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John Patrick Walter Annotated Bibliography Primary Sources Unknown. Kheel Center image identifier: 5743pb50f6a. 1900.

Kheel Center, Cornell University, Web. 1 Mar, 2014 This is picture of how the factory was before the fire and I used it to show how dangerous work was.

Unknown. Kheel Center image identifier: 5780pb31f12i. 1900. Kheel Center, Cornell University, Web. 1 Mar, 2014 This is picture of the work area, cramped and crowded. I used this photo to show how workers rights were being violated.

Hine, Lewis. Kheel Center image identifier: 5783pb1f3d. 1911. Kheel Center, Cornell University, Web. 1 Mar, 2014 This is a photo showing the floor and demonstrating the hazard of the place.

Unknown. Kheel Center image identifier: 5783pb1f3a. 1900. Kheel Center, Cornell University, Web. 1 Mar, 2014 This is a photo showing the messiness of the floor, making it a danger to workers rights and safety.

Hine, Lewis. Kheel Center image identifier: 5783pb1f3c. 1910. Kheel Center, Cornell University, Web. 1 Mar, 2014 This is a picture showing a normal work area in the factory: crowded and confined. I used this to show that workers rights needed to changed so this wouldnt happen.

Unknown. Kheel Center image identifier: 5780pbx39ff19. 1910. Kheel Center, Cornell University, Web. 1 Mar, 2014 This is a picture of Isaac Harris and Max Blanck, the factory owners. I used this picture to give the readers their image.

Artist Unknown. Kheel Center image identifier: 5780-087b14. 1911. Kheel Center, Cornell University, Web. 1 Mar, 2014 This is an artists rendering of the ninth floor. I used this picture to show how cramped it was.

Brown Brothers. Kheel Center image identifier: 5780pb39f20aa. 1911Kheel Center, Cornell University, Web. 1 Mar, 2014 This is a picture of the firefighters attempting to douse the flames. I used this to give the readers a good picture in their minds.

Unknown. Kheel Center image identifier: 5780pb39f15a. 1911. Kheel Center, Cornell University, Web. 1 Mar, 2014 This is a photo of the destroyed fire escape. I used this photo to show how severe the fire was.

Kheel Center. 9th Floor Model. 2011. Kheel Center, Cornell University. Web. 1 Mar, 2014 This is an artists rendering of the ninth floor. I used this photo to show what the fire hazards were.

Brown Brothers. Kheel Center image identifier: 5780-087pb1f5j. 1911. Kheel Center, Cornell University, Web. 1 Mar, 2014 This is a picture of the aftermath of the fire. I used it to show how much damage the fire caused.

Unknown. Kheel Center image identifier: 5780pb39f18m. 1911. Kheel Center, Cornell University, Web. 1 Mar, 2014 This is picture that a newspaper used to spread the word to the public. I used the picture to show how people were shocked and wanted better rights after that.

Thomas Aloysius Dorgan. Kheel Center image identifier: 5780pb39f18o. 1911. Kheel Center, Cornell University, Web. 1 Mar, 2014 This is a photo of a local newspaper, the New York Evening Journal, which, at the top, proves people wanted better workers rights by saying Draft New Law to Save Shop Workers.

Brown Brothers. Kheel Center image identifier: 5780pb39f20af. 1911. Kheel Center, Cornell University, Web. 1 Mar, 2014 This is a picture of the collapsed fire escape, and I used it to show how the workers were not safe.

Unknown. Kheel Center image identifier: 5780pb39f18j. 1911. Kheel Center, Cornell University, Web. 1 Mar, 2014 A picture from a local paper points out the flaws of the fire escape. I used this picture to show how the building wasnt safe.

Unknown. Kheel Center image identifier: 5780pb39f18n. 1911. Kheel Center, Cornell University, Web. 1 Mar, 2014 This is a photograph of the fire inspectors. I used this to give the readers a picture for their names. Unknown. Kheel Center image identifier: 5780-087pb1f5c. 1911. Kheel Center, Cornell University, Web. 1 Mar, 2014

A picture of the fire I used to show how large it was.

Artist Unknown. Kheel Center image identifier: 5780-087pb1f7a. 1911. Kheel Center, Cornell University, Web. 1 Mar, 2014 An artists drawing of Blanck and Harris listening to testimony against them I used to give the reader something to imagine of what the court room was like.

Artist Unknown. Kheel Center image identifier: 5780pb31f12j. 1885. Kheel Center, Cornell University, Web. 1 Mar, 2014 This is a drawing of what the average sweatshop would be. I used this to show viewers what it would be like back then.

Unknown. Kheel Center image identifier: 5780pb33f3jp. 1900. Kheel Center, Cornell University, Web. 1 Mar, 2014 This is a picture of a few women standing in front of the Womens Trade Union League of New York flag taken in 1900. I used this to prove women wanted workers rights before the fire and the fire got them what they wanted.

Unknown. Kheel Center image identifier: 5780pn45b9f1593. 1900. 1900. Kheel Center, Cornell University, Web. 1 Mar, 2014 This is a picture showing the working conditions of children. I used this to show their rights were not being acknowledged.

Brown Brothers. Kheel Center image identifier: 6153pb1ls18. 1911. Kheel Center, Cornell University, Web. 1 Mar, 2014 This is a picture of a survivor of the fire. I used this image to show the effect the fire had on many people. Unknown. Kheel Center image identifier: 5780pb32f27f. 1909. Kheel Center, Cornell University, Web. 1 Mar, 2014 This is a picture of the 1909 strike. I used it to show people wanted rights before the fire.

New York Factory Investigating Commission. Preliminary Report of the New York Factory Investigating Commission, 1912. This is a Preliminary Report of the New York Factory Investigating Commission. I used this to show what rights came from the fire.

"Sarah Friedman Dworetz." Interview by Leon Stein. Remembering the 1911 Triangle Factory Fire. Kheel Center, Cornell University, 2011. Web. 1 Mar. 2014. <>. This was an interview of one of the ninth floor factory survivors. I used this to show that peoples rights were violated because they didnt know where to go and the doors were locked when they should not been.

"Eraclio Montanaro." Interview by Leon Stein. Remembering the 1911 Triangle Factory Fire. Kheel Center, Cornell University, 2011. Web. 1 Mar. 2014. <>. This was an interview with a passerby of the fire. I mainly used his interview to describe the severity of the fire.

"Max Hochfield." Interview by Sigmund Arywitz. Remembering the 1911 Triangle Factory Fire. Kheel Center, Cornell University, 2011. Web. 1 Mar. 2014. <>. This is a voice interview of Max Hochfield, a fire survivor. I used this to prove how much panic people had and how much confusion there was.

The People of the State of New York Against Issac Harris and Max Blanck. Court of General Session of the Peace. 20 Nov. 1911. Cornell University ILR School. Kheel Center, Cornell University, 2011. Web. 1 Mar. 2014. This was a transcript of the actual court case of the fire. I used this to prove that workers rights were being violated by the owners because of the building hazards and locked doors.

Secondary Sources
Kheel Center, Cornell University. The 1911 Triangle Factory Fire, accessed February 13, 2014, This was my main source of information; I got almost all of my primary sources from here. "Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire." : Laws and Rise of Unions. Ed. Blogspot., n.d. Web. Jan.Feb. 2014. From this website, I learned about the laws created from the trial and fire.

Yaz, Greg. "The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire of 1911." The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire of 1911. CSUN, n.d. Web. Jan.-Feb. 2014. This was general facts website that I used to get primary sources.

Linder, Doug. "The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire Trial." The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire Trial. Missouri-Kansas City Law School, 2002. Web. Jan.-Feb. 2014. This was another general facts website that I found in early searching.

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