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Sonder Episode 1: "Masks" By David Padilla

OVER BLACK Fingers can be heard nervously tapping on a table Sonder n. the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own, populated with their own ambitions, friends, routines, worries and inherited craziness. An epic story that continues invisibly around you like an anthill sprawling deep underground, with elaborate passageways to thousands of other lives that youll never know existed, in which you might appear only once, as an extra sipping coffee in the background, as a blur of traffic passing on the highway, as a lighted window at dusk. INT. DANIELS KITCHEN - EARLY MORNING The morning sun has just begun to break through the windows. DANIEL sits, brooding in the middle of the room at the TABLE. Hes a 30-something year old with weary eyes, dressed only in a pair of BOXER SHORTS and enveloped by the plume of smoke billowing out of the CIGARETTE in his mouth; its red tip dances in the darkness as he drags from it A cheap FLIP CELL PHONE sits in the middle of the table. He cant take his eyes off it, and continues the incessant finger tapping INT. HALEYS BEDROOM - THE PREVIOUS NIGHT Daniel is gathering up a small PILE of HALEYS CLOTHES and putting them into a hamper. Haley is in her PJs and gets into bed. Daniel goes over and starts tucking her in HALEY Can you tell me a story tonight? Daniel sits DANIEL Ok. I have an idea. Why dont We make up our own story? How does that sound? Ill start and we can keep adding to it or changing it, yeah? HALEY Ok!


DANIEL (I havent done this in a while) Ok...Lets see. Once upon a time, in a place really really far away, there was a Prince HALEY What was his name? DANIEL His name is...uhh HALEY Daniel! DANIEL Hey, thats my name! Ok, fine, his name is Daniel. What else? He watches her, proud of her enthusiasm INT. DANIELS KITCHEN - PRESENT TIME Daniels still watching the phone. It vibrates. He picks it up before the first ring even finishes, and holds it up to his ear After a moment, a voice on the other line speaks: VOICE (V.O) You know why Im calling beat VOICE (V.O, CONTINUED) 7:30 am. Rock Valley Credit Union. You know how the rest works. Dont be late, you know what happens if you disappoint me again. The line goes dead on the other end, Daniel takes the phone off his ear and calmly snaps it in half, and remains at the table, taking another drag from his cigarette INT. GENES LIVING ROOM Gene, a teenager, about 16 is sitting in his couch, eating a bowl of cereal, lit by the dim blue light of his TV, which is playing a newscast


NEWS ANCHOR (O.S) Arizonas Legislature has passed a controversial bill that would allow business owners, as long as they assert their religious beliefs, to deny service to gay and lesbian customers... Gene stops eating his cereal and pays closer attention to the newscast NEWS ANCHOR (CONTINUED) ...The bill, passed by a 33-27 vote Thursday, now goes to Gov. Jan Brewer, a Republican who vetoed similar legislation last year but has expressed the right of business owners to deny serviHe changes the channel. Another news station ANOTHER NEWS ANCHOR ...This is not about any form of discrimination. It is not about putting a straight man ahead of a gay man or a gay man ahead of a straight man. It is about re-enforcing and protecting American values of decency and civility. He changes the channel one last time, an INFOMERCIAL comes on, nothing interesting, but he keeps it on, and eats his cereal. INT. DANIELS HOUSE - CONTINUOUS Daniel sits on his bed as he puts his black PANTS. Behind him, we see his QUEEN-SIZED BED, the SHEETS only rustled on one side. Methodically and masterfully, he ties a SKINNY BLACK TIE around the collar of his crisp white SHIRT, and continues dressing himself. He grabs a BLACK HOODIE off his bed and carries it on one arm He walks out into the hallway of his house and approaches one of the doors, opening it slowly, revealing HALEY, his 5-year old daughter, sleeping peacefully, snuggled by PRINCESS BLANKETS and STUFFED ANIMALS. He watches her for a second, and a smile finds its way onto Daniels troubled mug On Haleys NIGHTSTAND is a PICTURE FRAME of her, Daniel, and her mother


He makes his way to her bed and gently shakes her DANIEL Haley, time to wake up. She stirs DANIEL (CONTINUED) Brush your teeth and get ready, its time for school. INT. DANIELS BATHROOM - MOMENTS LATER As Haleys brushing her teeth in the mirror, she asks her dad... HALEY Can I have pig tails today? DANIEL I dont know if I can buy real pig tails this early. HALEY I meant for my hair, daddy! DANIEL Oh yeah, I can do that. (Kitchen) Daniel tries making pig tails on Haley as she eats her cereal. They dont turn out very well, and he restarts them, but then the DOORBELL rings. He looks at his watch. DANIEL Uh-oh, grandmas here early. I guess thats good. Tell her you want the pig tails, ok? Here, Im gonna go now, give me a kiss He leans in and gives her a raspberry on her cheek, she laughs Daniel walks toward the door and opens it, revealing Sarah (50s) Haleys grandma. He gives her a quick hug DANIEL Morning, Sarah.


SARAH Danny. Heading out for the day? DANIEL Unfortunately. Ive got a pile of work waiting for me at the office, if I dont start early Ill be there all day. Its already almost 7:00 so I should get going SARAH I see... Turning around to continue walking, Daniel hurriedly says to her... DANIEL Youre a lifesaver, Sarah. Without you, my life would crumble. Sarah goes inside and Daniel walks down the block to his car. As hes pulling the keys from his pocket, he accidentally steps in a puddle, ruining his shoes. DANIEL God dammit. He quickly runs back into his house to change his shoes, the camera reveals a STREET SIGN that says: "NO PARKING MONDAY 7AM-10AM" INT. GENES LIVING ROOM - CONTINUOUS Genes standing near his couch putting on a JACKET. His BACKPACK is on the couch behind him, next to his empty bowl of cereal. He grabs his jacket, puts his bowl back, and walks towards and out the DOOR. INT/EXT. DANIELS ROOM/HOUSE - CONTINUOUS Daniel quickly changes his shoes, and when he comes back out, he runs out his front door just in time to see a TOW TRUCK pulling his car away. Knowing its too late, he watches hopelessly as it drives off into the distance


EXT. BUS STOP - 7:15 AM Daniels staring at his watch. Next to him is Gene, sitting with a somber expression on his face and writing in a JOURNAL. Daniel takes notice, and strikes up a conversation DANIEL Are you writing for pleasure or for school? beat. DANIEL (CONTINUED) Both? GENE Neither DANIEL Neither? GENE Yeah, neither DANIEL Why neither? GENE Because I dont have any homework, nor do I take any pleasure out of writing about my life Daniels taken by surprise with this statement, which has now created an awkward pause beat. DANIEL Im sorry. I didnt mean to pry or anything. beat I dont know you, and Im a hypocrite because I never take my own advice, Someone once told me it helps if you slow things down, and take in the big picture. Some things will always be out of your control, but you wont enjoy life until you learn to take control of the things you can. Dont be afraid to be yourself and write your own story... Just make sure its a good (MORE)


DANIEL (contd) one. I dont know if that helps, but thats all Ive got. A BUS pulls up, and Daniel gets up and boards it. Gene stays behind. INT. BUS - CONTINUOUS The early morning rush is all too obvious inside the bus. Daniel steps in and and puts his money in the receptacle. He makes his way through the slew of DEAD-FACED COMMUTERS and takes one of the few remaining seats. Once again, he checks his watch. 7:20 The bus begins to move It arrives at its first stop, and the majority of the people on it step off As the wall of people in front of him disperse and exit the bus, they reveal a WOMAN, roughly Daniels age to be sitting across from him She is very pretty, dressed sharply in a FLATTERING BUTTON-UP SHIRT and PENCIL SKIRT (to her shirt there is a "GSM" PRESS I.D. clipped). Shes reading a copy of Daytripper by Fbio Moon and Gabriel B The book--and then she--catches Daniels eye. He breaks eye-contact, but remains captivated. He looks back up to her DANIEL (to her) "The more we wait, the more everything and everyone looks like a grain of sand"... She looks up at him WOMAN (caught off guard) Does that work? DANIEL What? WOMAN Hoping women will be impressed that you read the same books?


DANIEL That all depends on if they finish my quote for me She finishes the line WOMAN (This guys kind of douchey...but cute...) "The more we wait, the more everything and everyone looks like a grain of sand escaping between our fingers" beat she laughs DANIEL Its not everyday I meet someone whos reading my favorite book. Im Dan. WOMAN Mia, its nice to meet you. He notices the press pass on her shirt DANIEL You work for GSM? I work not too far from there at the financial firm MIA I know where that is. What do you do? DANIEL I deal with bank accounts, monetary reacquisition, financials. All the stuff that keeps the world spinning. The bus slows down along with the ding indicating it has arrived at its next stop. Daniel gets up to leave. DANIEL And Im off. I gotta tell ya this is one of my better bus riding experiences. I hope we can share another sometime. Mia smiles and reaches for her BAG.


She pulls out a BUSINESS CARD and a PEN and writes her number down on it. She hands it to Daniel MIA Why hope? Lets make it happen Speechless and utterly captivated, Daniel takes the card, and walks away with a stupid smile on his face, finding it hard to break eye contact with her. EXT. BUS STOP OUTSIDE BANK - 7:40 AM Daniel walks off the bus. He looks at his watch again, and then back up. Deep breath, Across the street from the bus stop and directly in front of him is The Rock Valley Credit Union He makes a bee-line towards it, each step becoming faster than the last. He puts on the black hoodie Halfway to his walk there, a VAN pulls up in front of the entrance. Theres a MAN in the drivers seat, he tosses Daniel an EMPTY BACKPACK, which Daniel catches without breaking step Daniels he pulls that was into the brisk pace turns into a run. As he passes the van, out a SKI MASK from his chest pocket, and a gun tucked into the waistband of his slacks. He runs bank

INT. ROCK VALLEY CREDIT UNION - CONTINUOUS Two rounds blast out of Daniels pistol and into the ceiling Screams ring throughout the bank. He yells... DANIEL Everyone shut the fuck up! ...And the entire building falls silent. The people freeze in fear and stare at him DANIEL (CONTINUED) (more calmly) ...and get on the floor ONE OF THE TELLERS is frozen in shock. He looks down and slowly reaches under the counter for the silent alarm


He looks back up. Daniel is looking at him, the barrel of his gun pointing right in-between his eyes. He speaks again, much softer now, reasoning with the teller... DANIEL This money belongs to the bank. Your life belongs to you. Dont be stupid The man puts his hands on the table. Daniel tosses him the backpack DANIEL (to the teller) Fill that up. Non-consecutive, unmarked bills. Dont be stupid, dont try to be a hero. Whats your name? TELLER Robert. Daniel Grabs him by the tie DANIEL (to the other tellers) Ladies and gentlemen! Robert here will be collecting all the money for me in this here backpack. Id like for all of you to take out your drivers licenses and cell phones and put them in the front pocket. If you dont, you will die and no one fucking wants that, right? As he speaks, everyone begins pulling out their IDs and CELL PHONES. As they do so, Robert empties the REGISTERS and fills the backpack with the money. Daniel pulls out one of the IDs and holds it up in the air DANIEL (CONTINUED) I will know where you live, if anything goes wrong today you wont forget, because I wont let you. Robert hands the bag back to Daniel. He examines the contents. No good.


DANIEL Wheres the rest? ROBERT Thats all we had. I swear He presses the gun up to his face. DANIEL Wheres the rest of the fucking money?! ROBERT It... It just got picked up. Every Monday at 7:30, in an armored car. He stares at him for a second, the barrel of his gun still placed between his eyes, but concedes. DANIEL Fuck. Fuck! He lowers his weapon and hurries towards the exit EXT. BANK PARKING LOT - CONTINUOUS Daniel rushes out of the bank. Just outside the bank is a trash can He quickly opens the front pocket of the backpack and dumps the IDs and phones into it He then opens up the back doors of the black van waiting there. He gets in, and the van takes off INT. VAN - CONTINUOUS Sitting in the speeding van, heart racing, breathing rapidly, Daniel takes the ski mask off in defeat The sound of a police radio crackles into existence. The driver turns it up on the SCANNER. Daniel lifts his head up to listen POLICE DISPATCH All units, please be advised, theres a report of an armed robbery at the Rock Valley Credit Union.


He holds the black hoodie out the window of the moving van and lets it fly off into the street POLICE DISPATCH (CONTINUED) Suspect is armed and wearing a ski mask and a black hoodie DANIEL (to the driver) Just take me to the office The driver watches Daniel through the rear-view mirror Daniel loses it and starts punching the side of the van in a frustrated frenzy EXT. GENES HIGH SCHOOL - CONTINUOUS Genes on the floor. He gets two blows to the ribs and coughs up a little blood. He looks up at his assailant, some high school punk in a cutoff T-shirt. His friend stands in the background, acting as lookout. PUNK I better not see you out here again The punk spits on the ground near Gene and backs away PUNK Happy first day of school. Fucking faggot As they leave, Gene gets himself up--being used to this-and dusts himself off, wiping the blood from his lip. INT. CLASSROOM - MINUTES LATER All the seats are filled except one. The door opens and Gene walks in, A few STUDENTS take notice, but most are stuck in pre-class gossip, their phones, or books. One takes notice a little more than the others. Its another boy. Gene takes his seat and gets himself settled. They make eye contact for a little more than normal, and break. Gene looks behind the boy, its the Punk from before, who connects the dots, and gives Gene a nod that says "Hes gonna get it, too" Gene looks away


INT. G&P ACCOUNTING FIRM - LATER THAT MORNING Daniels sitting at a DESK, typing away at a COMPUTER and crunching numbers on a CALCULATOR. He stops working, as if torn away by some stray thought or feeling. He pauses in thought He pulls out the card that Mia gave him from his breast pocket. He pulls out his cell and texts her, "hey" and we see the faintest smile force its way onto his face, but its broken by the ringing of his DESK PHONE. He picks it up. DANIEL (dead) G&P accounting. VOICE You came up short. Daniel looks to see if anyones around DANIEL (speaking very softly) It wasnt my fault, I got backed up, there were-VOICE I dont give a fuck. You came up short and I gave you an opportunity. I gave you an opportunity to make things right between us. Now I will make them right, Daniel. INT. DANIELS LIVING ROOM - THAT NIGHT Daniels pacing back and forth. He goes to the window and peeps through the blinds. Nothing. He resumes his pacing. His doorbell rings. He slowly approaches the door and reaches for his PISTOL hidden in his waistband under his SWEATER, gripping it gently. He looks through his peephole and lets go of the gun, hiding it again. He turns around to yell... DANIEL Haley, grandmas here! Haley comes out. Daniel opens the door. Sarahs there.


SARAH Is everything alright? DANIEL Yeah, yeah, its fine. Everythings fine. just...I got called to an conference in the city for work. Everythings ok but they just need me to go over as soon as possible to meet. Thanks for coming out so late, Im sorry. SARAH Dan, its no problem. Ill take the little stinker any time. Daniel grabs a small DUFFEL BAG by the doorway and hands it to Sarah DANIEL This is enough stuff for tonight and for tomorrow morning. Ill get her when I get out. He kneels down to get at eye-level with Haley DANIEL Ill see you later, sweetie, okay? I gotta go back to work now. You gonna be good for grandma? Haley nods enthusiastically DANIEL Give me a kiss. She gives Daniel a raspberry on his cheek. He gets up to watch them go. After he closes the door, he gets a phone call. Its Mia. He looks out the window to check if everythings clear, and he answers DANIEL Yeah? MIA (O.S) Daniel? Its Mia, from the bus who reads books. DANIEL Mia! Hey!


MIA (O.S) I wasnt able to get back to your text all day, so I figured Id call. I know its a little late, but I just got out of work and wanted to know if you wanted to go grab some coffee or something? Daniel shuts his eyes in frustration DANIEL Coffee? I can do coffee. EXT. DANIELS HOUSE - MOMENTS LATER We see Daniel walking out of his house and into his car. He pulls out and drives away. After he does so, a car parked not-too far away turns on and pulls away after him EXT. COFFEE SHOP - LATER THAT NIGHT Daniel walks up to the front window of the coffee shop. Its quaint, small, and dimly lit. He looks in and sees Mia there, sitting alone, waiting. MIA (O.S) (laughing) Shes beautiful. INT. COFFEE SHOP - SOME HOURS LATER The two sit across from each other, four empty mugs littering their small table. Daniels holding a wallet-sized photograph of Haley up for Mia to see. He laughs with her as she looks at it. DANIEL (proud) Thanks. She thinks so too. If I dont tell her once a day, shell find a way to get it out of me. MIA How old is she? DANIEL Five. Going on six in April


EXT. CITY STREETS - LATER THAT NIGHT Daniel and Mia are walking the city sidewalks as they continue talking and flirting. MIA ...Like one of these guys I work with--Glenn, I think his name is--the other day he tells me, and Im not joking here, I had an introspective round table meeting with myself at every year of my life, and found out that my problems are coming from my 3 year old self and my 17 year old self. I shit you not. They share a laugh MIA yeah. Im a magnet for the weird ones They stop walking. They arrived at her car and she turns playfully to face him. Her eyes locked into his gaze. MIA But I had a good time tonight. Thanks for that. I hope we can do it again some time Daniel grabs her and they kiss. DANIEL Why hope? She gets in her car and he watches her drive away. He walks away, and when he does, the car from earlier pulls out of a spot and goes in her direction INT. DANIELS BEDROOM - LATER THAT NIGHT Daniels laying in bed asleep. His phone begins to ring, displaying Mias name. He wakes up and answers it DANIEL Hello? Mias crying

17. MIA Daniel! Help me I dont know whats going on! I dontThe phones taken from her DANIEL Mia?! The voice from before takes over VOICE Mias here DANIEL You motherfucker! She did nothing! This isnt about her! VOICE If you want to get her, come to the warehouses at sunrise EXT. GENES HIGH SCHOOL - NEXT MORNING A somber orange sun is suspended in the sky a few degrees above the horizon Genes sitting alone outside on the bleachers eating a bagel. There are a couple of kids on the bleachers, too, hanging out, eating, talking The PUNK that beat him up before approaches him PUNK Get up. I thought I told you you werent allowed here. Beat. PUNK Did I stutter or something? Get up. EXT. WAREHOUSE DISTRICT - CONTINUOUS Daniels car pulls up on an old street in the industrial section of a city. Down the street, standing, is Alfonso, with Mia on her knees next to him, crying and bound, with a black sack over her face. Daniel begins walking down the road.

18. He arrives at where Alfonso is standing, and they look at each other for a moment, not saying anything. Mias crying can be heard through the sack Alfonso pulls out a pistol from his jacket, and signals Daniel, who then raises his shirt to show hes not hiding any weapons. He points it at him ALFONSO Get on your knees Alfonso directs his attention to his gun ALFONSO This is a Glock 22. It can hold a magazine of 15 bullets Alfonso cocks the pistol and walks behind Daniel as though to shoot, but then removes the magazine, and puts it in Daniels hand ALFONSO You have one... He pulls another gun from under his waistband ALFONSO ... Its nothing personal, but you threatened the stability of my business. My livelihood. Im just getting things sorted. Make things right. DANIEL This is my problem. Not hers. You deal withALFONSO (cutting him off) As much as it would please me to end this in a simpler manner, I cant. Despite your recent missteps, youre still too valuable an asset to me. My hands have been tied and Im forced to have to teach you a lesson rather than rid myself of you, so heres your lesson: if you fuck with me, Ill fuck with you back, and this is what it feels like. He points at Mia. Daniel, hands shaking, sweat pouring, looks at the gun, picks it up, looks at Alfonso, and sticks it in his mouth. His eyes close and his hands shake.


ALFONSO If you kill yourself, how would you know I wouldnt just kill her right here? Daniel is unmoved ALFONSO And what about Haley? He opens his eyes, and slowly pulls the pistol out of his mouth, tears welling up in his eyes at the realization of what he has to do ALFONSO Theres only one way out of this, Daniel. Daniel looks at the gun. Time slows to a near stop. He closes his eyes GENE (V.O) Someone once told me it helps if you slow things down a bit, and take in the big picture. Some things will always be out of your control, but you wont enjoy life until you learn to take control of the things you can... PUNK (O.S) I said get up EXT. GENES HIGH SCHOOL - CONTINUOUS Were back with Gene at the bleachers. Gene gets up...Reluctantly at first, but then stands his ground. Hes not backing down from this fight GENE (V.O) Dont be afraid to be yourself EXT. WAREHOUSE DISTRICT - BACK TO PRESENT TIME Mia cries muffled sobs through the bag thats still over her face Were back to Daniel pointing the gun at her. A tear makes its way down his cheek.


ALFONSO Well? Beat GENE (V.O) Take your advice every once in a while and write your own story... Just make sure its a good one. Daniel shuts his eyes. BLACK THE END

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