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Cabra March Newsletter

Local News
Issued by the People Before Profit Alliance

180M Irish Water Rip-off

As if the news that the Property Tax was not being used on local services, but to set up Irish Water was not bad enough, it has emerged that 50M has been paid to consultants to tell Irish Water how to make you pay more tax and to prepare the system for privatisation. This is only half of the total spent to date for just setting the company up. The final bill will be at least 180M with 85M for fat-cat consultants. Meanwhile, Irish Water has sent it subcontractors to Cabra and around Dublin. Water is a human right, and PBP will fight for it.
We suggest the following: Dont cooperate with the Irish Water staff or their subcontractors. Dont confirm whether your water supply is working correctly when they ask you. Remember you are not a water engineer and its not your job. Dont allow Irish Water staff or sub-contractors enter your house and request them to leave your property immediately if they knock on your door. Be polite to the workers. Remember our fight is not with them but with the bosses in Irish Water and their political masters in Fine Gael & Labour!

Local elections 2014

and Put People before Profit!
David, who lives in Fassaugh Road, Cabra, is the PBP candidate in Cabra/Finglas. He has campaigned for many years to defend the rights of working people and the unemployed especially from the effects of austerity. He has been active in Campaign against-Household and Water Charges which also opposed the local property tax Anti-Bin Charges Campaign Right to Work Campaign Enough! (campaign against austerity) Irish Anti-War Movement. Shell to Sea Action on X David pledges that if elected he will not participate in 'junket culture' or the usual cronyism. Instead he will use his position to inform, build and organise grassroots resistance to fight austerity measures that impact on the people of Cabra and Finglas: namely cut-backs, water taxes and other service charges. All People Before Profit members promise to fight to repeal the Local Property Tax if elected. David is a member of the Cabra branch of the People before Profit Alliance and the Socialist Workers Party.

People Before Profit Defends Local Post Offices

Over 550 urban and rural post offices are under threat of closure by 2017. The two year social welfare contract, which can be extended by up to four years, which is currently held by An Post is under threat. The loss of this contract would force many local post offices to close. An Post is also partnering with Tesco which will put many local post offices at risk, this would destroy the post office network within two years. That is why the Irish Postmasters Union organised a large protest outside the Dil on 26 February as the Government voted down a motion calling for a plan to secure the future of the Post Office network. People Before Profit candidate from Cabra, David Gaughran says that, Labour and Fine Gael believe that our Post Offices have to be able to compete with the Banks and the Tescos of this world and if they cant then they deserve to go out of business. They will do anything to facilitate the corporations and the banks but when it comes to local post offices its a different story. I dont think our post network should operate on that basis. Our Post Offices are more than just a business, it is a service at the heart of a community. We dont need to be handing yet another service over to large corporations. Well done to the Postmasters Union for standing up for themselves!
If you would like to learn more about PBP or become involved with Davids election campaigns text join to 087 121 5344. Follow David on twitter @Gaughranpbp or

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