Thy Neighbor's Wife Chap4

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Thy Neighbors Wife

Georgia Beers
Chapter Four
The following Thursday, the weather didnt exactly look prom- ising. It was warm enough, but the sky was overcast with a few threatening, black clouds rolling by on occasion. It looked about ready to pour any minute. The impending rain didnt stop the vol- leyball team from having a riot practicing, though. They were just about the only bunch of people on the beach. Jennifer assumed the smart people of town were actually under roofs of some sort. She sat in the sand with Rita and Hannah, alternating between watching the team practice and helping the little blonde toddler build a sandcastle. She was reluctant to jump right into the game and Alex seemed to understand when Jennifer told her that shed rather observe for a while. She wanted to know exactly where her skill level would fall. The team was quite good. Alex and Jackie were definitely the strongest players. Jackie had a vertical leap that was shocking and her lean, lanky frame was deceiving; she could spike the ball with startling force. Jennifer would bet that she fooled many an oppo- nent the same way. Alex wasnt quite as strong as Jackie, but she was amazingly consistent and Jennifer guessed that the team looked to her to hold them together. David was also very good and she got the impression that he hadnt been playing very long. He seemed a little unsure of his position on the court, but once he figured it out, he was rock solid. Steve was wiry and fast and all over the sand. Jennifer laughed more than once at his diving saves, realizing with great clarity just exactly why he had to stretch so much before a game; Rita referred to him as the floor mop. Nikki was definitely the weak link. She did her best to set, but had a very stiff touch, often sending the ball careening away instead of up to her hitter. She got frustrated very quickly, but Jennifer was sure if she could just relax and focus, she could be quite good. Alex was constantly reassuring her, reminding her that it was just practice, the first of the season. The interaction between the two of them was very interesting to Jennifer and she watched them carefully. Alex seemed very carThy Neighbors Wife 31 ing, very concerned with Nikki, but there was an obvious line she wouldnt cross. Sh e was physical in a sisterly way, stroking an arm or patting a shoulder when Nikki seemed upset. Nikki, on the other hand, looked at Alex with complete love and devotion. It was abso- lutely unmistakable and Jennifers immediate reaction was that they had been lovers, but were not any more. Either that or Nikki wanted something Alex wouldnt give her. Or both. It was at that moment that Jennifer stopped wondering and became quite certain that Alex was gay. On the other side of the net were four men. None of them were very good, but all of them put one hundred and ten percent into their efforts. Jennifer predicted that if they continued to play together, in time theyd make a formidable opponent to Alexs team. The best part was, everybody was having fun. Lots of laughter carried through the air. Playful name calling and bending of the rules abounded.

So, Jennifer. Ritas friendly voice pulled her from her specu- lations. What do you do? Jennifer blinked several times, trying to figure out why she despised answering that particular question so much. Im...between jobs right now. How bout you? Nice, Jen, her inner voice mocked her. Redirect the focus. Very smooth. Im a stay at home mom. She said it proudly, which sur- prised Jennifer. Rita glanced lovingly at Hannah and Jennifer felt her heart warm. Really? Lucky Hannah, she commented, meaning it sin- cerely. Jackie and I discussed it long and hard before we even got pregnant. I was the vice president of a bank, made a pretty good liv- ing, but... Her voice drifted off and she looked out onto the churning water of the lake. Bringing her own brown gaze back to Jennifer, she shrugged and smiled. I remember my mom always being there when my sisters and I got home from school. The house was always bright, there were always cookies, she was always able to help us with our homework or school projects. I just wanted that for my kids, too, you know? Jennifer nodded, smiling back at her. Its hard to do that now, both because of the high cost of living and the attitude that society has today about women who dont work. She knew that all too well. She was one of those women. She was also one of those people with the attitude. Jackie makes a decent living and I was able to do some smart investing while I w as still working, so we do okay. Will you have more kids? Oh, absolutely. She said it with such enthusiasm that it made 32 Georgia Beers Jennifer laugh. What about you? Any children in the future for you and your husband? The question made the laughter die in Jennifers throat. Oh, I dont know... She had a quick flashback of her most recent conver- sation with Eric on that very subject. He thought they were ready, but for her, the thought of children caused the sound of a slamming prison door to reverberate in her head. Well, youre great with Hannah. Rita gestured to the fact that Jennifer sat close to the toddler, up to her elbows in sand. Thats because shes a little doll. She grinned, winking at the child. Jennifer! Come on! Jennifer looked up at Alex as she waved her toward the court, eternally grateful for being saved from the conversation. Smiling apologetically at Rita, she jumped up, eager to leave the topic to die in the sand, and jogged onto the court. Six on four? she asked as she looked around. Hardly seems fair. Youre right, Jackie agreed. Nikki, why dont you help the boys out? They need a setter. Nikki looked less than pleased to switch teams, but she went. Here. Alex tossed Jennifer the ball. Thought you might like to actually touch it before you play.

Jennifer tossed it back at her, causing the brunettes eyebrows to raise. Not necessary, she said, her voice cocky. Is that so? Yup. Think you can hit? If you think you can set me. Oh, Ill set you. Really. You just be ready. Baby, I was born ready. They grinned playfully at each other, holding one anothers gaze until it felt like the rest of the court had disappeared. Jackie cleared her throat. Can the rest of us play, too? she asked teasingly. Alex sighed. I suppose. And what did I tell you about flirting with the straight girls? Alex pouted. She started it. Did not, Jennifer whined back. Did, too. They grinned at one another as Alex tossed the ball to Jackie for the serve and the game began in earnest. Jennifer was amazed by how quickly everything came back to her. She hadnt played in several years, since intramural volleyball her first semester in college and quite simply, she had forgotten how Thy Neighbors Wife 33 much she enjoyed the game. She and Alex played like theyd been teammates for years. Jennifer instinctively knew just where to set the taller woman in order to get her to hit most effectively. Alex was spiking kills left and right, much to even her own surprise. The other team was left strewn in the sand on more than one occasion. They all had a fan- tastic time and the rain actually held off until just before they decided to call it a day. Rita had seen it coming and had Hannah all packed up in the car when the players scrambled for their belongings. The poor tod- dler was completely tuckered out and had fallen asleep in her car seat in a matter of minutes after being strapped in. Rita really wanted to get her home and into her own bed. Knowing Jackie and Rita had picked up Alex, Jennifer offered to give her a ride home. Youre sure? she asked. I dont want to inconvenience you. Of course Im sure. Alex, you live next door. How inconve- nient can it be? Alex smiled a goofy grin. Okay. Id appreciate it. She jogged over to Ritas car and leaned in the passenger side window to talk to Jackie. Jackie punched her playfully on the arm and waggled a fin- ger at her, like a mother scolding a child. Alex slapped her in return, then hurried back to Jennifer as her friends drove away. She just got into the car when the sky opened up and drops of rain the size of ping pong balls fell. Damn, Jennifer muttered. I cant see a thing. Its okay. We can just sit here for a bit. This wont last long. It only took a few minutes for the combination of the body heat inside and the falling rain outside to cause the car windows to fog over. Jennifer looked around at the sudden cocoon theyd found themselves in. People are going to wonder what were doing in here, Alex said, waggling h er eyebrows. Jennifer smiled. Or theyre going to assume they know what were doing in here. She swiped at the windshield and they sat in comfortable silence, watching the clouds roll over the lake.

Jennifer was not usually okay with a total lack of conversation, but with Alex it was relaxing. She reveled in the simplicity of just being in the other womans presence, of having a friend who expected noth- ing from her, who had no role for her to play. It was the most peace shed felt in a long time. So, did you have fun? Alex asked, breaking the silence gen- tly. Jennifer smiled widely. I had a blast. Your friends are wonder- ful. 34 Georgia Beers Does that mean youll at least consider becoming a regular? We sure could use you. I dont even have to consider it. Id love to. Terrific. They were quiet again until the rain died down to an acceptable rate of descent, and Jennifer turned the key in the ignition and pointed them home. Can I ask you something? she ventured, hoping she wasnt about to step out of line. Sure. Whats the deal with you and Nikki? Alex felt her heart skip a beat, as it usually did when that particular type of subject was broached. Um...what do you mean? She seems kind of...possessive is the wrong word... Jennifer searched the air. Clingy. She seems to cling to you. Are you lovers? Alexs face visibly blanched and Jennifer hid her smile. Amused by her shyness, she allowed Alex to stutter and stammer for a minute or two before trying to help. You are gay, right? Me? Yes, you. Alex cleared her throat awkwardly. Yes. Jennifer furrowed her brow. Whats the matter? surprised. Thats all. Surprised that I knew or surprised that I asked? Yes. Alex. Jennifer chuckled. It is the twenty-first century, you know. Will & Grace. Ellen. Queer as Folk. Its not an uncommon thing. She smiled shyly. No, I suppose it isnt. So, what about Nikki? Nikki. She took a deep breath as if trying to decide how much to reveal. I dont mean to pry, Jennifer said, suddenly worried that maybe she had offended Alex. Its none of my business. I was just curious. No, no. Its okay. Nikki is my ex. We were together for a fairly short period of time. Oh. And you still hang around together? Yeah. The Curse of Lesbianism. Youre doomed to remain friends with all your exes. Ick. Jennifer thought about how awkward that could be. Why? Nobody knows. Alex smiled. Actually, Jackie and Rita are

Thy Neighbors Wife 35 really fond of Nikki, so she gets invited to the same gatherings as I do. That must be hard for you. I got used to it, I guess. How come you broke up? It just didnt work, you know? Yeah. Sometimes it doesnt. Is she seeing that other woman at the party? Diane? Yeah, shes seeing her. Alex scowled as she answered and Jennifer laughed aloud. Tell me how you really feel about her. Alex laughed, too. Shes a bitch and a control freak. Jennifer kept laughing. No, no. Dont sugar coat it for me. Alex sighed and hastened to correct herself. You know what? I shouldnt say that. Thats not very nice of me. Nikki loves herI thinkand Nikkis my friend and I shouldnt say things like that. I dont care much for Diane. Hows that? Much more PC, Jennifer commended. Shes not great to Nikki, is she? You noticed, huh? At the party. All anybody has to do is watch them for a few minutes. Diane sat around the whole time I was there and Nikki waited on her. I dont think I heard Diane say thank you once...or anything nice that I noticed. Yeah, well, that pretty much sums up that relationship. Poor Nikki. Its too bad. Shes a nice girl. They pulled into Jennifers driveway just as the sun broke through the clouds. What weird weather, Jennifer remarked. Youll get used to it. Hey, have you had dinner? Jennifer asked as she reached for the door handle. No. Erics staying in Buffalo tonight, so Im on my own. I was just going to whip up a salad. Would you care to join me? Keep me com- pany? Alex smiled widely. Can I run home and grab a shower first? I have sand in places where sand has no business being. Me, too. See you back here in half an hour? Sounds great. Jennifer watched as Alex jogged across the yard to her own place. And bring Kinsey! she hollered after her, smiling as she waved back. She couldnt recall ever having connected with another woman so quickly. Well, at least not since... 36 Georgia Beers She literally waved the thought away with her hand and she grabbed her shoes and towel from the back seat. I will not go there, she told herself. Several times.

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