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Online - Practice Test #3 1 Born in Colom bia in 1 9 2 8, the Nobel Prize in Literature was awarded in 1 9 82 to Gabriel Garca Mrquez for his m any nov els. (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) the Nobel Prize in Literature was awarded in 1 9 82 to Gabriel Garca Mrquez for his m any nov els the Nobel Prize in Literature, awarded to Gabriel Garca Mrquez in 1 9 82 for his m any nov els Gabriel Garca Mrquezs m any nov els were why he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1 9 82 his m any nov els brought Gabriel Garca Mrquez the award of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1 9 82 Gabriel Garca Mrquez was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1 9 82 for his m any nov els


Explanation for Correct Answer E : Choice (E) is correct. It avoids the modification error of the original by placing the subject Gabriel Garca Mrquez immediately after the modifying phrase Born in Columbia in 1928. Explanation for Incorrect Answer A : Choice (A) involves a modification error. The sentence illogically implies that the Nobel Prize in Literature was Born in Columbia in 1928. Explanation for Incorrect Answer B : Choice (B) results in a modification error and a sentence fragment. The sentence illogically implies that the Nobel Prize in Literature was Born in Columbia in 1928. In addition, there is no main verb to carry out the action of the sentence, only the past participle awarded. Explanation for Incorrect Answer C : Choice (C) results in a modification error. The sentence illogically implies that Gabriel Garca Mrquezs novels were Born in Columbia in 1928.

Explanation for Incorrect Answer D :



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Explanation for Incorrect Answer D : Choice (D) results in a modification error. The sentence illogically implies that his (referring to Gabriel Garca Mrquez) novels were Born in Columbia in 1928.

Transportation of a new crew to the international space station being funded partly by scientists who were wanting work on the station to continue. (A) being funded partly by scientists who were wanting work on the station to continue

(B) funded partly by scientists, they wanted the stations work to continue (C) partly funded by scientists wanting the station continuing its work (D) was funded partly by scientists who wanted work on the station to continue (E) were funded by scientists in part wanting the stations work being continued


Explanation for Correct Answer D : Choice (D) is correct. It avoids the sentence-fragment error of the original by providing the main verb phrase was funded to carry out the action of the sentence. Explanation for Incorrect Answer A : Choice (A) results in a sentence fragment. There is no main verb to carry out the action of the sentence, only the participial phrase being funded. Explanation for Incorrect Answer B : Choice (B) results in a sentence fragment. There is no main verb in the first clause to carry out the action of the sentence. There is only the past participle funded. Explanation for Incorrect Answer C : Choice (C) results in a sentence fragment. There is no main verb to carry out the action of the sentence, only the past participle funded. Explanation for Incorrect Answer E : Choice (E) involves subject-verb disagreement and unidiomatic phrasing. The plural verb were does not agree with the singular subject Transportation, and the phrase by scientists in part wanting the stations work being continued is unidiomatic and should be rephrased as in part by scientists wanting the stations work to continue.

Alongside the trail on which we ride our bikes each m orning run a crooked line of


Alongside the trail on which we ride our bikes each m orning run a crooked line of rugged old oak trees. (A) run a crooked line of rugged old oak trees (B) runs a crooked line of rugged old oak trees (C) runs rugged old oak trees in a crooked line (D) there runs rugged old oak trees in a crooked line (E) there run a crooked line of rugged old oak trees A NSWERS AND EXPLANATIONS

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Explanation for Correct Answer B : Choice (B) is correct. It avoids the subject-verb disagreement of the original by providing the singular verb runs to agree with the singular subject line. Explanation for Incorrect Answer A : Choice (A) involves subject-verb disagreement. The plural verb run does not agree with the singular subject line that follows. Explanation for Incorrect Answer C : Choice (C) involves subject-verb disagreement. The singular verb runs does not agree with this sentences plural subject, trees. Explanation for Incorrect Answer D : Choice (D) involves subject-verb disagreement. The singular verb runs does not agree with this sentences plural subject, trees. Explanation for Incorrect Answer E : Choice (E) involves subject-verb disagreement. The plural verb run does not agree with the singular subject line that follows.

Blinding rain and sudden dazzling flashes of lightning was obstructing our progress as we hurried back to our cars. (A) was obstructing (B) were obstructing (C) obstructing (D) they obstructed (E) obstructing us in A NSWERS AND EXPLANATIONS

Explanation for Correct Answer B : Choice (B) is correct. It avoids the subject-verb disagreement error of the original by providing the plural verb phrase were obstructing to agree with the compound subject Blinding rain and . . . flashes of lightning. Explanation for Incorrect Answer A :


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Explanation for Incorrect Answer A : Choice (A) results in subject-verb disagreement. The singular verb phrase was obstructing does not agree with the compound subject Blinding rain and . . . flashes of lightning. Explanation for Incorrect Answer C : Choice (C) results in a sentence fragment. There is no main verb to carry out the action of the sentence, only the participle obstructing. Explanation for Incorrect Answer D : Choice (D) results in wordiness. The pronoun they is unnecessary and should be deleted. Explanation for Incorrect Answer E : Choice (E) results in a sentence fragment. There is no main verb to carry out the action of the sentence, only the participle obstructing.

Because of pleading in v ain for im prov ed m aintenance serv ices, the tenants refused to pay rent until the landlord agreed to m ake the m uch-needed repairs. (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) Because of pleading in v ain for im prov ed m aintenance serv ices, the tenants refused Hav ing pleaded in v ain for im prov ed m aintenance serv ices, the tenants refused The tenants pleaded in v ain for im prov ed m aintenance serv ices, thus, finally , refusing The tenants pleaded in v ain for m aintenance serv ices to im prov e, then refusing Pleading for m aintenance serv ices to im prov e was in v ain, which ev entually caused the tenants to refuse


Explanation for Correct Answer B : Choice (B) is correct. It avoids the illogical phrasing of the original by providing a clause Having pleaded in vain for improved maintenance services that appropriately modifies the subject tenants. Explanation for Incorrect Answer A : Choice (A) involves illogical phrasing. The introductory conjunction because illogically implies that the tenants refused to pay rent as a result of their pleading. Explanation for Incorrect Answer C : Choice (C) involves illogical phrasing. The conjunction thus does not appropriately indicate the cause-effect relationship between the 4/12


not appropriately indicate the cause-effect relationship between the two actions in the sentence. Explanation for Incorrect Answer D : Choice (D) involves a coordination error. The conjunction then does not appropriately indicate the cause-effect relationship between the two actions in the sentence. Explanation for Incorrect Answer E : Choice (E) involves a lack of subject and a vague pronoun error. It is not clear who is doing the pleading. In addition, it is not clear to what the pronoun which is referring.

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As rare as diam onds, som e species of coral growing as deep as 2 ,000 feet beneath the sea and are highly prized in the Hawaiian jewelry trade. (A) growing as deep as (B) that grow deeply up to (C) grow as deep as (D) has grown to the depth of (E) grown as deeply as A NSWERS AND EXPLANATIONS

Explanation for Correct Answer C : Choice (C) is correct. It avoids the sentence-fragment error of the original by providing the main verb grow to carry out the action of the sentence. Explanation for Incorrect Answer A : Choice (A) results in a sentence fragment. There is no main verb to carry out the action of the sentence, only the participle growing. Explanation for Incorrect Answer B : Choice (B) results in a sentence fragment. There is no main verb to carry out the action of the sentence, only the relative clause beginning with that. Explanation for Incorrect Answer D : Choice (D) involves subject-verb disagreement. The singular verb phrase has grown does not agree with the plural subject some species. Explanation for Incorrect Answer E : Choice (E) results in a sentence fragment. There is no main verb to carry out the action of the sentence, only the past participle grown.



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The graduate studies office does its best with notification to students of m issing docum ents required for graduation; howev er, it being their responsibility to file all the necessary paperwork. (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) with notification to students of m issing docum ents required for graduation; howev er, it being their responsibility to notify students about required docum ents for graduation that are m issing, then it is their responsibility to notify students of m issing docum ents required for graduation; howev er, it is the students responsibility when notify ing students of m issing required docum ents for graduation, and it is their responsibility about notify ing students of their m issing docum ents required for graduation, as they are responsible


Explanation for Correct Answer C : Choice (C) is correct. It avoids the unidiomatic phrasing, vague pronoun error, and sentence-fragment error of the original by providing the idiomatic phrase does its best to notify, by replacing the vague possessive pronoun their with students, and by providing the main verb is to make the clause following the semicolon and the conjunction however independent. Explanation for Incorrect Answer A : Choice (A) results in unidiomatic phrasing, a vague pronoun error, and a sentence fragment. The phrase does its best with notification to students is unidiomatic and should be replaced with does its best to notify students. In addition, it is unclear to whom the possessive pronoun their is referring. Lastly, there is no main verb to carry out the action of the clause following the semicolon and conjunction however, making the sentence a fragment. Explanation for Incorrect Answer B : Choice (B) results in a comma splice. Two independent clauses (The graduate studies office does its best to notify students about required documents for graduation that are missing and then it is their responsibility to file all the necessary paperwork) are improperly joined by only a comma. Explanation for Incorrect Answer D : Choice (D) results in unidiomatic phrasing and a coordination error. The phrase when notifying is not idiomatic following the phrase The graduate studies office does its best and should be replaced with the infinitive to notify. In addition, the conjunction and does not appropriately establish the relationship of contrast between the two ideas in the sentence and should be replaced with a conjunction such as but. Explanation for Incorrect Answer E : 6/12


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Choice (E) results in unidiomatic phrasing and a coordination error. The phrase about notifying is not idiomatic following the phrase The graduate studies office does its best and should be replaced with the infinitive to notify. In addition, the conjunction as does not appropriately establish the relationship of contrast between the two ideas in the sentence and should be replaced with a conjunction such as but.

Located in present-day Jordan, the ancient city of Petra growing wealthy ov er 2 ,000 y ears ago through the success of the spice trade. (A) ancient city of Petra growing wealthy (B) ancient city of Petra has grown wealthy (C) ancient city of Petra grew wealthy (D) wealth of the ancient city of Petra growing (E) wealth of the ancient city of Petra grew A NSWERS AND EXPLANATIONS

Explanation for Correct Answer C : Choice (C) is correct. It avoids the sentence-fragment error of the original by providing the main verb grew to carry out the action of the sentence. Explanation for Incorrect Answer A : Choice (A) results in a sentence fragment. There is no main verb to carry out the action of the sentence, only the participle growing. Explanation for Incorrect Answer B : Choice (B) involves a verb-tense error. The phrase over 2,000 years ago indicates an action completed at a specific time in the past, not an action completed at an unspecific time before now as indicated by the verb phrase has grown. Explanation for Incorrect Answer D : Choice (D) results in a modification error and a sentence fragment. It does not make sense to say that the wealth of the ancient city of Petra is Located in present-day Jordan. In addition, there is no main verb to carry out the action of the sentence, only the participle growing. Explanation for Incorrect Answer E : Choice (E) results in a modification error. It does not make sense to say that the wealth of the ancient city of Petra is Located in present-day Jordan.



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Tell m e where y ou hav e been and an account of y our activ ities there. (A) an account of (B) y our accounting of (C) what y ou account of (D) what account y ou had m ade of (E) giv e m e an account of A NSWERS AND EXPLANATIONS

Explanation for Correct Answer E : Choice (E) is correct. It avoids the lack of parallelism of the original by providing a phrase (give me) that is parallel to the preceding phrase Tell me. Explanation for Incorrect Answer A : Choice (A) involves a lack of parallelism. The phrase Tell me should be followed by the parallel phrase give me. Explanation for Incorrect Answer B : Choice (B) involves unidiomatic phrasing. The phrase Tell meyour accounting of your activities there is not idiomatic. The verb and indirect object give me should follow the conjunction and. Explanation for Incorrect Answer C : Choice (C) involves unidiomatic phrasing. The phrase what you account of is unidiomatic and should be replaced with give me an account of. Explanation for Incorrect Answer D : Choice (D) involves unidiomatic phrasing. The phrase what account you had made of is unidiomatic and should be replaced with give me an account of.


Reading stories aloud to y oung students is an effectiv e way to help them learn new words, also it can spark their interest in study ing literature. (A) words, also it can spark their interest in study ing (B) words, and it can spark their interest in study ing (C) words that can also spark in them the interest to study (D) words, as well as it could spark their interest in the study of (E) words, which it also could spark their interest in study ing A NSWERS AND EXPLANATIONS

Explanation for Correct Answer B : Choice (B) is correct. It avoids the comma-splice error of the original 8/12


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by appropriately joining two independent clauses (Reading stories aloud to young students is an effective way to help them learn new words and also it can spark their interest in studying literature) with a comma and the conjunction and. Explanation for Incorrect Answer A : Choice (A) results in a comma splice. Two independent clauses (Reading stories aloud to young students is an effective way to help them learn new words and also it can spark their interest in studying literature) are improperly joined with a comma. Explanation for Incorrect Answer C : Choice (C) is awkward, wordy, and vague. The relative clause beginning with that modifies words and makes the sentence suggest that words and not Reading stories aloud to young students can spark students interest in studying literature. The entire relative clause should be replaced by the more precise and it can spark their interest in studying. Explanation for Incorrect Answer D : Choice (D) involves improper coordination. The awkward as well as is used when the coordinating conjunction and should be. Explanation for Incorrect Answer E : Choice (E) results in a vague pronoun and coordination error. It is unclear to what the pronoun which is referring. In addition, the pronoun which should be replaced with and to appropriately establish the relationship between the two ideas in the sentence.


Recent studies indicate that eating chocolate and other sweets neither cause or aggrav ate acne. (A) neither cause or aggrav ate (B) neither cause nor aggrav ate (C) neither causes nor aggrav ates (D) do not cause or aggrav ate (E) does not cause nor aggrav ates A NSWERS AND EXPLANATIONS

Explanation for Correct Answer C : Choice (C) is correct. It avoids the subject-verb disagreement and inappropriate conjunction of the original by providing the singular verbs cause and aggravate to agree with the singular subject eating and by providing the appropriate conjunction (nor) to follow neither. Explanation for Incorrect Answer A : 9/12


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Choice (A) involves subject-verb disagreement and a conjunction error. The plural verbs cause and aggravate do not agree with the singular subject eating. In addition, the conjunction or inappropriately follows neither and should be replaced with nor. Explanation for Incorrect Answer B : Choice (B) results in subject-verb disagreement. The plural verbs cause and aggravate do not agree with the singular subject eating. Explanation for Incorrect Answer D : Choice (D) results in subject-verb disagreement. The plural verb do does not agree with the singular subject eating. Explanation for Incorrect Answer E : Choice (E) results in a conjunction error and unidiomatic phrasing. The conjunction nor is inappropriate and should be replaced with or. In addition, the plural verb cause does not agree with the singular subject eating.


Those enrolled in the leadership training courses hav e ev olv ed into dy nam ic, confident m anagers from an inexperienced and uncertain newcom er just a m onth ago. (A) from an inexperienced and uncertain newcom er (B) from the inexperienced and uncertain newcom ers they were (C) from being inexperienced and uncertain newcom ers (D) instead of the inexperienced and uncertain newcom ers of (E) after being an inexperienced and uncertain newcom er A NSWERS AND EXPLANATIONS

Explanation for Correct Answer B : Choice (B) is correct. It avoids the noun agreement error of the original by providing the plural noun newcomers to agree with the plural pronoun Those. Explanation for Incorrect Answer A : Choice (A) involves a noun agreement error. The singular noun newcomer does not agree with the preceding plural pronoun Those. Explanation for Incorrect Answer C : Choice (C) involves a lack of parallelism. The structures on either side of the comparison phrase intofrom should be parallel. The verb phrase being inexperienced and uncertain newcomers is not parallel with the preceding noun phrase dynamic, confident managers. 10/12


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Explanation for Incorrect Answer D : Choice (D) results in an illogical statement. It does not make sense to say that those in the training course evolved into managers instead ofnewcomers. Explanation for Incorrect Answer E : Choice (E) involves a noun agreement error. The singular noun newcomer does not agree with the plural pronoun Those.


Uncertain how to proceed with the scene, the actors stopped, awaiting for further instructions from the director. (A) Uncertain how to proceed with the scene, the actors stopped, awaiting for (B) The actors, uncertain how to proceed with the scene, they stopped to await (C) (D) (E) Because they were uncertain how to proceed with the scene, the actors stopped and awaited Uncertainty about how to proceed with the scene stopped the actors to await In their uncertainty about how to proceed with the scene, the actors stopped and await for


Explanation for Correct Answer C : Choice (C) is correct. It avoids the unidiomatic preposition error of the original by deleting the preposition after the verb awaited. In addition, choice (C) establishes a clear cause-effect relationship between the two ideas (they were uncertain how to proceed and the actors stopped and awaited instructions) in the sentence. Explanation for Incorrect Answer A : Choice (A) involves an unidiomatic preposition. The preposition for is unidiomatic following the verb awaiting and should be deleted. Explanation for Incorrect Answer B : Choice (B) involves redundancy. The pronoun they, referring to the subject actors, is unnecessary and should be deleted. Explanation for Incorrect Answer D : Choice (D) results in unidiomatic phrasing. The phrase stopped the actors to await is unidiomatic and should be replaced with a phrase such as stopped the actors while they awaited. Explanation for Incorrect Answer E : Choice (E) results in a verb-tense shift and unidiomatic phrasing. The present-tense verb await is inconsistent with the preceding past 11/12


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tense verb stopped. In addition, the preposition for does not idiomatically follow the verb await and should be deleted.


The first em peror of Rom e was Augustus, and m any people think that it was Julius Caesar. (A) and m any people think that it was (B) m any people thinking (C) not, as m any people think, (D) not what m any people are thinking, (E) but m any people think it to be A NSWERS AND EXPLANATIONS

Explanation for Correct Answer C : Choice (C) is correct. It avoids the coordination error of the original by providing contrast with the conjunction not between the ideas that Augustus was the first emperor of Rome but that many people think the first emperor was Julius Caesar. Explanation for Incorrect Answer A : Choice (A) involves a coordination error. The conjunction and does not provide adequate contrast between the idea that the first emperor of Rome was Augustus, yet many people think that it was Julius Caesar. Explanation for Incorrect Answer B : Choice (B) results in a sentence fragment. There is no main verb to carry out the action of the sentence, only the participle thinking. Explanation for Incorrect Answer D : Choice (D) involves a vague pronoun error. There is nothing in the sentence to which the pronoun what can refer. Explanation for Incorrect Answer E : Choice (E) involves a verb tense shift. The infinitive to be is not consistent with the past tense of the preceding verb was.

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