Bulletin For March 9, 2014

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Marys Catholic Church

March 09, 2014 P.O. Box 70 Malta, MT 59538 Email: office@SaintMarysMalta.org www.SaintMarysMalta.org Fr. Cory Sticha-Administrator Office: (406) 654-1446 RE Center: (406) 654-1311 Fax: (406)654-1467

Mass Schedule and Intentions

Mar. 10: Malta - 5:30 PM: Mar. 11: Malta - 8:30 AM: Mar. 12: Malta - 7:00 PM: Mar. 13 : Hi-Line-10:00 AM: Mar. 14 : Malta 8:30 PM: Mar. 15: Malta: - 5:30 PM: Mar. 16: Dodson- 8:30 AM: Malta10:00 AM: Saco 12:15 PM: For r epose of soul of J ean Gr een r /b KC Council #2124 For the r epose of the soul of Fr . Coady r /b The KC Council # 2124 For a special fr iend The Gar y Howells For the Poor Souls in Pur gator y r /b The Lester Metzs For r epose of the soul of Walter Campbell, J r . r /b The Ken Ulr ichs For r epose of soul of Mae LaFond r /b The Fr omans & G. LaFonds For the r epose of the soul of Alice Watts r /b The Gar y Howells For J ack Munsinger r /b KCs Council #2124 For the r epose of the soul of Mr s. A. War e r /b Helen Depuydt

St. Marys Ministers

Saturday, Mar. 15- 5:30 PM Lectors: Music: EMHCS: Altar Servers: Sacristant: Hospitality: Gift Bearers: Wilma Mavencamp Volunteers Anne Boothe & Brenda Rummel Don Nevr ivy Br enda Rummel Ken Ulr ich Family Ken Ulr ich Family Sunday, Mar. 16- 10:00 AM Margaret Hanson Volunteers Kelly & Colleen Murray& Mary Brady Raina Mortenson & Arena Neibur Diane Liebel Tom Niebur Family Tom Niebur Family

Sacred Heart Ministers

Lector: Ir is EMHCS: Wendy & Wink Gift Bearers: Fetter Family Church Cleaning for March Connie WilkesKathleen Hughes

New Email Addresses at St. Marys

(just like the parish website): Parish office: office@SaintMar ysMalta.or g Fr. Cory: fr cor y@SaintMar ysMalta.or g Lana: lana@SaintMar ysMalta.or g Brenda: br enda@SaintMar ysMalta.or g

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 9 AM to 4 PM

Join us on 1st Friday, April 4, 2014

Scriptural Rosary
Will be held on April 13, 2014 after 10:00AM Mass at St. Marys Church.

Can you not spend one hour with me? (Mt 26:40)

Pro Life Message:

Daily Readings,
Mar.09Gn 2 : 7-9, 3: 1-7, Ps 51:3-6,12-13, 17,1 Rom. 5:12-19, Mt 4: 1-11 Mar. 10Lv 19: 1-2, 11-18, Ps 19: 8-10,15, Mt. 25: 31-46 Mar. 11Is 55:10-11, Ps. 34: 4-7, 16-19, Mt 6:7-15: Mar. 12Jon 3: 1-10, Ps 51: 3-4,12-13,18-19 Lk 11: 29-32

"Human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception. From the first moment of his existence, a human being must be recognized as having the rights of a person -- among which is the inviolable right of every innocent being to life. "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you (Jer 1:5; cf Job 10:8-12; Ps 22:10-11). My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately wrought in the depths of the earth (Ps. 139:15). Since the first century the Church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion. This teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable." -- Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 2270-2271

Mar. 13Est C: 12,14-16,23-25, Ps 138: 1-3, 7c-8, Mt 7: 7-12

Mar. 14Ez 18: 21-28, Ps 130:1-8, Mt 5:20-26 Mar. 15Dt 26:16-19, Ps 119: 1-2, 4-5, 7-8, Mt 5: 43-48

Collection Totals for Last Week

Malta: Dodson: Saco:

Care and Share 2013

(Received by Diocese as of January 31, 2014)

Collected $3282.00 $ 289.00 $ 235.25

Needed $2,721.58 $ 110.00 $ 172.25

Goal Malta/Whitewater: $23,789.36 Dodson: $3,920.51 Saco: $1,244.11

Remaining $5,746.36 $2,000.51 00.0

Thank you for your support of Care and Share!

WEBINAR New to the Parish?

Welcome! Were glad youll be joining us! If you would like to register with the parish, please fill out this form and drop it in the collection basket. You can also bring it by the parish office or send it to us. Name: Address: Phone number: Email address: Current parishioners: you can use this form to notify us of any change of address or phone number. Thanks!

March 11: New Media and the New Evangelization 12:00 Noon 1:00 p.m.
Father Cory Sticha of St. Marys Parish in Malta will share the why and the how of using digital media to evangelize, teaching us that anyone can do it! He will give us a glimpse of how easily we can share our Catholic faith through podcasts, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, etc. It is not only an option for the New Evangelization, but a necessity to be able to reach people where they are. Even if you still think a tweet is only the sound a bird makes, you should tune in to this webinar!

Pope Francis Prayer Intentions for March

Universal Respect for Women. That all cultures may respect the rights and dignity of women. For Evangelization Vocations. That many young people may accept the Lords invitation to consecrate their lives to proclaiming the Gospel.

Virtus Class
For all Search participants not previously Virtus qualified. Virtus Class will be held March 9, 2014, 1:00 PM, Saint Marys Church Basement This class will be open to anyone who would like to volunteer at Saint Marys. For more information, & to sign up please contact Lana Ulrich 654-1446 or lana@saintmarysmalta.org

March 8 & 9 (1st Sunday of Lent)

One of the easiest and most helpful ways to support our local church, the Diocese of Great Falls-Billings, is through Automatic Monthly Withdrawal from your checking account (also called EFT electronic funds transfer). Hundreds of parishioners utilize this convenient way of making their Care and Share gifts in support of our Catholic Church. Monthly donors receive an annual contribution statement that can be used for tax purposes. The Care and Share donation envelope offers this option. Also, you can give safely and securely via credit card to Care and Share at www.catholicfoundationmt.org. Thank you so much!

Search 2014
Search dates are March 28 - 30 2014 For more information please contact : Cathy Salsbery at 390-0615 or Kelly Murray 989-1072

Care & Share 2014

March 9, 2014 - 1st Sunday of Lent : It is written: The Lord, your God, shall you worship and him alone shall you serve. Matthew 4:14 Tempted between the riches and power of this world and service to God, Jesus chose service to His Father. If we wish to truly follow Jesus, we, too, must decide to turn away from power and riches and put God at the center of our lives.

There will a sign up sheet in the back of the church for those who would like to contribute food and snacks for the Search. Thank you .

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter!


Twitter: @SaintMarysMalta

Please keep in your prayers:

Please pray for: Nate Simon, Mark Newby, Sissy Adams, Jacob French, Gary Schlieve, April, Madeline Itcainas granddaughter, Brooklyn Moog, Dale McNamara & Family, Willis McKeon, Doris Nicholson, Deacon Mel Rutherford, Terry Stiles, Kenny Ulrich, Gerry Williams, those from our local area serving in the military, and the Poor Souls in Purgatory. Anyone who needs to have prayers said for someone can call: Brenda Rummel at 301-0936; Jean Niebur at 654-2822. Names will be listed in the bulletin for one month unless specified.

Spring BlingSock Hop Please leave your New auction items in the church basement in the KCs room off the kitchen. Thank You for Your participation

Bible Study
Offered by

Stations of the Cross During Lent

St. MarysMaltaFridays7:00 PM

Daniel & Kerri Morton at their residence Every Thursday at 7:00 PM Contact: Daniel Morton at 1-845-264-7577

Sacred HeartDodsonMondays -6:00 PM

Confessions: Satur days 4 - 5 p.m., 1/2 hour before daily Mass (Mon.- Fri.) or by appointment Anointing of the Sick: Please contact Fr . Cor y as soon as possible for anointing. Baptism: Normally celebrated at Sunday Mass.

Parental sessions are required. Marriages: Six month couple pr epar ation per iod required. Please contact Fr. Cory before scheduling marriage date.

Mass Intentions
As Catholics, we have a long tradition of having Masses celebrated for those we wish to offer up in prayer. The Mass is the ultimate form of prayer, and each Mass is celebrated for an intention. Please consider having Masses celebrated for family and friends on special occasions and anniversaries, as well as those who are in need of prayers. Masses are also encouraged in memory of those loved ones who have died, especially on the anniversaries of their deaths. Contact Fr. Cory for more information!

To reserve the Parish Basement or other St. Marys facility, please contact Fr. Cory or Lana at the Parish Office (email office@SaintMarysMalta.org).

Any announcements for next Sundays bulletin need to be in by 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday

Operation Rice Bowl

First week of Lent Reflection: Kenya This week, CRS Rice Bowl invites us to enter into solidarity with the people of Kenya. We are encouraged to reflect on the Catholic social teaching principle, Sacredness and Dignity of the Human Person, and reminded that our inherent dignity comes from our creation as children of God and not from any of our own actions. Let us pray this week for our brothers and sisters in Kenya and all around the world, that we may respect and uphold the sacredness of life and the dignity of all people.

Prayer for the First Week of Lent

[This prayer is designed to be said within the family before a Crucifix during the first week of Lent.] Mother or a child: Fr om the wor ds of St. Paul [2 Cor. 6:1-2]. Dearly beloved, we entreat you not to receive the grace of God in vain. For he says: "In an acceptable time I have beard you, and in the day of salvation I have helped you. Behold, now is the acceptable time; behold, now is the day of salvation." Father: This time of fasting has opened to us the gates of paradise. Let us accept it, praying and beseeching. Family: That on the day of r esur r ection we may be glorified in the Lord. Father: Let us pr ay. Through the observance of Lent, O Lord, You purify Your Church every year. See to it that Your children lead a better life and so obtain the graces they are striving to acquire by doing penance. This we ask of You through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son. Family: Amen. Favor this dwelling, Lord, with Your presence. Far from it repulse all the wiles of Satan. Your holy angels, let them live here, to keep us in peace. And may your blessing remain always upon us. This we ask of you through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son. Father: Let us bless the Lor d. Family: Thanks be to God. Father: May the almighty and mer ciful Lor d, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, bless and keep us. Family: Amen.

Black & Indian Collection

Parishioners in our diocese donated a bit more than $10,000 to Black and Indian Missions in 2013, yet received $70,000 in funding from them to help in 2014 - that is quite an impressive return! Those funds are put to work helping with our Catholic ministry in parishes on the Ft. Peck, Ft. Belknap and Rocky Boy's Indian Reservations. The funds help to subsidize Priests, Sisters, Lay Ministers, and all the associated expenses. The annual collection for Black and Indian Missions is the weekend of March 8 & 9. Please support this positive ministry."

RCIA -New Class Schedule

Books Being Used : Catholicism for Dummies + UCCB Catechism for Adults. Presentations by Daniel Morton and David Gordon Every Tuesday @ 7:00 PM at the Religious Ed. Center. February 18,25, March 4, 11,18 25, 2014 For specifics about each meeting please contact Daniel Morton at 845-264-7577 or David Gordon at gord1346@vandals.uidaho.edu Rite of Election: First Sunday of Lent, March 9,2014.

Easter VigilApril 19, 2014

PCCW Invites You to Join Them

Our next meeting is following Sunday Mass on March 9 please join us We actually consider all women of St. Marys members, but you can officially join by paying an annual membership fee of $20. There is a special envelope in your parish packet for this purpose. Great news this $20 fee includes the cleaning fee we histor ically asked band members to pay to offset the weekly cost of basic cleaning of the main floor of the church and bathrooms. If youd like more information please contact our Co-Chairpersons: Margaret Hanson (654-1184) or Wilma Mavencamp (654-1346). Sock HopSpring BlingFriday, April 25, 2014 . Pot Luck, Baskets, Silent Auction, Entertainment and a Bar. Please bring a pair of sock for your admission to this event. PLANNING AHEAD There will be a Sock drive for the communities of Hayes & Lodgepole to assist them in keeping warm as the weather turns cold. Please be sure to drop the socks of by October of 2014. Thank you in advance for loving your neighbor.

Knights of Columbus
Council # 2124

March 9-2nd and 3rd Degree in Havre on 1st Degree in Malta upon request. March 09-Coffee and rolls, help requested. Next meeting, March 11 at 6 pm. Supper provided. April 25--27- State Convention in Helena. May 14th Degree meeting on March 14, possibly the first fish fry. Please Volunteer for Activities

Knights of Columbus
Council # 2124

Life is a Gift
From God The Knights have begun a new project and we need your help. This project concerns celebrating the newly born of Saint Marys. If you know of a new birth, please let us know the following:

$300 college scholarship will be awarded to a 2014 high school graduating senior women. One additional scholarship will be awarded to a nontraditional Catholic woman student who is enrolled or will be enrolling at college, university or vocational - technical school. Please contact Wilma Mavencamp

1. Date of birth
2. Names of parents and siblings (if any). 3. An address. This project extends to family and friends who have spiritual ties with Saint Marys Church. Information may be dropped in the offering baskets or sent to: K of C, PO Box 1492, Malta, MT 59538 or 7mfe7195@mtintouch.net

@ 654-1346 or maven100@itstriangle.com

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