Angry, Educated Consumer Option: Here Is A Sample Letter To Incorporate This Tactic

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Angry, Educated Consumer Option

This tactic is designed to confuse the creditor, collection agency, or credit reporting agency and instill fear of litigation them. This letter is not meant to be 100% legally true or accurate; they are merely meant to show the recipient that they are dealing with a consumer that may have the time available to make the recipient miserable. It is also meant to make the consumer look like, regardless of merit, they will take the dispute to the highest measures including court, if necessary. These letters should be written directed at your specific dispute and circumstances. eep in mind, this tactic does not always dispute the validity of a debt, but will however attack your protection rights.

Here is a sample letter to incorporate this tactic:

!ate "ecipient To #hom It $ay %oncern& This letter is a formal statement of concern based on your recent actions. I have in my possession an accurate copy of my credit report from the '(uifa), Trans*nion, and ')perian %orporations. These reports were lawfully obtained by me because of the rights granted to consumers under the +air %redit "eporting ,ct. -ne of the specific items .or /pecific items0 I am concerned about is .are0 the reporting of .Insert ,ccount1s2 3ame 4 3umber1s20. The +air %redit "eporting ,ct has specific re(uirements for the accurate reporting of an item1s2 when it 1they2 appear1s2 on a consumer credit report. The +air %redit "eporting ,ct specifically details that all items within a consumer5s credit report must be reported with 100% accurate information, must be 100% verifiable, and must only be reported during the allowable reporting periods as detailed in the act for the specific item1s2 as it 1they2 appear1s2. 6lease provide proof that the reporting of this 1these2 item1s2 does not violate the +air %redit "eporting ,ct as detailed above. 6lease provide proof that the information as contained in the reported trade line1s2 is in fact 100% accurate. 6lease do not respond with a print7out or generic statement. This would insult my intelligence as an educated individual and further perpetuate the continual acts of wrongdoings by your company, as detailed in numerous consumer studies and reports. There is clearly a problem with the system as it is. , recent consumer study proved that over 89% of consumer credit reports contain errors. #hy does your company continue to operate with such low standards of success:

$y re(uest, as indicated above, is lawful and ;ustified. ,n itemi<ed report detailing that the reporting of this 1these2 item1s2 is not violating my constitutional rights is hereby re(uested. The continued reporting of this 1these2 item1s2 in its 1their2 negative state is causing me severe financial and emotional distress. If I must pursue litigation to protect my rights as granted under the +air %redit "eporting ,ct, +air !ebt %ollection 6ractices ,ct, +air and ,ccurate %redit Transactions ,ct, "I%-, and other statutes and or laws, I am fully prepared and willing to take any and all necessary measures. I formally re(uest the immediate deletion of this 1these2 item1s2, as it is not complying with the above mentioned laws and=or acts. >our companies continued reporting of this 1these2 derogatory item1s2 will be considered willful non7compliance due to the previous notifications and your continued disregard of the law. , precedent has certainly been set by the flagrant disregard to accuracy as displayed in the consumer study results. If litigation is necessary, a pro se5 representation will be prepared, and a formal ;ury trial will be re(uested. 6lease respond in a timely fashion to avoid any unnecessary legal e)penses. .?overn >ourself ,ccordingly0, >our 3ame %%; @@@, -ffice of the ,ttorney ?eneral

/o, after reading that you are probably thinking to yourself, this person needs serious mental help, more than financial. That is the pointA >ou want to the recipient to reali<e that you will be relentless, regardless of merit, and that will make them not want to take the time to dispute the matter further. ,s stated above, this strategy can be used for all recipients& collection agencies, creditors, and credit reporting agencies. If this is the type of letter you feel will get the results you are seeking, start typingA

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