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NEW MEXICO ENVIRONMENT DEPARTMENT, Appellee. APPELLANTS DOC ETIN! STATEMENT CIVIL APPEAL OF THE APPROVAL ISSUED "# THE NEW MEXICO ENVIRONMENT DEPARTMENT ON $ANUAR# %, &'(), OF THE MIXED WASTE LANDFILL LON!*TERM MONITORIN! AND MAINTENANCE PLAN. Pursuant to Rules 12208 and 12-601 of the Rules of Appellant Procedure, by and through its attorney Robert Mc eill, Appellant !iti"en Action this (atter) NATURE OF THE PROCEEDIN! *his is an appeal fro( the e# Me$ico +n,iron(ental %epart(ent e# Me$ico offers the follo#ing %oc&eting 'tate(ent in

-. M+%/0 1anuary 8, 2012, appro,al of the Mi$ed 3aste 4andfill -the .M34/0 4ong-*er( Monitoring and Maintenance Plan, March 2012, 'andia ational 4aboratories -.'andia/0, +PA 5% 6 M7880110718 93:-'andia-1200; -the .4*MMP/0< *he M+% appro,al that is the sub=ect of this

appeal is an action by an ad(inistrati,e entity #ithin the (eaning of Rule 12-601 MRA<

*he M34 consists of 2<6 acres of unlined pits and trenches abo,e Albu>uer>ue?s a>uifer that recei,ed radioacti,e and ha"ardous

che(ical #aste fro( 1878 to 1888<

*he M34 #astes are being released

into Albu>uer>ue?s ground#ater and pose an i((inent and substantial endanger(ent to public health and the en,iron(ent< -+$hibit 1, +ric uttall, Ph<%<, Affida,it0< @n May 26, 2007, a Ainal @rder -.Ainal @rder/0 #as signed by the 'ecretary of the *he Ainal @rder #as e# Me$ico +n,iron(ent %epart(ent -. M+%/0< by M+% in response to a Resource


!onser,ation and Reco,ery Act -.R!RA/0, 22 B'! C 6801 et se><, per(it (odification for 'andia pursuant to the Act< e# Me$ico 9a"ardous 3aste

*he Ainal @rder addresses correcti,e (easures to be ta&en for

the M34 at 'andia, and includes fi,e .conditions/ that 'andia is re>uired to (eet< -+$hibit 20< *he adoption of the Ainal @rder

follo#ed a lengthy ad(inistrati,e hearing process in %ece(ber 2002 that included four -20 days of for(al public hearings before an ad(inistrati,e hearing officer resulting in transcripts totaling

nearly 1,118 pages< *he (ost significant condition included in the Ainal @rder is condition 7 -hereinafter .!ondition 7/0< :ecause of the e$tre(ely

to$ic and dangerous nuclear #eapon production #astes deposited in the M34, !ondition shall 7 of the a Ainal report @rder e,ery une>ui,ocally 7 years, re>uires that the




feasibility of e$ca,ation and analy"ing the continued effecti,eness 2

of the selected re(edy</

-Ainal @rder P<7, D7<0

*he .selected

re(edy/ described and appro,ed in the Ainal @rder is .a ,egetati,e co,er #ith bio-intrusion barrier</ 5n fact, the described co,er is a

dirt co,er co(pacted o,er roc&s beneath the dirt co,er< *he Ainal @rder re>uires that 'andia .prepare a report e,ery 7 years, re-e,aluating the feasibility of e$ca,ation and analy"ing the continued effecti,eness of the selected re(edy,/ i<e<, #ill it be feasible to re(o,e the ha"ardous #astes and other conta(inants fro( the unlined pits and trenches, or and #ill the planned fro( dirt co,er the







highly conta(inated pits and trenchesE

Arguably, the initial fi,e-

year report #as due on May 26, 2010, or fi,e years fro( the date of the Ainal @rder< Aurther, 'andia did not re>uest a delay in the o#, ho#e,er, al(ost

production of the initial fi,e-year report<

four years ha,e passed since the dirt co,er #as installed in 2008, and 'andia has still not prepared any report ree,aluating the

feasibility of e$ca,ation and analy"ing the effecti,eness of the dirt co,er< Allo#ing 'andia the broadest possible interpretation of the

deadline for the initial fi,e-year report and the supporting data, (odeling and analysis re>uired by the Ainal @rder, a fi,e-year report should be produced no later than May 2012< M+% has no#, by its 1anuary 8, 2012, appro,al of the M34 4*MMP dated March 2012, e$tended the deadline for the initial fi,e-year report for another fi,e years until the year 2018< 3 M+% has thus not

enforced !ondition 7 of the Ainal @rder, e,en gi,ing

M+% the benefit :y

of the doubt as to the due date of the initial fi,e-year report<

appro,ing the 4*MMP e$tending the due date for the initial fi,e-year report to the year 2018, M+% has also ,iolated federal la# and its

o#n Ainal @rder by (odifying the Ainal @rder #ithout co(plying #ith R!RA ha"ardous #aste per(it proceeding procedures, as re>uired both by R!RA and the Ainal @rder adopted pursuant to R!RA< Appellant !iti"en Action is an en,iron(ental organi"ation that participated in the per(it (odification proceedings that resulted in the Ainal @rder< DATE OF $UD!MENT AND TIMEL# APPEAL M+% entered the @rder fro( #hich Appellant appeals on 1anuary 8, 2012, and Appellant filed its 2012< states otice of Appeal on Aebruary F, Rule 12-601-:0 MRA

Accordingly, this appeal is ti(ely< that or GHdIirect officials appeals shall fro( be

orders<<<of<<<ad(inistrati,e by filing a notice of



appeal<<<#ithin thirty -F00 days fro( the date of the order<<<<G STATEMENT OF THE CASE *his appeal addresses the failure of M+% to adhere to and

enforce the Ainal @rder and then subse>uently (odifying the Ainal @rder in ,iolation M+%< of applicable R!RA ad(inistrati,e procedures

adopted by

*he Ainal @rder #as adopted as a !lass F (odification of 'andia ational 4aboratories? -.'andiaG0 9a"ardous 3aste Per(it Module 5J 4

pursuant to the ;2-2-1 et se><

e# Me$ico 9a"ardous 3aste Act, -the .9a"ardous 3aste Act/0,

M'A 18;8, 'ection the e# Me$ico


9a"ardous 3aste Manage(ent Regulations -20<2<1 20000 for 'andia?s Mi$ed 3aste 4andfill -M340< *he cited

MA!, Re,ised 1une 12, -+$hibit 2, p< 10<

e# Me$ico Ad(inistrati,e !ode regulations are adopted in *he 2012 4*MMP (odification of e# Me$ico 9a"ardous

co(pliance #ith R!RA re>uire(ents<

the Ainal @rder ,iolates R!RA as #ell as the 3aste Act and applicable *he 'tate of MA! regulations<

e# Me$ico recei,ed authori"ation on 1anuary 27,

1887, fro( the B<'< +n,iron(ental Protection Agency -the +PA0 to i(ple(ent recei,es its final ha"ardous #aste (anage(ent fro( the progra(< +PA under A state that




F006-b0, 22 B<'<!< 6826-b0, (ust (aintain a ha"ardous #aste progra( that is e>ui,alent to, consistent #ith, and no less stringent than the Aederal 9a"ardous 3aste Progra(< states (ust change their progra(s As the Aederal progra( changes, and as& +PA to authori"e the

changes< !hanging the ter(s and conditions for a Ainal @rder that is a part of a ha"ardous #aste per(it re>uires a for(al process for public notice, an opportunity to co((ent, and a public (eeting or hearing< 20 !AR C 2;0<21 re>uires) the per(ittee, the .5f a per(it (odification is re>uested by shall appro,e or deny the re>uest


according to the procedures of 20 !AR C 2;0<22</ the co(pliance deadline for the 5 perfor(ance of

*he e$tension of the Ainal @rder






alteration Per(it

re>uiring a le,el F per(it (odification of the Ainal @rder<

(odifications re>uire that the per(ittee -here, 'andia0 sub(it a #ritten (odification re>uest to the %irector -here, the 'ecretary of M+%0 and send a notice of the (odification re>uest to all persons on the facility (ailing list, publish the notice, and pro,ide a public (eeting for the (odification re>uest< #ere not perfor(ed< *he ,iolation of !ondition 7 of the Ainal @rder should 20 !AR 2;0<22< *hese actions

in,alidate the entire Ainal @rder because the Ainal @rder contains no se,erability clause and no sa,ings clause and #ould re>uire reopening the entire !lass F proceeding for the Ainal @rder for correcti,e action for the M34< Ph<%<, paragraph 1F0< %uring the period 2002-200F, !ongress funded the !onsortiu( for +n,iron(ental +ducation and *echnology %e,elop(ent -&no#n by the acrony( .3+R!/0 to conduct an independent study of the correcti,e action plan for the M34< *he Ainal 3+R! Report dated 1anuary F1, -+$hibit F, Affida,it of Robert %in#iddie,

200F, states) .*he Panel felt strongly that the uncertainty of the contents in the M34 could e,entually lead to the re>uire(ent -or choice0 of e$ca,ation follo#ed by subse>uent final disposal of the M34 contents</ -http)KK###<ieen(su<co(K#p-

contentKuploadsK2011K0;Kfinalreport<pdf p<i,0 After public hearings in %ece(ber 6 2002, the Ainal @rder

re>uire(ent for re,ie#s of the M34 .e,ery fi,e years/ arose fro( the 2007 9earing @fficer Report that #as adopted by the the Ainal @rder< *he 9earing @fficer stated) *#o things can assist in understanding #hat is happening in the landfill in the future) a co(prehensi,e (odel -discussed belo#0, and continued (onitoring and e,aluation< 5 reco((end that the 'ecretary re>uire 'andia to prepare a report eve+, ,ea+. re-e,aluating the feasibility of e$ca,ation and analy"ing the continued effecti,eness of the selected re(edy, as suggested by the Albu>uer>ue-:ernalillo !ounty Lround#ater Ad,isory :oard< *he report should be presented in a public foru(, and the public should ha,e an opportunity to e,aluate and co((ent on data presented< *he report need not be of the (agnitude of a full-scale RA5 or !M'M M+% staff should deter(ine #hat should be included, #ith input fro( 'andia and the public< -+(phasis added0< *he 9earing @fficer also #rote, at pages F8-F8 in the Report adopted by the M+% in the Ainal @rder, the follo#ing) 5n the process of presiding o,er this hearing, 5 #as i(pressed #ith the le,el of participation of the public and !iti"en Action H e# Me$icoI, #ith their technical &no#ledge and understanding, and their detailed study of the history of this landfill< *heir presence and participation resulted in a (ore thorough and co(prehensi,e re,ie# of the landfill and proposed per(it (odification< *he public and !iti"en Action H e# Me$icoI de(onstrated o,er and o,er that these issues are of passionate i(portance to the(, and they should be allo#ed to continue to participate in the process of re,ie# as the re(edy for the landfill is i(ple(ented< 5t is particularly i(portant for the public to be able to participate in identifying the triggers for future action, and -*,ea+ eval/at01n. 12 2ea.030l0t, 12 e45avat01n an6 51nt0n/e6 e22e5t0vene.. 12 t7e .ele5te6 +e8e6,< *his #ill 7 M+% 'ecretary in

ensure that if the selected re(edy is not effecti,e, not properly i(ple(ented or (aintained, or if ne# or not-predicted conditions or issues arise, they #ill be brought to M+%?s attention and addressed< -+(phasis supplied0< -http)KK###<n(en,<state<n(<usK93:K'andiaKM34KAinalN%ec isionK9earingN@ffNRprtNAindingsNAactN!onclusionN4a#N-0 7-20-20070<pdf, p<F;0 !ondition 7 of the Ainal @rder une>ui,ocally re>uires 'andia to perfor( that #hich the 9earing @fficerOs Report noted #as essential to insuring the .<<<feasibility of e$ca,ation and HtheI continued effecti,eness of the selected re(edy Hthe P,egetati,e co,er #ith biointrusion<<,OI/ and the sub=ect of ongoing ree,aluation< of the Ainal @rder states) 'andia shall prepare a report e,ery 7 years, re-e,aluating the feasibility of e$ca,ation and analy"ing the continued effecti,eness of the selected re(edy< *he report shall include a re,ie# of the docu(ents, (onitoring reports and any other pertinent data, and anything additional re>uired by M+%< 5n each 7-year report, 'andia shall update the fate and transport (odel for the site #ith current data, and re-e,aluate any li&elihood of conta(inants reaching ground#ater< Addition- ally, the report shall detail all efforts to ensure any future releases or (o,e(ent of conta(inants are detected and addressed #ell before any effect on ground#ater or increased ris& to public health or the en,iron(ent< 'andia shall (a&e the report and supporting infor(ation readily a,ailable to the public, before it is appro,ed by M+%< M+% shall pro,ide a process #hereby (e(bers of the public (ay co((ent on the report and its conclusions, and shall respond to those co((ents in its final appro,al of the report< *he failure to enforce !ondition 7 #as contrary to prior 8 M+% !ondition 7

representations (ade to Appellant !iti"en Action and the public< May 2;, 2007, M+% Press Release -1ohn Loldstein,

M+% !o((unications

%irector0 entitled Environment Secretary Ron Curry Approves Remedy for Mixed Waste Landfill at Sandia National Laboratories .Ainally, 'andia (ust prepare a report e,ery fi,e stated) that


re,aluates the feasibility of e$ca,ations and analy"es the continued effecti,eness of the re(edy</ *hus, M+%, #hile publicly ta&ing

credit for and e(phasi"ing the i(portance of the e,ery fi,e-year ree,aluation re>uire(ent, has not enforced that ,ery re>uire(ent< After participating in the %ece(ber 2002 ad(inistrati,e public hearing, !iti"en Action challenged the re(edy decision of a dirt co,er to be placed o,er the M34 in the e# Me$ico !ourt of Appeals<

IN RE: Re uest for a Class ! "ermit Modification #or Corrective Measures for t$e Mixed Waste Landfill% Sandia National Laboratories% &ernalillo County% Ne' Mexico% E"A I( N)* NM+,-.//.+/,% !ourt of Appeals, o< 27,886, %ece(ber 18, 200;< 'ee) e# Me$ico

http)KK###<n(en,<state<n(<usK93:Kdocu(entsK!ourtNofNAppealsN12-18200;N@pinionNonN!iti"enNActionNAppeal<pdf pp< 2F-220< 5n the cited

decision, this !ourt appro,ed the Ainal @rder<

9o#e,er, in doing so,

this !ourt e(phasi"ed that the pro,isions of the Ainal @rder that are the sub=ect of this appeal #ere a necessary part of pro,iding for continued public in,ol,e(ent, stating, at page 22 of its ruling)

*he public has not been shut out of the decision9

(a&ingM nor ha,e public co((ents been (ade legally irrele,ant< 5nstead the 'ecretaryOs re(edy includes additional pro,isions .to ensure that the public #ill re(ain in,ol,ed in the future re(edy for the M34</ :y failing to ti(ely order the fi,e-year feasibility

ree,aluation re,ie# and (odifying the Ainal @rder in ,iolation of R!RA and the shutting process< u(erous representations #ere (ade by the M+% in responses to out e# Me$ico 9a"ardous 3aste Act, the public fro( in,ol,e(ent in M+% is effecti,ely the decision (a&ing

public co((ents for ,arious !orrecti,e Measures docu(ents that the M34 #ould be re,ie#ed for e$ca,ation and the effecti,eness of the co,er e,ery fi,e years< ; Aor e$a(ple)

. M+% 'ecretary to ree,aluate the perfor(ance of the 4andfill co,erKbio-intrusion barrier and the feasibility of e$ca,ation e,ery fi,e years</ http)KK###<n(en,<state<n(<usK93:K'andiaKM34KAinalN%ecisionKRespo nseNtoN!o((entsN-08-02-20070<pdf , !o((ent A response, p<18, 2F and 21

.*he final order signed by the 'ecretary re>uires that the effecti,eness of the co,er and the feasibility of e$ca,ation be ree,aluated e,ery fi,e yearsM the A*M HAate and *ransport ModelI is also to be updated</ -http)KK###<n(en,<state<n(<usK93:K'andiaKM34K5nterestedN!iti"enN 4etterN-NResponseN!o((entsN-11-21-20060<pdf , !o((ent :, p<F-20 10


M+% 'ecretaryOs Ainal @rder issued on May 26, 2007,

re>uires that 'andia update the Aate and *ransport Model e,ery fi,e years</ http)KK###<n(en,<state<n(<usK93:Kdocu(entsK5nde$NandNResponseNto N!o((entsN'andiaNM34N'JN'AP<pdf , p<6, Response R18< ; .*he fi,e-year re,ie#s ordered by the 'ecretary on May 26, 2007, pro,ide for periodic analysis of the future protecti,eness of the co,er</ http)KK###<n(en,<state<n(<usK93:Kdocu(entsKResponseNtoN!o((entsN 'andiaNM34N!M5NReportN7-2011-2<pdf !o((ent 1 Response by M+%<

5n pertinent part, 'ection 6<F of the 200; 4*MMP--Application of 5nstitutional !ontrols H5!sI, pro,ided for the application of

institutional controls on a fi,e year basis) 5t is anticipated that the 'andiaK M 5! inspection and site #al&o,er #ill be conducted annually for the first fi,e years, then biannually for four years, and then progress to once e,ery fi,e years< *his fre>uency #ill be sub=ect to ad=ust(ent as needed< 'andia also recogni"ed the fi,e-year report re>uire(ent of the Ainal @rder in its e#s Releases -11K02K20080<

https)KKshare<'andia<go,Kne#sKresourcesKne#sNreleasesK'andiaannounces-co(pletion-of-(i$ed-#aste-landfill-co,er-constructionK -p<10) *he M+% regulates the correcti,e action of the M34 as #ell as the i(ple(entation of institutional controls and long-ter( (onitoring and (aintenance< 'andia and %@+ continue to 11

pro,ide >uarterly progress reports to the M+%< 5n addition, the final order re>uires co(pilation of a report that re-e,aluates the feasibility of e$ca,ation and analy"es the continued effecti,eness of the selected re(edy e,ery fi,e years< !onstruction of the M34 alternati,e co,er #ill be docu(ented in the !orrecti,e Measures 5(ple(entation Report #hich #ill be sub(itted to the M+% for appro,al< -+(phasis added0< A letter fro( the Albu>uer>ue :ernalillo !ounty 3ater Protection Ad,isory :oard -the .3PA:/0 to the M+% dated Aebruary 22, 2012,

recites its reco((endation fro( 2001 and 2007 for 7-year re,ie#s< *he 3PA: understanding is that the cloc& began tic&ing on May 26, 2007, for the fi,e year re,ie# to be perfor(ed and that the re,ie# is already three years late< *he 3PA: stated -see +$hibit 20)

'andia, %@+K 'A, and M+% apparently ha,e ta&en the position that the fi,e-year cloc& does not start on this re-e,aluation and reporting re>uire(ent until the 4*MMP has been finali"ed and appro,ed< 9o#e,er, gi,en the re(edy stipulated in the Ainal @rder, the potential for ground#ater conta(ination of a serious nature -lo# probability but high conse>uence0, and the agreed-upon need for continued ,igilance, (onitoring, (odeling, and periodic re-e,aluation, a legiti(ate case can be (ade that the cloc& on the fi,e-year reports should ha,e started #hen the Ainal @rder #as issued in 2007, #hich #ould ha,e re>uired the first fi,e-year report in 2010< 5n any case, nearly fi,e years ha,e no# passed since the co,er #as installed in 2008< It 0. t7e p1.0t01n 12 t7e WPA" t7at a 20ve*,ea+ +ep1+t, 0n5l/60n9 t7e ./pp1+t0n9 6ata 51lle5t01n, 816el0n9, an6 anal,.0., .71/l6 3e p+16/5e6 0n &'(). *he 3PA: urges the M+% to re>uire the %@+K'andia to co(plete this report by the end of this year< -:old face type in original0< 'andia first sub(itted a 4ong-*er( Monitoring and Maintenance Plan to M+% in 200; -the .200; 4*MMP/0 #hich contained no pro,ision 12

for delay of the re>uired !ondition 7 ree,aluation of the feasibility of e$ca,ation and analysis of the continued effecti,eness of the dirt co,er< 'ection 2<;<2 -Ai,e-Qear Ree,aluation Reports0 of the 200;

4*MMP #ould ha,e allo#ed the use of annual ground #ater (onitoring reports re,ie#< rather than long-ter( (onitoring data for the fi,e-year

'andia #ithdre# the 200; 4*MMP appro$i(ately four years

later on %ece(ber ;, 2011< http)KK###<n(en,<state<n(<usK93:Kdocu(entsK'andiaN12-;2011N200;M34N4*MMPN3ithdra#alN4etter<pdf 'andia then resub(itted a re,ised 4*MMP on March 2F, 2012< re>uire(ents of the Ainal @rder #ere changed by the 2012 *he 4*MMP

#ithout any (odification of the Ainal @rder, nor any public hearing regarding the proposed (odification as re>uired by R!RA and the Ainal @rder adopted pursuant to R!RA< M+% relies on 'ection 1<F of the

2012 4*MMP for its decision to allo# the perfor(ance of !ondition 7 of the Ainal @rder to be delayed for al(ost nine years beyond May 26, 2010, #hen the first !ondition 7 report #as arguably due, and

certainly at least fi,e years past the deadline for the initial report< *his is a self-ser,ing acco((odation by the M+% of its

failure to enforce its o#n directi,e clearly stated in the Ainal @rder, and the action is in ,iolation of federal and state la#<


M+% appro,al of the 2012 4*MMP #ill endanger the public

health and safety and e$pose the public to health and en,iron(ental 13

dangers pre,ent<









*he appro,al also e,ades the re>uire(ent that the public be

afforded an opportunity to co((ent regarding rele,ant public health and safety concerns related to per(it (odification< *he includes ha"ardous the #aste per(it issued by to the 'andia Ainal in this case Any




(odification of the Ainal @rder, and thereby the per(it, (ust first be re>uested in 'ritin0 by the Per(ittee -'andia0 fro( the appropriate public notification< M+% #ith

*he applicable procedures of 20 !AR

C 2;0<22 for !lass 1-F per(it (odifications include the necessity of public notice and opportunity for co((ent< 20 !AR C 2;0<21< 'andia

did not (a&e a #ritten re>uest for (odification of the per(it in accordance #ith the procedures re>uired by 20 !AR C 2;0<22 and MA!

20<1<2<801M thus, the public #as not infor(ed of 'andiaOs intent to (odify the Ainal @rder, nor #as the public infor(ed of M+%Os

consideration of the re>uested (odification, #hich consisted of the deadline @rder< Appellant !iti"en Action re>uested a public hearing regarding the re>uested (odification of the per(it that #ould be acco(plished by the 2012 4*MMP< o public hearing #as conducted, ho#e,er, and the e$tension for co(pliance #ith !ondition 7 of the Ainal

2012 4*MMP included a pro,ision in 'ection 1<F -discussed belo#0 e$tending the Ainal @rder fi,e-year ree,aluation report deadline, and thereby (odifying the 'andia 9a"ardous 3aste Per(it as #ell as the 14

Ainal @rder< 3hen correcti,e action is proceeding under a per(it, proposals to co(plete correcti,e (easures should adhere to the procedures

applicable to !lass F per(it (odifications, #hich include utili"ing the +$panded Public Participation Rule< 18870< -60 AR 6F21;, %ece(ber 11,


!lass 1-F (odifications of a Ainal @rder for a 9a"ardous 3aste Per(it re>uire public notice, and an opportunity for co((ent< Aor a

general per(it (odification that changes a schedule of co(pliance i<e<, an e$tension of a final co(pliance date, a !lass F (odification is re>uired< 20 !AR C 2;0<22 Appendi$ 5 A<7<b< A !lass F

(odification re>uires notice, opportunity for co((ent, and a public (eeting or public hearing if re>uested< 20 !AR C 2;0<22 -c0< *he

Ainal @rder !ondition 7 re>uire(ent for the feasibility report is e,ery fi,e years< *here is no language in the Ainal @rder that

authori"es a delay of the fi,e-year report deadline to a date after M+% appro,es the 4*MMP< *he Ainal @rder une>ui,ocally states that *his (andatory

.'andia shall prepare a report e,ery 7 years<<<</ language contains no pro,ision for delay< *he change of schedule for the co(pliance




feasibility report #as arbitrarily changed in an infor(al process li(ited to co((unications e$clusi,ely bet#een M+% and 'andia that

ignored the re>uire(ents of R!RA and !ode of Aederal Regulations -!AR0 per(it (odification procedures, including those re>uiring a 15

#ritten notice,

per(it a

(odification (eeting,

re>uest an


the for

per(ittee, co((ent,

public and the



honoring of re>uests for a public hearing< re>uire(ents for public participation in

5n this instance, the the per(it (odification *his

process #ere ,iolated by the

M+%Os denial of a public hearing<

denial #as not#ithstanding a re>uest (ade by petitions containing (ore than 200 signatures recei,ed by concerning the 2012 4*MMP< *he decision to e$tend the fi,e-year re,ie# re>uire(ent #as (ade by M+% 9a"ardous 3aste :ureau !hief 1ohn Rieling in a letter dated M+% see&ing a public hearing

@ctober 12, 2011, addressed to %@+ and 'andia and titled . otice of Appro,alM Mi$ed 3aste 4andfill !orrecti,e Measures 5(ple(entation

Report, 1anuary 2010/ -the M34 !M5 Report0<

3ithout any notice or M+%

opportunity for !iti"en Action or the public to co((ent, the

-1ohn Rieling and 3illia( Moats0 agreed in (eetings and e-(ails #ith 'andia, and in .re,ised/ (inutes of one such (eeting, to (odify the Ainal @rder and its conditions to e$tend the period for the fi,e-year re,ie#< *he (inutes are titled .re,ised/ because they #ere issued *he

so(e nine (onths after the original (eeting (inutes #ere issued< (inutes and e(ails #ere not posted for public re,ie# by 'andia<

M+% or

!iti"en Action sub(itted an 5nspection of Public Records Act M+% on May 8, 2012, re>uesting all docu(ents upon for its interpretation that the fi,e-year

re>uest -5PRA0 to #hich the M+%


re,ie# of the M34 #as to be perfor(ed fi,e years after the appro,al 16

of the 4*MMP<

M+% responded on May 22, 2012, stating .HnIo such

docu(ents e$ist, other than the May 26, 2007, Ainal @rder itself</ *his response is ob,iously contrary to the e$plicit #ording of the Ainal @rder, #hich says >uite e$actly the opposite< 5n its May 8, 2012, 5PRA re>uest, Appellant !iti"en Action also as&ed M+% to .HpIro,ide any letter of appro,al furnished to 'andia

for that interpretation He$tending the fi,e-year ree,aluation for an additional fi,e years after an 4*MMP appro,alI</ as follo#s) included in *he M+% responded

. M+%Os interpretation of the pro,ision at issue is the @ctober 12, 2011, letter appro,ing the M34 !M5

Report, #hich is enclosed</ and 'andia states)

*he referenced letter addressed to %@+

*he Per(ittees (ust sub(it a 4ong-*er( Monitoring and Maintenance Plan -4*MMP0 for the Mi$ed 3aste 4andfill #ithin 180 days of the date of this letter< Bpon M+% appro,al of the 4*MMP, the first fi,e-year period for re-e,aluating the feasibility of e$ca,ation and analy"ing the effecti,eness of the re(edy, re>uired under the 'ecretary?s Ainal @rder of May 26, 2007, #ill begin< *his #ill allo# for (onitoring data to be ac>uired under the 4*MMP to be a,ailable for the purpose of conducting the e,aluation< +$hibit 7< *he @ctober 12, 2011, respects< M+% letter is significant in se,eral

Airst, the letter had not been seen by anyone other than

M+%, %@+, and 'andia representati,es prior to the May 22, 2012, 5PRA response by M+%< 'econdly, the letter is a otice of Appro,al of

the Mi$ed 3aste 4andfill !orrecti,e Measure 5(ple(entation Report 17

-the !M5 Report0, and the !M5 Report did not include any state(ent or i(plication that !ondition 7 of the Ainal @rder #as being (odified< Ainally, neither Appellant !iti"en Action nor any other (e(ber of the public #as a#are of any intention on the part of !ondition Appellant 7 of the Ainal Action @rder< and the *hus, public M+% M+% to (odify denied for





participation and co((entary regarding #hat #as essentially a per(it (odification process, contrary to R!RA and applicable !AR regulations directly on point< ot#ithstanding the une>ui,ocal and clear language of !ondition 7 of the Ainal @rder, the M+% response to Appellant !iti"en Action?s

5PRA re>uest also (ade it e,ident that in Aebruary 2011, no consensus on the part of M+% and 'andia e$isted regarding the deadline for the Aor e$a(ple, in the .re,ised/

initial fi,e-year ree,aluation report< (inutes of the (eeting bet#een 2011,

M+% and 'andia held Aebruary 1;,

M+% stated they belie,e the first 7-year Re+,aluation Report is due 7 years after co(pletion of the co,er, #hich #ould be 'eptK@ct 2012, or 7 years after M+%-appro,al of the co,er -i<e<, appro,al of the !M5 Report, still pending0< +$hibit 6< An e(ail dated March 08, 2011, fro( 3illia( Moats of Mi&e Mitchell of 'andia co((ented) @ne bullet concerns the 7-year report< 5 =ust #anted to clarify that 5 don?t ha,e a clear decision fro( (anage(ent on #hen it?s due -'epK@ct 18 M+% to

2012 or 7 years after the !M5 Report is appro,ed0< 5 changed the su((ary bullet to reflect the t#o scenarios #e discussed per your co((ent< 3e re>uest Gfor(al M+% clarificationG in the relati,ely near future< Perhaps M+% could pro,ide a Gfinal deter(inationG as part of the !M5 Report appro,al process and let %@+K'andia &no# in the ne$t 80 daysE Qour point on the later scenario has (erit - the co,er construction is not Gtechnically co(pleteG until accepted by M+%< 3e #ill &eep this issue on the list to Gfinali"eG as #e #or& to resol,e the other re(aining 4*MMP issues -data and trigger le,el e,aluation process, final (onitoring and trigger le,els, ground#ater sa(pling fre>uency, etc<0< +$hibit ;< An e(ail dated March 16, 2011, fro( Mi&e Mitchell of 'andia to 3illia( Moats and 1ohn Rieling of M+% stated)

!urrently the list of issues for further discussion includes the data and trigger le,el e,aluation process, final (onitoring Ksa(pling re>uire(ents, final trigger le,els, and the due date for first 7-Qear Re-+,aluation Report< +$hibit ;< 'ection 1<F of the 2012 4*MMP inserted the follo#ing to delay i(ple(entation of !ondition 7) *he 2007 !lass F Per(it Modification also re>uires %@+K'andia to prepare a report e,ery fi,e years, ree,aluating the feasibility of e$ca,ating the M34 contents and analy"ing the continued effecti,eness of the M34 re(edy< M+% deter(ined the first fi,e-year period #ill begin upon M+% appro,al of this 4*MMP -Rieling @ctober 20110< Additional infor(ation regarding the Ai,e-Qear Ree,aluation reporting re>uire(ents is pro,ided in 'ection 2<8<2< http)KK###<n(en,<state<n(<usK93:Kdocu(entsK' 4NF-2F2012NM34N4*MM PNAinalNMarchN2012<pdf 19 -+$hibit 80<

Appellant !iti"en Action #as una#are of any (odification in the fi,e-year report due date until 4*MMP< M+% issued the March, 2F, 2012,

*he issuance of the 4*MMP in March 2012 pro(pted the 5PRA

re>uest on the part of !iti"en Action< *he fi,e-year ree,aluation report re>uire(ent in the Ainal @rder is consistent #ith the re>uire(ent of R!RA for land disposal


20 !AR C 2;0<70 -d0 pro,ides)

+ach per(it for a land disposal facility shall be re,ie#ed by the %irector fi,e years after the date of per(it issuance or reissuance and shall be (odified as necessary, as pro,ided in C 2;0<21< *he issues (aterial to e$ca,ation of the M34 are different fro( those to be ta&en into account by the 4*MMP and that should be considered independently of the 4*MMP< *he feasibility of e$ca,ation

#ould consider factors such as #hether the #astes can be safely re(o,ed, #hether technology e$ists for re(o,ing the #astes, and #hat path#ays e$ist for pac&aging, transporting and disposal< Affida,it of +ric uttall, Ph<%<0< M+% -+$hibit 1,

:y delaying the fi,e-year re,ie# period to the year 2018,

is ,iolating its o#n Ainal @rder and is also denying !iti"en Action and the public fro( raising substantial and (aterial technical issues that ha,e arisen during the period since the Ainal @rder #as adopted in 2007< 'ubstantial e,idence indicates that the selected re(edy of

the dirt co,er is not protecti,e of the ground#ater, the ground#ater is conta(inated and #ill beco(e increasingly conta(inated, the fate 20










net#or& is defecti,e and inade>uate to detect conta(ination of the ground#ater< Aurther, the ground#ater (onitoring net#or& #as &no#n

at all ti(es to the present to be defecti,e to (a&e the re(edy decision< Leologist<0 *he 4*MMP changed the nu(ber, location and depth of upgradient and do#ngradient #ells of the ground#ater (onitoring net#or&< re,isions also constituted a (odification of the per(it< 2;0<22 Appendi$ 5 !<1<a<0 the #ell locations< #ere installed *hese -+$hibit 8, Affida,it of Robert Lil&eson, Registered

-20 !AR

*he point of co(pliance #as changed for

*he (onitoring #ells installed for the 4*MMP co(plying #ith public participation


re>uire(ents for re,ie# and co((ent<

*he order for the installation

of ne# ground#ater (onitoring #ells #as a significant alteration of the per(it for the M34 and should ha,e been presented to the public as a 4e,el F (odification< persistent and significant *here has been, and continues to be, public concern about the proposed

(odification to the ground#ater (onitoring net#or&<

*hus, it #as

especially i(portant that the per(it (odification for the ground#ater (onitoring adhere to the procedures found in C 2;0<22-c0 for !lass F (odifications< -'ee +$hibit 8, Lil&eson Affida,it0<

'ignificantly, a 2006 *ech4a#, 5nc<, report titled 1ec$nical Revie' of Appendix E% "robabilistic "erformance2Assessment Modelin0 of t$e Mixed Waste Landfill at Sandia National Laboratories of t$e 21

H o,e(ber







Implementation "lan dated 1anuary F1, 2006, -the .*echla# Report/0, re,ealed nu(erous deficiencies in the construction and (onitoring of the dirt co,er and the long-ter( protection of the ground#ater, as #ell as the co(puter codes for the fate and transport (odel< @ctober 18, 200;, the e# Me$ico +n,iron(ent @n


unsuccessfully sued Appellant !iti"en Action in an effort to #ithhold the *ech4a# Report fro( !iti"en Action #hich had re>uested the report in an 5PRA re>uest< -+$hibit 10 and +$hibit 8, Lil&eson Affida,it0<

M+% appro,ed installation of the dirt co,er #ithout infor(ing Appellant and the public of the concerns stated in the *ech4a# Report and #ithout addressing those concerns< *he *ech4a# Report re=ected

'andiaOs co(puter (odeling for (o,e(ent of the M34 #aste as a .blac& bo$/ that should not be used< *he *ech4a# Report also re=ected the

position of neutron tubes for (onitoring for (oisture underneath the pits and trenches of the M34 rather than underneath the dirt co,er< Aurther, the *ech4a# Report reco((ended the installation of a

synthetic i(per(eable (e(brane belo# the dirt co,er to channel #ater a#ay fro( the #aste buried in the M34< practice< *hat is standard industry

e,ertheless, a non-per(eable (e(brane #as not installed *he *ech4a# Report and e,en M+% critici"ed 3ater

beneath the dirt co,er<

the lac& of (onitoring for (oisture beneath the dirt co,er<

underneath the dirt co,er could be entering the M34 and reaching the #aste< 22

*he 'andia M34 has ne,er had a reliable net#or& of ground#ater (onitoring #ells< After the first four ground#ater (onitoring #ells

#ere installed at the M34 during 1888-1880 -#ells M34-M31, -M32, -M3F and -:310, it #as disco,ered that the directional flo# of the *he

ground#ater #as to the south#est rather than to the north#est< M+%, the +PA, scientists at the 4os Ala(os

ational 4aboratory, the

%@+K'andia @,ersight :ureau, and the %@+ *iger *ea( docu(ented in reports issued o,er the years 1881 to 1888 that the ground#ater (onitoring #ells #ere installed in the #rong locations% had corroded #ell screens and #ere conta(inated #ith :entonite clay that hides e,idence of conta(ination< 5n 2000, t#o subse>uent (onitoring #ells

-#ells M34-M37 and -M360 #ere installed too deep and distant fro( the M34 to be of use< %in#iddie Affida,it0< 5n March 200;, Appellant !iti"en Action and Registered Leologist Robert Lil&eson filed a co(plaint #ith +PA Region 6 alleging that the M34 (onitoring #ell net#or& #as defecti,e< An April 2010 audit -+$hibit 8, Lil&eson Affida,it and +$hibit F,

costing S2;F,000 conducted by the +PA @ffice of 5nspector Leneral -the @5L0 found that +PA Region 6 staffers had concerns about the landfill?s effect on ground#ater and the lac& of effecti,e *he

ground#ater (onitoring at the M34<

-*he @5L Audit Report0<

5nspector Leneral also found that an @,ersight Report of the +PA staffOs M34 concerns #as being #ithheld fro( the public, thereby li(iting public in,ol,e(ent in the 23 correcti,e (easures process<

Region 6 ad(inistrators sta(ped the @,ersight Report .!onfidential/ in a self-ser,ing action to =ustify #ithholding it fro( the public< http)KK###<epa<go,KoigKreportsK2010K20100212-10-P-0100<pdf Audit Report, at Page F, found) Region 6 #ithheld infor(ation fro( the public regarding the M34 (onitoring #ells through <<< discontinuation of record &eeping, (isleading co((unications, and inappropriate classification< +PA Region 6 also produced an .@,ersight Report/ in 200; that #as orally presented to the M+% by Region 6 to a,oid production of *he @5L

docu(entation that the public could obtain regarding the defecti,e ground#ater (onitoring net#or&< +PA Region 6 and the @5L thereafter

#ithheld the o,ersight Report fro( !iti"en Action and the public, a report that ,alidated !iti"en ActionOs findings and concerns #hich Region 6 of +PA had found to be ,alid< http)KK###<epa<go,KoigKreportsK2010K20100212-10-P-0100<pdf, pp<F-2< *he erroneous data fro( the defecti,e ground#ater (onitoring net#or& #as relied upon in the 2007 9earing @fficer Report adopted by the M+% 'ecretary in the Ainal @rder< -+$hibit 80<

*he confidential @,ersight Report and inter,ie#s by @5L staff of the +PA Region 6 staff #ere recently obtained after a A@5A la#suit #as filed by !iti"en Action< Aollo#ing is #hat an +PA Region 6

unidentified staff person told the 5nspector Leneral in an @ctober 17, 2008 inter,ie#) H ote) .-b0-60/ as used in the docu(ent refers

to the indi,idual #ho is being inter,ie#edI< 24

-b0-60 stated that he did not ha,e any prior connection #ith the site< 5n fact he does not report to -b0-60< 9e also stated that Region 6 had its results preconcei,ed< Region 6 (anage(ent did not #ant M+% doing anything #rong< *herefore, (anage(ent created a structure to ensure the appropriate outco(e #ould result< Aurther(ore, as the #riting and draft co((ents progressed to a final letter, the tea( #as pushed (ore and (ore to agree #ith M+%Os position< 9e also stated that the tea(sO initial e,aluation #ould ha,e changed the solution at 'andia M34 H(eaning the dirt co,er #ould not ha,e been the .selected re(edy/<I M+% pushed e$tre(ely hard for +PA Region 6 not to e,en >uestion the past results or the ,iability of past test results Hregarding ground#ater (onitoring and sa(plingI< Ainally, he stated that H!iti"en ActionI got shortchanged by Region 6< *he M34 has been i(properly classified as a 'olid 3aste

Manage(ent Bnit for closure under !orrecti,e ActionM ho#e,er, there is failure to pro,ide a Post-!losure Plan as re>uired by R!RA and 20 !AR C 262<118< *he M34 is a .regulated unit/ by definition because -20 !AR

it operated to recei,e ha"ardous #aste after 1uly 26, 1882< C 262<80-a00<

20 !AR C 2;0<1 -c0 re>uires that o#ners and operators

of landfills that recei,ed #aste after 1uly 26, 1882, (ust ha,e postclosure per(its, unless they de(onstrate closure by re(o,al or

deconta(ination or obtain an closure per(it< (ust address

enforceable docu(ent in lieu of a post-

5f a post-closure per(it is re>uired, the per(it (onitoring, closure unsaturated care "one (onitoring, o post

ground#ater and





closure per(it has been sub(itted for the M34 that is lea,ing #astes in place< -+$hibit F, %in#iddie Affida,it0< 25

STATEMENT OF THE ISSUES 1< 9as M+% ,iolated the Ainal @rder by appro,ing the 4*MMP

e$tension of the deadline for the preparation of the initial fi,eyear report ree,aluating the feasibility of e$ca,ation and analy"ing the continued effecti,e of the selected re(edy -the dirt co,er0E 2< e,ery 7 %oes the Ainal @rder, re>uiring 'andia to .prepare a report years the re-e,aluating continued the feasibility of the of e$ca,ation and





re>uire a distinction bet#een the deadline for the initial fi,e-year report regarding .the feasibility of e$ca,ation/ and the deadline for .analy"ing the continued effecti,eness of the selected re(edy,/ i<e<, are these t#o distinct acti,ities go,erned by the sa(e deadlineE 3hat possible =ustified e$isted for delaying the ree,aluation of the feasibility co,erE F< 3hat e,ent co((ences the running of the initial fi,e-year of e$ca,ation prior to the installation of the dirt

period fro( the date of the Ainal @rder issued May 26, 2007, for #hich 'andia is re>uired to prepare the first fi,e-year reportE 2< %id the e$tension to the year 2018 for the initial fi,e-year

report as pro,ided in the 1anuary 8, 2012, appro,al of the 4*MMP constitute a (odification of the re>uire(ent that 'andia prepare a report e,ery fi,e years as stated in the Ainal @rder dated May 26, 2007E 7< 5s 'andia re>uired to sub(it a #ritten re>uest to the 26 M+%

for (odification of the conditions of the Ainal @rderE 6< 5s M+% re>uired to re>uest a #ritten notification fro(

'andia of its intent to (odify the Ainal @rder and then gi,e notice and opportunity to the public for co((ent and re,ie# prior to

appro,ing the 4*MMPE ;< 3as M+% re>uired to pro,ide public notice and an

opportunity for a public hearing prior to (odifying the Ainal @rder !ondition 7 before appro,ing the 2012 4*MMPE 8< %id M+% gi,e appropriate notice to the public of the

(odification of Ainal @rder !ondition 7 #ith the @ctober 12, 2011, otice of Appro,al for the !M5 Report #here the !M5 Report did not contain (ention of the (odificationE 8< %id the M+% ha,e a duty to gi,e notice and opportunity to

the public for changes to the ground#ater (onitoring net#or& prior to appro,ing the 4*MMPE 10< 3as the action of M+%, in (odifying Ainal @rder !ondition

7 by its appro,al of the 4*MMP, arbitrary, capricious, or an abuse of discretion, in the conte$t of state(ents to the contrary on the part of the Ad(inistrati,e 9earing @fficer, M+%, 'andia, the A:! 3PA:,

and the decision of this !ourt in appro,ing the Ainal @rderE 11< 'hould the M+% be estopped fro( (odifying the Ainal @rder

!ondition 7 after its representations to the public that the fi,eyear re,ie# #ould occur .e,ery 7 years,/ absent language in the Ainal @rder authori"ing such delay and (odificationE 27


3as the (odification by

M+% of its Ainal @rder fi,e-year

reporting re>uire(ent consistent #ith federal and state la# -R!RA and the e# Me$ico 9a"ardous 3aste Act0E 1F< 5s the M+% continuing decision not to enforce !ondition 7

of the Ainal @rder and to delay co(pliance #ith !ondition 7 until 2018 consistent #ith the clear #ording of the Ainal @rderE 12< %oes substantial e,idence support a finding that the

ground#ater (onitoring net#or& at the M34 can detect conta(inationE 17< %oes substantial e,idence support a finding that the dirt

co,er #ill be sufficiently protecti,e to pre,ent ha"ardous #aste escaping fro( the M34 to the ground#aterE 16< %oes substantial e,idence support the M+% decision that

Ainal @rder !ondition 7 does not i(pose a re>uire(ent that .'andia shall prepare a report e,ery 7 years, re-e,aluating the feasibility of e$ca,ation and analy"ing the continued effecti,eness of the

selected re(edy/ so as to protect the public health, safety, and the en,iron(entE 1;< Aside fro( the M+% appro,al of the 4*MMP on 1anuary 8,

2012, does 'andia ha,e a duty pursuant to Ainal @rder !ondition 7 to prepare the initial fi,e-year ree,aluation report at the present ti(eE 18< -a0-20E 18< 5s the M34 sub=ect to the re>uire(ent of pro,iding a 28 5s the M34 a .regulated unit/ as defined by 20 !AR 262<80

!losure Plan and Post !losure Plan as part of the 'andia 9a"ardous 3aste Per(itE 20< 9as ha"ardous #aste escaped fro( the M34, thus re>uiring

re(edial action on the part of 'andia in accordance #ith R!RA and the e# Me$ico 9a"ardous 3aste ActE

LIST OF AUTHORITIES WHICH SUPPORT THE CONTENTIONS OF THE APPELLANT 1. *he Ainal @rder< 2. *he Resource !onser,ation and Reco,ery Act -.R!RA/0, 22 B'! C 6801 et se>< 3. !ode of Aederal RegulationsM 20 !AR C 262<118, 20 !AR C 262<80, 20 !AR C 2;0<1, 20 !AR C 2;0<21, 20 !AR C 2;0<22, 20 !AR C 2;0<70< 4. *he 5. e# Me$ico 9a"ardous 3aste Act, ;2-2-1 et se>< M'A 18;8, 'ection

e# Me$ico 9a"ardous 3aste Manage(ent Regulations -20<2<1 MA!, Re,ised 1une 12, 20000

6. IN RE: Re uest for a Class ! "ermit Modification #or Corrective Measures for t$e Mixed Waste Landfill% Sandia National Laboratories% &ernalillo County% Ne' Mexico% E"A I( N)* NM+,-.//.+/,% e# Me$ico !ourt of Appeals, o< 27,886, %ece(ber 18, 200;< 7. *he +$panded Public Participation Rule, 60 Aederal Register 6F21;, %ece(ber 11, 1887<


Respectfully sub(itted,

NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN RO"ERT M5NEILL Att1+ne, 21+ Appellant C0t0:en A5t01n Ne; Me4051 ()'' Cent+al Aven/e, SE, S/0te &''' Al3/</e+</e, NM %=('> ?-'-@ &)=*)))'


-315 certify that copies of the foregoing doc&eting state(ent #ere ser,ed by (ail on the e# Me$ico +n,iron(ent %epart(ent and the e# Me$ico Attorney Leneral this 7th day of March, 2012<

R@:+R* Mc +544

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