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CNG BI GING MN SPEAKING HC K 5 (VB I) TUN 1 (T 15/08/2011 n 20/08/2011)

Unit 1: Money (1LT - 3TH)

LESSON AIMS: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: Share their opinions and experiences about money, how to save or to spend it Learn how to deal with financial problems Explain the proverbs about money CONTENTS: I. Classroom activities A. Warm-ups (Playing some games leading the topic) B. Pre- Speaking activities 1. Explain the proverbs of money 2. Discuss what money cant buy 3. List words and expressions to do with money 4. Put the words or expressions into the following categories (borrowing money, saving and investing money, having a personal bank account) C. While Speaking activities 1. Listening to an interview with a journalist about some of the worlds billionaire then discuss some questions 2. Playing games about money 3. Dealing with some situations related to money Post Speaking activities 1. Make a forum how to handle money or earn money as college students 2. Discuss some questions based on reading texts at home II. Homework assignments 1. Search on the Internet to find some proverbs about money and worlds millionaires 2. Read the text and make a two-minute talk about the importance of money in your country. 3. Answer the following questions in groups of four a. Is it acceptable to talk about how much money you have in your country? Why or why not? b. In your country, is there a big divide between rich and poor? If so, what can be done to improved things? 4. Make some preparations for the next topic about success. What makes a person successful? D.


Extract 1 James: So, would you sat the States has become more materialistic culture that it ever was? Laurel: Thats a really interesting question. I would say that its stayed the same because if you think about what Americas supposed to stand for, its supposed to stand for the fact that you can come from nothing and do extremely well, and I think thats always included having material possessions, cause otherwise I think they think you have nothing to show for your new status, you know, if you come in as a penniless immigrant and you end up owning a big corporation you should have a few things to show that youve done really well. Extract 2 Richard: In Australia, I think in the city centers, its a cosmopolitan western, more you know, ideology to be talking about money and jobs and success because so much of Australia is rural, you know, moneys a big issue because farming s, you know, not as successful as it used to be, and. Alan: Do people tend to ask you know much you earn? Richard: No, I mean, yeah, they do but its not, I dont feel its out of, you know, like a class struggle, you know, I think its more out of interest to say, oh, I wonder what that jobs like, and can you earn a lot of money from that job? You know, oh, thats good, you know> Maybe in Sydney, perhaps in Sydney because its , you know, thats sort of somewhere where people rise. Extract 3 Lyndham: Well, i think in India people have become , a lot of people have become more concerned with wealth and material possessions. It seems that there is this big divide between the middle class and people who just dont have access to that, people who dont have access to that, then its just completely out of their remit, so getting enough to eat is the most important thing, not what you might be wearing or driving a car for goodness sake. Thats completely out. Yeah.

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