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Wolfson 1 Rachel Wolfson Mrs.

Gardner Honors English Period 0 14 February 2014 An Understanding of Sociology Undecided in regards of future career, the experience this resume has provided me with has served beneficially in narrowing my options of education, work, and lifestyle. I am often asked which career I am interested in pursuing, and most of the time, cannot give an answer. Id often fear that I would never find a career which suited me, but this assignment has motivated me to take further action in my consideration for upcoming career plans. However, I am certain that sociology is not my most desired possibility. Critical thinking and investigation were the two main factors which led me to my decision-making process. Sociology included such a wide range on the study of human society and such, and my interests were piqued by this. I enjoy learning of human behavior, and I believed that I had found the career in life which I would aspire to achieve. Unfortunately, my extensive research on the subject progressively decreased my enthusiasm for sociology. The concept of researching in various situations based on sociological knowledge seemed to me at first appealing, but the scarceness of job opportunities which I believed I would enjoy caused me to change my opinion. Searching, first of all, became a challenge for me since Career Zone failed retrieve any job opportunities whatsoever based on my choice of career. Searching for positions in absence of the websites assistance became tiresome since most of the ones that I discovered in the area of my desired school were not remotely

Wolfson 2 appealing to me. Eventually, I managed to view myself working to benefit those in poverty and lower social class which is the work I would have most likely concluded in for those thirty years; the requirements fit perfectly, and bringing something to another through my work is a requirement that I hold important. In hopes of receiving advice from the experienced, I emailed to college professors at Sonoma State University. One of the two, Forrest Andrew Deseran, eventually responded, informing me that he was now retired, but he would gladly answer any questions that I may have. Enthralled, I responded with my set of inquiries. I asked about the relationship with sociology and criminology as well as examples to explain. Curious about the statement on his website, I also asked Deseran to relate to his personal experience by explaining how he changed the structure of the seafood industry in Louisiana. In my concluding questions, I asked him if there was anything he particularly liked or disliked about sociology, and whether or not sociology contained any surprises that I should prepare for or look forward to. Deseran replied saying that my questions were too time-consuming to cover in an email. He invited me to discuss the questions by phone instead, and he asked to arrange a time that would fit his schedule. I gladly accepted, giving him available time which suited me best, but he hasnt responded since. Out of courtesy I did not want to call unpredictably when he had specifically requested that I arrange a time with him first-hand. Although I am no longer specifically interested in sociology, I am still expecting this response, and I plan to ask these questions in hopes of understanding something about sociology which I didnt realize before.

Wolfson 3 I plan to continue searching for more preferable careers based on my experience through this project. I may consider similar subjects such as anthropology and psychiatry, but I would also like to take a completely different scope of careers into consideration as well. 3D animation, for example, was an entirely contrasting idea which I had originally conceded in the back of my mind. This resume assignment has opened my mind to the various work options which I have the opportunity to contemplate; sociology is only one of many.

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