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Schtze distinguish between 4 process structures or four fundamental types of attitudes toward biographical experiences; 1- Action Schemes Subject

can plan these schemes and the sequence of experiences thus consists of the successful or failed attempt to put them into practice. 2- Institutional Patterns The subject and their interaction partners or opponents can expect as part of an expected social or organizational schedule, and the consequence of experiences thus consist of the punctual, accelerated, delayed, impeded or failed progression of the individual steps expected. 3- Trajectories of Suffering Biographical events may be overwhelming for biographical subject. Initially they can only react to them conditionally, struggling to regain an albeit frail state of balance in the way they live their everyday life. 4- Transformative Processes/ Metamorphosis Relevant biographical events can stem from the biographical subjects inner world. In contrast to action schemes, however, they develop unexpectedly and experiences by the biographical subject as a systematic transformation in their options of action and experience.

The Interviewee

Action Schemes

Institutional Patterns

Trajectories of Suffering

Transformative Processes/ Metamorphosis p.1, line 40;

Interview 1

Interview 2

p.1, line 26; p.1, line 31; p.2, line 55; p.2, line 68; p.3, line 106; p.3, line 110, p.3, line 126; p.4, line 131; p.4, line 134; p.4, line 137; p.4, line 141; p.4 line 154; p.4, line 161; p.2, line 51; p.4, line 130; p.5, line 164; p.6, line 207; p.6, line 210; p.7,

p.2, line 57; p.2, line 78; p.2, line 84; p.3, line 95; p.3, line 103; p.3, line 113; p.4, line 150; p.4, line 164; p.5, line 204;

p.1, line 11; p.2, line 43; p.3, line 123; p.5, line 181; p.6, line 217; p.6, line 223; p.6, line 228; p.6, line 230

p.10, line 385; p.11, line 430

p.1, line 17; p.1, line 25; p.1, line 27; p.2, line 37; p.2, line 40; p.2, line 52; p.2, line

line 251; p.8, line 294; p.8, line 301; p.9, line 343; p.9, line 362; p.10, line 377; p.10, line 400; p.10, line 402; p.11, line 425; p.11, line 427; p.12, line 539; p.15, line 587

Interview 3

p.2, line 57

p.3, line 90; p.3 91; p.3, line 107

62-66; p.2, line 68; p.2, line 72, p.2, line 77; p.3, line 91; p.3, line 96; p.3, line 111; p.4, line 158; p.5, line 166; p.5, line 182; p.5, line 189; p.5, lie 194; p.6, line 204, p.6, line 215; p.6, line 23; p.7, line 252; p.7, line 275; p.7, 286; p.9, line 354; p.10, line 391; p.10, line 399; p.10, line 408; p.10, line 413; p.11, line 418; p.11, line 429; p.11, line 434; p.11, line 448; p.11, line 451; p.12, line 527; p.14, line 555; p.3, line 110; p.3, line 118; p.4, line 127; p.4, line 148

Social support is critical for women in abusive relationships. While the social support may decrease the negative impact and the risk factors that women possibly experienced in the abusive relationship. This study aim to assess how gauge and far the social support received and perceived by the women. Based on the qualitative study and using narrative interview method where three women from different major ethnic in Malaysia has been interviewed and their interview has been analyzed using genogram network diagram and has been comparing with the process structures or four fundamental types of attitudes toward biographical experiences introduced by Schtze. The findings show that women have relative social support from institutional support. The research suggest that prevalence of domestic violence and the recurrent of abusive is because even tough the network of women in abusive relationships were bigger in size, but inefficient in their ability to reach supports the women needed. Thus the social network is not equal to social support they want. Yet, they had a limited access to resources that may be available through these networks. The starting point to start seeking help has a similarities

between them which they start their action scheme when the abuse has occurred to their children. Therefore, it is expected that the results of this study will provide useful guideline and intervention for responsible party to tackle and consider the issue of intimate partner violence.

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