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Chilled Bones/Frozen Marrow/Frozen Ashes/Burning love/Fire and Ice Or of course Cute dogs licking laughing babies (For view count) by Sam Braun

! EXT. HIKING TRAIL - OVERCAST WINTER DAY JONAH(22) is walking along a hiking path, slowly, methodically, with a purpose but one that he is not quite sure he wants to fulfill. Obviously cold but appearing to be fighting back the urge to show it. A mix between grimace and sorrow is etched onto his unkempt, un shaven face. He has a backpack slung over one shoulder and piece of fabric in his clenched fist. The snow crunches with every step. JONAH (V.O) There is a certain type of cold, a stubborn cold that you just cant shake. One that can creep under your skin, circulate through your blood and makes a home in the very marrow of your bones. There a few things that can fend of a cold like that. Two of which I dont possess. THE VIEW OF JONAH ON THE TRAIL SHRINKS TO FILL HALF THE SCREEN LEFT SIDE SCENE - EXT. HIKING TRAIL - OVERCAST WINTER DAY JONAH continues down the trail in the same fashion, this side of the screen is darker and tinted blue. It has the overall feeling of the first time a child lost a stuffed animal. Left side is the present day as JONAH makes his way forward. RIGHT SIDE SCENE - EXT HIKING TRAIL - SUNNY WINTER DAY JONAH is clean shaven, smily and giddy. Young dumb and in love with LACY(21), who to his chagrin is holding his hand as they walk down the same path at a relatively similar speed. This scene is filmed more vibrantly and colourful. They playfully push and shove until they come around a pronounced bed in the path. This side of the screen is reliving the past, or atleast JONAHS vision of it, happy, cheerful, full of potential. LEFT SIDE SCENE JONAH comes around the bend in unison with the couple in the right side scene. BOTH SCREENS CLOSE UP ON CHARACTERS.


! LEFT SIDE JONAH looks as if he has been punched in the stomach by what he witnesses.


RIGHT SIDE Couple looks as if they are witnessing the second coming. A mix of serene happiness and bliss cross their faces. INT. COFFEE SHOP - WELL LIT LACY sits reading a well used novel, sipping on a beverage that she has probably never once pronounced the name of correctly. We can see JONAH walking up to her and turning around three times before speaking. ! ! ! ! JONAH (V.O)

It took me three tries before I had the courage to talk to her. Im not sure if I was taken aback by the sight of someone at a coffee shop not glued to the newest apple gadget, or the subtle smell of coconut that filled my nostrils. A scent that I would soon learn was more attached to her body than her arms. A fragrance that even five days of camping couldnt overpower. JONAH finally gathers the courage to talk to her walks over to the table. He waves to attract her attention, his waves become more frantic as she ignores or does not notice until finally she looks up at him. JONAH (Motioning to chair, attempting to act nonchalant) Mind if I sit? She does not say anything but nods politely and JONAH takes a seat. There is a long awkward pause where JONAH will look anywhere but at the object of his desire.

! JONAH I uhh noticed you were reading... LACY (Looks up and grins) My what keen powers of observations you have, detective...? JONAH JONAH. Detective JONAH ANDERSON... Im not actually a detective. LACY (Still grinning) Ya dont say. I figured you looked a little young. JONAH I did always have a tendency to notice things though. My mom would always say JONAH, you make it awfully hard to poison you. LACY (Uncomfortable) Oh... Im sorry? JONAH Oh no, that was a joke too. LACY (Still uncomfortable but forces a smile) Oh, yeah that was a good one. JONAH Im sorry this didnt go quite as planned.


! LACY Planned? JONAH Oh my, Im sorry, just pretend this didnt happen Ill go find somewhere else to sit. LACY (Looks around) Well it looks a little full around here, plus if you left who would distract me? JONAH (leans forwards on to the table getting closer to LACY and speaks in a hushed tone) Well I dont want to spoil the surprise but Im pretty sure CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS DAD over there (Motions to old man watching them) wouldnt mind chatting you up, he hasnt taken his eyes off ya for the past 50 minutes. LACY It really took you 50 minutes to get the courage to come over here? JONAH (Defensive What do you mean?


LACY (Leans across the table and gets closer, talking in a hushed tone)

! LACY (CONTINUED) If you noticed him noticing me, well Id assume you noticed me at the same time. JONAH (Sits back in his chair and frowns at her) Ya know, the force is always looking for sharp youngsters such as yourself, whattya say, future detective...? LACY LACY. JONAH Detective LACY, has a nice ring to it dont ya think? LACY Sounds much better than Fiscal Advisor Lacy. (Motions to the book in her hand, sighs and looks down at the table) In only 3 more years Ill be a full fledged cog in the machine. JONAH Well I know all about fisciality? Fiscality? Fiscalty? Thats like money and shit right? LACY Uhhh yeah, pretty much. JONAH (Sits upright abruptly, excited) Perfect! Ive used money practically all my life, how about we come back here tomorrow and I can teach you a thing or two.


! LACY (Laughs genuinely) Well Im always up for a free tutor session LACY grabs a napkin and a pen from her purse, she writes something down on the napkin and slides it over to him. LACY (CONTD) How about you give me a call tomorrow and we can flesh out the details. JONAH (Snatches the napkin off the table and stuffs it into his pocket hastily) That sounds like a deal to me. LACY smiles at JONAH then looks back down at the book shes reading. JONAH stays seated at the table sitting upright still staring at her in amazement. LACY looks up at him with an expression of confusion on her face. LACY Youre still here? JONAH (Slouches uncomfortably) Oh.. Uh.. Yeah.. in most movies after the number has been acquired it cuts to some date montage... Ive never actually been sure what people do afterwards. LACY Well most of the time those characters have things to do, like save the world, or destroy it, depending on the movie.


! JONAH Youre very right, I have uh.. worlds to destroy, Ill call you tonight? LACY Sounds good to me. LACY looks down at her book and starts reading again. JONAH once again continues to sit there staring. LACY looks up at him which visibly startles him. JONAH gets up quickly and heads for the door, looking back over his shoulder at LACY periodically. LACY laughs after he leaves and continues to read. INT. SAME COFFEE SHOP- NEXT DAY LACY and JONAH sit at the same booth talking and laughing, shes laughing and he is using large arm gestures, telling a story which requires his whole body to get involved. JONAH (V.O) I won the bet and my prize wasnt just a second date, but a third, a fourth, a fifth and enough more for me to lose count. Enough more for me to fall for her. She fell for me too but for the past 328 days I wished to God, The Devil or anyone that would listen that she hadnt. Or that I could have at least been able to catch her.


EXT. HIKING TRAIL - WINTER BACK TO SPLIT SCREEN CLOSE UPS WE LEFT OFF. The left side of the screen shrinks away and we are only left with the bright at happy scene. With a sigh of contentment we see the couple begin to make their way PAN TO - REVEAL CLIFF WITH BEAUTIFUL VIEW AND WATER BELOW The young couple make their way over, close to the edge, holding eachother.

! JONAH (V.O) Moments like these are once in a lifetime. In an era when moments are defined by the amount of likes or favourites, it feels like lifetimes are as well. It was second nature to ask for a photo. JONAH pulls out the cliff face. slips on a spot the cliff face, his camera and positions LACY near the edge of As he is getting ready to take the photo he of ice and drops his camera which tumbles over LACY reaches for it. JONAH (V.O CONTD) I lost my balance and slipped. She knew I loved that camera more than any other possession I had, I just wish she knew that I loved her more than I could ever love a mound of metal, plastic and glass. LACY slips off the side, JONAH desperately grabs at her but comes up empty handed besides a small piece of fabric from her sweater. JONAH (V.O ContD) I tried my best to grab her but she was there one moment then the next thing I remember was a splash, I made my way down the hill and jumped in after her.


EXT. LAKE - WINTER DAY JONAH is splashing around in the water diving and resurfacing frantically, breathing heavily, disoriented. The filter on the scene is turning bluer. JONAH (V.O CONTD) If a couple hikers hadnt called the park department Id likely still be in that lake. EXT. HIKING TRAIL - WINTER DAY OVERCAST

! SHOT TAKES UP WHERE WE LAST SAW JONAHS LEFT SIDE CLOSE UP JONAH walks towards the cliff face that LACY fell off, he peers over, takes a few steps backwards, sets his backpack down beside him and crumples into a seated position, staring blankly ahead JONAH (V.O CONTD) She was pulled out twenty seven minutes after me. My father had to help me with my first warm shower, it wasnt until shower number seven that I realized as hot as the flow, I just couldnt warm up. I wouldnt attribute it to guilt, sure her older brother not allowing me to pay my respects at the funeral didnt help EXT. CHURCH - RAINING DAY A man in a black suit with a half smoked cigarette hanging out of his mouth is screaming at JONAH who is also dressed in black. No sound is allowed and it appears as JONAH doesnt hear the, for all we know, brutal insults being cast towards him as well. EXT. CLIFF - OVER CAST DAY JONAH continues to sit on the cliff face staring ahead. JONAH (V.O CONTD) It was unshakeable no matter how many summer days, showers and blankets crossed my body I just could not warm my bones. JONAH begins to unzip his bag, he pulls out a milk jug full of a yellowish clear substance, unscrews the cap and sets it beside himself. JONAH (V.O CONTD) When you get this cold sometimes the only thing that can warm you up is a little fire ... and brimstone. JONAH pauses for a second takes a deep breath and covers himself in the liquid. He sits there dripping for a second. Not unsure


10! about his decision but taking in the poetic justice he feels as if he is dolling out. He strikes a match. ANGLE ON - CLIFF FACE AND JONAH FROM BEHIND If only for a second we see JONAHS body from a distance, and then we see flame. PAN UP TO CLOUDS - END

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