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A Schneider Electric Company

IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual For Automatic Circuit Reclosers with CAPM-4 Controllers

Scope This document describes the IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol and Database Implementation on Nu-Lec Automatic Circuit Reclosers utilising CAPM-4 controllers.

Document Part No: N00-341 Document Revision Level: R06


IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual

Nu-Lec Industries Pty Ltd. ACN 085 972 425 37 South Street, Lytton, QLD 4178, Australia. Tel +61 7 3249 5444 Fax +61 7 3249 5888

This document is copyright and is provided solely for the use of the recipient. It is not to be copied in any way, nor its contents divulged to any third party, nor to be used as the basis of a tender or specification without the express written permission of Nu-Lec Industries Pty Ltd. This document discloses confidential intellectual property that belongs to Nu-Lec Industries P/L. This document does not invest any rights to Nu-Lec Industries intellectual property in the recipient. Moreover the recipient is required not to disclose any of the intellectual property contained in this document to any other party unless authorised in writing by Nu-Lec Industries Pty Ltd. Public Access: \stdprod\capm4\manuals\N00-341.doc Source: \R&D\CAPM4\manuals\N00-341.doc

IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual

Revision Control Revision

R00 R01

Author Date
DRM LM 01/04/99 28/04/99

For comment Revised operator panel pages Added Measured Value, Normalised Value object & info Added object address size field, address fields, 3 octet size option Added Frame Tout, One Octet Resp, and Cyclic Dly fields Added short & long pulse + persistent cmds to interop statement Added parameter objects appendix & info




Major overhaul. New IO lists. New sections 2.6 & 2.7. Terminology Revised. Added: Protocol RUNNING/INACTIVE indication, Protocol OFF, Rx Communication Statistics




Added set point command table to appendix, Deleted 32 bit values, Changed Control request text, Corrected terminology for N & RL Series, Added even parity field, Revised class assignment, Corrected baud rate support in Interoperability statement, Added 56 bit time tags, Added measurand section, Moved communication statistics to counters Added Initialisation Timing to Protocol Timing appendix Corrected Select/Execute wording & time base Revised ASDU Permutations section Added Loop Automation and W Series support Revised Class Assignment in appendices Added the ASDU Polling & Event Data Buffering sections




Added some binary single status points Added the clock synchronisation section Added the measured reporting description




Added Supply Outage Measurement points Revised Integrated Totals operation Added phase designation and power flow direction notes to appendices.




Changed ownership to Nulec Industries Added last trip points to appendices Removed enable/disable wording for command points

IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual

1 2 Introduction ..................................................................................................................1 Overview ......................................................................................................................1 2.1 Status Points ............................................................................................................ 1 2.2 Event Points ............................................................................................................. 2 2.3 Controls ....................................................................................................................2 2.4 Control Request Entries in Event Log....................................................................... 2 2.5 Point Configuration ................................................................................................... 2 2.6 Terminology.............................................................................................................. 3 2.7 Password Protection................................................................................................. 3 SCADA System Design................................................................................................ 3 Applicability .................................................................................................................. 4 4.1 Control Cubicle Software .......................................................................................... 4 4.2 IEC870 Protocol ....................................................................................................... 4 4.3 Switchgear Type....................................................................................................... 4 Year 2000 Compliance Statement ............................................................................... 4 Known Software Problems........................................................................................... 5 Protocol Configuration.................................................................................................. 5 7.1 Transmission Services Configuration ....................................................................... 5 7.1.1 Overview ........................................................................................................... 5 7.1.2 Transmission Services Parameters................................................................... 5 7.1.3 Clock Synchronisation ....................................................................................... 8 7.2 Data Configuration.................................................................................................... 9 7.2.1 Overview ........................................................................................................... 9 7.2.2 Data Parameters ............................................................................................... 9 7.2.3 ASDU Configuration ........................................................................................ 13 7.2.4 ASDU Polling................................................................................................... 13 7.2.5 Event Data Buffering ....................................................................................... 14 7.2.6 Measured Values ............................................................................................ 15 Physical Layer............................................................................................................ 16 8.1 Communications Ports Supported .......................................................................... 16 8.2 RS-232 Communication Specifications .................................................................. 16 8.2.1 RS-232 Hardware Signals ............................................................................... 16 8.2.2 RS-232 Character Definition............................................................................ 16 8.2.3 RS-232 Configuration Parameters .................................................................. 16 8.2.4 Carrier Detect .................................................................................................. 19 8.2.5 Transmitting a IEC870 Packet......................................................................... 19 8.2.6 DTR................................................................................................................. 19 8.3 V23 FSK Communication Specifications ................................................................ 19

3 4

5 6 7

IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual 8.3.1 V23 Hardware Signals..................................................................................... 19 8.3.2 V23 Configuration Parameters ........................................................................ 20 8.3.3 V23 Handshaking Signals ............................................................................... 23 8.4 Communication Statistics ....................................................................................... 23 Appendix A Protocol Timings ............................................................................................ 25 Appendix B IEC870 Interoperability Statement ................................................................. 26 Appendix C Binary Single Points (Status) ......................................................................... 31 Appendix D Binary Double Points (Status)........................................................................ 42 Appendix E Single Command Points ................................................................................ 43 Appendix F Double Command Points ............................................................................... 45 Appendix G Measured Value Points (Status - Small Set).................................................. 46 Appendix H Measured Value Points (Status - Full Set) ..................................................... 49 Appendix I Set Point Command Points ............................................................................. 56 Appendix J Parameter Command Points .......................................................................... 57 Appendix K Integrated Total Points................................................................................... 58 Appendix L Measured Value Points (Event)...................................................................... 59 Appendix M Binary Single Points (Event).......................................................................... 60

IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual

1 Introduction
This document describes the Nu-Lec IEC 60870-5-101 implementation for Automatic Circuit Reclosers (ACRs) on Control and Protection Module type 4 (CAPM 4). This version of the protocol does not support Load Break Switch (LBS) mode. For more information about the Recloser mode refer to relevant technical manual for your switchgear type. This implementation is more complex than most telemetry protocols, it is essential to read the Overview section in order to set up the SCADA system correctly.

2 Overview
The Nu-Lec CAPM controller combines the functions of protection relay and switchgear controller into a single intelligent electronic device (IED). The controller provides a user friendly operator interface on a four line LCD control panel that allows configuration and control of the switchgear. In addition the controller generates time tagged events which are displayed on the operator control panel. These events show the history of the switchgear operation for the benefit of the operator and for post fault analysis. Examples would be: Operator Actions such as trip or close Protection Pick up Protection Trips Fault Current Levels Auto-reclose actions These events are optimised to give the operator the most useful information. Electricity supply utilities frequently link the controller into their SCADA systems as a Remote Terminal Unit (RTU). To make this simple the controller provides: Mounting room for a radio or modem in the control cubicle. Power supply for the radio or modem in the control cubicle. Embedded protocol handler for the required SCADA protocol in the controller firmware. The IEC870 protocol allows digital and measured data to be sent from the controller to the SCADA system with time tags attached. This facility has enabled Nu-Lec to provide a sophisticated SCADA system interface that not only provides the SCADA system with status information but also allows the SCADA system to re-create the Event Log display on the operator control panel. This has been achieved by provision of two sets of data points: Status Points and Event Points that are explained below.

2.1 Status Points

This implementation provides a set of status information about the switchgear that can be used by a SCADA system to generate displays and events for operational purposes. This might be described as the traditional set of SCADA system data and are called the Status Points, refer to Appendices C, D and E/F. For example: N00-341 Open or Close Status Page 1

IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual Lockout Status Fault Flags Line Currents and Voltages Time tags are optional. If enabled, these status points are returned with time tags of either 10 or 500 millisecond resolution.

2.2 Event Points

Event points have not been implemented in this release of the protocol. If event points are required, contact Nu-Lec. Event Points are a set of points that match the events in the controller event log. These points, along with their time tags, can be used by the SCADA system to re-create the same event log that the operator will see on the control panel at the switchgear. They are not suitable for status displays because they may describe transient events rather than steady state conditions. For example: Reclaim expired Sequence Advance Phase Fault Maximum Current SEF/SGF Protection Trip Event Point time tags have a 10-millisecond resolution. Refer to section 7.2 for how to enable/disable these points. Refer to Appendix L and Appendix M for both their IO Point mapping and their protocol implementation explanation.

2.3 Controls
A list of the controls supported by the protocol handler is detailed in Appendix E and Appendix F. In some cases a control will be rejected because of an underlying CAPM condition preventing the action. These conditions are detailed in the table in Appendix E. All controls have a corresponding binary status point. The master station must use these status points to verify that the control action has been successful. The IEC870 protocol handler is designated as a remote user. Refer to the equipment manual for more information.

2.4 Control Request Entries in Event Log

The IEC870 protocol handler can trigger two events to be recorded in the CAPM event log - IEC870 Trip Req and IEC870 Close Req. This event log reporting indicates only that the protocol handler has requested a trip or a close from the CAPM. It does not necessarily mean that the action has been taken. For example, if the CAPM receives a close command from the protocol and it has Live Load Blocking enabled then the CAPM will not close the ACR if any load side terminals are live. The master station must use the state of the IEC870 ACR Tripped/Closed binary status points to verify that the close action has been performed.

2.5 Point Configuration

Several means are provided to configure the data points required. These include:


Page 2

IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual Selection of three sets of measured points full, small and none. This allows the controller be configured to suit the communications and SCADA system constraints. Flexible data object addressing. ASDU object type selection for binary and measured input data. Optional digital points containing event log (Event points have not been implemented in this release of the protocol. If event points are required contact Nu-Lec.)

2.6 Terminology
The terminology used in this document is that Earth Fault or Ground Fault is described as Earth / Ground Fault and Sensitive Earth Fault (SEF) or Sensitive Ground Fault (SGF) is described as SEF/SGF. Also, bushing terminology is for U-series ie X and I for the switchgear terminals. On Nseries and RL series the 1 side is I and the 2 side is X. Also note that the phase terminology is ABC and refers always to the phase set by the Terminal Designation or Phasing option, never to the physical bushing or terminal on the switchgear.

2.7 Password Protection

All IEC870 panel fields require password entry unless described as Display only or otherwise stated. For more information on operator control panel usage refer to the equipment manual.

3 SCADA System Design

It is recommended that the SCADA system engineer reads the rest of this manual and discusses the options for implementation that this protocol implementation provides with the operations staff. Some SCADA system implementation options are: Build Screens using the Status Points and use their time tags to generate SCADA system events. Build Screens using the Status Points and use the Event Points to generate the SCADA system events. This means that the SCADA system event log will replicate the controller event log. Build Screens using the Status Points and use their time tags to generate SCADA system events. Then in addition use the Event Points to generate events into a separate Controller Event log. In all cases the Status points are required to generate the displays for the operator, it the Event Points which need only be used at the discretion of the SCADA engineer. There are many other configuration parameters for the protocol such as data rate, device address etc. The controller has a fixed set of functionality and the point mapping has been implemented to reflect this by providing the sets of data points described in the appendices. The SCADA engineer has the ability to select from a variety of points sets and to configure some aspects of the point mapping.


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IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual

4 Applicability
4.1 Control Cubicle Software
This document applies to Nu-Lec pole top reclosers using a CAPM-4 Controller which displays IEC870-101 Manual N00-341R06+ on the controller capability pages. To find these pages refer to the main equipment manual. Some features described in this manual may only be available on later releases of the software. In this case the manual will declare which version of software applies.

4.2 IEC870 Protocol

The protocol version implemented by Nu-Lec is IEC 60870-5-101 and is as described in the following IEC international standard documents: Telecontrol Equipment and Systems, Part 5: Transmission Protocols Section 1 Transmission Frame Formats, CEI/IEC870-5-1: 1990 Telecontrol Equipment and Systems, Part 5: Transmission Protocols Section 2 Link Transmission Procedures, CEI/IEC870-5-2: 1992 Telecontrol Equipment and Systems, Part 5: Transmission Protocols Section 3 General structure of application data, CEI/IEC870-5-3: 1992 Telecontrol Equipment and Systems, Part 5: Transmission Protocols Section 4 Definition and coding of application information elements, CEI/IEC870-5-4: 1993 Telecontrol Equipment and Systems, Part 5: Transmission Protocols Section 5 Basic application functions, CEI/IEC870-5-5: 1995 Telecontrol Equipment and Systems, Part 5: Transmission Protocols Section 101 Companion standard for basic telecontrol tasks, CEI/IEC870-5-101: 1995

4.3 Switchgear Type

Applicable to the following switchgear types. N-Series ACR, all models with CAPM-4 controllers. U-Series ACR, all models with CAPM-4 controllers W-Series ACR, all models with CAPM-4 controllers

5 Year 2000 Compliance Statement

The IEC870 protocol software complies with rules 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the British Standards Institute Year 2000 Conformity Requirement (DISC PD2000-1 A Definition of Year 2000 N00-341 Page 4

IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual Conformity Requirements). A copy of this statement can be found on the Nu-Lec Pty Ltd web site (http://www.Nu-Lec.com.au/).

6 Known Software Problems

This is a list of known software problems. There are no known software problems

7 Protocol Configuration
The IEC870 protocol adds several pages to the System Status menus. The additional pages fall into the following groups, Transmission Services Configuration (Section 7.1) Data Configuration (Section 7.2) Communication Configuration (Section 8) All protocol configuration parameters can be viewed, modified and stored on a Personal Computer with the WSOS utility.

7.1 Transmission Services Configuration 7.1.1 Overview

The protocol has a number of parameters that form transmission service functions. The CAPM permits configuration of a number of these: Link and application layer address field sizes Link and application layer address values Link frame size Control select/execute time out period Use of single octet Ack responses

7.1.2 Transmission Services Parameters

These pages allow the SCADA engineer to determine how the link and application layer of the IEC 60870-5-101 protocol handler transmits packets.

- IEC870-101 Transmission Services 1 -S Link Addr Size 2 Link Addr 5 Common Addr Size 2 Common Addr 5 Object Addr Size 2 Time Size 24

- IEC870-101 Transmission Services 2 -S Select/Exec TO 3s Frame TO 5000ms Cyclic Dly 300s Tx Delay 0ms One Octet Ack OFF One Octet Resp OFF


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IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual

Table 1 Transmission Services Parameters Parameter Link Addr Size Description Link Address Field Size The number of octets in the link layer address field of all IEC870 messages on the communication link. If the Link Addr is greater than the maximum permitted by a new Link Addr Size setting then the CAPM will automatically reset the Link Addr to the maximum for the new size. Range: 1 or 2 octets Factory default is 2 octets Link Service Address The link layers service address of the CAPM on the communication link. This is often referred to as the hardware address of the CAPM on the communication link. Range: 1 254 or 1 65534 depending upon Configured Link Addr Size Factory default is 5 Common Address Field Size The number of octets in the application layer ASDU common address field of all IEC870 messages on the communication link. If the Common Addr is greater than the maximum permitted by a new Common Addr Size setting then the CAPM will automatically reset the Common Addr to the maximum for the new size. Range: 1 or 2 octets Factory default is 2 octets Common Address The application layers ASDU common address. This is the logical address of the CAPM IEC870-101 protocol handlers data. It is recommended that the Common Addr and Link Addr of the CAPM be configured to the same value in order to simplify communication link addressing. Range: 1 254 or 1 65534 depending upon configured Common Addr Size Factory default is 5 Information Object Address (IOA) Field Size The number of octets in the application layer information object address field of all IEC870 messages on the communication link. Page 6

Link Addr

Common Addr Size

Common Addr

Object Addr Size


IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual Parameter Description If any of the information object addresses are greater than the maximum permitted by a new Object Addr Size setting then the CAPM will automatically reset the information object address to the maximum for the new size. If this field is set to a smaller value then all information object address fields must be checked and assigned to user defined addresses taking care that there is no overlap between object types. It is an IEC60870-5-101 protocol requirement that all points have a discrete object address. No two points are permitted to have the same information object address on a communication link. Range: 1, 2 or 3 octets Factory default is 2 octets Time Size Time Stamp Size If set to 24 bits then the time tag reported has minutes, seconds and milliseconds (MM:SS.ms). If set to 56 bits then the time tag reported has date, hour, minutes, seconds and milliseconds (MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS.ms). Range: 24 or 56 bits Factory default is 24 bits Select/Execute Timeout Maximum time in seconds between the CAPM receiving a select command and receiving an execute command for the command to be valid. This time is used to determine validity of both binary and setpoint commands. Range: 1 to 900 seconds Factory default is 3 seconds Frame Size Timeout The maximum time, in milliseconds, after receiving the first octet that the CAPM will wait for an entire frame from the master station before determining a communication failure. Range: 0 to 65535 milliseconds Factory default is 5000 milliseconds Delay Between Cyclic Data Reporting Minimum number of seconds between cyclic data transmissions. Cyclic data are periodic update values that are reported in class 2 poll responses. These values are not included in general interrogation responses. If set to 0, cyclic reporting is disabled and data is

Select/Exec TO

Frame TO

Cyclic Dly


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IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual Parameter Description reported in general interrogation responses. Range: 0 to 65535 seconds Factory default is 300 seconds. Tx Delay Transmission delay Additional time in milliseconds between receiving a request and sending the response. Usually 0, it is used when the master station requires time to disable its transmitter. This field is often used in RS485 networks. Range: 0 to 65535 ms Factory default is 0 ms. One Octet Acknowledge Usage Enable/disable single octet Ack responses to Send/Confirm Expected primary link functions. If there is no buffered class 1 data (ie ACD = 0) then the CAPM will respond to the following primary function codes with a single character Ack (0xE5) instead of a fixed length five character Ack. Reset remote link, Reset user process, and

One Octet Ack

User data Range: ON, OFF Factory default is OFF One Octet Resp One Octet Response Usage Enable/disable single octet Ack responses to class 1 and class 2 polls. The CAPM will respond to any class 1 poll or any class 2 poll with a single character Ack (0xE5) instead of a fixed length five character Nack. Range: ON, OFF Factory default is OFF

Note: 1. If a measured value has undergone multiple change events in between reporting to the master station then only a single up-to-date value for the point will be reported.

7.1.3 Clock Synchronisation

If an hour change or a date change has occurred since last reported then the CAPM stores a spontaneous clock synchronisation event message in its event buffer. The clock change event is transmitted to the master station in order for it to be able to distinguish between events of the previous hour and those of the current hour. The clock synchronisation event will be stored irrespective of the time format - 24 bits (MM:SS.ms) or 56 bits (MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS.ms). Time stamp data is invalid if one of the following conditions is true:


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IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual The CAPM has performed cold start and has not received a clock synchronisation command. The CAPM has not received any communications from the master station for 24 hours The CAPM has not received any clock synchronisation commands from the master station for a 72 hours

7.2 Data Configuration 7.2.1 Overview

Point configuration is available for: Assigning dead bands to match the line conditions, these are set separately for Phase Currents (A, B, C) Ground Current Phase Voltages (A, B, C) System Power (kVA, kVAR, kW) Selection of measured value sets (full, small, none) based on the operational requirements and transmission bandwidth available, particularly during a general interrogation. Allocation of base addresses for ASDU data objects

7.2.2 Data Parameters

The point configuration screen is shown below, further information is given in the table. In addition Windows SOS (WSOS) can be used to assign the classes for the digital points and measured values, this will override the defaults shown in the appendices.

---- IEC870-101 Data Configuration 1 --S Phase Current 10A Phase Voltage 100V Earth Current 5A System Power 250 Event Data OFF Measured Data SMALL

---- IEC870-101 Data Configuration 2 -S Binary Time ON Measured Time OFF Single Pts 1 Double Pts 100 Single Cmds 200 Double Cmds 300

---- IEC870-101 Data Configuration 3 -S Data type SCALED Meas Vals 400 SetPt Cmds 500 Param Cmds 600 Integ Total Rep ON Integ Total 700


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IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual

Configurable Parameters Parameter Phase Current

Note 1

Description Phase Current Deadband The A, B and C phase current measured values will all have their deadband set to this value. Range: 1 to 999A Factory default is 10A Phase Voltage Deadband The A, B and C phase voltage measured values will all have their deadband set to this value. Range: 1 to 38000V Factory default is 100V Earth/Ground Current Deadband The earth/ground current measured value will have its deadband set to this value. Range: 1 to 999A Factory default is 5A System Power Deadband All power measured values will have their deadband set to this value. (i.e. kVA, kVAR, and kW) Range: 1 to 54000 units Factory default is 250 units Event Data Usage Determines if Event point data is included in the data that is transmitted to the master station. Event point data are not implemented in code 022-xx-xx onwards. Range: ON, OFF Factory default is OFF Measured Data Set Determines which, if any, of the measured value mapping sets is included in the data that is transmitted to the master station. A summary of the available mapping permutations is given below. Range: OFF, SMALL, FULL Factory default is SMALL Binary Time Tag Usage Determines if time tags are included with all single and double point information transmitted to the master station. This field is automatically set to ON if the Event Data field is set ON. Range: ON, OFF Page 10

Phase Voltage
Note 1

Earth/Gnd Current
Note 1

System Power
Note 1

Event Data

Measured Data

Binary Time


IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual Parameter Measured Time Description Factory default is ON Measured Time Tag Usage Determines if time tags are included with all spontaneous measured value information. The inclusion of time tags affects measured data reporting method. Refer to section 7.2.5 for more information. This field is not used if Measured Data is OFF. This field is automatically set to ON if the Event Data field is set ON. Range: ON, OFF Factory default is OFF Single Point Base Information Object Address The base address for the single point objects Range: 1 254, 1 65534 or 1 16777214 depending upon configured Object Addr Size Factory default is 1 Double Point Base Information Object Address The base address for the double point objects Range: 1 254, 1 65534 or 1 16777214 depending upon configured Object Addr Size Factory default is 100 Single Command Base Information Object Address The base address for the single command objects Range: 1 254, 1 65534 or 1 16777214 depending upon configured Object Addr Size Factory default is 200 Double Command Base Information Object Address The base address for the double command objects Range: 1 254, 1 65534, or 1 16777214 depending upon configured Object Addr Size Factory default is 300 Reported Measured Data Type The type of ASDU data values used by the CAPM: scaled values (engineering units), or normalised values The Data type setting determines the measurand, parameter and setpoint data types. Refer to sections 7.2.3 and 7.2.6 for more information. Range: SCALED, NORMAL Factory default is SCALED Meas Vals N00-341 Measured Values Base Information Object Address Page 11

Single Pts

Double Pts

Single Cmds

Double Cmds

Data type

IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual Parameter Description The base address for the measured value objects Range: 1 254, 1 65534, or 1 16777214 depending upon configured Object Addr Size Factory default is 400 SetPt Cmds Setpoint Command Base Information Object Address The base address for the set point command objects Range: 1 254, 1 65534, or 1 16777214 depending upon configured Object Addr Size Factory default is 500 Parameter Command Base Information Object Address The base address for the parameter command objects Range: 1 254, 1 65534, or 1 16777214 depending upon configured Object Addr Size Factory default is 600 Integrated Total Usage Determines if the integrated total object information is reported in the data transmitted to the master station. Range: ON, OFF Factory default is ON Integrated Total Base Information Object Address The base address for the integrated total objects Range: 1 254, 1 65534, or 1 16777214 depending upon configured Object Addr Size Factory default is 700

Param Cmds

Integ Total Rep

Integ Total

Notes. 1. Deadbands can be overwritten with Parameter Command by the master station for these groups. Overwriting any member of a group (eg. A-Phase current) sets the deadband for all members of the group (eg. A and B and C currents). These will be saved in non-volatile memory.


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IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual

7.2.3 ASDU Configuration

The table below list all the possible permutations of the Application Service Data Unit (ASDU) data types reported by IEC870-5-101 protocol handler. Point lists for each data type is given in the appendicies.
CAPM Configuration Field Data type (ASDU) 1 2 3 4 9 Single-point information without time Single-point information with 24 bit time tag Double-point information without time Double-point information with 24 bit time tag Measured, normalised value without time Binary Time Tag OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON NORMAL NORMAL SCALED SCALED 24 24 ON ON ON ON NORMAL SCALED NORMAL SCALED 56 56 56 56 56 24 24 24 Measured Time Tag Data Type Time Size

10 Measured, normalised with 24 bit time tag 11 Measured, scaled value without time 12 Measured, scaled with 24 bit time tag 15 Integrated totals without time 16 Integrated totals with 24 bit time tag 30 Single-point information with 56 bit time tag 31 Double-point information with 56 bit time tag 34 Measured, normalised with 56 bit time tag 35 Measured, scaled with 56 bit time tag 37 Integrated totals with 56 bit time tag 110 Parameters, normalised values 111 Parameters, scaled values

Note: 1. Measured ASDUs are only applicable if Measured Data is SMALL or FULL. 2. Usage of binary single command and binary double command output objects is not configurable. 3. Inclusion of the integrated total object in the protocol handlers database is optional via the panel/WSOS.

7.2.4 ASDU Polling

The table below lists the ASDU data types contained in CAPM responses to IEC870-5-101 poll commands.
IEC 870-5-101 Command Class 1 Class 2 Read (ASDU 102) Data type reported by CAPM Single/Double-point information with time (ASDU 1 or 3) YES YES
Note 5

General Interrogation (ASDU 100)

Counter Interrogation (ASDU 101) General Freeze /Reset NO





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IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual

IEC 870-5-101 Command Class 1 Class 2 Read (ASDU 102) Data type reported by CAPM Single/Double-point information without time (ASDU 2 or 4) Measured value points with time (ASDU 10, 12, 34, or 35) Measured value points without time (ASDU 9 or 11) Integrated Totals points (ASDU 15) Integrated Totals points with time (ASDU 16 or 37) Parameter points (ASDU 110 or 111) NO NO YES NO NO NO YES YES
Note 1

General Interrogation (ASDU 100)

Counter Interrogation (ASDU 101) General Freeze /Reset NO


Note 5





Note 1


Note 1




Note 1







Note 4

Note 4


Note: 1. Reporting of Cyclic data can be disabled by configuring Cyclic Dly to 0. Disabling cyclic data reporting will result in cyclic data being reported in interrogation command responses. Change of state reporting via class 1 responses is not affected by the cyclic data being disabled. 2. Reporting of individual data points can be enabled/disabled via WSOS configuration. A disabled data point will still retain its object address but will not be reported during any of the above polling. 3. A CAPM response to a Read command will contain the data for the single ASDU point referenced in the command. The CAPM does not support multiple data responses. 4. Inclusion of the integrated total object in the protocol handlers database is optional via the panel/WSOS 5. If the CAPM received a class 2 poll and it has no class 2 data available but has class 1 data available then it will respond with a class 1 response.

7.2.5 Event Data Buffering

The CAPM maintains separate buffers for change of state event reporting for each of its data types. Single-point information (ASDU 1, 2 or 30) 250 events Double-point information (ASDU 3, 4 or 31) 50 events All single and double information change of state events are stored in their respective buffers. Measured values (ASDU 9, 10, 11, 12, 34, or 35) 200 events If the CAPM is configured to have Measured Time tags ON then an event is stored in the change of state buffer every time the value exceeds its dead band. All changes of state values are reported, with their time tags, in response to a master station poll. Page 14


IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual If the CAPM is configured to have Measured Time tags OFF then a single non-time tagged event per measured value is stored in the change of state buffer. Only the one event is stored irrespective of the number of times the value exceeds its dead band. The value for the event that is reported to the master station is the current value at the time of transmission. Note that if a measured value is rapidly changing during a multimessage exchange poll then a second report of the spontaneous value change is possible. Clock Change (ASDU 103) 24 events The usage of clock change events is explained in section 7.1.3. Integrated totals (ASDU 15, 16 or 37) 50 events

7.2.6 Measured Values

The CAPM measured values are listed in Appendix G and Appendix H. These can be transmitted to the master station as either Scaled or Normalised values. SCALED VALUES All measured values are transmitted as a signed 16 bit value. The value transmitted is calculated by: Transmitted Scaled Value = Raw value units Examples: Raw Value Range 0 to 16000A 0.0 to 100.0 % 0 to 131068 kVA Units 2A 0.1% 4kVA Transmitted Scaled Value 0 to 8000 0 to 1000 0 to 32767 NORMALISED VALUES All measured values are transmitted as a signed 16 bit value. The value transmitted is calculated as shown below:
Normalised Value
7FFFH (32767)

Scaled Value


- (Range Max)

0 +(Range Max)

8000H (-32768)

Examples: Raw Value Range 0 to 16000A 0 to 30000V 0.0 to 100.0% -14 to 44 PSI 1 to 4 trips Units 1A 4V 0.1% 1 PSI 1 trip Transmitted Normalised Value Range 0H (0) to 7FFFH (32767) 0H (0) to 1FFFH (8191) 0H (0) to 7FFFH (32767) 28B9H (-10425) to 7FFFH (32767) 1FFFH (8191) to 7FFFH (32767)


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IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual

8 Physical Layer
8.1 Communications Ports Supported
The CAPM can communicate to the Master station via one of the following ports. RS-232 Port P8 V23 FSK Port P10

8.2 RS-232 Communication Specifications 8.2.1 RS-232 Hardware Signals

P8 Pin 2 3 4 5 7 8 20 Direction From CAPM To CAPM From CAPM To CAPM To CAPM From CAPM Description Tx Data (TxD) Rx Data (RxD) Request To Send (RTS) Clear To Send (CTS) Signal Ground Carrier Detect (CD) Data Terminal Ready (DTR)

Note: The CAPM uses RTS/CTS hardware handshaking. If not supported by the master then a loop back is required at the CAPM end of the communication cable.

8.2.2 RS-232 Character Definition

RS-232 characters are 8 bit with 1 stop bit. Parity is configurable.

8.2.3 RS-232 Configuration Parameters

The following IEC870 communications configuration pages allow the user to specify parameters required for operation of the physical link between the recloser and the master station. ----- IEC870-101 Communications 1 ----S P8 RS-232 RUNNING Pre-Tx 250ms Post-Tx 35ms

----- IEC870-101 Communications 2 ----S Parity EVEN DCD Ignore Baud 9600


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IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual

----- IEC870-101 Communications 3 ----S Pre-amble DISABLED First Char 0x55 Repeat First 3 Last Char 0xFF


Description Port Selection This field selects the communications medium the IEC 60870-5101 protocol uses for transmission. When OFF is selected, the protocol handler is disabled. When P8 RS 232 is selected, the protocol uses the P8 serial port for all data. Also, the IEC870-101 Communications 1 and 2 pages are automatically updated to reflect relevant RS-232 data as detailed below. When P10 V23 FSK is selected, the protocol uses the built in V23 modem on P10. Also, the IEC870-101 Communications 1 and 2 pages are automatically updated to reflect relevant FSK data. Refer to section 8.3 for the P10 configuration details. Range: OFF, P8 RS-232, P10 FSK V23 Factory default is P8 RS 232 Protocol Status Indication of the current status of the communications. (Display only) RUNNING means that the port has been seized and the protocol handler is running. INACTIVE means that the protocol handler has been disabled via the OFF state above or has been unable to lock onto a communication port. This is usually caused by another application already having exclusive access to the port. Range: INACTIVE, RUNNING Pre-Transmission Period The time delay between keying RTS to when the message starts. Range: 50 to 1000 ms. Factory default is 250 ms Post-Transmission Period The time after the last character is sent before RTS is negated. Range: 0 to 1000 ms. Factory default is 35 ms

OFF P8 RS-232

P10 V23 FSK





Page 17

IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual Parameter Parity Description Communication Parity Determines the parity of the communication port. The IEC 60870-5-101 specification requires that the parity be EVEN for full compliance with its data integrity standard (Hamming distance = 4). This parameter has been provided for compatibility with communication systems that do not support parity. Range: NONE, EVEN Factory default is EVEN DCD Usage If the modem does not support a Data Carrier Detect (DCD) signal this parameter should be set to DCD Ignore. Even if the modem does support a DCD signal this parameter is usually set to DCD Ignore. This is because most point-point systems using conventional modems run as full duplex so that the DCD is always asserted during normal operation. When set to this mode, the protocol uses any received data to build an incoming packet irrespective of DCD input signal. Also the protocol will transmit irrespective of the DCD input signal. If the modem supports a Data Carrier Detect (DCD) signal this parameter can be set to DCD Dont Ignore. When set to this mode, the protocol will only read data and build an incoming protocol packet when DCD is asserted. In addition, the protocol will not transmit when DCD is asserted. This is necessary for multi-dropped systems or ones shared with voice users or some radio-modems. Range: DCD Ignore, DCD Dont Ignore Factory default is DCD Ignore Communications Baud Rate Range: 300, 1200, 2400, 4800 or 9600 baud. Factory default is 9600 Baud Preamble Usage Determines whether the protocol transmits some preamble characters prior to the start of a protocol message. The message itself is not otherwise modified. Some modems require these characters to assist with message reception and synchronisation at the master station. Start of frame filtering at the master station ensures identification of the protocol message. ENABLED means that the preamble characters are transmitted prior to a protocol message. DISABLED means that protocol message are transmitted without any preamble characters. Range: ENABLED, DISABLED Factory default is DISABLED Preamble First Character Page 18

DCD Ignore

DCD Dont Ignore




First Char N00-341

IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual Parameter Description This is the first character to be transmitted as a preamble. The character is specified by entering its ASCII code in hexadecimal format. Range: is 0 to FF hexadecimal. Factory default is 0x55 Repeat First Number of Preamble First Characters This is the number of times the first character will be repeated as part of the preamble. Eg if all preamble settings are at default values then the preamble sent is 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0xFF Range: 0 to 20. Factory default is 3 Last Preamble Character This is the last char that will be sent as part of the preamble. The character is specified by entering its ASCII code in hexadecimal format. Range: is 0 to FF hexadecimal. Factory default is 0xFF

Last Char

8.2.4 Carrier Detect

When DCD Ignore is configured, the Data Carrier Detect (DCD) input is not used. All data is received and transmitted irrespective of the state of the DCD signal. When DCD Dont Ignore is configured, the CAPM will not begin to transmit a packet until DCD is negated, and will only receive data when DCD is asserted. Refer to the DCD Usage parameter description for more information.

8.2.5 Transmitting a IEC870 Packet

Transmission of a IEC870 packet follows the steps below 1. RTS line is asserted 2. CAPM waits until the pre-transmission delay expires (Delay set from the panel) 3. Checks CTS is asserted. 4. The pre-amble is transmitted (Optional. Set from the panel). 5. Checks CTS is asserted. 6. The IEC870 packet is transmitted 7. Waits until the post-transmission delay expires (Delay set from the panel) 8. RTS is negated

8.2.6 DTR
DTR is asserted by the protocol at power-up or P8 Selection.

8.3 V23 FSK Communication Specifications 8.3.1 V23 Hardware Signals

Standard Cable N00-341 P10 Pin Direction Use Page 19

IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual Type N03-530 15 Way D Female 5 4 15 11 6 5 4 15 11 6 To CAPM From CAPM From CAPM To CAPM Signal Ground Receive, 10kOhm impedance Sensitivity 0.1V to 2V pk-pk Press To Talk (PTT) Transmit, 600 Ohm impedance Level 2.5V pk-pk Busy, 10kOhm impedance

Signal frequencies conform to V23 standard. The protocol only supports half duplex (ie receive and transmit can not occur at the same time) when using the V23 port. All transmissions are 1200 baud, 8 bit, and one stop bit. Parity is configurable.

8.3.2 V23 Configuration Parameters

The IEC870 communications configuration page allows the user to specify parameters required for operation of the physical link between the recloser and the master station.

----- IEC870-101 Communications 1 ----S P10 FSK V23 RUNNING Pre-Tx 250ms Post-Tx 35ms Tx NORMAL Parity EVEN

----- IEC870-101 Communications 2 ----S Busy Disabled Busy when input low Busy Idle

----- IEC870-101 Communications 3 ----S Pre-amble DISABLED First Char 0x55 Repeat First 3 Last Char 0xFF


Description Port Selection This field selects the communications medium the IEC870 protocol handler uses for transmission.


Page 20

IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual Parameter OFF P8 RS-232 Description When OFF is selected, the protocol handler is disabled. When P8 RS 232 is selected, the protocol uses the P8 serial port for all data. Also, the IEC870 Communications 1 and 2 pages are automatically updated to reflect relevant RS-232 data. Refer to section 8.2 for the P8 configuration details. When P10 V23 FSK is selected, the protocol uses the built in V23 modem on P10. Also, the IEC870 Communications 1 and 2 pages are automatically updated to reflect relevant FSK data as detailed below. Range: OFF, P8 RS-232, P10 V23 FSK Factory default is P8 RS-232 Protocol Status Indication of the current status of the communications. (Display only) RUNNING means that the port has been seized and the protocol handler is running. INACTIVE means that the protocol handler has been disabled via the OFF state above or has been unable to lock onto a communication port. This is usually caused by another application already having exclusive access to the port. Range: INACTIVE, RUNNING Pre-Transmission Period The time delay between keying PTT to when the message starts. During this time a logic 1 is sent. Range: 50 to 1000 ms. Factory default is 250 ms Post-Transmission Period The time after the last character is sent before PTT is negated. During this time a logic 1 is sent. Range: 0 to 1000 ms. Factory default is 10 ms Transmission Mode This field can be used to test the radio transmitter. Tx NORMAL means that the protocol handler controls the radio for normal IEC870 transmissions. Tx TEST means that the protocol handler will send continuous text strings of TX TEST. This string is transmitted as an asynchronous message with 8 bit, no parity, 1 stop bit, 1 start bit format. Range: Tx NORMAL, Tx TEST Factory default is Tx NORMAL. BUSY Signal Status The status of the BUSY signal into the CAPM (Display only) N00-341 Page 21

P10 V23 FSK





IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual Parameter Busy Idle Busy Asserted Description BUSY Idle indicates that the signal is in the not BUSY state. BUSY Asserted indicates that the signal is in the BUSY state. This usually means that the radio squelch has opened. Range: Busy Idle, Busy Asserted Busy Signal Usage The Busy Disabled mode is used when there is no busy signal available. Eg A twisted pair link. When set to this mode, the protocol uses any received data to build a IEC870 packet. The protocol is able to transmit at any time. The Busy Enabled mode is the normal operating mode for radio systems that have a busy signal available. When set to this mode, the protocol will only read data and build IEC870 messages when busy is asserted. In addition, the protocol will not transmit when busy is asserted. This reduces clashes with voice users. Range: Busy Disabled, Busy Enabled Factory default is Busy Disabled Polarity of Busy Signal This field determines the polarity of the input signal from the radio (P10 pin 6) that the CAPM uses as BUSY. Busy when input low means that a low input signal will assert BUSY. Busy when input high means that a high input signal will assert BUSY. Range: Busy when input low, Busy when input high. Factory default is Busy when input low Communication parity Determines the parity of the communication port. The IEC 60870-5-101 specification requires that the parity be EVEN for full compliance with its data integrity standard (Hamming distance = 4). This parameter has been provided for compatibility with communication systems that do not support parity. Range: NONE, EVEN Factory default is EVEN Preamble Usage When ENABLED the protocol handler inserts a string of characters in front of a message packet. The message frame is otherwise not affected. Start of frame filtering at the master station will ensure identification of the message. This parameter is sometimes required for modems to aid with their keying. When DISABLED the protocol handler does not insert any preamble characters. Range: ENABLED, DISABLED Factory default is DISABLED Page 22

Busy Disabled

Busy Enabled

Busy when input low Busy when input high


Pre-amble ENABLED



IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual Parameter First Char Description Preamble First Character This is the first character to be transmitted as a preamble. The character is specified by entering its ASCII code in hexadecimal format. Range: is 0 to FF hexadecimal. Factory default is 0x55 Number of Preamble First Characters This is the number of times the first character will be repeated as part of the preamble. Eg if all preamble settings are at default values then the preamble sent is 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0xFF Range: 0 to 20. Factory default is 3 Last Character of Preamble This is the last char that will be sent as part of the preamble. The character is specified by entering its ASCII code in hexadecimal format. Range: is 0 to FF hexadecimal. Factory default is 0xFF

Repeat First

Last Char

8.3.3 V23 Handshaking Signals

The V23 interface uses two signals, PTT from the CAPM, and Busy to the CAPM. The PTT signal is used to key up a half-duplex radio transmitter. At the start of transmission the CAPM asserts the PTT line and signals logic 1 for the pre-transmission time. It then transmits the data blocks. Once the data has been sent it asserts logic 1 for the post-transmission time and then negates PTT. Some radio systemsdo not require a PTT signal. The Busy signal can utilise the squelch signal from a radio that indicates that the channel is busy. If the communications equipment does not have such a signal then Busy Disabled should be selected. If a busy signal is available then the Busy Enabled should be set. In this mode the polarity of the busy signal must be correctly set to match the operation of the radio. This is done with the Busy when input high/low parameter. When Busy Enabled is selected and Busy is asserted the protocol handler will Process all characters coming in on the receive line and attempt to decode these as Conitel packets. This prevents attempting to process channel noise in the absence of radio carrier. Delay all transmissions until Busy is negated. This avoids clashes with other channel users.

8.4 Communication Statistics

The communication statistics give communication information, such as octets being sent and received. The communication statistics page appears as below:


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IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual

- IEC870-101 Communication Statistics -S Tx Count 582 Rx Count 582 Rx CRC Error 0 Rx Sync Error 0 Rx Frame TO Err 0

Statistic Tx Count

Description Transmission Message Count The number of FT1.2 frames1 transmitted from this recloser into the communication link. Range: 0 to 99999 Receive Message Count The number of FT1.2 frames received by this recloser from the communication link. Range: 0 to 99999 Receive Message CRC Error Count The number of FT1.2 frames received with a Checksum error Range: 0 to 999 Receive Message Sync Error Count The number of messages received that with unrecognised frame type or second octet that is not correct for FT1.2 format. Range: 0 to 999 Receive Message Frame Timeout Error Count The number of times that the total receive time, Frame TO, for the frame is exceeded Range: 0 to 999

Rx Count

Rx CRC Error

Rx Sync Error

Rx Frame TO Err

All of the above counters are zeroed when the CAPM is reset or the reset all button is selected in Windows SOS. Any field can be cleared individually via the control operator panel by selecting it and pressing either the left or right keys. All communication statistic parameters are not password protected.

All IEC 60870-5-101 data link messages are transmitted with FT1.2 format frames.


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IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual

Appendix A Protocol Timings

Initialisation Time
The protocol handler will not respond to master station requests for several seconds after power up whilst it waits for the CAPM database to be initialised and for high priority boot up tasks to be completed.

Turnaround Time
The turnaround time for the protocol, from the end of receiving a message until the start of the pre-transmission time, is typically < 30 milliseconds with a range of 5 to 100 milliseconds.

Latency of Data
The protocol task examines the real-time database every 500 milliseconds to see if anything has changed and to construct the underlying protocol database which is sent to the master station. This introduces a delay between the actual event and updating the protocol database of up to 500 milliseconds. This is the data latency.

Accuracy of Time Tags

For points tagged to 500ms resolution the time tag accuracy is 0 / +500 milliseconds relative to processor clock . For points tagged to 10ms resolution the time tag matches identically with the corresponding event time on the operator control panel.


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IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual

Appendix B IEC870 Interoperability Statement

Network configuration

Point-to-point Multiple point-to-point

Multipoint-party line

Physical layer
Transmission speed (control direction) Unbalanced interchange circuit V.24/V.28 Standard 100 bit/s 200 bit/s Unbalanced interchange circuit V.24/V.28 Recommended if >1 200 bit/s Balanced interchange circuit X.24/X.27 2400 bit/s 4800 bit/s 9600 bit/s 19200 bit/s 38400 bit/s Unbalanced interchange circuit V.24/V.28 Recommended if >1 200 bit/s Balanced interchange circuit X.24/X.27 2400 4800 9600 19200 38400 bit/s bit/s bit/s bit/s bit/s 56000 bit/s 64000 bit/s 56000 bit/s 64000 bit/s

300 bit/s 600 bit/s

2400 bit/s 4800 bit/s 9600 bit/s



Transmission speed (monitor direction) Unbalanced interchange circuit V.24/V.28 Standard 100 bit/s 200 bit/s

300 bit/s 600 bit/s

2400 bit/s 4800 bit/s 9600 bit/s

Link layer


Frame format FT 1.2, single character 1 and the fixed time out interval are used exclusively in this companion standard. Link transmission procedure Balanced transmission Address field of link Not present (balanced transmission only)

Unbalanced transmission
Frame length

One octet Two octets



Maximum length L (number of octets)

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IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual

Application Layer
Transmission mode for application data
Mode 1 (Least significant octet first), as defined in clause 4.10 of IEC 870-5-4, is used exclusively in this companion standard.

Common address of ASDU

One octet

Two octets

Information object address

One octet Two octets Three octets

Cause of transmission



One octet

Two octets (with originator address)

Selection of standard ASDUs

Process information in monitor direction

<1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> <7> <8>

:= Single-point information := Single-point information with time tag := Double-point information := Double-point information with time tag := Step position information := Step position information with time tag := Bit string of 32 bit := Bit string of 32 bit with time tag := Measured value, normalised value := Measured value, normalised value with time tag := Measured value, scaled value := Measured value, scaled value with time tag := Measured value, short floating point value := Measured value, short floating point value with time tag := Integrated totals := Integrated totals with time tag


<9> <10> <11> <12> <13> <14>

<15> <16>


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IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual

<17> <18> <19> <20> <21> := Event of protection equipment with time tag := Packed start events of protection equipment with time tag M_EP_TA_1 M_EP_TB_1

:= Packed output circuit information of protection equipment with time tag M_EP_TC_1 := Packed single-point information with status change detection := Measured value, normalised value without quality descriptor M_PS_NA_1 M_ME_ND_1

<30> <31> <32> <33>

:= Single-point information with time tag CP56Time2a := Double-point information with time tag CP56Time2a := Step information with time tag CP56Time2a := Bit string of 32 bit with time tag CP56Time2a := Measured value, normalised value with time tag CP56Time2a := Measured value, scaled value with time tag CP56Time2a


<34> <35> <36> <37> <38> <39> <40>

:= Measured value, short floating point value with time tag CP56Time2a M_ME_TF_1 := Integrated totals with time tag CP56Time2a := Event of protection equipment with time tag CP56Time2a M_IT_TB_1 M_EP_TD_1

:= Packed start events of protection equipment with time tag CP56Time2aTM_EP_TE_1 := Packed output circuit information of protection equipment with time tag CP56Time2a M_EP_TF_1

Process information in control direction

<45> <46> <47> <48> <49> <50> <51>

:= Single command := Double command := Regulating step command := Set point command, normalised value := Set point command, scaled value := Set point command, short floating point value := Bitstring of 32 bit


System information in monitor direction


:= End of initialisation


System information in control direction

<100> <101> <102> <103> := Interrogation command := Counter interrogation command := Read command := Clock synchronisation command C_IC_NA_1 C_CI_NA_1 C_RD_NA_1 C_CS_NA_1


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IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual

<104> <105> <106>

:= Test command := Reset process command := Delay acquisition command (Load Delay only)


Parameter in control direction

<110> <111> <112> <113> := Parameter of measured value, normalised value := Parameter of measured value, scaled value := Parameter of measured value, short floating point value := Parameter activation P_ME_NA_1 P_ME_NB_1 P_ME_NC_1 P_AC_NA_1

File transfer
<120> <121> <122> <123> <124> <125> <126> := File ready := Section ready := Call directory, select file, call file, call section := Last section, last segment := Ack file, ack section := Segment := Directory F_FR_NA_1 F_SR_NA_1 F_SC_NA_1 F_LS_NA_1 F_AF_NA_1 F_SG_NA_1 F_DR_TA_1

Basic application functions

Station initialisation

Remote initialisation
General Interrogation

global group 1 group 2 group 3 group 4 group 5 group 6 group 7 group 8 group 9 group 10 group 11 group 12 group 13 group l4 group 15 group 16

Clock synchronisation

Clock synchronisation

Command transmission N00-341 Page 29

IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual

Direct command transmission Select and execute command Direct set point command transmission Select and execute set point command C_SE_ACTTERM used No additional definition Short pulse duration Long pulse duration Persistent output

Transmission of Integrated totals Counter request Counter freeze without reset Counter freeze with reset Counter reset

General request counter Request counter group 1 Request counter group 2 Request counter group 3
Request counter group 4

Parameter loading

Threshold value Smoothing factor Low limit for transmission of measured value High limit for transmission of measured value

Parameter activation Act/deact of persistent cyclic or periodic transmission of the addressed object File transfer File transfer in monitor direction File transfer in control direction


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IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual

Appendix C Binary Single Points (Status)

These are the binary single points for the controller. Time tag resolution is as shown. Refer to Appendix A for more information on timing. All points can be individually enabled / disabled via WSOS configuration. If disabled, the data point retains its object address but will not be reported in an interrogation poll nor any class polls. Enabled data is shown below as Default support = Y W Series interrogation responses contain all enabled data. If indicated below as N then value is always returned as OFF. (No class 1 spontaneous events will be reported). The phase designation A, B, C is determined by the user, refer to the equipment manual for more information. Phase terminology is explained in section 2.6 IEC 60870-5-101 Implementation Information Object Address (IOA) = IOA base address (default 1) + IOA offset address ASDU: Configurable Type 1 Single-point information, Type 2 Single-point information with time tag (24 bits), Type 30 Single-point information with time tag (56 bits) Class: C1 = class 1, IC= General Interrogation
Binary Input Points (Status) Time Resolution 500ms Comment and IOA Offset Address W Series

Abnormal Operator conditions


Controller Mode


For any of the following conditions: Trip or Close Isolated, ACR Mechanically locked open (if applicable) Work Tag Applied Local control Disabled Remote control Enabled For any of the following conditions: Battery not normal Capacitor charge failure Low power mode

None of the specified conditions are true

(= OFF)

Default support


(= ON)




This flag shows that the operator has the ACR in an abnormal state such as work tag applied. This means that it will operate differently to its normal mode of operation.

Local Control Enabled Remote Control Disabled No maintenance required

Maintenance Required


The controller is either in Local or Remote Controller Mode. This affects the closing command the permission to set/remove work tag. 500ms The controller has detected one or more conditions which require maintenance. This point cannot become Set until at least five minutes after controller start. 500ms


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IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual

Binary Input Points (Status) Time Resolution 500ms 500ms 500ms Comment and IOA Offset Address W Series

Work Tag


Low SF6 gas pressure (if applicable) ACR data not valid (includes connection to an invalid switch type) Any vacuum interrupter contact life is less than 20% Mechanical failure Aux supply overvoltage Work Tag Applied

Work Tag Removed

(= OFF)

Default support


(= ON)




The controller can have a work tag. This affects the closing command 500ms

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Prot A Active Prot B Active Prot C Active Prot D Active Prot E Active Prot F Active Prot G Active Prot H Active Prot I Active Prot J Active




Protection Group A is active Protection Group B is active Protection Group C is active Protection Group D is active Protection Group E is active Protection Group F is active Protection Group G is active Protection Group H is active

Protection Group A is not active Protection Group B is not active Protection Group C is not active Protection Group D is not active Protection Group E is not active Protection Group F is not active Protection Group G is not active Protection Group H is not active

Protection Group I Protection Group is active I is not active Protection Group J is active Earth / Ground Protection ON SEF/SGF protection ON Protection Group J is not active Earth / Ground Protection OFF SEF/SGF protection OFF


Earth / Ground N Protection Enabled N SEF/SGF Protection Enabled


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IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual

Binary Input Points (Status) Time Resolution 500ms 500ms 500ms 500ms 500ms 500ms 500ms Always clear in this version of software. 500ms The power flow direction (source/load designation) is determined by the user. Refer to the Power Flow Direction binary output for more information 500ms Comment and IOA Offset Address W Series

16 17

Auto Reclose Cold Load Idle




Auto Reclose ON Cold Load is Idle or is turned off. This means that the threshold multiplier is not being affected by the cold load function.

Auto Reclose OFF Cold load is NOT Idle. This means that the threshold multiplier is being raised by the cold load pickup function in order to pick up cold load. High current lockout OFF Loss of Phase Protection OFF

18 19 20 21 22 23

High Current Lockout Loss of Phase Protection Sequence Control Live Load blocking Protection enable Switchgear Family Power Flow Direction




High current lockout ON Loss of Phase Protection ON

Sequence Control Sequence ON Control OFF Live Load blocking ON Protection Enabled Set for Load Break Switch Source X, Load I Live Load blocking OFF Protection turned OFF Clear For Recloser Source I, Load X


Protection Trip Operation Flags This group of points indicates what happened in the last protection sequence. For example the recloser may have tripped, closed, tripped again and locked out. Or it may have tripped, closed and stayed closed because the fault was cleared. In both cases the flags below are set to show the causes of the trips and whether the lockout state has been reached or not. A set of flags is available for each trip in a protection sequence. In addition analogue data is available which shows the fault currents which occurred during the sequence and the number of trips which took place (refer Appendix H) Note that a sequence starts when there is a protection trip or a sequence advance. Most of these flags are cleared either by protocol command or when the switchgear is tripped/closed by the operator or when a new protection sequence starts. This data is volatile i.e. it is zeroed on controller software reset. General Protection Flags 25 Sequence in Progress Y Y C1 IC Start of sequence That is a protection trip or End of sequence. This shows that a protection sequence has started and not Either lockout or yet completed. reclaim.


(= OFF)

Default support


(= ON)




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IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual

Binary Input Points (Status) Time Resolution Comment and IOA Offset Address W Series

sequence advance has occurred.

(= OFF)

Default support


(= ON)





Protection Data Valid


End of sequence, either lockout or reclaim

Cleared by protocol command and any operator close or operator trip. This includes remote control commands. Also cleared at the start of a new sequence. The time stamp reflects this.

Note that operator trip does not cause a sequence in progress. Event time is the time of the trip or sequence advance. 10ms This shows that the protection sequence is over and the other flags are set. This could be used to drive an operator alarm at the SCADA system to alert him to the fact that a protection sequence has occurred. Note that operator trip alone does not cause a protection data valid Event time is the time of lockout or reclaim. 10ms


Single Shot Protection


Single Shot Protection was active at the time of the trip.


Loss Of Phase Y Trip


Trip was caused by Loss of Phase Protection


Loss Of Phase Y Phase A Loss Of Phase N Phase B Loss Of Phase N Phase C High Current Lockout Y


Phase A was lost at time of Loss of Phase trip Phase B was lost at time of Loss of Phase trip Phase C was lost at time of Loss of Phase trip The high current lockout function forced the controller to lockout during the last protection sequence




One flag only provided because a single shot trip forces lockout. Event time is the time of the pickup. 10ms One flag only provided because LOP protection forces lockout. Event time is the time of the trip. 10ms Set if A Phase is lost at time of Loss of Phase trip 10ms Set if B Phase is lost at time of Loss of Phase trip 10ms Set if C Phase is lost at time of Loss of Phase trip 10ms One flag only because High Current Lockout forces lockout Time stamp as for flags above. Event time is the time of the lockout event. 10ms


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Binary Input Points (Status) Time Resolution Comment and IOA Offset Address W Series




The controller is in Cleared by any lockout close action

(= OFF)

Default support


(= ON)





Operator Trip


The last trip was caused by a local or remote operator Trip was caused by Phase Overcurrent Protection

Cleared by any close action

This flag shows that the controller is in lockout. Therefore no auto-reclosing will take place. If the ACR is closed this flag will be clear. Therefore when this flag is clear and the ACR is closed it indicates that the protection sequence cleared the fault. Event time is the time of the trip 10ms One flag only because operator trip forces lockout. Event time is the time of the trip 10ms

Protection Trip 1 35 Phase Over Current Trip Y Y C1 IC Cleared by protocol command and any operator close or operator trip.



Earth / Ground N Over Current Trip


Trip was caused by Earth / Ground Overcurrent Protection

This includes remote control commands. Also cleared at the start of a new sequence. Event time is the time of the trip.



SEF/SGF Over Current Trip Sequence Advance



Trip was caused by Sensitive Earth / Ground Fault Protection Sequence advance occurred.



Protection Trip 2


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IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual

Binary Input Points (Status) Time Resolution Comment and IOA Offset Address W Series


Phase Over Current Trip


Trip was caused by Phase Overcurrent Protection

Cleared by protocol command and any operator close or operator trip. This includes remote control commands. Also cleared at the start of a new sequence. Event time is the time of the trip

(= OFF)

Default support


(= ON)






Earth / Ground N Over Current Trip



SEF/SGF Over Current Trip Sequence Advance



Trip was caused by Earth / Ground Overcurrent Protection Trip was caused by Sensitive Earth / Ground Fault Protection Sequence advance occurred. Trip was caused by Phase Overcurrent Protection Trip was caused by Earth / Ground Overcurrent Protection Trip was caused by Sensitive Earth / Ground Fault Protection Sequence advance occurred. Trip was caused by Phase Overcurrent Protection




Protection Trip 3 43 Phase Over Current Trip Y Y C1 IC C1 IC 10ms


Earth / Ground N Over Current Trip


SEF/SGF Over Current Trip Sequence Advance



Cleared by protocol command and any operator close or operator trip. This includes remote control commands. Also cleared at the start of a new sequence. Event time is the time of the trip




Protection Trip 4 47 Phase Over Current Trip Y Y C1 IC Cleared by protocol command and any operator close or operator trip.



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IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual

Binary Input Points (Status) Time Resolution Comment and IOA Offset Address W Series


Earth / Ground N Over Current Trip


Trip was caused by Earth / Ground Overcurrent Protection Trip was caused by Sensitive Earth / Ground Fault Protection

This includes remote control commands. Also cleared at the start of a new sequence. Event time is the time of the trip.

(= OFF)

Default support


(= ON)






SEF/SGF Over Current Trip



50 Reserved N N Accumulated Protection Trip Operation Flags Multiple Flags can be set in this section because they accumulate all the trips in the sequence 51 Phase Over Current Trip Y Y C1 IC One or more trips were caused by Phase Overcurrent Protection One or more trips were caused by Earth / Ground Overcurrent Protection Cleared by protocol command and any operator close or operator trip. This includes remote control commands. Also cleared at the start of a new sequence. Event time is the time of the trip. . 10ms


Earth / Ground N Over Current Trip




SEF/SGF Over Current Trip



Sequence Advance


One or more trips were caused by Sensitive Earth / Ground Fault Protection One or more sequence advances occurred. Close Isolate Switch OFF/ISOLATE(i.e . Close is disabled) Trip Isolate Switch OFF (i.e. Trip is disabled) ACR Locked Open Close Isolate Switch ON/ENABLE (i.e. Close is enabled) Trip Isolate Switch ON(i.e. Trip is enabled) ACR not locked open



Miscellaneous 55 Close Isolate Y Y C1 IC Shows the state of the Trip & Close isolate switches on the control panel 10ms


Trip Isolate




Shows that the ACR is mechanically and electrically locked in the open position. Not supported on the N-Series where it will always be zero. 10ms


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IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual

Binary Input Points (Status) Time Resolution 500ms Comment and IOA Offset Address W Series


ACR Memory Data Invalid


ACR Memory Data not valid

ACR Memory Data Valid

(= OFF)

Default support


(= ON)






Auxiliary Supply Fail Switchgear Connection


Auxiliary supply has failed Switch disconnected from control cubicle.

Auxiliary supply is normal Switch connected from control cubicle.

Shows that the controller has retrieved the data from the ACR memory. When invalid the switchgear attributes and the gas pressure are zeroed, 500ms 500ms


SF6 Gas Pressure Low or Invalid


Gas pressure low or invalid

Gas pressure Normal, or Now Known, or Not a switchgear which has SF6. Battery supply normal


Battery Supply Y



Contacts Life Low



Auxiliary Supply Overvoltage Capacitor Charge Failure Mechanism Failure Phase Ai Live Phase Bi Live Phase Ci Live


Battery supply not normal. This includes :Battery Off Battery Overvolt Battery Low Volts When any vacuum interrupter contact life is less than 20%. Auxiliary supply overvoltage

Shows the connection state of the cable between the switchgear and the controller. When connected to the ACR Trip, Close and Locked indications are valid. When disconnected from the ACR data will be forced invalid 500ms Only set when the switchgear is connected and ACR data is valid and switchgear type has SF6. 500ms 500ms

When all vacuum interrupters have contact life >= 20%



Capacitor Charge Failed Mechanism Failure Phase is live


67 68 69



Auxiliary supply This indicates an overvoltage is not overvoltage condition from the source of auxiliary supply 500ms Capacitor The Trip/Close Capacitors have Charge OK failed to charge 500ms Mechanism OK The switchgear has failed to Trip or Close electrically 500ms Phase is dead Shows if the phase bushing are above or below the live line threshold. Phase designation is determined by user 10ms


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IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual

Binary Input Points (Status) Time Resolution Comment and IOA Offset Address W Series

70 71 72 73

Phase Ax Live
Note 3



Phase Bx Live
Note 3

Phase Cx Live
Note 3

Source Y Voltage Status Load Voltage Status

Note 3


(= OFF)

Default support


(= ON)





Shows that any of the three phases of the designated Source side or Load side are live.

All of the source side Terminals dead All of the load side Terminal live Current of less than 2.5A is flowing in all three phases Loop Automation Off Auto Restore Off The Tie recloser wil only restore supply to its load side or the recloser type is not set to Tie Recloser type is not set to feeder Recloser type is not set to midpoint Recloser type is not set to Tie

Note that these points are different to the Load/Source Live/Dead events in the controller event record 10ms


Load Current On


76 77 78

Loop Auto On Loop Auto Restore On Loop Auto Tie Restore On



Current of 2.5A or more is flowing in at least one phase Loop Automation On Auto Restore On The Tie recloser is configured to restore supply in both directions

Note 1

Note 1

Note 1, 2


79 80

Loop Auto Type Feeder Loop Auto Type Midpoint Loop Auto Type Tie Loop Auto Trip Pending




Recloser type is set to feeder Recloser type is set to midpoint Recloser type is set to Tie

Note 1

Note 1

Note 1

81 82



Note 1


Loop Auto N Close Pending Loop Auto Trip Request N


A loop automation No loop trip is pending automation trip is pending A loop automation No loop automation close close is pending is pending Normal state, Set when Loop cleared on next Automation internal scan issues a Trip after set Request. Set when Loop Automation issues a Close Request. Normal state, cleared on next internal scan after set

Note 1

Note 1



Loop Auto N Close Request


Note 1



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IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual

Binary Input Points (Status) Time Resolution Comment and IOA Offset Address W Series

(= OFF)

Default support


(= ON)





Phase Pickup



Earth /Ground Pickup SEF/SGF Pickup SEF/SGF High Residual Voltage Alarm




Dummy Circuit N Breaker Tripped


A Phase pick up has been detected on any phase A Earth / Ground pick up has been detected A SEF/SGF pickup has been detected Direction blocking is enabled and Vo is sustained (after balancing) above the Min SEF/SGF Vo threshold for the High Vo Alarm time or longer. DCB Tripped

The pick up condition has been reset The pick up condition has been reset The pick up condition has been reset Direction blocking is not enabled or Vo is below the threshold




The Directional Blocking alarm point is only valid when the Directional Blocking option is enabled for the current configuration. It is otherwise always reported as 0 10ms The dummy circuit breaker is an internal point useful for SCADA system testing. The value of the DCB is nonvolatile. 500ms 500ms

DCB Not Tripped


Automatic N Y Protection Group Selection N Y 92 Supply Outage Measurement Last Protection Trip Flags 93 Last Trip Phase Over Current Y Y


Automation Protection Group Selection is ON Supply Outage Measurement is ON Last trip was caused by a Phase Overcurrent Protection Last trip was caused by a Earth / Ground Overcurrent Protection Last trip was caused by a Sensitive Earth / Ground Fault Protection

Automation Protection Group Selection is OFF Supply Outage Measurement is OFF Cleared by any close action





Last Trip N Earth / Ground Over Current


Cleared by any close action



Last Trip SEF/SGF Over Current Reserved


Cleared by any close action


96 To 99


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IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual

Note: 1. All Loop Automation points are only valid when the Loop Automation option is enabled for the current configuration. They are otherwise always reported as OFF. 2. The power flow direction (source/load designation) is determined by the user. Refer to the Power Flow Direction single point for status and single command for control. 3. Not available on standard U-series ACR without external CVTs, value will always be 0.


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IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual

Appendix D Binary Double Points (Status)

These are the binary double points for the controller. Time resolution is as shown. Refer to Appendix A for more information on timing. All points can be individually enabled / disabled via WSOS configuration. If disabled, the data point retains its object address but will not be reported in an interrogation poll nor any class polls. Enabled data is shown below as Default support = Y W Series interrogation responses contain all enabled data. If indicated below as N then value is always returned as OFF. (No class 1 spontaneous events will be reported). IEC 60870-5-101 Implementation Information Object Address (IOA) = IOA base address (default 100) + IOA offset address ASDU: Configurable Type 3 Double-point information, Type 4 Double-point information with time tag (24 bits), Type 31 Double-point information with time tag (56 bits)
Binary Double Points (Status) Time Resolution Comment and IOA Offset Address (=OFF) W Series

Default Support


ACR Status


ACR Closed

ACR Tripped





This is a repeat of the mechanism travel switches. When the ACR is disconnected from the control cubicle the value is 00. 10ms




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IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual

Appendix E Single Command Points

These are the single-information binary command points supported by the controller. Changing some of these settings affect the currently active protection group. The change is put into effect immediately and is permanent for that group. In other words is equivalent to selecting that protection group on the operator control panel, changing the setting and then putting the change into service. If W series is indicated as Y below then point is supported otherwise no action is taken. IEC 60870-5-101 Implementation ADSU Type 45 Single command Information Object Address (IOA) = IOA base address (default 200) + IOA offset address If a control request from the master station is rejected by the CAPM because of an underlying condition preventing the action (refer to table below) then the CAPM will respond with a negative active confirmation message.
Single Command Points IOA Offset (=OFF) W Series Address (=ON) Cleared Name


Earth/ Ground Fault protection

SEF/SGF protection

2 3

Auto Reclose Work Tag


Cold Load Idle/Max

5 6 7 8 9

High Current Lockout Loss of Phase Protection Sequence Control Live Load Blocking Reset Fault Flags and Currents


Earth/Ground Protection ON Will be rejected if ground fault protection control is turned off. SEF/SGF protection ON and Ground Protection ON Rejected if SEF/SGF is not allowed Auto Reclose ON Applies Work Tag Will be rejected if controller is in Local Mode Set cold load time to its maximum value. This means that the cold load threshold current will be set to its maximum value Enable High Current Lockout Enable Loss of Phase Protection Enable Sequence Control Live Load blocking ON Resets all analogue Fault Currents to zero and clears all binary protection trip flags

Earth/Ground Protection OFF and SEF/SGF Protection OFF Will be rejected if ground fault OFF is not allowed. SEF/SGF protection OFF

Auto Reclose OFF Removed the Work Tag Will be rejected if controller is in Local Mode. Set cold load time to zero. This means that the threshold multiplier will not be affected by the cold load function. Disable High Current Lockout Disable Loss of Phase Protection Disable Sequence Control Live Load blocking OFF No Action


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IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual

Single Command Points IOA Offset (=OFF) W Series Address (=ON) Cleared Trip the DCB APGS OFF No Action Name


Protection Control

Enable Protection


11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Power Flow Direction Note 3 Protection Group A Protection Group B Protection Group C Protection Group D Protection Group E Protection Group F Protection Group G Protection Group H Protection Group I Protection Group J Loop Automation Control
Note 1


Source X, Load I Group A ON Note 2 Group B ON Note 2 Group C ON Note 2 Group D ON Note 2 Group E ON Note 2 Group F ON Note 2 Group G ON Note 2 Group H ON Note 2 Group I ON Note 2 Group J ON Note 2 Loop Automation ON

Turn ALL Protection OFF Rejected if protection OFF is not allowed Source I, Load X No Action No Action No Action No Action No Action No Action No Action No Action No Action No Action Loop Automation OFF

23 24

Dummy Circuit Breaker Automatic Protection Group Selection Supply Outage Control Supply Outage Reset Reserved


Close the DCB APGS ON. Will be rejected if APGS ON is Not Allowed Supply Outage Measurement ON Reset all Supply Outage Integrated Total values for CAPM.

25 26


Supply Outage Measurement OFF

27 39

Note: 1 2 3 This control is only valid when the Loop Automation option is enabled for the current configuration. It will otherwise perform No Action. Only one protection group can be active at any one time. Activating any of these protection group controls will automatically reset the previously active group. Changing the Source/Load direction affects the following aspects of the operation of the controller: Whether the source or load corresponds to I side or X side on the voltage measurements Which side is the source or load for the Live Load Blocking Which side is the source or load for the Directional Blocking Which direction is positive power flow for the System Power measured value Power Flow Direction Binary Input status


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IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual

Appendix F Double Command Points

These are the double-information binary command points supported by the controller. If W series is indicated as Y below then point is supported otherwise no action is taken. IEC 60870-5-101 Implementation ASDU Type 46 Double command Information Object Address (IOA) = IOA base address (default 300) + IOA offset address
Double Command Points IOA Offset Cleared (=OFF) Trip W Series Address (=ON) Name

ACR Control

Close Will be rejected if the controller is in Local Mode or if the Work Tag is applied.

1 Note:

- 19


The CAPM response message to a binary output command will indicate successful passing of commands to the CAPM. It does not necessarily follow that the action has been taken. Control logic within the CAPM may override the request. All binary outputs have corresponding binary input feedback indications. The SCADA system should use the relevant binary input as a confirmation of the success or failure of a command.



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IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual

Appendix G Measured Value Points (Status - Small Set)

This is the reduced set of measured status points available from the controller. All measured points have 500ms resolution time tags. Refer to Appendix A for more information on timing. All points can be individually enabled / disabled via WSOS configuration. If disabled, the data point retains its object address but will not be reported in an interrogation poll nor any class polls. Enabled data is shown below as Default support = Y W Series interrogation responses contain all enabled data. If indicated below as N then value is always returned as 0. (No class 1 spontaneous events will be reported.) The phase designation A, B, C is determined by the user, refer to the equipment manual for more information. Phase terminology is explained in section 2.6 IEC 60870-5-101 Implementation ASDU: Configurable Type 9 Normalised value, Type 10 Normalised value with time tag (24 bits), Type 11 Scaled value, Type 12 Scaled value with time tag (24 bits), Type 34 Normalised value with time tag (56 bits), Type 35 Scaled value with time tag (56 bits) Some Dead Bands may be overwritten by Parameter Command from the master station, refer section 7.2 in which case they as saved in non-volatile memory. All other dead bands are fixed. High and low measured limits are not supported. Information Object Address (IOA) = IOA base address (default 400) + IOA offset address Class: IC= General Interrogation CY = Class 1 (C1) spontaneous and Class 2 (C2) Cyclic
IOA Offset Address

If time tags are enabled for measured values then cyclic data is transmitted as C1 otherwise C2 If cyclic reporting is disabled then cyclic data is reported as C1 and IC
Measured Value Points (Small) Dead Band W Series Default Support Name Class CY CY CY CY CY CY Units 1A 1A 1A 1A 4 kVA 4 kVAR Max 16000 16000 16000 16000 131MVA 131MVAR

Line Currents and System Power 0 1 2 3 4 5 Phase A Current

Note 1



Min 0 0 0 0 0 0

10 A. 10 A. 10 A. 5 A. 250 kVA. 250 kVAR.

Phase B Current
Note 1

Phase C Current
Note 1

Earth / Ground Current Note 1 System kVA

Note 1

System kVAR
Note 1


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IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual

Measured Value Points (Small) Dead Band IOA Offset Address W Series Default Support Name Class CY Units 4V Max 30000

Operations Y Y 0 32767 1 Op 1 Op CY Counter Cumulative Protection Sequence Data These Points show all sources that record a max current event in the event log during a protection sequence. If the same source has more than one max current event then the value in the point will be the max current from the last trip of the sequence. All fault currents are cleared to zero by one of the following actions: 7 Reset Fault Flags and Currents protocol control command Any Operator Close action Controller reset (data is volatile) Start of a new sequence

Y Y 0 16000 2A 2A C1, IC A Fault Current Written on an AMax event. 8 B Fault Current N Y 0 16000 2A 2A C1, IC Written on a BMax event. N Y 0 16000 2A 2A C1, IC 9 C Fault Current Written on a CMax event. Earth / Ground N Y 0 16000 1A 1A C1, IC 10 Fault Current Written on a GMax event. This includes SEF/SGF Fault currents. Y Y 1 4 1 1 C1, IC 11 The number of trips or sequence advances that occurred in the last protection sequence. Y Y 0 9 1 1 C1, IC 12 Protection Group that was in service at the time of the sequence 0 = Group A 1 = Group B 9 = Group J Voltage Measurements Voltage measurements are provided for all terminals with voltage measurements. This varies depending upon the model of ACR. All x side voltages are not available in standard U-series ACR without external CVTs. Value always zero. All voltages have a common deadband which can be configured (refer to section 7.2). The source/load designation of voltages is determined by the user. Refer to the Power Flow Direction single point for status and single command for control. 13 Ai Phase-(Earth / Ground) Voltage Y Y 0 100 V.



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IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual

Measured Value Points (Small) Dead Band IOA Offset Address W Series Default Support Name Class CY CY CY CY CY Units 4V 4V 4V Max 30000 30000 30000

14 15 16

Bi Phase-(Earth / Ground) Voltage Ci Phase-(Earth / Ground) Voltage Ax Phase-(Earth / Ground) Volts

Note 2



Min 0 0 0

100 V. 100 V. 100 V.


Bx Phase-(Earth / Ground) Volts

Note 2



100 V.


Cx Phase-(Earth / Ground) Volts

Note 2



100 V.

Note 1) The deadband for these points can be configured (refer to section 7.2). All other deadbands are fixed. 2) Not available on standard U-series ACR without external CVTs, value will always be 0.


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IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual

Appendix H Measured Value Points (Status - Full Set)

These are the full set of measured status points available from the controller. All measured points have 500ms resolution time tags. Refer to Appendix A for more information on timing. All points can be individually enabled / disabled via WSOS configuration. If disabled, the data point retains its object address but will not be reported in an interrogation poll nor any class polls. Enabled data is shown below as Default support = Y W Series interrogation responses contain all enabled data. If indicated below as N then value is always returned as 0. (No class 1 spontaneous events will be reported.) The phase designation A, B, C is determined by the user, refer to the equipment manual for more information. Phase terminology is explained in section 2.6 IEC 60870-5-101 Implementation ASDU: Configurable Type 9 Normalised value, Type 10 Normalised value with time tag (24 bits), Type 11 Scaled value, Type 12 Scaled value with time tag (24 bits), Type 34 Normalised value with time tag (56 bits), Type 35 Scaled value with time tag (56 bits) Some Dead Bands may be overwritten by Parameter Command from the master station, refer section 7.2 in which case they as saved in non-volatile memory. All other dead bands are fixed. High and low measured limits are not supported. Information Object Address (IOA) = IOA base address (default 400) + IOA offset address Class: IC= General Interrogation CY = Class 1 (C1) spontaneous and Class 2 (C2) Cyclic If time tags are enabled for measured values then cyclic data is transmitted as C1 otherwise C2 If cyclic reporting is disabled then cyclic data is reported as C1 and IC
Measured Value Points (Full) Dead Band IOA Offset Address W Series Default Support Name Class CY CY CY CY

System Line Currents and Power 0 Phase A Current

Note 1


Units 1A



10 A.

Phase B Current
Note 1



10 A.

Phase C Current
Note 1



10 A.

(Earth / Ground) Current

Note 1



5 A.


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IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual

Measured Value Points (Full) Dead Band IOA Offset Address W Series Default Support Name Class CY CY CY C1, IC C1, IC C1, IC C1, IC C1, IC C1, IC

4 5 6

System kVA
Note 1



0 0 0

131MVA 131MVAR 32767

4 kVA 4 kVAR 1 Operation




250 kVA. 250 kVAR. 1 Operation

System kVAR
Note 1

Operations Counter

Cumulative Protection Sequence Data These points show all sources that record a max current event in the event log during a protection sequence. If the same source has more than one max current event then the value in the point will be the max current from the last trip of the sequence. All fault currents are cleared to zero by one of the following actions: 7 Reset Fault Flags and Currents protocol control command Any Operator Close action Controller reset (data is volatile) Start of a new sequence A Fault Current Written on an A-Max event. B Fault Current Written on a B-Max event. C Fault Current Written on a C-Max event. Earth / Ground Fault Current Written on a GMax event. This includes SEF/SGF Fault currents. The number of trips or sequence advances that occurred in the last protection sequence. Protection Group that was in service at the time of the sequence 0 = Group A 1 = Group B 9 = Group J Y Y 0 16000 2A 2A














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IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual

Measured Value Points (Full) Dead Band IOA Offset Address W Series Default Support Name Class CY CY CY CY CY CY CY CY

Voltage Measurements Voltage measurements are provided for all terminals with voltage measurements. This varies depending upon the model of ACR. All voltages have a common deadband which can be configured (refer to section 7.2). All x side voltages are not available in standard U-series ACR without external CVTs. Value always zero. The source/load designation of voltages is determined by the user. Refer to the Power Flow Direction single point for status and single command for control. Ai Phase-(Earth Y 0 30000 4V 100 V. CY 13 / Ground) Voltage Y 0 30000 4V 100 V. CY 14 Bi Phase-(Earth N / Ground) Voltage Ci Phase-(Earth N Y 0 30000 4V 100 V. CY 15 / Ground) Voltage 16 Ax PhaseY Y 0 30000 4V 100 V. CY (Earth / Ground) Volts
Note 5


Bx Phase(Earth / Ground) Volts

Note 5


Units 4V



100 V.


Cx Phase(Earth / Ground) Volts

Note 5



100 V.

19 20 21 22

A-Bi PhasePhase Voltage B-Ci PhasePhase Voltage C-Ai PhasePhase Voltage A-Bx PhasePhase Volts
Note 5



0 0 0 0

38000 38000 38000 38000

4V 4V 4V 4V

100 V. 100 V. 100 V. 100 V.


B-Cx PhasePhase Volts

Note 5



100 V.


C-Ax PhasePhase Volts

Note 5



100 V.



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IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual

Measured Value Points (Full) Dead Band IOA Offset Address W Series Default Support Name Class CY CY CY CY CY CY CY CY C1, IC


26 27

System Power This can be a signed quantity that indicates direction of power flow, or an unsigned quantity that is always positive regardless of the direction of the power flow. This is determined by the controller configuration System Power Factor Gas Pressure, kPag.
Note 3, 4










0.00 -100

1.00 300

0.01 1 kPa

0.01 5kPa


Gas Pressure, psi.

Note 3, 4



1 psi


29 30 31 32

I Contact Life II Contact Life III Contact Life Protection Group selection 0=Group A 1=Group B 9 =Group J



0 0 0 0

100 100 100 9

0.1 % 0.1 % 0.1 % 1

0.1 % 0.1 % 0.1 % 1

Protection Sequence Data These analogue points record data about the protection sequence including maximum fault currents. These are derived from the max current events that are seen in the Operator Control Panel event record and record the current for each phase and for earth/ground. For any one protection trip or sequence advance more than one fault current can be set. For example a Phase/Phase fault might set an A-Phase current and a B-Phase current. Other data recorded includes the number of trips in the protection sequence and the Protection Group that was active at the time of the protection operation. Data is cleared to zero by the following actions: 33 Reset Fault Current remote control command defined below Any Operator Close or Trip action Start of a new sequence. Controller software reset (data is volatile) A Fault Current Written on an A-Max event. Y Y 0 16000 2A 2A

Protection Trip 1


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IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual

Measured Value Points (Full) Dead Band IOA Offset Address W Series Default Support Name Class C1, IC C1, IC C1, IC C1, IC C1, IC C1, IC C1, IC C1, IC C1, IC C1, IC C1, IC C1, IC




B Fault Current Written on a B-Max event. C Fault Current Written on a C-Max event. Earth / Ground Fault Current Written on a GMax event. This includes SEF/SGF Fault currents. A Fault Current Written on an A-Max event. B Fault Current Written on a B-Max event. C Fault Current Written on a C-Max event. Earth / Ground Fault Current Written on a GMax event. This includes SEF/SGF Fault currents.


Units 2A










Protection Trip 2 37 Y Y 0 16000 2A 2A













Protection Trip 3 A Fault Current Written on an A-Max event. 42 B Fault Current Written on a B-Max event. C Fault Current 43 Written on a C-Max event. Earth / Ground 44 Fault Current Written on a GMax event. This includes SEF/SGF Fault currents. Protection Trip 4 41 45 A Fault Current Written on an A-Max event. Y Y 0 16000 2A 2A














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IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual

Measured Value Points (Full) Dead Band IOA Offset Address W Series Default Support Name Class C1, IC C1, IC C1, IC CY CY CY CY CY CY

B Fault Current Written on a B-Max event. C Fault Current 47 Written on a C-Max event. 48 Earth / Ground Fault Current Written on a GMax event. This includes SEF/SGF Fault currents. Miscellaneous 49 Loop automation time remaining prior to trip or close action occurring. For no action pending the value is zero.
Note 2



Units 2A











1 second



Instantaneous Current Average of 3 phases

Note 1





Max Average Current of previous day ending at 24:00

Note 1





I side voltages (phase to earth/ ground). Average of 3 phases

Note 1





I side voltages (phase to phase). Average of 3 phases

Note 1





Minimum power factor of previous day ending at 24:00





Last Protection Trip Data All fault currents are cleared to zero by one of the following actions: Reset Fault Flags and Currents protocol control command


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IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual

Measured Value Points (Full) Dead Band IOA Offset Address W Series Default Support Name Class C1, IC C1, IC C1, IC C1, IC


Any Close action Controller reset (data is volatile) Last Trip A Fault Current Written on an A-Max event. Last Trip B Fault Current Written on a B-Max event. Last Trip C Fault Current Written on a C-Max event. Last Trip Earth / Ground Fault Current - Written on a G-Max event. This includes SEF/SGF Fault currents. Reserved Y Y 0 16000 2A 2A

Start of a new sequence



Units 2A












59 to 69

Note. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The deadband for these points can be configured (refer to section 7.2). All other deadbands are fixed. This value is only valid when the Loop Automation option is enabled for the current configuration. It is otherwise always reported as zero. Not available on U-series ACR, value will always be 0. If ACR Memory Data Invalid binary status is set then value is 0. Not available on standard U-series ACR without external CVTs, value will always be 0.


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IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual

Appendix I Set Point Command Points

These are the set point command points supported by the controller. If W Series is indicated as Y below then point is supported otherwise no action is taken. IEC 60870-5-101 Implementation ASDU: Configurable Type 48 Set point command, normalised value, Type 49 Set point command, scaled value Information Object Address (IOA) = IOA base address (default 500) + IOA offset address
Set Point Command Points IOA Offset Address W Series Name


Protection Group selection 0 = Group A 1= Group B 9 = Group J Reserved






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IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual

Appendix J Parameter Command Points

These command objects set the deadbands of various measured values in the ACR. Refer to the measured value point lists for more information on each measured value. If W Series is indicated as Y below then point is supported otherwise no action is taken. IEC 60870-5-101 Implementation ASDU: Configurable Type 110 Parameter of measured value, normalised value, Type 111 Parameter of measured value, scaled value The CAPM will only accept the threshold format of this command. High and low limit transmission formats will be accepted and ignored. Information Object Address (IOA) = IOA base address (default 600) + IOA offset address

Parameter Command Points

IOA Offset Address

W Series


0 1 2 3 4 - 19 Note:

Phase Current Deadband Phase Voltage Deadband Earth/Ground Current Deadband System Power Deadband. Note 1 Reserved


1 1 1 1

8000 8000 8000 8000

1 kW, kVA , kVAR

1) All power measured values will have their deadband set to this value - kW, kVA, and kVAR.


Units 1A 1V 1A



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IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual

Appendix K Integrated Total Points

The inclusion of these points in the protocol database is optional via configuration. If W Series is indicated as Y below then point is supported. IEC 60870-5-101 Implementation ASDU: configurable Type 15 Integrated total, Type 16 Integrated total with time tag (24 bits), Type 37 Integrated total with time tag (56 bits) The protocol counter request command reads frozen counters only. To read updated values the master station must first issue a freeze or freeze/clear command for integrated totals. The CAPM performs a freeze of counters on power up. Outage and communication counters will also be reset if cleared via front panel or via a protocol on a second communication port. Information Object Address (IOA) = IOA base address (default 700) + IOA offset address
Integrated Total Point IOA Offset W Series Counter Group Name

700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 720 Note:

KWH Cumulative Note 1 Transmitted frame count Received frame count Reserved Received message CRC error Received message Sync Error Received message frame time out errors Source Outages Note 2 Source Outage Duration Note 2 Load Outages Note 2 Load Outage Duration Note 2 Reserved


1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2147483647 99999 99999 999 999 999 999 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647

KWH Frames Frames Frames Frames Frames Counts Seconds Counts Seconds

1. This accumulates the total kWH flowing through the ACR. If the controller is set for Power Flow Unidirectional then the cumulative total increases irrespective of the direction of power flow to show the total power that has passed through the device. If the controller is set to Bi-Directional power flow then the cumulative total can increase or decrease reflecting the nett power flow. 2. The power flow direction (source/load designation) is determined by the user. Refer to Power Flow Direction Binary Input for status and Binary Output for control.





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IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual

Appendix L Measured Value Points (Event)

Event points have not been implemented in this release of the protocol. If event points are required contact Nu-Lec. These points are derived from the event log in the controller. The value stored in these points is the value from the last event of this type in the event log on the CAPM. Deadband is not meaningful for these points since they are only transmitted on the occurrence of a controller event. IEC 60870-5-101 Implementation Information Object Address (IOA) = IOA base address (default 800) + IOA offset address
Measured Value Points (Event) IOA Offset Address Name Class C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 Units 1A 1A 1A 1A 1 1 1

0 1 2 3 4

5 6

- 30

A Fault Current B Fault Current C Fault Current Ground Current Cap Charge Status 0 Cap charge disabled 1 Cap charge OFF 2 Cap charge resting 3 Cap charge runup 4 Cap charging 5 Cap charge OK 6 Cap charged to FULL Sequence position counter SCEM Status 0 SCEM Type 9 1 SCEM 9 Memory Fail 2 SCEM Type 4 or 5 3 SCEM read / write Fail 4 SCEM unknown 5 SCEM Corrupted Reserved

0 0 0 0 0

16000 16000 16000 16000 6

1 0


Max 4 5


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IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual

Appendix M Binary Single Points (Event)

Event points have not been implemented in this release of the protocol. If event points are required contact Nu-Lec. The reporting of events from the controllers event log is optional. For an explanation on enabling/disabling of these points refer to section 0. If a controller event occurs then its flag is set (status = 1) and an event is generated. This event is queued in a circular buffer for transmission to the master station as a Class 2 event. Once the flag is queued for transmission it is then reset, generating another event which is also queued for transmission. The time stamp for the protocol event is the same as the controller event record time stamp. This allows a master station to reconstruct the Controller Event Record by generating SCADA event from the on-going transitions of these points. IEC 60870-5-101 Implementation Information Object Address (IOA) = IOA base address (default 900) + IOA offset address
Binary Single Points (Event) Description Set when sequence advance event is written. When ACR is closed by auto-reclose When ACR is closed by local operation. When ACR is closed by remote operation. When ACR is tripped by local operation. Only occurs when sequence control is ON and an upstream trip causes a sequence advance When ACR is tripped by remote operation. Phase Protection Trip Ground protection Trip SEF/SGF protection Trip Loss of phase trip Protection Relay has gone to lockout. The ACR is tripped and will not auto-reclose again. If Live Load blocking prevents a close High current lockout has occurred Pickup event An external device generated a protection trip IOA Offset Address


0 1 2 3 4

Sequence Advance Automatic Reclose Local Close Remote Close Local Trip

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Remote Control Trip Phase Protection trip Ground Fault Protection trip SEF/SGF Protection trip Loss of phase trip Protection Lockout Live Load blocking High current lockout Pickup External Protection Trip


Class C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1

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IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol Technical Manual

Binary Single Points (Event) Description The CAPM has entered low power mode. The CAPM has exited low power mode and is back in normal power mode. ACR was tripped using manual lever. The ACR has failed to trip or close electrically. The controller just power applied or had a power up reset or watchdog reset The controller was powered down. The reclaim timer has expired. A Source Live A Load Live B Source Live B Load Live C Source Live C Load Live A Source Dead A Load Dead B Source Dead B Load Dead C Source Dead C Load Dead Close Isolate Switch OFF (i.e. Close is disabled) Close Isolate Switch ON (i.e. Close is enabled) Trip Isolate Switch OFF (i.e. Trip is disabled) Trip Isolate Switch ON (i.e. Trip is enabled) Auxiliary Supply Normal Auxiliary Supply not Normal Battery Normal Battery not Normal Switchgear Connected Switchgear Disconnected IOA Offset Address


15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 99

Low Power Mode Normal Power Mode Mechanical Trip Mechanism Fail Power Up Power Down Reclaim expired A Source A Load B Source B Load C Source C Load A Source A Load B Source B Load C Source C Load Close Isolate Close Isolate Trip Isolate Trip Isolate Auxiliary Supply Auxiliary Supply Battery Supply Battery Supply Switchgear Connection Switchgear Connection Reserved


Class C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1

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