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Fantastic Voyage

Online Greenlight Review

Olivia Wilmore
Target Audience
Character Design
Initial Storyboard Thumbnails
l have chosen Lo anlmaLe Lhe reproducuve cycle of a fern.

l declded l wanLed my anlmauon Lo be Lold as a sLory, someone who has experlenced
Lhls sLrangely godly, lnLense experlence. l declded Lhe whole sLory wlll be Lold
Lhrough Lhe gaze of an old hlppy, remlnlsclng of Lhe slxues, and a ume he wlLnessed
someLhlng amazlng (whlch ls acLually Lhe llfe cycle of a fern). l'm lmaglnlng a man saL
ln a bar, smoklng a clgareue, wlLh ashbacks of Lhe fern llfecycle- ln show mouon-
played Lo an almosL rellglous soundLrack.

1hls characLer remlnded me of one of my all ume favorlLe anlmauons, ChonLo, whlch
ls mock-auLoblographlcal, abouL an old rocker and hls experlence wlLh a peL monkey.
Pe ls a hllarlously preLenuous guy who all Lhe ume glves o a "l've seen Lhlngs, man"
vlbe. 1hls ls whaL l wanL Lo capLure.

l haven'L declded yeL wheLher my characLer blll be human, or already small lLself, llke
some klnd of bug or grassland creaLure.
1 2
Target Audience
In my eyes my character seems quite self righteous and pretentious, but to other
people he may seem interesting and knowledgeable. I suppose in a sense he is both
of those things. A lot of people, usually young people around 16-25, like the feeling
they are listening to or are involved in something they dont know a lot about. A
good example of this is a video in which Jimmy Kinmel asks groups of festival
goers about bands that dont actually exist and they pretend they do and that they
know who they are. ;-

A company with a similar target audience is Vice. In this article ;-

It explains how Vice keeps readers coming back with its Im better than you
attitude. This is compensated by its attitude towards making news and learning
fun and edgy.
Slmng here ln Lhe bar ln a 1uesday aernoon on Lhls ne
day ln laLe lebruary Lakes me back man. 1akes me back
Lo my enllghLenmenL. 1he ume when me and Lhe oLher
oppressed ouLsklrLers of San lranclsco were seeklng Lhe
LruLh Lhrough sexual revoluuon and alLered sLaLes of
consclousness. 1hen one day, lL snuck up on me. Snuck
up on me abouL as subLly as 8onald C. "lgpen"
Mckernan's deaLh would ln 73. Long llve Lhe CraLeful
uead. 1hls was Lhe day of reblrLh. 1hls was Lhe day-
ShlL. CoL. Small.
lL was 1967. A year of sofa surng was progresslng
lnLo a summer of LenL hopplng and l'd found myself aL
Lhe Maglc MounLaln Muslc lesuval up ML. 1amalpals,
Callfornla. l was walklng Lhrough Lhe green deserL when l
sLopped Lo admlre a planL LhaL remlnded me of a woman l'd
meeL Lhe nlghL before. lLA8nL.
l kneeled down Lo geL a closer look, LhaL's when lL happened
,y'know, when Lhe shlL goL small. 1hose llule yellow fellas,
l could really relaLe man, musL have been some candy ass
nexus, we've all been Lhere.
1hen suddenly Lhey sLarLed openlng up Lhelr llule mouLhs
Lo me, as lf Lo say "uo you dlg lL?", and a whole new bunch
of new age Lravellers sLarL rushlng ouL, aL rsL all LogeLher
llke...llke a pack of !uplLecas burnlng bug rubber down
Lhe hlghway ln Lhelr way Lo Avndaro. All LogeLher and
Lhen suddenly, alone. Llke all eeung [oyous momenLs,
alone. l nouced one guy ln parucular. Pe crashed, buL hls
emouons were swelllng. Swelllng Lo Lhe shape of whaL
was domlnaung hls mlnd - love. Anchorlng hlmself ln Lhe
ground ughLer and ughLer, l began Lo reallse whaL a sLone
fox she musL have been. A slngle Lear was shed. lL moved
slowly across hls belng. A lonely soldler wlLh a heavy load
walklng slowly across hls own 1han ulen foresL of lnner
LhoughLs. 1hen Lhe lucky guy found whaL he was looklng
for. l bore wlLness Lo hls own momenL of reckonlng. 1he
momenL one became Lwo. Pe leL me lnLo hls soul and for
LhaL l am eLernally graLeful. new wlfe. new Llfe. 1roubles,
SLruggles, Llule yellow bubbles. SLrlfe. l'd felL lL all, and as
Lhe fern sLarLed Lo grow, so dld l. l was leavlng Lhe 1wlllghL
Zone, a new man. And leL me Lell you.
lL was elecLrlc.
Zone, a new man. And leL me Lell you.
lL was elecLrlc.
Character Design
Rosemary Leaf Beetle
I searched the internet for
colorful and psychedelic bugs
and I found this beetle, and
designed a character based
on this.
Character Design
I thought a
would look good
ed. This also ts
in with the stoner
being a grass
Character Design
Storyboard Thumbnails

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