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Issue 18, 5th December 2013 Issue 6, 16 May 2013

From the Principal

Application to Become an Independent Primary School As indicated to parents at the beginning of the week, North Fremantle Primary School is working towards applying to become an Independent Primary School (IPS). As part of the application process, extensive community consultation is required. At the beginning of the week I sent home a letter outlining our position and detailing relevant information regarding IPS and what this would mean for our school. Attached to this letter was also a School Self Assessment Survey, assessing the level of our schools community engagement and a parent input questionnaire. These two documents will be integral elements of our application to become IPS. I trust that you will take the time to complete both the survey and questionnaire and return it to our school front office by Monday 17 March 2014 or earlier. A copy of the parent letter that was sent out at the beginning of the week and the parent input questionnaire is available on my Principals Blog > A copy of the School Self Assessment Survey is available from the school front office. Should you have any questions or wish to discuss this in person, please do not hesitate to contact me on 9335 2743 or via email at Half Day School Closure Reporting to Parents As part of our ongoing commitment to communication of student progress and achievement to parents we will be conducting a half day closure on Wednesday 26th March beginning at 11.45am. Normal school operations will be in place until 11.45am. This closure will allow for parent-teacher interviews to occur. Parent interviews will begin at 12.15am and continue until 5.00pm. Each allocated interview time will be 10/15 minutes in duration. Please note that there will not be a timeslot for every parent in a given classroom to meet with the classroom teacher.

Assembly Room 7 Thursday 13th March IPS Survey Due Back Monday 17th March Half Day Closure Parent Interviews Wednesday 26th March Mosaic Workshop 18th & 19th March Year 4/5 Tuck Shop Thursday 27th March Swimming Carnival Wednesday 2nd April Sundowner Friday 4th April

The purpose of the meetings will be for teachers to provide parents with information on the progress and achievement of their child in relation to a number of systemic, whole school and classroom level assessments. To arrange a time to meet with your childs classroom teacher please contact the Front Office on 9335 2743 and book an appropriate time. All attempts will be made in regards to scheduling of interview times to accommodate families with multiple children in different classrooms. Booking will begin to be taken from Monday 10th March. As there are only limited timeslots available on Wednesday 26th of March, should you not be able to make it on Wednesday or fail to secure a time, you will be able to arrange an alternative time to meet with teachers. It will be expected that parents speak to their childs classroom teacher to book a meeting time. As this is a Department of Education approved school closure it is expected that parents make arrangements for the care of their children from 11.45am. Gumblossom Before and After School Care are providing a special service for existing clients. You can book this service by contacting Gumblossom on 9335 3001. We also ask that if your child will be picked up from class by an older sibling at 11.45am on Wednesday 26th of March that your childs classroom teacher or the front office is notified of this well in advance.

Our Vision For all students at North Fremantle Primary School to experience learning that is purposeful, engaging and empowers them to become life long learners. Our Mission Through partnerships with parents and the local community, we will provide an inclusive environment in which our students can develop the knowledge skills, understandings and confidence to reach their potential. Email the school administration: Email Teachers direct: Room? (Please insert which room # your child is in)

Room 1 - Roberta Slattery

The colours of the rainbow are shining on our Kindergarten class as they learn about colours and shapes in the world all around them. They have set roads up with street signs, collaged a picture of themselves out of shapes and created rainbow necklaces. Last week as part of our theme All about me the children enjoyed using rice cakes and vegetables to make their faces in a technology and enterprise activity. Our new theme is My family so we are excited about getting to know even more about our friends at Kindergarten.

Room 2 - Liz Smith

The children are immersed in learning about their five senses in our topic All About Me which enables a huge range of cross curricular learning. I would like to ask parents to please bring in photographs of themselves as children, the children in the class when they were younger and family group photographs. Please bring them in a named zip-loc back and I will copy and return them to you. Yes, we still need boxes. A reminder that Library is on a Wednesday and each and every day the children need to bring a hat (preferably a school one) and a water bottle. The children are immersed in learning about their five senses in our topic All About Me which enables a huge range of cross curricular learning.

Jonathon and Chelsea are using the sound shakers they made in a joint Technology & Enterprise and Science activity.

Charlotte with a painting of a tree that she can both see and hear

Mella is writing a sentence about what she can hear.

Practicing letter formation outside in the sunshine.

Room 3 - Bev Lane

It seems from our week-end writing that everyone had a fun Labour Day week-end. Brody went to the zoo, Jack bought some new toys and went to MacDonalds, Mei visited her family, Harry went to the beach and played video games, Charlie went to a party and swam in the pool, Liam and his dad went for a swim at the beach, Ben went a friends holiday house, Benj went ton see his new house, Liv saw a bull shark and some dolphins at the river, Marli went on a boat to Rottnest, Hannah went ice-skating, Fin played Marble Run with a friend, Arlo watched Star Wars, Kian went to the movies and poor Christine was sick. Here is a picture of Montannas visit to the beach. It looks bright and colourful, doesnt it?

Room 4 - Rochelle Reeves & Belinda Baldey

Room 4 have been extra busy learning all about money in our classroom. We have been learning to add money together and give change. Students have been bringing in empty boxes etc of grocery items for our class shop that we are setting up and we have started a money reward system. We have been interviewing our parents and grandparents and finding out some interesting information on what it was like when they went to school. Keep an eye out for our presentations of this information. A big surprise is coming to Room 4 so keep an eye out for it when it arrives.

Rooms 5 - Brent Snook

In room 5 over the past few weeks we have been learning about famous Australian bushrangers, as well as reading the novel The hunt for Ned Kelly. Everyone has created a timeline of significant bushranger events dating back to the early 1800s, most of which are still talked about in Australia. I would like to thank all students and parents for their excellent effort in returning homework on time. It made for an effortless rotation on Monday morning and will be beneficial for the students in familiarising the roster. A big congratulations to Perry, Chantelle and Pearson from room 5 who have been placed in the North Fremantle Primary School Gold Book this week for some excellent individual work.

Room 7 - Chris John

In the past few weeks in Room 7 we have been studying Ned Kelly and his outlaw gang in reading, specifically the causes and effects that lead up to his famous police shootout. We have been reading the book Black Snake by Carole Wilkinson in groups, which is based on Ned Kellys life. We have also been looking at averages in maths, and have determined that boys (on average) are stronger and have better reflexes, while the girls have much better flexibility. Room 7 will be hosting the next assembly and are performing an item, which will be on the 13th of March. Sean Hardy-Atkins Minister for Community Relations

Art NewsMargie Campbell

Moving on from the Picasso Hearts we have been colour mixing and focusing on the colour and texture of paint as it is applied. We have also been printing and our work will culminate in collaged flowers. Thank you to all the parents who have sent in paint shirts, we do need more. There is a timetable just inside the art room door to put your name on the helping roster. Please come along, we ALWAYS need extra hands! A permission note came home this week for all students to attend a mosaic incursion on March 18th and 19th. Please return this note with the payment as soon as possible.

From the School Nurse

Immunisation - information for parents Immunisation programs in our community are designed to keep everyone well and safe, especially those people who are most at risk, such as babies. Parents or legal guardians who do not immunise their child should note the following: In the case of a Measles or Pertussis (whooping cough) outbreak, Western Australian schools are required by the Department of Health, to exclude students who have not received the appropriate number of vaccinations. Please make sure your school-aged child is fully immunised and that you have provided a copy of the ACIR immunisation record to the school. Did you know that as parents you can ring the National registry or go to the web site to check out your childs immunisation status? All you need is your Medicare number. Phone 1800 653 809 or access the web site: or email

You may recall late last year we informed you about a Sister School initiative we set up with the Samaky Foundation. We are looking at continuing this partnership this year. As part of this initiative we are seeking parent donations of stationery that can be provided to children in Cambodia. Below is some information they have sent through. Thankyou for your ongoing support. The Samaky Foundation has commenced 2014 with a flying start. Jessica and Brendon, the Foundations founders, are now living in the Samaky community in Siem Reap, and working on expanding the school in a second building, as well as improving the communitys sanitation facilities. Jessica and Brendon recently took the local Khmer staff to the ocean at Sihanoukville for a team building exercise, and to reward them for their hard work over the last 18 months. For most of the staff, it was the first time they had left the province, let alone seen the ocean. The Foundation has also appointed an extremely well qualified and experienced Khmer Director, Saren, to oversee the community school and manage the Foundations Cambodian affairs when Jessica and Brendon return to Perth in July. Some fantastic stationery was left in the donation drop box in Administration at the end of 2013. We are very grateful for these donations, which will be brought back to Cambodia in April. Samaky Foundation is planning more fundraising activities for 2014, the first of which will be a quiz night towards the end of April. Keep looking in the newsletter for further details. From the Directors and Staff of Samaky Foundation, and the Samaky community, we wish you an extraordinary 2014, and we look forward to meeting you at our upcoming events!

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