STEM2M Community Letter

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Mayfield City School District

Winter 2014

Your Mayfield Schools


A school newsletter for the residents of

Mayeld Village, Mayeld Heights, Highland Heights and Gates Mills


How Mayfield is writing the future:

science technology engineering math medicine
(See STEM2M, Page 4-5)

Science Showcase

Students in grades K-12 explore the world of science. See story page 3

Financial Update

Treasurer Scott Snyder explains the 5-year budget. See story page 6

A Letter to the community From Superintendent Keith Kelly

made some improvements that will have a positive impact on student achievement and readiness.

STEM2M, Standards-Based Grading & Online Payments: Getting better on purpose

fair, and specific manner. In SBG, students are compared to a standard that all can reach individually, and a students grade Here are some quick highlights: more accurately represents academic progress than traditional grading Next year, Mayfield Schools will does. It also gives parents, teachers begin its STEM2M program at and students much more information about their students learning, so that the can work together towards STEM2M is a bold approach mastering educational goals.

Dear Mayfield Community,

What a great year its been for Mayfield Schools. As 2013 is behind us and we are headed to the mid point for the school year, we are excited to share some of the great things happening in our classrooms and school district.

to education that will prepare our students for 21st century careers and college readiness.
Mayfield Middle School. STEM2M is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, Math and Medicine. STEM2M is a unique approach to teaching and learning that fosters creativity and innovation while providing challenging, studentcentered inquiry based educational experiences. STEM2M is a bold approach to education, based on the principle that academic rigor, combined with a focus on the skills colleges and employers seek from our graduates, that will prepare our students for 21st century careers and college readiness. Mayfield Schools have also made a change to the way students and parents receive grades known as StandardsBased Grading (SBG). We recognize that change is not always easy, but sometimes it is necessary to adopt new standards where the research shows we can better serve our students. Mayfield is using SBG to raise student achievement by clearly communicating students progress in a timely, accurate,

Every day, we are working to increase student achievement by exploring innovative programs, enhancing instructional best practices, and creating environments that maximize student independence by providing the tools students need to be career and college ready. When we see our students, we look at the whole child, not just a test data point. Please know that we have never been more prepared and our teachers have never been more committed to creating tremendous opportunities for all students to succeed. Taxpayers should also know that we are accomplishing these goals while still maintaining a lean and efficient budget. Looking ahead to ensure continued excellence, Mayfield Schools have

Innovation does not end in the classroom. When there is an opportunity to make things easier on our parents, we will make it happen. One example is our new EZPAY system. EZPAY is an online payment portal especially designed to allow Mayfield parents to make quick and easy online payments to their childrens school accounts. The system allows parents to manage their childrens lunch accounts, and manage other school accounts (such as lab fees or book fees), quickly and easily. We have a lot to celebrate in our Mayfield schools and community. Not only are we succeeding academically, we are also focused on proactively addressing needs as they continue to arise. In the end, all of our success is made possible by the collective support of our community and the hard work of our staff and students. Together, we can all look forward to a strong future. Sincerely,

Dr. Keith Kelly, Superintendent

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Science Technology Engineering Math Medicine
STEM is a teaching philosophy encompassing all subjects where students learn skills that professionals use critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, and the ability to research & communicate findings.


In 2010, there were 7.6 million STEM workers in the United States, representing about 1 in 18 workers STEM occupations are projected to grow by 17% by 2018, compared to 9.8% growth for non-STEM occupations STEM workers command higher wages, earning 26% more than their non-STEM counterparts
(The U.S Department of Commerce, Economics & Statistics, STEM: Good jobs now and for future, April 2, 2013)

4 in 5 STEM college students made the decision to study STEM in high school or earlier 61% of male STEM college students say that games or toys sparked their interest in STEM 68% of female STEM college students say a teacher or class sparked their interest in STEM STEM2M is Mayfield City Schools unique approach to increase student achievement by expanding the rigor of our current course offerings by creating a Science, Technology, Engineering, Math and Medicine inquiry-based teaching environment K- Grade 12.
(Microsoft Infographic: Positive aspects of STEM learning in early education, 2011)

4 in 5 STEM college students made the decision to study STEM in high school or earlier.
(Microsoft Infographic: Positive aspects of STEM learning in early education, 2011)

The former Cuyahoga County Library will be the future Center for Innovation where students may study engineering and biomedicine alongside Excel TECC programs like Medical Technologies.




At the start of the 2014-15 school year, Mayfield Middle School students may participate in an elective STEM course called, Its All About STEM. During this 18-week elective, students will study nine weeks of Medical Detectives (MD) and nine weeks of Design & Modeling (DM). Based on the curriculum of Project Lead the Way, the nations leading provider of in-school STEM curriculum, participating MMS teachers will train in STEM methods this summer. Following the pilot program at MMS, STEM work and teaching will begin to filter across the district from Kindergarten through high school.

Having STEM incorporated into our building is critical to the advancement of our school, our students and their future in a competitive, global workforce.
~ Principal Paul Destino, MMS


Medical Detectives offers students the chance to play the role of real-life medical detectives as they analyze genetic testing results to diagnose disease and study DNA evidence found at a crime scene.

Design & Modeling allows students to apply the design process to solve problems and understand the influence of creativity & innovation in their lives. They work in teams to design projects like playgrounds and furniture.


For the last six months, Assistant Superintendent Joelle Magyar, Superintendent Keith Kelly and a committee of teachers and administrators have visited dozens of STEM classrooms across Ohio. Without question, STEM is the destiny of education. It is our students future, Ms. Magyar said. Mayfield is on a visionary path to teach our students how to be creative, critical thinkers, problem solvers and collaborators so when they graduate they are ready for college and career.

Welcome new school board members Jimmy Teresi & Ron Fornaro
The Mayfield Board of Education held its Organizational Meeting in January where new Board Members, Jimmy Teresi of Mayfield Heights and Ron Fornaro of Highland Heights took the Oath of Office. Pictured back row from left: Ron Fornaro, Superintendent Keith Kelly and George Hughes. Pictured front row from left: Al Hess, Sue Groszek, Jimmy Teresi and Treasurer Scott Snyder.

Treasurers Update: Mayfield City Schools maintains path of financial stability

Mayfield has avoided a financial cliff thanks to the states reimbursement for the loss of this local funding and the support of local legislators in ensuring this Scott Snyder, Treasurer Mayfield Schools will focus state funding stream remains Here in Mayfield, we intact. However, these its efforts to again stretch are committed to providing reimbursement payments residents with information are at risk of being eliminated the levy cycle from about school finances in each time the state of Ohio three years to four years. the most transparent and enacts a new budget - a user-friendly way possible. potential loss of $3.8 million in state support for our schools. Heres an update: This fall, The latest forecast reflects We will continue our work with our the Board of Education reviewed the Mayfield Board of Educations local state leaders to make sure this a very stable five-year financial commitment to enacting a sensible vital funding source is preserved. forecast for the district. Much of this and efficient budget for taxpayers, stability can be attributed to Mayfield while still protecting the classroom The Mayfield community has Schools focus on conservative fiscal and the high-quality programs our made it very clear that it wants a management and efficient budgeting, community values. high-quality education for students as well as the continued support of at a great value. We agree. our voters and community. Although the news is mostly District leaders have worked With the passage of a levy in positive, Mayfield still faces some hard to communicate with our March 2012, and the emphasis on financial risks. The national and local residents the good news, as well ongoing budget reductions, Mayfield economies are still recovering and as the challenges facing our school Schools will focus its efforts to again revenue growth remains modest. system. We look forward to this stretch the levy cycle from thee years Our school district tax base continues continued dialogue and deciding to four years. to be impacted by the loss of the what it takes to maintain and protect The largest portion of our budget excellence in both our communities is designated for our teachers in the and schools. Excellence in the classroom at a good value to taxpayers: These priorities go hand-in-hand when it comes to our communities and our schools. classroom and the increase on those costs have been extremely modest. Both salaries and insurance costs are increasing less than in previous years as a result of all staff members taking salary freezes on both base pay and experience-based steps, as well as incorporating cost-saving measures into our health insurance plan. tangible personal property tax a local tax paid by Mayfield businesses that was eliminated by the state in 2005.

American Red Cross names Lander student

2013 Youth Ambassador Hero
Elementary for her participation, patriotism and volunteerism with the Mail for Heroes program through the American Red Cross. Ivy has been named the 2013 Youth Ambassador Hero by the Red Cross. Hero Awards are given to individuals who have shown extraordinary courage, compassion and humanity by saving or improving the lives of others. Since Kindergarten, Ivy has been creating cards for American troops during the holidays. Last year Ivys fellow students joined her and created 500 holiday cards which Ivy then delivered to the American Red Cross for distribution. This year, Ivys goal was 2,800 holiday cards for the troops. We congratulate Ivy Puhalla for her dedication, commitment and accomplishment.

School Board
Student of the Month

Lander Elementary second-grader Ivy Puhalla was named the 2013 Youth Ambassador Hero by the American Red Cross for her work with the Mail for Heroes program. Ivy was honored by the Mayfied Board of Education in November. Superintendent Keith Kelly presented her with a certificate which read, We, the Mayfield Board of Education, congratulate Ivy Puhalla, 2nd Grade, Lander

Ben Boss, Millridge Center November 2013

Hannah Carmosino, CEVEC December 2013


The Mayfield Wildcats football team was named a 2013 Academic All-Ohio team by the Ohio High School Football Coaches Association. The Wildcats were selected based on the combined GPAs of the top 22 academic players who earned a varsity letter.

Marissa Woods, MHS January 2014

Your Mayfield Schools

Mayfield Schools

Every Student.Every Day.

Winter 2014 Mayfield City School District 1101 S.O.M. Center Road Mayfield Heights, OH 44124 Serving the communities of Gates Mills, Highland Heights, Mayfield Heights and Mayfield Village Board of Education Sue Groszek, President George Hughes, Vice President Ron Fornaro Al Hess Jimmy Teresi Dr. Keith Kelly, Superintendent Produced/Distributed by the Office of Community Relations

Student artists capture 18 Scholastic Art awards

Congratulations to our 14 Mayfield student artists who participated as Regional Finalists in the 2014 Scholastic Art Show at the Cleveland Institute of Art in January.

George Hawkins, Gr. 12 Light Metal - Teacher: Gail McClelland Jenna Perry, Gr. 12 Reflective Still Life - Teacher: Sandy Lyall-Kovacs Hanniya Qureshi, Gr. 12 Owl Pellet - Teacher: Diana Beebe Maggie Stickley, Gr. 12 Glassware - Teacher: Sandy Lyall-Kovacs

Jennavieve Czaplicki, Gr. 12 2Ps in a Pod - Teacher: Edith Mellen Alexandria Domoracki, Gr. 11 Black & Red Rain Coat - Teacher: Jennifer Stevenson George Hawkins, Gr. 12 Glass Work - Teacher: Gail McClelland Julian Kozmon, Gr. 12 Tea Party - Teacher: Gail McClelland Sheena Mathur, Gr. 12 Far Side of the Moon - Teacher: Jennifer Stevenson Emily Sartain, Gr. 12 Falling Chains - Teacher: Sandy Lyall-Kovacs

Ashley Cingel, Gr. 12 Serenity - Teacher: Kathleen Germano Alexandria Domoracki, Gr. 11 Red & White Cape - Teacher: Jennifer Stevenson Yaxin Gu, Gr. 12 Puzzling Myself - Teacher: Gail McClelland George Hawkins, Gr. 12 Gin & Tonic - Teacher: Gail McClelland Haley Jacobson, Gr. 12 Opposing Forces - Teacher: Gail McClelland Julian Kozmon, Gr. 12 Portfolio: Violent Hallucinations - Gail McClelland Emily Sartainj, Gr. 12 Opthalmic - Teacher: Jennifer Stevenson Alan Trester, Gr. 10 Retina - Teacher: Diana Beebe

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