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Landscape i n I ndi a
International Youth Centre, Teen Murti Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi - 110 021, India
Phone: +91-11-23010199, Fax: +91-11-23015452, Email:
Datacentre: Landscape in India
Copyright 2012
International Youth Centre, Teen Murti Marg, Chanakyapuri
New Delhi - 110 021, India
Phone: +91-11-23010199, Fax: +91-11-23015452
Published by
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Datacentre: Landscape in India
Indias Datacentre (DC) market is estimated at USD 2.2 billion in 2012 and is expected to grow over
8 per cent over the next 3-4 years. Enterprises, both large and small, are adopting datacentre services to
manage large quantities of data; cloud and virtualisation technologies and the availability of platform
services is also driving growth as it is enabling rms to reduce their capital assets a compelling cost
advantage. Datacentres are also a key part of the Indian Governments IT infrastructure plan (NeGP);
the government is setting up state datacentres (17 of these are already operational) to ensure seamless
delivery of services to citizens.
This white paper presents the current datacentre scenario in India-highlighting the growth opportunities,
demand drivers, player landscape, challenges faced and emerging trends. The white paper also highlights
the government sector as a growing business opportunity, with a special focus on state datacentres.
We hope that you nd this report on Indias datacentre segment useful, and we welcome your feedback
and comments at
Som Mittal
Datacentre: Landscape in India
As businesses grow, organisations are depending on information technology for standardising and
automating processes and for achieving operational ef ciencies. This in turn, is leading to very complex
IT architecture and ever expanding IT asset sprawl within organisations requiring dedicated teams of
experts to maintain these assets. This is resulting in additional expenses, particularly on capex, that
rms are keen to avoid.
Datacentres (DCs) are emerging as a viable option for IT management; they also present a growing
outsourcing opportunity. Datacentre components include:
Hardware: Comprising largely servers, storage and networking equipment
Software: Datacentre-related operating software and middleware; security/rewall solutions
IT services: Cloud-enabled SaaS, IaaS, PaaS, etc.
Infrastructure: Energy, cooling equipment, re safety, etc.
While captive datacentres currently dominate the landscape, outsourcing is increasing as rms aim to
keep costs to the minimum and shift key resources to focus on core business, while gaining access to
quality products and services.
Player prole includes MNC rms (IBM, HP, Schneider electric), Indian rms (HCL, Wipro) and telecom &
network firms (Tulip, Reliance, Sify). These firms have a presence across the datacentre value
chain, from pure hardware/connectivity providers to a mix of hardware suppliers and captive/managed
service providers.
With the evolution of various technologies and the need to keep costs to a minimum and reduce
energy consumption, future datacentres are expected to be increasingly modular and energy
ef cient (green). Services providers are also focusing on ofering specialised services as a way to
diferentiate themselves.
Executive Summary
Datacentre: Landscape in India
Datacentres: An introduction 7
Datacentres: Market overview 9
India-State Datacentres: An overview 29
Datacentre: Landscape in India
Key highlights
An introduction
Datacentre: Landscape in India
Datacentre value chain spans real estate, equipment,
applications and services
A datacentre is a facility used to house computer systems and associated components, such as
telecommunications and storage systems. It also includes power supplies, data communications
connections, environmental controls (e.g., air conditioning, re suppression) and security devices. The
value chain comprises a mix of segments including real estate and construction, hardware equipment,
utilities (power, water, cooling), networking and software and services.
Improved connectivity, increased penetration of internet, mobile devices and smartphones and the
rising popularity of the social media has led to data explosion at the consumer level. Data creation at
enterprise level has also grown exponentially, leading to higher demand for storage and analysis. Along
with this, the growth of enterprises themselves has resulted in complex IT environment translating
into continuously increased spending on hardware and equipment, maintenance overheads, expenses
on energy and on personnel. Datacentres have emerged as a viable option enabling rms to transfer
IT assets from capex to opex, freeing resources to focus on core businesses.
Market overview
Datacentre: Landscape in India
Global datacentres: Growth to touch ~19 per cent by 2015
World over, there has been an explosive growth in data and data storage demand, penetration of
internet/mobile devices has been seeing a continuous uptrend, enterprises have been increasing
the use of virtualisation/cloud technologies and there has been a renewed focus on cost
containment/management. This growth, driven both by consumers and organisations, has resulted
in increasing the global demand for datacentres.
Globally, datacentre spending has increased modestly over 2011 and 2012; spending went up from
USD 99 billion to USD 106 billion, an 8 per cent growth over this period. BRIC nations have been
instrumental in driving this growth given their rapidly growing economies, globalisation of rms
and a large consumer base. SMBs have also been demanding datacentre services as they aim to
reduce costs by leveraging cloud. Growth is expected to accelerate over the next few years CAGR of
19 per cent between 2012-15, to reach USD 126 billion.
Datacentre: Landscape in India
Demand being driven by business needs and emerging markets
This growth in demand for datacentres, both globally and in India, is being driven by five
broad factors:
Growing business needs: With local rms aiming to go global and global rms looking to penetrate
further in established and new markets, the need to focus on ones core businesses and remain
competitive is becoming increasingly important. Additionally, in the face of the rising energy and real
estate costs, rms are focusing on lowering carbon footprint and cost reduction, and aiming to shift
a large portion of capex to opex. Growing businesses is also leading to increasing levels of data being
generated. Stricter regulation surrounding disaster recovery planning and adoption of green practices
has encouraged organisations to leverage datacentres.
Connectivity: Increasing internet penetration, improved communication infrastructure enabling delivery
of 3G and 4G services, the rapid adoption of mobile devices and smartphones and the popularity of
social media these trends are driving more individuals to the internet. Better online access has also
resulted in substantial growth in global eCommerce business. Firms are looking to mine vast amounts
of unstructured data to gain insights into customer mindset leading to the demand for analytics.
Datacentre: Landscape in India
Technology: Firms are increasingly adopting virtualisation and cloud technologies as a means to
reduce costs and optimise infrastructure. This has led to an increase in demand for industrialised
services Infrastructure Utility Services (IUS), cloud computing, Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS),
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS).
Customers: National and regional governments are setting up their own datacentres to store citizen data
and provide better services to their citizens. SMBs are leveraging datacentre services (hosting services)
to access technology solutions at low cost. Among verticals, demand from media and entertainment
is increasing due to increase in video content, social media usage; BFSI and telecom verticals are being
driven by greater data storage/data analysis demands.
Geographies: China is seeking to connect its people to the internet under the latest ve-year plan.
The potential number of people having access to modern ways of working and social networking
will create an increase in demand for datacentre products and services. In India, eGovernment
initiatives are driving demand. The ASEAN region is also being looked at as a centre for delivering
datacentre services.
Datacentre: Landscape in India
Market and technology trends impacting landscape
DC design and efectiveness is being inuenced by various factors. Current technological trends like DC
consolidation, green computing, virtualisation are impacting the landscape while emerging trends like
DC automation, DC-in-a-box, network convergence and ethernet usage are expected to be the game
changers for the industry.
There is a marked trend towards consolidation of datacentres to achieve not only cost savings but also
consistency of service. A few strategically-positioned centres in appropriate locations enables savings on
real estate and maintenance and management staf (less OPEX), avoids a multiplicity of architectures
(less CAPEX) and fewer operating procedures; also, disaster recovery and business continuity planning
become more efective. According to Gartner, this trend of consolidation a reduction in the number of
mid-size datacentres while the mega datacentres enjoy robust growth is expected to continue. By 2015,
2 per cent of all datacentres will account for 71 per cent of all datacentre hardware spending.
Sustainability and green agenda continue to be important for organisations, driven by environmental
concerns, CSR and regulations and compliance needs. DC providers are responding to these requirements.
Globally, a number of co-location providers have announced their intention to purchase 100 per cent
renewable energy and carbon neutrality. For example, starting in March 2013, Microsoft is planning
to run its Cheyenne, Wyoming datacentres using biogas (on an experimental basis) sourced from a
local waste management plant. If successful, this is expected to make Microsoft become less reliant
on power.
Datacentre: Landscape in India
Firms are also investing in measuring the Power Usage Efectiveness (PUE) of their datacentres and
based on the results, are modifying and upgrading the systems for power saving and cost-efective
solutions. Organisations are also looking to set up datacentres in geographies that have cooler climates,
for example, the Nordic regions, as this allows them to use less energy for cooling the DCs.
IT rms are increasingly ofering virtualisation and cloud computing services, enabling signicant capital
and operational cost savings, while increasing business agility. Deploying virtualised applications, servers
and infrastructure translates to smaller number of servers and network devices, thus cutting of the
costs associated with operating them. At the same time, it also increases the businesss agility, as it is
simpler to perform modications in the datacentre infrastructure such as capacity growth, topology
changes or conguration renements in order to be aligned with the business objectives.
Over the next few years, the datacentre industry is expected to see increased automation, network
convergence and become increasingly modular.
Most organisations are looking to leverage the benets of Datacentre Automation (DCA) to improve their
operational ef ciency and reduce staf workload. Automation also enables the dynamic provisioning of
resources in an ef cient manner and reduces downtime. It also allows for planning of impact metrics
so the cost of future changes to hardware or software can be estimated.
The rise of the modular datacentres has led to Datacentre-in-a-box wherein various OEMs combine
their server, network and other system resources into a single container to provide a holistic
datacentre solution. Such datacentres ofer ef ciency-related benets of improved space utilisation,
better infrastructure optimisation and also allows IT managers to freely move the units throughout a
facility, adding a key layer of exibility to the datacentre.
Network convergence has become a necessity in order to reduce the complexity of multiple
technologies/networks and also because of the increased use of server virtualisation technologies.
Organisations beneted by consolidating servers has led not only to increased utilisation, but it has
also increased demands for greater throughput to both the LAN (Local Area Networks) and SAN
(Storage Area Networks). This is pushing the convergence of bre channel and ethernet leverage the
ubiquity and roadmap of ethernet and the performance of bre channel ofering better connectivity,
low latency and high performance.
Network convergence along with virtualisation of the server, network and storage infrastructures are
driving the next generation datacentre towards a service-based, cloud-enabled computing model.
Datacentre: Landscape in India
Landscape comprises multiple players with similar oferings
The datacentre industry today comprises a mixed breed of players both from the IT and non-IT sectors
and ofer a wide array of services, though with very little diferentiation.
Hosting providers: Provide end-to-end datacentre services but typically do not own the bandwidth.
These providers have datacentres as their main source of revenue; they lack size and typically stay away
from pure co-location services and stick to hosting services. Example: CtrlS, Netmagic Solutions.
Space wholesalers: Datacentre space wholesalers focus on building shell spaces and sell this space
to enterprises or service providers for their datacentre usage. Example: Digital Realty Trust, a global
datacentre space wholesaler, recently acquired a seven-story, 370,000 square feet facility
in Singapore.
Local telecom service providers: Telecommunication rms have also entered the datacentre space
with co-location and hosting services and are also looking to extend beyond these services. Example:
Tulip Telecom, an Indian service provider, has ramped up space to about 450,000 square feet of raised
oor via its acquisition of SADA IT Parks in Bengaluru. Tulips strategy is to move away from low-margin
Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Virtual Private Network (VPN) services and become a platform
provider for infrastructure services and cloud services providers.
Datacentre: Landscape in India
Facilities management players: These entities typically own real estate and specialise in leasing
high-quality of ce facilities (with proper power, cooling, physical security and safety arrangements) to
all kinds of organisations and are increasingly looking to extend their oferings to datacentres.
Outsourcers: Many outsourcers have datacentres of their own but typically do not provide services
such as co-location or hosting from these centres. These players use their datacentres for higher and
more protable services such as infrastructure outsourcing, business continuity, and disaster recovery
services. IBM and HP both have datacentres in the region but leverage third-party providers to deliver
co-location services to their clients. These services are generally embedded in a larger outsourcing deal.
For example, IBM uses Netmagics datacentre to host a part of Vodafones IT in India.
Datacentre: Landscape in India
Datacentre usage varies by business segments
The kinds and sizes of datacentres being used is heavily dependent on the size of the business.
Most small and medium business use either single datacentres or have their own dedicated room
with number of racks ranging from below 25 up to 100. Large enterprises including organisations like
Google, Facebook, etc, that manage vast amounts of data and therefore, need massive data storage
capacities, usually use large size datacentres (with >500 racks).
Datacentre: Landscape in India
Emerging locations for datacentre services
Various countries are emerging as viable hubs to set up datacentres and deliver services and each
country has its own set of advantages:
Nordics: Given that power consumption accounts for a large share of infrastructure expenses for
datacentres, this region is emerging as an attractive location primarily due to its cold climate that will
enable free cooling or reduced mechanical cooling. Also, the availability of renewable energy at lower
prices is an added incentive.
Americas: Brazil and Canada are the emerging hubs. Brazil is being driven by demand for outsourcing
and platform-based services. Third-party vendors are also investing in network infrastructure. Canada
is becoming the datacentre hub for the US and Europe.
APAC: Singapore and Hong Kong are considered connectivity gateways. Demand in Singapore is mostly
from network providers, cloud and IT providers, but nancial and enterprise businesses are growing
sectors. Hong Kong demand is driven by telecom, content and nancial sectors and a growing sector
includes increasing demand from Chinas content providers and disaster recovery from Japan. In the
long-term, China could be attractive for mega datacentres because of the ambient cooling in North China
but it also has limited choices as a result of strict regulations and other barriers to investment.
Datacentre: Landscape in India
Indian datacentre market to grow by ~9 per cent in the
near future
India is emerging as the fastest growing datacenter services market in the Asia Pacic region. Providers
are gearing up to address a strong demand for co-location and hosting services as well as preparing
their as-a-service oferings.
The Indian IT infrastructure market (comprising servers, storage and networking equipment; included in
domestic hardware sales) reached USD 2.2 billion in 2012, growing by about 10 per cent over 2011. This
market is expected to grow at CAGR of 8.5 per cent to reach USD 3 billion by 2016. Share of network
equipment (including LAN and WAN) is about 40 per cent, followed by servers (33-34 per cent) and
storage (22-25 per cent).
Growth is being driven by ongoing datacentre consolidation and modernisation, as well as new
datacentre build outs. Indian organisations are shifting from a distributed IT setup to a more manageable
and ef cient centralised model, leading to consolidation of branches and remote IT resources into
fewer, but larger datacentres. They are also focusing on optimising their IT Infrastructure and
strategy by implementing virtualisation. Ongoing investments in large captive datacentres and the
capacity growth initiated by datacentre service providers are other drivers of growth. Among verticals,
Business Process Management (earlier known as BPO), manufacturing, and BFSI are largest users of
datacentres; these are estimated to contribute over 50 per cent of revenue for third-party datacentre
services providers.
Datacentre: Landscape in India
The demand for datacentres is being driven by fast growing large enterprises who want to avail of cost
benets. Also, as more organisations adopt cloud computing, they will move their IT infrastructure
out of commercial buildings to professionally managed datacentres. SMEs will need the expertise
and application services of datacenters, notably, SaaS type services. For example, Trimax partnered
with NEC India to ofer SMEs a range of SaaS using an integrated application aggregation platform.
NEC will be leveraging Trimaxs datacentre capabilities to provide business applications, such as CRM,
ERP, HRM, etc.
Mobility, social media and cloud computing adoption will signicantly inuence demand and also on
the way datacentres are designed, operated and managed.
The popularity of managed hosting and co-location services is also increasing because of cost
savings. In a managed hosting environment, the datacentre provider will lease an entire server to a
customer with add-on services like monitoring, updates, application management, etc. In a co-location
model, a customer can place his/her own server in a datacentre and use shared resources like power
and HVAC.
Datacentre: Landscape in India
Telecom rms exploring new avenues of revenue: Cloud,
To further diferentiate themselves in the market, communication service providers are enhancing
their hosted and cloud services for business customers.
Telecom operators are setting up alliances with software rms to provide datacentre services in India.
BSNL, for example, has partnered with Datacraft Asia Ltd. to build, operate and manage its datacentres
in India. Existing datacentres are being upgraded with the adoption of virtualisation solutions; for
instance, the upgradation of datacentres at Airtel.
In some cases, organisations are utilising private cloud oferings from service providers like Hitachi
to ofer on-demand storage services to their clients. There is increasing activity in the SaaS space by
telecom rms. They are hiring vendors to rollout public cloud-based services for processes like payroll
management, CRM, etc. Increased activities in the cloud space will also lead to challenges with data
interoperability between cloud and non-cloud environments. Operators will need advanced data
transformation and adaptive technologies to take full advantage of cloud-based applications.
Datacentre: Landscape in India
Manufacturing, BFSI, government driving demand in India
Growth drivers for the Indian market are similar to those for global market. Among the key growth
factors is the need for enterprises to reduce IT infrastructure costs, increase productivity and focus
on core businesses. Other deterrents include high datacentre management/maintenance costs and
requirement of highly skilled technical consultants. Demand is also being driven by compliance to
government regulations. For example, compliance to clauses of the Indian IT Act (maintaining records
for seven years and messages for five years).
The Indian Government has emerged as one of the major customers for datacentres. As a part of
its e-government initiative, the government is setting up state datacentres in all states and UTs for
seamless delivery of government services.
Datacentre: Landscape in India
Players have varying presence across segments
The player landscape comprises a mix of Indian and MNC IT rms and telecom rms across hardware
and software part of the value chain with some present only in key segments, while others are
present across most segments.
Both MNC and Indian players in India are following specic strategies in terms of their presence
across the value chain. MNCs like IBM and HP are highly focused across nearly the entire hardware and
equipment value chain, while ofering captive datacentre services; Indian rms like Wipro and HCL have
a more narrow focus which cater to the server segment and also ofer captive datacentre services.
The datacentre industry has, in recent times, witnessed telecom rms getting into the datacentre
space. Faced with continuously falling revenue from voice services, these rms are leveraging their
existing infrastructure for datacentre services, thus enabling them to generate an alternate source
of revenue.
Datacentre: Landscape in India
Datacentres in India: Company proles (Third party)
Datacentre: Landscape in India
Challenges for growth capacity planning and
energy management
Datacentre growth in India could be impacted by factors ranging from the economic (natural disasters
and global crisis), infrastructure-related (power and bandwidth availability) to operational issues (cost
and energy management, hardware/software reliability).
The global economic crisis and the increasing political uncertainty in select geographies could potentially
impact IT budgets/investments due to lower customer condence. In recent times, the world has
also experienced a series of natural disasters like tsunamis, earthquakes, Japans nuclear disaster and
hurricanes. In the absence of a disaster management plan, such incidences could lead to the shutting
down of datacentres.
Another major challenge facing datacentre vendors is the continuously rising cost of power and real
estate and the low penetration and non-reliability of bandwidth. Ensuring uninterrupted supply of power
is another key concern. Firms are also facing issues with scalability and estimating future capacity,
given the presence of legacy infrastructure.
Datacentre: Landscape in India
Datacentre providers to ofer diferentiated services in
the future
Indias datacentre market is expected to grow to USD 3 billion by 2016. This growth will continue to be
driven by increased adoption of datacentre services by Indian rms and also by the Indian Government
to cater to its vast data and storage needs. Third-party datacentres and outsourcing services are
correspondingly expected to increase as rms look for cost and operational ef ciencies.
With a variety of players ofering similar services, the need for diferentiation will see the emergence
of rms specialising in specic services, for e.g., security services, storage services, etc. This is likely
to lead to a partnership model between datacentre and solution providers. For example, Tulip-EMC
partnership for on-demand cloud storage and backup services; Tulip-MindTree and Iomega partnership
to ofer digital video surveillance solution on cloud. Increased standardisation and the emergence of
platform-based services is leading to the growth in PaaS adoption.
Increased demand for datacentres is leading to higher power consumption and greater requirement
of real estate. However, due to rising costs and demand-supply mis-match, rms are aiming to design
datacentres that are smaller in size, but with greater densities and higher performance. Firms are
also increasing their focus on modular datacentres that allows them to expand capacity in line with
demand while not being burdened with idle capacity.
Datacentre: Landscape in India
Another emerging trend is the concept of Datacentre-in-Datacentre (DiD). A datacentre will host service
providers like HP, IBM or Dell, who will in turn host infrastructure for its own customers. This works well
for the service provider as it can focus on its core expertise (applications and services) without making
upfront and expensive investments in power and cooling. For example, Netmagics partnership with
Spectranet for ` 2,000 million, wherein Spectranet will set up a multi-location commercial DiD across
Netmagics datacentres in Mumbai, NOIDA, Bengaluru and Chennai. Spectranet will independently
deliver service and support to their customers hosted at these DiDs with Netmagic providing the
core datacentre infrastructure support and services. This partnership makes it possible for Netmagic
to benet from Spectranets vast bre and IP network and shall be able to extend these services
to its customers. Netmagic will also have the opportunity to host Spectranets customers in its
Firms are also looking to set up green datacentres, driven by their dual needs to reduce carbon footprint
and ensure environmental compliance. An additional impetus is expected from a policy framework
related to green datacentres in India that is expected to be formalised and implemented soon.
Datacentre: Landscape in India
IT infrastructure of the future to be driven by consolidation
and miniaturisation
In the future, the trends of harmonisation, miniaturisation and consolidation are expected to impact
design and architecture across the entire datacentre value chain. This will, in turn, impact both the
hardware and software aspects of datacentres, leading to reduced hardware per server, lower power
consumption, increased cooling ef ciencies, centralised and streamlined management of data,
databases, software and system environments, security and authentication mechanisms, etc.
India-State Datacentres:
An overview
Datacentre: Landscape in India
State Datacentres: Central to Indias IT infrastructure
The GoI approved the National eGovernance Plan (NeGP) in May 2006. This is a multi-stakeholder
programme which primarily focuses on making critical public services available and promoting rural
entrepreneurship in the country. The NeGP comprises 27 Mission Mode Projects (MMPs). These MMPs
(nine central, 11 state and seven integrated) are owned and spearheaded by respective line ministries,
with well-dened objectives, focusing on services and their levels. The eGovernance infrastructure
necessary to implement the MMPs includes the following components:
State-Wide Area Network (SWAN)
State Datacentre (SDC)
National eGovernance Service Delivery Gateway (NSDG)
Common Services Centres (CSCs)
While the state MMPs account for nearly 65 per cent of the total budget outlay for NeGP, the central and
the integrated MMPs account for 16 per cent and 18 per cent, respectively. The essential core support
components in the form of CSCs, SWAN and SDCs account for over 20 per cent of the total budget and
are essential to be put in place so that all the citizen services targeted under the designated MMPs can
be provided for ef ciently.
Datacentre: Landscape in India
SDCs being set up nationwide for seamless delivery of services
The State Datacentre (SDC) scheme approved by the government involves a total outlay of ` 16.23 billion
towards the capital and operational expenses over a period of ve years. The SDC scheme proposes to
establish datacentres in all states and UTs so that common and secure IT infrastructure is created to
host state level eGovernance applications to enable seamless delivery of Government-to-Government
(G2G), Government-to-Citizen (G2C) and Government-to-Business (G2B) services duly supported by State
Wide Area Network (SWAN) and Common Service Centres (CSCs) established at the village level.
The SDCs will be equipped to host and co-locate systems to use centralised computing power
and storage facilities. Once implemented, an SDC shall enable state departments to host their
applications on a common infrastructure, ensuring easy integration, ef cient management and further
ensuring that computing resources and the support connectivity infrastructure is adequately and
optimally utilised.
Datacentre: Landscape in India
SDC implementation status across India
So far, SDCs in 17 states have been made operational; five SDCs are under various stages of
implementation Andaman (advanced implementation stage), Madhya Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir
(implementation in progress) Chhattisgarh and Mizoram (implementation has been initiated). For
Jharkhand, Bihar and Lakshadweep, implementation is yet to be initiated. For Himachal Pradesh
and Assam, bid process has been initiated and RFP is under finalisation for Uttarakhand and
Punjab. RFPs are yet to be prepared/published for Goa, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu and
Arunachal Pradesh.
Datacentre: Landscape in India
SDC: Architecture
Datacentre: Landscape in India
SDCs: Typical scope of work spans infrastructure design and
implementation, ongoing maintenance
The typical scope of work for a state datacentre involves the design and supply of physical
infrastructure, supply of IT infrastructure components, implementation, training and certication
and maintenance:
Supply, install, congure, test and commission all equipment, products and accessories
Maintenance of various equipments and components supplied (including onsite spares)
Undertake network cabling
Planning, submission of detailed technical architecture (physical and logical) drawing/plan
Undertake systems integrations for all components (rewalls, IDS/IPS antivirus, anti spam,
conguration and performance tuning of all software and hardware, etc.) and system tests inclusive
of load balancing/high availability testing, penetration testing, etc.
Prepare and submit datacentre information security policy and thirdparty audit reports
Undertake onsite repair/replacement services of hardware and peripherals
Undertake network and security administration
Provide training to technical and support team
International Youth Centre
Teen Murti Marg, Chanakyapuri
New Delhi 110 021, India
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