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Paternity Leave

Introduction This guidance on paternity leave is a part of a package of benefits designed to give support to working fathers. It covers the leave and pay rights for the husband (who is an employee) of a woman who is expecting a child. Eligibility In order to qualify for paternity leave and pay, staff must satisfy the following conditions The employee must have at least ! months of continuous employment with us. The employee must be expecting to have responsibility for the upbringing of the child, and be the child"s father. Entitlement #taff can take either one or two weeks off, in a single block, as long as it is taken within $% days of the actual date of childbirth. #taff cannot begin paternity leave until the actual day of childbirth. Notification #taff must notify their manager, using the below attached form of their intention to begin paternity leave at least & weeks before the baby is due. They will need to provide them with the following information 'ow much leave they intend to take (either ( or ) week block) *hen they plan on beginning the leave e.g. on day of the birth, ) weeks after the birth etc. +nce the baby is born, staff must confirm the actual date of birth, as soon as possible. (by producing to the ',, the original birth certificate) #hould the dates for your paternity leave change, for any reason, the manager should be notified (wherever possible), at least (- days in advance. If the baby arrives earlier than expected, provided that ! months continuous service has been completed, staff would still be entitled to paternity leave.


This form must be submitted three months before the baby is due, or in an exceptional circumstance, as early as is reasonably practical. Employee Information: .mployee /ame .mployee I0 1ro2ect ,eporting 3anager Leave Details: (. The baby is due on 444444 5 444444 5 4444444444
dd mm yyyy

). 6nd if the baby is born, please enter the actual date of birth 444444 5 444444 5 4444444444 (7irth certificate to be submitted to the ',)
dd mm yyyy

$. I would like my 1aternity 8eave to start on 444444 5 444444 5 4444444444

dd mm yyyy

I would like to be away from work for one 5 two9 weeks (9 please delete as appropriate). 1lease mention your address, contact number, in case we would like to reach you in any emergency Address: 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 Mobile: 4444444444444444444444444444444 Home Tel: 44444444444444444444444444444444444

Signed: 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 Date: 444444444444444444444

ountersigned by !eporting Manager: 4444444444444444444444 Date: 44444444444444444444

Details of t"e assessor #H!$: Name: 44444444444444444444444444444444444444 Date ompleted: 444444444444444444444444

Signature%H! Manager
HR: This document has to verified and signed by the HR Manager before being documented. Please ensure that you attach the birth certificate of the baby along with this form while documenting.


&: Ho' muc" leave 'ill I be able to ta(e)

A: :ou will be able to take either one or two weeks off, in a single block, as long as it is taken within $% days of the actual date of childbirth. :ou cannot begin paternity leave until the actual day of childbirth . &: Ho' do I apply) A: 1lease complete the form attached and give it to your manager (along with the 7irth certificate) for authorisation. :our manager will then forward the forms and documentary evidence to the 'uman ,esources 0epartment, who will process the information with the 1ayroll. &: an I c"ange t"e dates of my paternity leave) A: If you need to change the dates for your paternity leave, for any reason, you should give your manager at least (- days notice of the change. &: an I go to antenatal appointments) A: :ou are not entitled to paid time off to attend antenatal appointments. It would be necessary to use your annual leave entitlement for this purpose. &: *"at about multiple birt"s) A: If your wife is expecting more than one child from a single pregnancy, your entitlement would not increase for each child.

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