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System Requirements

Functional Requirements 1. The system must be able to support the entire student population of each UT system. Each UT system will have up to 51,000 potential users. The total UT system supports over 174,000 students. 2. Each user profile must be able to contain: user contact information, private message system, forum metrics (to track user posts and ratings), and current courses. 3. Each student must be validated using an active UT email address. 4. Each external link must be validated to be a genuine retailer. This includes validation of financial certification. 5. Each UT branch will have to support its own domain. This includes its own hardware and administrators. 6. The system will have be fully Java and Flash compliant to support the GUI and map functions. 7. The Meet Up map function will be a Google Maps embedded version. 8. The database and forum feature will be cloud based to facilitate mobile use. 9. Internet access is necessary.

Non-Functional Requirements Requirement Categories: P for Performance R for Reliability U for Usability 1. P, R, U: Full time software engineer to create the background programs that support each function. Primary skills would include: Java, C++, SQL, PHP, HTML5. Also performs administrative duties. 2. P, U: Full time web developer to create and maintain the GUI and web features. Must be proficient in PHP, HTML5, JAVA. Also performs administrative duties. 3. R, P: Full time data architect to create and maintain the database system. Must be proficient in SQL, JAVA. Also performs administrative duties. 4. R: The system will only be down for routine maintenance. 5. R: The system will have industry standard security features. 6. P, R: Each UT system will have its own dedicated servers and domains. 7. P, U: The search function will be supported by an embedded Google Search function that will return results at similar performance to the original Google Search. 8. U: Users can post deals from external sellers and personal inventory. 9. U: Users will be able to view other users profiles. 10. U: The home page will feature the best rated deals submitted by users. 11. U, R: Users must have access to a secure private messaging system.

12. U: Users can rate deals on a simple five star scale. 13. U, R: Users can flag abuse of the system. 14. P, U: The Meet Up map function will also be an embedded Google function. 15. U: The mobile version will use a simplified GUI. The GUI must operate on mobile phones and tablets. This includes iOS and Android support. 16. U, R: System is able to delete content or users that do not comply with the user agreement.

Context Diagram

Use Case Diagram

Use case Descriptions

Use Case Name: Primary Actor: Brief Description: Stakeholders: Trigger: Normal flow of events:

Providing feedback Student In this use case, student provides feedback by rating sellers, rating deals and reporting abuse when needed. When a student is browsing the system or when makes a transaction. 1. Student logs in the system 2. Student searches for the books needed 3. Students rates the deals he likes with positive response 4. Student rates the deal he dislikes with negative response. 5. Student rates the seller he/she had transaction with in the past. 4a. If the deal which student dislikes has anything which is unethical, he/she will report abuse. Contact seller Buyer In this use case buyer will contact the seller. When a buyer finds the book needed. 1. Student logs in to the system 2. Student searches the book needed by name and criteria. 3. System generates the list of deals available 4. Student selects the deal he/she likes 5. Student contacts the seller 3a. If there is no match to the search, system will give no result. 2a. Student can search again using different criteria.

Subflows: Alternate/Exception flow:

Use Case Name: Primary Actor: Brief Description: Stakeholders: Trigger: Normal flow of events:

Subflows: Alternate/Exception flow:

Use Case Name: Primary Actor: Brief Description:

Stakeholders: Trigger: Normal flow of events:

Subflows Alternate/Exception flow:

Create Profile Seller/Buyer The student (seller/buyer) creates a profile on the website in order to access all of the information. They fill out basic contact information, create a username, and list inventory. Optional The student either wants to sell a book or needs to buy a book. 1. Access the website through a browser 2. Click on the Register as a new user icon on homepage 3. Fill in required fields for contact information 4. Submit completed form Optional If the student is a seller, they will be prompted to input their inventory available for sale during the registration process. Validate User Input System The system must validate all user inputs to the system which includes verifying eligibility to become a registered user on the site as well as any content posted. Optional The student either registers for a new account on the site or posts content of some sort. 1. Receive notification of user input. 2. If student is registering for a new account, verify the student has a UT email. 3. If student is posting new content, check for accuracy and relevancy. 4. If all steps pass, create account or post new content to the live site. To verify eligibility, lookup student information in the UT database. If the student does not belong to the UT system, reject the new account registration and send an email to the student. If the content is not accurate or relevant, reject the newly posted content and send an email to the student.

Use Case Name: Primary Actor: Brief Description:

Stakeholders: Trigger: Normal flow of events:


Alternate/Exception flow:

Class Diagram

Sequence Diagrams

Sd Contact Seller Use Case





[User Profile Exits] Login()

BuyerInputsTextbook(name,isbn,author) [TextbookFound] BuyerVisitsSellerProfile() BuyerContactsSeller()

Initial Group Meeting

[Pick the date] Meeting called by Type of meeting Facilitator Note taker Attendees Entire group Work on Milestone 3 N/A Michelle White Chris Wang, Blake Wong, Michelle White, Samuel Yu, Nati Yemane, Umme -Hani Zaidy 7:00pm Library Basement

Milestone 3
30 minutes Discussion Split up work into groups to accomplish all the deliverables for Milestone 3.


Samuel/Blake ompleted the requirements document during our meeting. Nati/Michelle/Umme completed the use case diagrams on paper.

Action Items Complete meeting minutes Write requirements document Finalize use case diagram Write use case descriptions Create class diagram for system

Person Responsible Michelle White Blake Wong/Samuel Yu Michelle White Nati Yemane/Michelle White/Umme-Hani Zaidy Chris Wang

Deadline 10/30/13 10/17/13 10/21/13 10/28/13 10/28/13

Initial Group Meeting

[Pick the date] Meeting called by Type of meeting Facilitator Note taker Attendees Entire group Work on Milestone 3 N/A Michelle White Blake Wong, Michelle White, Samuel Yu, Nati Yemane, Umme -Hani Zaidy 7:00pm Library Basement

Milestone 3
1 hour Discussion Reviewed class diagram and discussed necessary changes. Nati explained the changes we needed to make to the use case diagram. Split up remaining work amongst the group members.


As an entire group, we redid the use case diagram and reassigned the use case descriptions. We identified where the class diagram needed editing.

Action Items Complete meeting minutes Finalize requirements document Re-create use case diagram Write use case descriptions Send Chris notes on class diagram edits Edit class diagram Create sequence diagram

Person Responsible Michelle White Blake Wong/Samuel Yu Michelle White Nati Yemane/Michelle White/Umme-Hani Zaidy Michelle White Chris Wang Blake Wong/Samuel Yu/Nati Yemane

Deadline 10/30/13 10/30/13 10/30/13 10/30/13 10/28/13 10/29/13 10/30/13

Initial Group Meeting

[Pick the date] Meeting called by Type of meeting Facilitator Note taker Attendees Entire group Work on Milestone 3 N/A Michelle White Blake Wong, Michelle White, Chris Wang, Nati Yemane, Umme-Hani Zaidy 7:00pm Library Basement

Milestone 3
1 hour Discussion Finalize all components of the Milestone 3 to turn in.


Reviewed class diagram together and made necessary updates. Formatted Milestone 3 document to submit.

Action Items Complete meeting minutes Finalize requirements document Re-create use case diagram Write use case descriptions Send Chris notes on class diagram edits Edit class diagram Create sequence diagram

Person Responsible Michelle White Blake Wong/Samuel Yu Michelle White Nati Yemane/Michelle White/Umme-Hani Zaidy Michelle White Chris Wang Blake Wong/Samuel Yu/Nati Yemane

Deadline 10/30/13 10/30/13 10/30/13 10/30/13 10/28/13 10/29/13 10/30/13

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