Excel Graphing

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Using Microsoft Excel to Create Single-Subject Design Graphs

Creating the Basic Graph:

1. Input your data into an Excel worksheet. Each column is a separate condition and each line will represent a data point on your horizontal axis. a. You can label the first row with the name of the data conditions. This is helpful for creating a legend as well as for bookkeeping purposes.

2. Once you have input your data, highlight all of the data you wish to put into your graph. Then click on the Chart Wizard icon on your toolbar. This is the icon with the arrow pointing at it.

3. In the chart wizard, you will want to choose the default line graph. Press Next if your options look like this:

4. Press Next to move to step 3 in the chart wizard. You do not want to make any changes here. 5. Step 4 is chart options of which you have many. a. The first is labeling your graph. If you have only one graph, its fine to input your labels here. If you are using a multiple baseline design, skip this part.

b. now click on the tab that says gridlines. Deselect major gridlines to get rid of the lines on your graph.

c. if you are creating a graph for which you do not need a legend (i.e., reversal, changing criterion, multiple baseline/probe), click on the legend tab and deselect the legend. d. Click the next button to continue. You do not need to deal with any other options for Step 3. 6. Save the new graph in a new data sheet. Make sure to label them so you know what they are later.

7. Ok, youre halfway there. Now you have a pretty poor-looking graph. How do you clean it up? a. To make the graphs background white, double-click anywhere in the grey area. You will then get a box that says Format Plot Area

b. Choose none for both patterns and area and click OK. c. You will need to change the color and shape of the data points. To do this, click directly on the first data point of the series you wish to change. This part of Excel is really unforgiving so make sure the following box pops up:

d. When you are done, press OK. e. Now you need to have the 0 on the vertical axis hang just a little over the horizontal axis. To do this click on the vertical axis (not the numbers!).

f. Click on the scale tab to change the scaling of the y axis. While you will have to play with it a bit, there are a few things to remember: i. The minimum is always a negative number. ii. The Category (X) axis should cross at the same negative number you used for the minimum. g. Click OK to check your work and repeat the process to change it if youre not satisfied h. Your graph now begins at -5! How do you get rid of it?

i. You need to draw a box over the -5. Make sure that you r drawing toolbar is visible (the one on the bottom). If it isnt, click on view on your top toolbar and make it visible. Choose the box tool to create a box, and draw it over the -5. j. To get rid of the black border around the box, double click on the box. Choose no line when prompted.

k. Use the line tool on the toolbar to draw phase change lines and text boxes to label conditions. YOU HAVE NOW CREATED YOUR FIRST GRAPH!!!!! WAY TO GO!!!!!!

Creating Multiple Baseline Graphs

1. Create your first graph just like you did in creating the Basic Graph. Save it as a new sheet. 2. Click on the graph to re-size it so that you have room for your other graphs.

3. Click once on the axes to change the font size, since it get smaller when you make the graph smaller! 4. You will also need to move your white box that covers the negative numbers on your y axis. Consider not drawing those boxes until you have completed all of your graphs.

5. Input the data for your second graph on the same data sheet that you used to create your first graph. Notice that the baseline data start at 1.

6. Highlight ONLY the columns that you want to graph, not all the data.

4. Create the second graph the same way that you created the first graph. However, rather than saving it as a new object, save it as an object in your first graph.

5. Move the chart around so that it lines up underneath your first graph. Format it the same way you did your first graph.

6. To get rid of the border around the graph, double click on the border. When the Format Chart Area box pops up, choose none under patterns.

7. Format the rest of the chart the same way you did chart 1.

7. Use your line drawing tool and text box too to label your axes and draw phase change lines. 8. Repeat for graph 3. NOW YOU ARE COMPLETELY FINISHED!!!!!!!!!

If you want to import the graphs into PowerPoint, simply cut and paste them into a slide.

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