AFEM ch20 Slides

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Advanced FEM

Kirchho Plates: Field Equations


AFEM Ch 20 Slide 1

Advanced FEM

Plate Structures

A plate is a three dimensional body characterized by Thinness: one of the plate dimensions, the thickness, is much smaller than the other two Flatness: the midsurface of the plate is a plane

AFEM Ch 20 Slide 2

Advanced FEM

Plate: Membrane vs Bending

z (a) (b)

y x x

AFEM Ch 20 Slide 3

Advanced FEM

Reduction to Two Dimensional Problem


Mathematical Idealization


(c) (a)
Thickness h Material normal, also called material filament

AFEM Ch 20 Slide 4

Advanced FEM

Plate Models
Bent membrane von Karman * Kirchhoff * Reissner-Mindlin High Order Composite Exact: 3D elasticity geometrically nonlinear geometrically nonlinear geometrically linear geometrically linear geometrically linear geometrically linear global global global global local local

* treated in this course

AFEM Ch 20 Slide 5

Advanced FEM

The Kirchhoff Plate Model

Behavioral assumptions: o thin plate but w << h o uniform thickness or varies slowly o symmetric fabrication about midplane o transverse loads distributed over areas of char dimension > h o support conditions respect inextensional bending

AFEM Ch 20 Slide 6

Advanced FEM

Main Kinematic Assumption for Kirchhoff Plate

y y

y (positive as shown if looking toward y) Deformed misurface

x x

w(x,y) Section y = 0

Original misurface x

"Material normals remain straight after deformation and normal to the deformed misurface"

AFEM Ch 20 Slide 7

Advanced FEM

Kinematic Relations
Deflection of plate midsurface along z w = w(x,y) Rotations of material normal about x, y w x = w , y = y x Displacement of a material particle P(x,y,z)
u x = z w = zy , x u y = z w = z x , y uz = w

AFEM Ch 20 Slide 8

Advanced FEM

Kinematic Relations (cont'd)

Strain-displacement equations
ex x = e yy = ezz = 2ex y = 2ex z = 2e yz = ux x uy y uz z ux y ux z uy z 2w = z x x , x2 2w = z 2 = z yy , y 2w = z 2 = 0, z uy 2w + = 2z = 2z x y , x xy uz w w + = + = 0, x x x uz w w + = + =0 y y y = z

in which the 's are the plate midsurface curvatures

x y = 2w , x2 yy = 2w , y2 x y = 2w xy

AFEM Ch 20 Slide 9

Bending Stresses and Moments

Showing Positive Sign Conventions

Advanced FEM

Bending stresses (+ as shown) Inplane shear stresses Normal stresses






Top surface


y x
xy = yx

x y



Bottom surface M yy Bending moments (+ as shown) Mxx Mxx Myx M yy Mxy M xx M yx

M xy Mxy = M yx Myy

2D view

AFEM Ch 20 Slide 10

Advanced FEM

Moment-Curvature Relations
Wall fabrication assumptions: o Plate is homogeneous o Each plate lamina z = constant is in plane stress o Material obeys Hooke's law in plane stress:
x x E 11 yy = E 12 x y E 13 ex x E 11 E 13 E 23 e yy = z E 12 E 33 2ex y E 13 x x E 13 E 23 yy E 33 2x y

E 12 E 22 E 23

E 12 E 22 E 23

AFEM Ch 20 Slide 11

Advanced FEM

Moment-Curvature Relations (cont'd)

Bending moments are obtained by integrating the in-plane wall stresses over the thickness
Mx x dy = M yy d x = Mx y dy = M yx d x =
h /2 h /2 h /2 h /2 h /2 h /2 h /2 h /2

x x z dy dz yy z d x dz x y z dy dz yx z d x dz

Mx x = M yy = Mx y = M yx =

h /2 h /2 h /2 h /2 h /2 h /2 h /2 h /2

x x z dz , yy z dz , x y z dz , yx z dz .

Since Mxy = Myx (from rotational equilibrium) only 3 independent components need to be calculated

AFEM Ch 20 Slide 12

Advanced FEM

Moment-Curvature Relations (cont'd)

Carrying out the integration over the thickness:
E 11 Mx x 3 M yy = h E 12 12 Mx y E 13 E 12 E 22 E 23 x x D11 E 13 = D12 E 23 yy E 33 2x y D13 D12 D22 D23 x x D13 D23 yy D33 2x y

For isotropic material of modulus E and Poisson's ratio

Mx x 1 M yy = D 0 Mx y 1 0 x x 0 yy 0 1 (1 + ) 2x y 2
where D=

Eh 3 12(1 2 ) is the plate rigidity

Max/min stress computation given the moments:

,min xmax = x

6 Mx x , h2

max ,min yy =

6 M yy , h2

,min xmax = y

6 Mx y max ,min = yx 2 h

AFEM Ch 20 Slide 13

Advanced FEM

Transverse Shear Stresses and Forces



Parabolic distribution across thickness Transverse shear stresses


Top surface

xz yz


x y

Qx Qy Qy

Bottom surface

Transverse shear forces (+ as shown)


2D view

AFEM Ch 20 Slide 14

Advanced FEM

Transverse Shear Stresses and Forces (cont'd)

Wall distribution in a homogeneous plate
x z = xmax z 4z 2 1 2 , h yz =
max yz

4z 2 1 2 . h

Integrating over the thickness provides the transverse shear forces

Qx =
h /2 h /2

x z dz =

2 max 3 xz


Qy =

h /2 h /2

yz dz = 2 max h , 3 yz

If transverse shear forces given, maximum shear stresses are

xmax = z
3 2

Qx , h

max yz =

3 2

Qy . h

AFEM Ch 20 Slide 15

Advanced FEM

Internal Equilibrium Equations

Qy Qx

M yx Mxy Mxx

q dx

Q y+ Qy dy y


y x


M yy dy y

Q x+

Qx dx x

Distributed transverse load (force per unit area)


M yx Mx x dx M yx + dx x x Mx y Mxy + dy y x-mom y-mom

Mxx +

Qy Qx + = q x y Mx y Mx x + = Q x x y M yy M yx + = Qy x y

Mx y = M yx

AFEM Ch 20 Slide 16

Advanced FEM

Internal Equilibrium Equations (cont'd)

Repeating for convenience:
Qy Qx + = q x y Mx y M yy M yx Mx x + = Q + = Q y x x y x y Mx y = M yx

Eliminating the shear forces and one of the twist moments gives the moment equilibrium equation
2 Mx y 2 M yy 2 Mx x + 2 =q + x2 xy y2

AFEM Ch 20 Slide 17

Advanced FEM

Matrix and Indicial Form of Field Equations

Field eqn KE CE BE Matrix form
= Pw

Indicial form = w, M = D M, = q

Equationname for plate problem

M = D PT M = q

Kinematic equation Moment-curvature equation Internal equilibrium equation

Here PT = [ 2 / x 2 2 / y 2 2 2 / x y ] = [ 2 / x1 x1 2 / x2 x2 2 2 / x1 x2 ], MT = [ Mx x M yy Mx y ] = [ M11 M22 M12 ], T = [ x x yy 2x y ] = [ 11 22 212 ]. Greek indices, such as , run over 1,2 only.

AFEM Ch 20 Slide 18

Advanced FEM

Strong Form Diagram of Field Equations for Kirchhoff Plate Model

Deflection w =Pw in Transverse load q


Equilibrium Constitutive

PT M = q in


M=D in

Bending moments M

AFEM Ch 20 Slide 19

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