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i.ry*im3loarO ',' | -04-2012 ' v 9 . . , : NqwDelhi. Dated:l

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,rqnnplJfnsfel Srrhsidwclnrificefinns clarifications SubsidyEducation Allowance/flostel

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dated01-10In terms of Railway Board's letterNo. E(Wy2008lED-214 Allowance Education of Children issued Grant instructions were on 2008 revised to Railway employees based on the recommendationsof Sixth Central Pay provide that Children EducationAllowance Commission. These instructions up to a maximum of two children at the shall be admissibleto Railway servants per annumper child (since to Rs. 15,000/-) revised Rs. 12,000 rate of maximum to cover expenseson education of children under various heads of fee as of aforesaidpolicy it was further clarified mentionedin the said letter. In respect dated l0-06-2009 based on the under Board's letter No. E(W)/20081F'D-Z14 advice received from Departmentof Personneland Training and adopted by Railway Board, that reimbursement of Children Education Allowance is admissiblefor eldest two surviving children studying in schoolsaffiliated to boaroot.Eoucallon. It has come to the notice of Railway Board that reimbursementof 2. Children Education Allowance has been allowed in certain cases prior to 10-06-2009 in respect of any two children of the Railway employees. Clarificationshave been soughtfrom Railway Board as to whether the Children dated10-06-2009 Allowancepaid prior to issueof Board'sguidelines Education in respect of any two children other than the eldest two children may be fina_nc_erecovered. This issuehas been examinedin consultationwith associate that no recovery need be made from ,in Railway Board and { has beendecided Allowance has been paid in Education wlere Children Rallrygr_ employees _rych reipect of-iny two children other than eldesttwo surviving children prior to 10-


of Finance Directorate of Ministry of This issueswith the concurrence 3. Railways. Thig also disposes of North Central Railway's 4. 6 I 3AICR/HQ/A/Cs/Admn/CEA dated3 I -05-20I 0. letter No.

Joint Director Estt. (Welfare) Railway Board



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