WayGay - March 2011

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The Gay Community Center of Philadelphia 1315 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107 t/a

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To be placed on the Centers discreet mailing list or for more information about this option, please contact us at (215) 732-2220 Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm.
(Photo by Liz Reasey.)

This Issue
p2. Greetings from the Exec Director
Volunteer Prole: Center Archivist Bob Skiba

Classical Benet Concert a Success!

On Thursday, January 20, 2011, the William Way LGBT Community Center presented its rst Classical Benet Concert at the Ethical Society on Rittenhouse Square. Nearly one hundred individuals ventured out on the chilly evening to listen to world-renowned pianist Ching-Yun Hu. Playing selections including Beethoven, Chopin, and Ravel, Hu wowed the crowd with her talents and made each selection personal by discussing her connections to each piece. The evening culminated in an encore performance between Ching-Yun Hu and William Ways Executive Director Chris Bartlett, who together performed the Berceuse from Gabriel Faurs Dolly Suite. this concert was a milestone for us, says Executive Director Chris Bartlett. As we continue to strive to include diverse sections of our LGBT community, we also want to reect programs that cater to the arts and cultural scene here in Philadelphia. Center volunteer and member Ellis Ginsberg acknowledged the success of the event at the Cornerstone Brunch on Saturday, January 22, 2011, and thanked the Centers staff for putting on the concert. The event was lovely, Ginsberg stated to dozens of members of the Centers Cornerstone Society.

p3. March Calendar p4. March at a Glance p6. Around the Center p7. Way Gay U Starts New term!

In coming months, the Center anticipates more unique special events like the Classical Benet Concert.

Thanks to many dedicated volunteers, Center members, and new friends, the event raised hundreds of dollars for the Center to benet community programs. Presenting

In coming months, the Center anticipates more unique special events like the Classical Benet Concert. If you have a suggestion for a particular benet or idea for a special event the Center may benet from, contact Development Coordinator Josh Kruger at jkruger@waygay.org or 215-732-2220.

The William Way LGBT Community Center 1315 Spruce St Philadelphia, PA 19107 www.waygay.org (215) 732-2220 info@waygay.org

Volunteer Prole: Center Archivist Bob Skiba Did you know that the Center enjoys the time and talent of hundreds of community volunteers every year? Whether these volunteers help us with special events like Indigo Ball, represent the Center at Philadelphia Gay Pride, or help us assemble our monthly newsletter mailing, they each are invaluable to the continued growth and success of the Center. This month, Development Coordinator Josh Kruger sat down with Center Archivist Bob Skiba. Bob is a dedicated member of the LGBT community, and he regularly gives tours of the John J. Wilcox, Jr., Archives to school groups, individuals, and others. He also maintains the Archives and helps the Center catalogue and utilize its materials in the best possible way. JK: How and when did you become afliated with the Center? BS: I rst began volunteering at the William Way LGBT Community Center in 2000 when Claire Baker was Executive Director. I taught swing dance classes, which Im going to be doing again this spring, and Claire and her partner took the class. Later, I started volunteering in the Archives through chatting with archivist Steve Capsuto. JK: What do you do aside from your work here at the Center? BS: I work as a walking tour guide here in Philadelphia, and Ill be giving another Gayborhood History Walking Tour in the spring through Way Gay U. Im also the current president of the Association of Philadelphia Tour Guides. I teach ballroom dance at the Abington Art Center in Jenkintown, and I direct my own dance company, Mixed Pickles Vintage Dance (yes, Im also a dance historian!) And, I work as a personal organizer for individuals and small businesses. JK: With all that professional activity, why do you dedicate your personal time to the Center? BS: I have always been a

continued from pg 2

Greetings from the Executive Director

January 20th was a particularly moving day for me at the Center. We were honored to host Frank Mugishu, Executive Director of Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG), on his visit to Philadelphia.
Frank spoke eloquently about the challenges faced by LGBT citizens of Uganda, where discovery of ones LGBT status can lead to shunning and even death. Mugishus speech reminded me of the role we have as a Community Center in building a better world for LGBT folks everywhere. My view is that our Community Center is part of an international network of organizations taking a stand for LGBT civil rights - and I was proud that so many of you showed up to listen, offer help, and make contributions to SMUG. Thank you! The 20th was also the date of Ching-Yun Hus piano concert at the Ethical Society. You can read about the concert elsewhere in this newsletter, but sufce it to say here that it was a night of gorgeous music and warm community. On January 22nd, we held our Cornerstone Brunch and Annual Meeting. This is the time of year when we get to tell you about the past year and our plans for the future. We were grateful that so many members of the Community Center turned up on a frigid day to participate in the conversation about our work and to help elect new board members. Before I tell you about the elections, I want to take a moment to acknowledge three board members who have stepped off the board after distinguished service. Emilie Carr and David Michelson have served as co-chairs of the board for the last two years, and they were strong leaders both before, during, and immediately after the transition to a new Executive Director. Their wise stewardship of the William Way LGBT Community Center is greatly appreciated by me and the Board, and we send our deep thanks. Likewise, we send our appreciation to Al Besse who departs the Board after a two year term of service that include chairing our important Board Development Committee. Als wisdom and wise counsel will also be missed on the Board (though we are eager to see him visiting our Finance Committee in the future.) The membership of the Center elected four new members to the board: they voted to return current members Ted Greenberg and Moira Mulroney for a second twoyear term (welcome back Ted and Moira!). New members voted on included Adam Hymans and former interim director Laurie Ward. The Board also voted to appoint long-time volunteer Steve Brando to the board and will be considering additional appointments of Brad Richards and Amber Hikes at its February meeting. Were excited to welcome all these folks to the important work of the Board. In addition to the elections, I spoke at the Annual Meeting about my plans for the immediate six months in front of us. We will no doubt be initiating our strategic plan. We will also be making our nal decision on senior housing (and incorporating that decision into our strategic planning). I also am working energetically to increase our membership roles by 200 and our Cornerstone Society (those who give $1,000 or more) by 10. Do you have any friends who might want to join the Center, or become a Cornerstone Member? Please do let me know. Finally, Im planning to continue work on strengthening our intergenerational programming with a goal of better bridging services between The Attic LGBT Youth Centers programs and our own. We are huge fans of The Attics work, and we look forward to working more closely with them. Finally, I wanted to say a word of thanks to Jack Wilcox, who died in January. Jack was a one-of-a-kind Center supporter. His level of commitment and energy dedicated to William Way was unsurpassed by anyone. He believed in the Center, raised funds for us (including a $100,000 endowment that he personally initiated), and served on the Centers Finance Committee, where he brought powerful insight and thoughtfulness. Well miss you Jack - but we promise to continue to strive for a better and better Community Center.

Way Gay U Starts New Term!

All friends of the Center are invited to enroll in Way Gay Us Spring 2011 term! As in past years, Way Gay U will offer exciting, engaging classes to learn new skills, meet new friends, and, most importantly, have a great time! During these informative class sessions, students learn from an expert on everything ranging from dancing to nature hikes! Currently, the Center is offering American Sign Language instruction. This beginners class is an introduction to the basics of signing to build foundation for uency. And, theres no better way to engage your mind than learning a new language! Also, Way Gay U is excited to offer Basic Buddhist Teachings for Everyday Life: a course introducing students to the basic secular Buddhist teachings and demonstrating how to apply these concepts to their unique LGBT lives. Or, join instructor Joseph F.X. Smith for Wellness and Prevention: Body Awareness. Well learn how about our individual, unique bodies, how to keep muscles balanced, how to prevent future injuries, and more. Right now, home prices are low, so take the opportunity to nally purchase utilizing skills youve learned at Buying the Home of Your Dreams for a Bargain! Learn the ins and outs of getting a mortgage, creating realistic expectations in terms of affordability, and closing without drama in this class taught by licensed realtor Ron Blum. And, before you purchase that house, consider making it ofcial with you and your partner by getting hitched after learning how to Create the Ceremony of Your Dreams: a course walking you through the step-by-step process of creating a ceremony with rituals, readings, and vows that are meaningful to you and your partner. Weddings, civil unions, commitment, or recommitment ceremonies: all these are explored in this class taught by Reverend Bob Pileggi. If history is up your alley, join Center archivist Bob Skiba for Creating a Space for Ourselves: An Historical Walking Tour of Philadelphias Gayborhood. Bob will stroll participants through Rittenhouse Square, home of the 1950s beatniks and rebels and then walk over to the Gayborhood for Phillys 1960s sin strip! Along with this historical tour, we have Eco-Tours: Get OUT There This Spring: trips led by two long-time naturalists sharing the wonder and beauty of the MidAtlantic through eld trips touring the area! Along with these tours, the Center is thrilled to offer many other outdoor activities, including Thousands of Wings Overhead: Migration of the Tundra Snow Geese, Bowmans Hill Wild Flower Preserve, Delaware Bay Parks and Beaches: The Story of a 9,000 Mile Migration and Ancient Crabs, Paddling Down the Rancocas: A Scenic Little River Winding through Time, and Tubing on the Delaware: Gay Day Pride Flotilla! All of these activities explore the grandeur and beauty of our natural environment and give participants an opportunity to explore the fresh air and have fun doing it! For personal enrichment, join the Memoir Writing Workshop: a class utilizing workshops, instructor feedback, and rewrites equipping students with the tools to create and improve their own unique writing style. Or, head over to You Can Write: Mastering the Basics taught by local writer Joe DeMarco examining the elements of writing an how to apply them to any type of ction! Hone up on your presentation skills in Powerpoint and learn how to create dynamic, high-impact presentations faster than ever using Microsofts PowerPoint program. And, for those seniors wishing to improve exibility and range of motion, register now for Senior Stretch: Gentle Hatha Yoga! Keeping it physical, the Center is offering Swing Dance: Its Copacetic: a course focusing on standard, East Coast swing dancing covering the basics of leading the following! If youre looking for fun theatrics, consider joining Be a Cabaret Performer: a class taught by local singer, actor, and cabaret performer Melissa Kolcynski exploring how to start putting on a show and giving students a chance to develop and promote a cabaret showcase at the end of the class! With all of these fabulous courses, youre sure to nd something youll enjoy! Our course offering is subject to change, so be sure to venture to www.waygay.org, stop by the Center at 1315 Spruce Street, or call 215-732-2220 to register or ask questions. Well see you this spring!

historian! I feel strongly that LGBT people need to be the custodians and interpreters of our own history. Also, Im an anal retentive type: when I was seven or eight, I remember keeping the dollar bills I saved in order by serial number! I gure its better to put that annoying little quirk to good use in our Archive rather than drive a boyfriend crazy by alphabetizing the spices! JK: Are there any experiences that come to mind that made a difference to you personally? BS: I regularly deal with writers, doctoral candidates, organizations, and reporters at the Archives, but perhaps the most personally inspiring encounters I had recently was with a seventh grader, the youngest researcher Ive met with at the Archives. Shes doing a project for a national history competition on the Stonewall Riots and their rippling effects. Its a gutsy thing for a 13 year old to do. On top of that, she couldnt nd a partner in her class to work with her, so shes doing it by herself. I know how hard it is for a 13 year old to buck peer pressure, and Im sincerely moved by her courage. JK: Where do you hope the Center will be in ten years when it comes to the archives? BS: There are so many new possibilities now for the Center with the plans for the senior housing. In ten years, Id love to see our catalogue database available online as well as digital images of most of the collections. Id also be happy to see a half dozen volunteers working there to catalogue and preserve what we have. Our Archive is a rst class LGBT resource, one of the best in the nation! The more people know about it and use it, the better. To learn how to volunteer your time and talents like Bob, contact the Center at info@ waygay.org or 215-732-2220 to nd out the myriad of ways you can make a difference!

Chris Bartlet Executive Director

continue on pg 7 2 7

Around the Center

(Photo by Liz Reasey.) (Photo by Arthur Martin-Chester.)

February Calendar

Artist Alexander Conner poses with attendees at his exhibitions opening reception.

Director of Center Services Candice Thompson installs the Men of All Colors Together exhibit.

(Photo by Candice Thompson)

(Photo by Liz Reasey.)

Friends gather to celebrate the opening reception of the Men of All Colors Together archival exhibit.

Melissa Kocynski and Tom Wilson Weinberg sing at their Valentine Tour 2011 at the Center.

Save the Date

THEATRE OUTING Neil Simons Laughter on the 23rd Floor APRIL 12, 6:30 PM Performed by 1812 Productions at Plays and Players Theatre. Well meet for Wine and Cheese at the Center, hear a talk from 1812s Assistant Director about the play and the production, walk over to 17th and Delancey Sts. to see the play, and have the option of hearing a talkback with the whole cast after the show. The comedy is about the famous writers, Woody Allen, Mel Brooks, Larry Gelbart, Sid Caesar, and Carl Reiner, who week after week created the landmark Show of Shows for live TV in the 1950s. The cast includes some of Philadelphias favorite actors - Jennifer Childs, Pete Pryor, Dave Jadico, and Tony Lawton. Cost is $20 for members, $22 for non-members. More info to follow.

(Photo by Liz Reasey.)

(Photo by Liz Reasey.)

Senior Social Tuesdays, 10:30am-12:30pm A social/educational group for older men with occasional outings, speakers and events. Light refreshments served. FREE! Mah-jongg Thursdays, 12pm & 7:30pm For experienced and new players. Mah-jongg is a game of skill, strategy, calculation, and luck for four players. Reservations required call (215) 732-2220. FREE! Rainbow Buddhist Meditation Sundays, 5pm For Buddhists and those interested in Buddhism. Meditation and discussion. FREE! Rapid HIV Testing Mondays, 4-7pm Walk-in condential HIV testing using the OraQuick Advance oral swab test (no blood draw). Testing process takes 30- 45 minutes. Results provided during the appointment. Peer Counseling PhilaVentures Wissahickon Hike Last Sun of Each Month, 2pm An opportunity for walking at a moderate pace with a talkative group of LGBT people who like fresh air and exercise. Some ups/downs and uneven paths. Meet at former Borders Books in Chestnut Hill.

Executive Director Chris Bartlett plays a duet with artist Ching-Yun Hu at the Classical Benet Concert.

Concert goers smile for the camera at the Classical Benet Concert.

March at a Glance
Art Gallery: Attic Youth Work March 7 May 2, 2011 Opening Reception: March 18, 6-8pm BiUnity Discussion Group Friday, March 11, 7 9 pm (Second Fridays of every other month) Philadelphias only social and support network for bisexual people, their families, and friends. Free. Book Club: Dear First Love by Zoe Valdes Wednesday, March 16, 7 8 pm Zo Valds is one of Cubas most original and imaginative writers. In Dear First Love, her third novel to appear in English, she spins a tale of one womans spiritual and sexual awakening under the soul-destroying Castro regime. The numbing rhythm of daily life in povertystricken Havana has deadened Danaes mind and spirit. On the verge of a breakdown, she unceremoniously leaves Havana without explanation to her family. In search of her rst true love, Danae retreats into the countryside of her adolescence, where the government of Fidel Castro had sent her and other teenagers in the late 1970s to work in the elds under a corrupt and sadistic overseer. It was here, surrounded by a natural world infused with spiritual wonders, that Danae met and fell in love with Tierra Fortuna Munda, a campesino girl her own age. And here the reader falls into the magic of Danaes late childhood, as a wooden suitcase, an ancient ceiba tree, a manatee, even light itself, narrate the gritty, irreverent, erotic, sometimes comic, often tragic life of the young adults in the work camps. FREE! From Single to Soul Mate: Five Secrets for Attracting the Perfect Partner for You Wednesday, March 23, 7-8 pm (Womens Group) Have you been disappointed with relationships in the past? Want to make 2011 the year you nally nd your true love? Join us for this free teleseminar for women where youll discover 5 proven steps to attracting and sustaining the love your heart desires. Youll learn the 4 essential questions you need to answer to get crystal clear on who would be a perfect partner for you so you dont just end up with someone, but the one. Youll discover the response that is the single best predictor of long term relationship success and how to become a master of itand more. This teleseminar takes place by phone, so you can participate from anywhere you wish! Presented by Susan Spector, M.A., Life Coach and Psychotherapist, who specializes in helping women nd and sustain love, without losing themselves. Preregistration is required, call the Center to register and get your call-in details. Long distance charges may apply if your phone plan does not include free long distance calling within the US. Guys Night Out: First Friday Out Friday, March 4, 6 pm Join the guys this month for another popular rst Friday affair in Olde City. We will meet at the Center at 6pm and then walk to Olde City (approx. 2 miles) as a group to check out some of the local art scene. First Fridays began in 1991 by the Old City Arts Association as a collaborative open house. First Friday is one of Philadelphias most unique cultural experiences. Held the rst Friday night of each month, the art community open house brings together city dwellers and suburbanites, contemporary arts and antique collectors, acionados of classical and contemporary design, and theater and performance buffs. Over 40 participating galleries! RSVP to cthompson@waygay. org or 215-732-2220. This diverse group of GBT men meets monthly for social and cultural opportunities of interest. FREE. John J. Wilcox, Jr. Archives: Resisting Racism: 30 Years of MACT On view January 27 March 25, 2011 In January of 1980, the very rst BWMT (Black and White Men Together) group began in San Francisco, CA. A courageous few decided to create that which could not be found a group of gay people who enjoyed interracial relationships and who wished to actively confront the issue of racism in their lives. One year later, the idea had been carried across the country and on January 25, 1981, a meeting was held at the Smart Place to discuss the possibility of forming such a group in Philadelphia. Please join the Center and MACT as we celebrate their 30th Year Anniversary by exploring and explaining their vibrant history in the John J. Wilcox, Jr. Archives exhibition space. FREE. Men of All Colors Together: Theatre of Understanding Saturday, March 12, 2-5pm A Penny for Your Thoughts Saturday, March 19, 4-7 pm This guided discussion on all issues which impact lesbian, bisexual and questioning women will provide an opportunity to address a variety of topics including but not limited to sexuality, role playing, politics, relationships, etc No subject is off limits! Each question will be written on a 3 by 5 index card and folded in half and cards will be picked randomly by the co-facilitators, Trina Dorman and Yvette Lassiter, MSW, and read to the group at large. FREE. RSVP is required to info@waygay.org or 215-732-2220 as space is limited. PhilaVentures: Ice Skating at UPENNs Class of 1923 Arena Saturday, March 5, 5:30pm Our friendly and active group will go ice skating at the 1923 Arena located on the campus of the University of Pennsylvania at 3130 Walnut Street! Cost is $7.00 per person (which includes skate rental). Be prepared for a lot of fun and some great exercise! Dress warmly. RSVP requested to Kristin at krusinko82@comcast. net or to the Center at 215-7322220 by Friday, March 4th. Queer Writers Collective Saturday, March 26, 4 6 pm (Every 4th Saturday of the month) Join this free group for a monthly workshop and discussion to develop your unique queer voice via the written word at the Center. Contact Candice for information at (215) 732-2220 or info@ waygay.org. Free. Silver Foxes Sunday, March 27, 3-5 pm (Every 4th Sunday of the month) For LGBT 50+ folks. A monthly social and discussion group at the Center. Light refreshments will be served and feel welcome to bring other food. Volunteer Orientation Wednesday, March 2, 7:30 pm Volunteer Orientation is a monthly information session for new volunteers to learn about the Center and the various ways to get involved. Call (215) 7322220 to register. Volunteer Velada & Dinner Tuesday, March 15, 7 pm (Every 3rd Tuesday of the month) Help us fold and assemble our monthly mailing. Its a big job and we need -your help! Way Gay U: Open House Wednesday, March 16, 5:30-8 pm Get a sneak peak at all the hot courses coming up this Spring at Way Gay U. Mix and mingle with instructors, meet new friends, enjoy free hot dogs, soft pretzels, and beer! Relax at your community Center and check out what we have in the works for you. FREE. WeXist Friday, March 11 & 25, 7 pm (Every 2nd & 4th Friday of the month) Support group for transmen, those born female with gender identity questions, and femaleto-male (FTM) transsexuals. Free. Womens Wednesdays Wednesday, March 16, 5:307:30 pm Join us for another relaxing evening at the Center. Meet new friends, enjoy stimulating conversations, and bring a dish to share. Light fare is served. This is an opportunity for women 50+ to network and forge friendships. For more info, contact Ed Miller at emiller@ waygay.org.

Recurring Weekly Programs

FREE! Bridge Club Mondays, 2-5pm Party Bridge for the experienced player. Reservations required. Call Ellis (215) 732-2220. FREE! TransWay Thursdays, 7-9pm A weekly social group for transgender men & women. FREE! Chess Club Sundays, 4-6pm This is a new inclusive group seeking players of all skill levels interested in socializing and working on their game. Library See Calendar for hours Over 10,000 LGBT themed books and DVDs available for check out. (Free) Sun: 12-3pm, Mon: 12-9pm, Tue: 3-6pm, Wed: 12-9pm, Thu: 12-9pm, Fri: 3-6pm, Sat: 12-6pm

FREE! M.O. (Mornings OUT) 4

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