his voice. -ocking his eyes with hers" (abriel saw the fear and the knowledge and took a step forward before !aniel blocked his path.

Stephanie Snater

Sun Walker

(abriel" wait.% &ensing for the spring !aniel was surprised at (abriel#s nod of acceptance. +eeping his eyes locked on (abriel#s face of granite !aniel reluctantly e*plained. 5ou see" bambina" this is why had no such fear that you were gone. &oo young to see it you were (abriel#s before the war started and his heart has ached for you since" keeping my hope alive.% Maddie#s eyes began to glitter as shock gave way to anger. 5ou knew who was and you let me leave all the same2 -et me think was alone and my brother dead2% gripping !aniel#s hand Maddie fought for patience and lost. Sliding past her brother she swung wide to reach (abriel#s smug face. Catching her hand in an iron grip (abriel whispered a kiss across the smooth dark skin of her knuckles smoothing it over with his thumb. Wrenching herself from his grasp Maddie retreated to !aniel#s side and delivered her threat. will never accept you. have lived on my own for thousands of years have come to terms with my life. /ow can you believe that when do not feel the awakening2% With a knowing smirk and mocking bow (abriel turned in the direction of her home and left the clearing. Shaking his head !aniel frowned at Maddie. 5ou know how it is" bambina" you know the pain he has endured being away from you" to save me.% don#t care !aniel" he could have come to me" could have helped him. /e chose this on his own.% gnoring the pang of remorse for his pain Maddie glared at !aniel.

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Sun Walker

was captured Maddie" two thousand years ago. &he traitors had discovered that if they had a constant supply of Sun Walker#s blood then the insanity from the mi*ed blood was kept at bay.% Breathing deep to clear his mind !aniel continued looking into Maddie#s sweet face for strength. &hey found me after they had killed our parent. went searching for them" thinking my superior training as guard would aid me. had 0ust found the entrance to their lab when they ambushed me and locked me in a cell guarded by traitors with obsidian daggers. &hey keep me there always e*cept to drain as much blood as they could daily. &hey soon learned that being from the sun was weakening my blood and thus gave me a plan of escape when we went for my daily walk in the beautiful sun. t was on my first attempt that met (abriel" he was on a similar walk%

Chapter &wo Maddie#s shocked gasp broke !aniel from his trance and he brushed her cheek with his fingers wipe the tears from her face.

Stephanie Snater

Sun Walker


/e had been captured on purpose you see" him and many of the original guards had 0oined together to find our lost brethren and destroy the abominations !r. 3rivas had created.% don#t understand how did you escape if they have the daggers2 thought all of them were destroyed when1% breath hitching in her throat Maddie waited for !aniel#s story. &he day planned to escape was when first met (abriel. was running past his walking path when he stopped me. /e told me to wait that the others were here and we would all be gone of that place soon. knew my chances with (abriel were better and so waited. Only two days later as was lead outside by my guard spotted (abriel with the others. &here were ten totally all waiting in the board day light for me. ;ust when was tensed to take out the guard he suddenly stopped and walked away. t was later after we moved to taly that learned it was (abriel who was controlling the guards en masse leading us all to safety.% Confusion clouded her face. 5ou know of the guard#s power of the mind. (abriel is from the original he is probably the most powerful of our people it took many days to heal from controlling all of the guards.% Why has this happened to our people !aniel2 Why do we no longer live2 What did !r. 3rivas do when he in0ected our blood into the dying2% We are not sure. 4ll we can know is that our children were no longer born Sun Walker#s.% frustration laced his voice.

Stephanie Snater

Sun Walker

When !r. 3rivas first tried to find the cure he in0ected the sick% with the originals blood. &hey went cra,y and almost e*posed us to the human world. &hey killed their own family trying to stay alive. &hey killed our parents who were only trying to help. /ow could he continue to make more of them$2% Maddie was crying again by the time she finished" for she vividly remembered that day so many years ago. Sun Walker#s were the original people of earth. Born from the sun with thick impenetrable skin" agility beyond any human#s capability" a select few had strong mental powers" immune to any disease" dark skin and green eyes" they were almost invincible. &hey only substance sharp enough to cut the skin of a Sun Walker was obsidian. 7orged from volcanic rock obsidian is sharper than diamonds and deadly to any Sun Walker. &he guard" who protect the people from humans and themselves" were the only ones permitted to carry the lethal weapon. Many times civil wars broke out among the people and the death of any Sun Walker meant the death of their mate. Sun Walker#s look forever young but do not reach se*ual maturity until their mate is known to them. 7emale Sun Walker#s can not have children until the time of awakening. t was thirty years before that day that the first Sun Walker was born human. (regory" born to Samuel and Cassiopeia" was blond and brown eyed. !r. 3rivas was called to find a cure" his solution after thirty years of testing was to transfuse (regory with Sun Walker blood. 4t that time over thirty humans were born" not a single Sun Walker born since (regory.

Stephanie Snater

Sun Walker

(regory and the few others that took part in the e*periment were fine for almost months and then they change. >iolent tempers" sensitive to the sun that once gave them life and finally a lust for the blood that kept them alive. >ampires. Soon they were killing their supply" no longer waiting for the transfusion" drinking directly from their victims. With the obsidian daggers stolen from the guards they attacked that day" killing hundreds" drinking them all dry. When the guards retaliated killing friends and loved ones to stop the madness they fled taking many with them including !aniel. !estroying all but a handful of daggers the guard went on the hunt and the few hundred remaining fled into the world. Maddie besot with grief traveled to the unknown 4mericas and began her life in hiding always wondering what had become of !aniel" if truly he was dead. We believe that !r. 3rivas thinks these monsters are his children that he must protect them. n a way he is insane himself. Creating puppets but forcing the blood of Sun Walker#s on humans" he is trying to create an army.% &he shocking news hit Maddie like a bolt of lightning. 4n army2 Why2 /ow do you know this2% (abriel monitors many traitors from afar" we keep them alive to root out the leaders. Many can almost function with a constant supply of blood" any blood now human and Sun Walker alike. We continue our hunt but we are failing" we need the help of those hiding" we can not do this on our own.% &he reminder of (abriel sent Maddie#s thoughts in another direction. Being only twenty human years when the war caused many to flee Maddie was unmatured and too young to feel that (abriel was her mate. &he speeding of the heart is a

Stephanie Snater

Sun Walker

rare occurrence for any Sun Walker" with almost perfect genetics the heart already beats at the perfect rhythm to keep them in perfect shape. When the mind and heart recogni,e that of its mate they speed to match a uni6ue beat to the pair alone. f after speeding the pair is apart for too long" the heart begins to slow and wither" it is most painful but if not fully bonded one can survive. @emembering the speeding of her heart and the rela*ed feeling Maddie got when hearing (abriel#s deep voice and looking into his dark eyes" she wanted to weep at the unfairness of it all. Anfair that (abriel was in pain" unfair that all this time she had believed herself alone and barren" for without her mate birthing children is impossible. Anfair that she now had to deny him again" how could she go with him knowing that their children would die" that no others of her people could find such happiness as one does with a mate" that he would be disappointed with her2 She was no longer a Sun Walker woman" strong and loyal and fierce. She was a weak shell compared to those women. You ran away when your people needed help. How can you be the mate to their leader? 4nd he was their leader" fighting to take back the world so long ago stolen from them. abriel. !You have need of me, piccolo?" Screaming out loud Maddie 0umped back and fro,e. Maddie2 What is it2 !o you see them2% !aniel paused in front of her pale face and scanned the surrounding forest for signs of danger.

Stephanie Snater

Sun Walker

"#here is no need to be frightened, I am your mate and leader it is only natural to spea$ in such a way" &he velvety sound of his voice sent shivers down her back and heaviness filled her breasts and pulsed between her thighs" clenching her teeth Maddie smiled weakly at !aniel then glared at her shoes. told you" we are not mates and it is not natural" you are the only one who can do it$% she hissed. gnoring her whispers !aniel continued. Maddie we must go. Stay with (abriel and will meet you both after we put the traitors off your trail.% (rabbing her arm !aniel pulled her in the direction of her house. What do you mean stay with (abriel2 don#t even know the man" !aniel" let go$% am sorry Maddie" you know he is your mate" he would not harm you. need to know you are safe. have 0ust found you again" please bambina" for me2% stopping before the entrance to her yard !aniel took her face between his palms. f you are truly scared of him tell me" would not be the reason of this fear see.% (rowling Maddie brushed off his hands. am not scared.% (rudgingly admitting that it was fear that caused her to re0ect him she followed !aniel into the 6uite house. Chapter &hree

Stephanie Snater

Sun Walker


Waiting in the dark of her kitchen (abriel listened for their approach. Stroking the soft black and white fur purring in his lap her stared sightlessly out the open window. She had grown and changed far beyond what he had e*pected. &hat long ago day when she had run past him searching of her beloved brother was a faded e*ample of her beauty. With long raven hair" green eyes the color of fro,en evergreens" soft pouting lips" Maddie was everything (abriel had dreamed of while searching the world for those who had betrayed their people. t was only the memory of her and the painful ripping of his heart that gave (abriel the will to continue" to bring peace to the world he would bring his mate into. /earing them approach (abriel searched the tree line for the sight of her petite figure. Sun Walker#s did not see well at night" the dark was the enemy and most knew they were best to stay in at such an hour. 4s they crossed the dark yard (abriel searched the night for any sign of them. /e was one of the remaining few with the gift of hearing%" though the gift cost him greatly. Blinking to clear his blurred vision his eyes remained glued to Maddie#s graceful form. !anny$ Where have you been$2% Scooping the bedraggled cat from his lap Maddie scolded as she feed the obviously loved animal. Watching in amusement as she fussed over the unhurt animal (abriel#s eyes traveled from her concerned eyes to her stubborn chin pasted the swell of her generous breasts" over her flat stomach and soft hips and back up to her now wary eyes. 3ausing he let all the heated arousal and frustration show in his eyes then" ignoring her gasp" turned to the grinning !aniel.

Stephanie Snater

Sun Walker


We will leave long before dawn" are you prepared to meet with the others2% 5es we will head to 3hoeni*" we believe that is where the reported sightings of !r. 3rivas and his human puppets are from.% 4nd the reports of newborns2 &he ones that are supposedly descendants" new Sun Walkers2% Swallowing hard" !aniel replied this time in a strand tone" 3hoeni* as well.% )odding without further comment (abriel turned back to Maddie. We shall head at once for my home in the mountains" pack what you need we will stop on the way to get supplies.% Choking back her anger she replied a little too sweetly. We2% Smiling with male arrogance. We.% Before she could refute his statement !aniel intervened. Maddie. must go. promise to return but you must stay safe. &his house is no longer a safe haven. 3lease" for my sanity go with him" you know no harm can befall you with your mate.% Either his pleading or the real pain in his eyes convinced her because she turned without a word and climbed the stairs to her room. Eyes following her retreating back (abriel became aware of !aniel speaking. &reat her well (abriel she is unused to any company but that of her animals. !o not rush her" have promised my sister that you will care for her and she has no reason to fear you. !o not cause me to eat my words.% With that !aniel went to say his goodbye while (abriel brooded in the dark" silent kitchen" listening to the weeping of his mate above him.

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Sun Walker


3lease come back to me !aniel" could not loose you again.% &he 6uiet words" so forlorn punched !aniel in the gut. Of course" bambina" have only 0ust found you as well.% Wrapping his arms around her !aniel swore friercely as he felt her small frame trimle. (abriel will protect you" trust your mate

Stephanie Snater

Sun Walker


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