Home Remedies

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ASTHMA-Ayurveda And Yoga

The prevalence of asthma has increased markedly in recent decades. Asthma and asthma symptoms among children and adolescents have increased each decade by up to 75%,. Asthma is a chronic lung disease characterized by: recurrent breathing problems breathlessness !heezing chest tightness coughing. Asthma symptoms vary over time, and also differ in severity from one individual to another. "hen it is not effectively treated, asthma often leads to hospitalization, missed !ork and school, limitations on physical activity, sleepless nights and in some cases death. Asthma is often treated !ith steroids that actually !eaken the lungs !hen used long term and come !ith many side effects such as: dryness, candida or yeast infection, lo!ered immunity, thinning of bronchioles, rashes, psoriasis and many more. The sciences of yoga and ayurveda suggest that there are many !ays to prevent asthma and treat it as !ell Types of sh!asa#Ashtma$ Ayurveda states that there are five types of sh!asa determined by their range in difficulty to treat and three types based on imbalance of: the air element % dry type asthma, fire element % infection type asthma !ater type % congestion type asthma &ry type asthma is usually found in people !ho are tin, frail and !ho have dry skin and constipation and are sensitive to cold climates. 'nfection type asthma is usually found in those !ho are hot, !ho are prone to infection in general, !ho have red rashes on the skin or psoriasis and !ho are prone to bronchitis. (ongestive type asthma is usually found in those !ho are heavier in body !eight, big boned, prone to colds and sinus congestion or chest congestion and !ater retention and are sensitive to cold and humid climates.. )pon seeing these characteristics !hat can !e do to reduce our chances of developing asthma* To treat dry type asthma % one should increase fluid intake. this !ill help to increase moisture and o+ygen in the body. ,ne should also keep the head, chest and back covered on cool days and avoid e+posure to !ind. -assage the body daily !ith sesame oil to add moisture to the body and try to eat foods that are moist and !arm rather than ra!, cold and rough dry foods. Avoid dairy products and nuts. .or infection type asthma/ one should drink plenty of !ater and avoid eating after 01:11 pm. 2ating late in the night can cause the accumulation of to+ins in the body due to improper digestion. ,ne should also avoid deep fried foods, e+ertion in the cold or heat and should try to eat more fruits and vegetables rather than meats and dairy. 'f a person !ho is prone to infection type asthma he or she should try to ingest more turmeric, echinacea in the form of tea and dandelion to prevent infections and boost the immune system. -ediation and breathing e+ercises are also helpful for such people as their asthma is usually related to stress and anger. .or congestive type asthma % one should avoid dairy, !heat products, refined sugar and e+cess s!eet, sour and salty foods. They should try to eat bitter, astringent and spicy foods to increase circulation and flo! of mucus and to prevent congestion. They can massage the chest and back !ith mustard oil to promote circulation in the chest. 3alm of gilead is very effective !hen rubbed on the chest. 't can prevent a chest cold from turning into pneumonia and can dilate the bronchial tubes to encourage deeper breathing. 4eople !ho are prone to this type of asthma should e+ercise daily and

try to do some cardio e+ercise for fifteen minutes per day. They should also avoid eating before 01:11am and after 5:11pm to ensure that they do not suffer from !eak digestion !hich is the prime cause of asthma for them. They should keep the head and torsos covered on cool days and avoid !alking in the rain. 't is important for them to drink hot !ater or luke !arm !ater rather than cold !ater and they should avoid iced beverages, ice cream and other cold foods to prevent mucus from becoming clogged. 'n general, all people !ith asthma or chest problems should perform deep breathing e+ercises daily and can add a fe! simple spices to their diets to help keep their chests clear.6inger, turmeric, black pepper cumin can be ground together and mi+ed !ith honey to create a paste. A teaspoon a day of this mi+ture is very useful in keeping the chest clear. Applying balm of gilead, eucalyptus oil, cinnamon oil or clove oil to the chest and back also helps to improve breathing. 7ote, essential oils should be mi+ed !ith a base oil % sesame !ould be the best for those !ith dry or infection type asthma or mustard for those !ith congestion type asthma. 3elo! is a breathing techni8ue than can be used to help increase lung capacity and stamina. deep breath "hile inhaling, al!ays remember that the body is being filled !ith air. "hen something is full it e+pands. "hen !e e+hale !e are emptying the body, thus, it !ill contract or shrink as it is emptied. Also remember that unless other!ise mentioned, all breathing is done through the nose. 9it in a position that is comfortable. the posture should be good. 'f the spine is not straight, the body cannot fill to its full capacity. 9it !ith the hands on the ribs and tummy and inhale. .ill the tummy first and then feel the inhalation filling the rest of the lungs. (ontinue to breathe until the throat is full and then immediately begin to e+hale. 2+hale until the body is completely empty. :epeat this e+ercise four times. This breath can be performed anytime during the day to help you rela+. 4roper respiration can cure asthma 4roper !ays of breathing can cure serious disease like asthma. one should pay attention to breathing along !ith practicing yog asana. 9ome important e+ercises are being mentioned underneath, !hich are helpful in controlling the disease. 0. Al!ays sit straight. "henever you stand, keep your back straight. .old your lips in the manner they are folded to blo! !histle. Then apply pressure and e+hale. (ount the breaths and slo!ly double the capacity to stop the breath but do not do it forcibly. &o not stop breath in bet!een the process of inhaling and e+haling because irregular breathing pattern should not be follo!ed in case of asthma. ;. 'f you are unable to breath and the shoulders and neck muscles become stiff then follo! this techni8ue. 3end the left ear do!n!ards so that it touches the left shoulder, repeat the same techni8ue !ith the right ear. <ift the shoulders in such a !ay that they touch both the ears. 9lo!ly bring do!n the shoulders as far as possible and rotate them for!ard, back!ard, up and do!n in a circular motion. =eep the pace of rotation fast at sometimes and slo! at other times. "hen the muscles get rela+ed the breathing also becomes normal and stops the irregular respiration pattern, congestion in the chest and an+iety. >. <ie do!n straight and keep a book on the stomach. 3reath through the diaphragm and see that the book moves up!ards !hen you e+hale and comes do!n !hen you inhale. This e+ercise should be done everyday for five minutes, it improves the health of the lungs and strengthens the muscles. 6radually increase the duration of the e+ercise and the !eight on the stomach. A simple e+ercise to e+pand the skeleton 0. 9pread the legs e8ual to the distance of the shoulders, take the hands for!ards and e+hale, then spread the hands and take them on either side of the body and then back!ards. =eep the elbo!s on the back and try to e+pand the skeleton and inhale slo!ly.

;. 9pread the legs e8ual to the distance of the shoulders and stand straight. 7o! lift both the hands up!ards and try to contract the body in the same position. Take slo! and deep breaths in this position. ?ou should feel that the skeleton is moving above the spine. 2+hale !hile bringing do!n the hands and concentrate only on e+haling. 3enefits % it is very good for those !ho have asthma as it helps to increase lung capacity and a!areness of the lungs and the breathing process. 't also helps to soothe both body and mind. -any ailments can be treated !ith this breathing e+ercise because it increases the flo! of o+ygen to all parts of the body. 7ote: for acute conditions or severe cases of asthma it is al!ays better to consult a 8ualified health practitioner as it is a life threatening too. 't is a small effort tried to provide you !ith some simple tips to help improve your 8uality of living.

Proper Respiration Can Cure Asthma

4roper !ays of breathing can cure serious disease like asthma. ,ne should pay attention to breathing along !ith practicing yog asana. 9ome important e+ercises are being mentioned underneath, !hich are helpful in controlling the disease. 0. Al!ays sit straight. "henever you stand, keep your back straight. .old your lips in the manner they are folded to blo! !histle. Then apply pressure and e+hale. (ount the breaths and slo!ly double the capacity to stop the breath but do not do it forcibly. &o not stop breath in bet!een the process of inhaling and e+haling because irregular breathing pattern should not be follo!ed in case of asthma. ;. 'f you are unable to breathand the shoulders and neck muscles become stiff then follo! this techni8ue. 3end the left ear do!n!ards so that it touches the left shoulder, repeat the same techni8ue !ith the right ear. <ift the shoulders in such a !ay that they touch both the ears. 9lo!ly bring do!n the shoulders as far as possible and rotate them for!ard, back!ard, up and do!n in a circular motion. =eep the pace of rotation fast at sometimes and slo! at other times."hen the muscles get rela+ed the breathing also becomes normal and stops the irregular respiration pattern, congestion in the chest and an+iety. >. <ie do!n straight and keep a book on the stomach. 3reath through the diaphragm and see that the book moves up!ards !hen you e+hale and comes do!n !hen you inhale. This e+ercise should be done everyday for five minutes, it improves the health of the lungs and strengthens the muscles. 6radually increase the duration of the e+ercise and the !eight on the stomach. A simple exercise to expand the skeleton 0. 9pread the legs e8ual to the distance of the shoulders, take the hands for!ards and e+hale, then spread the hands and take them on either side of the body and then back!ards. =eep the elbo!s on the back and try to e+pand the skeleton and inhale slo!ly. ;. 9pread the legs e8ual to the distance of the shoulders and stand straight. 7o! lift both the hands up!ards and try to contract the body in the same position. Take slo! and deep breaths in this position. ?ou should feel that the skeleton is moving above the spine. 2+hale !hile bringing do!n the hands and concentrate only on e+haling. >.

Ayurvedic Anti!iotics
7atural products !hich has a tendency to kill the bacteria and give health and hiegene are called

natural antibiotics i.e. ayurvedic antibiotics. 'n todays era there is a strong need of natural products !hich could act as an effective antibiotic !ithout any side effects and !ithout harming the immune system of a person. Around the !orld some of the natural products have already been accepted as antibiotics. .or eg. lahsun#6arlic$, haldi#Turmeric$, ambla#2mbilica ,fficinalis$, tulsi#,cimum 9anctum$, sahed#@oney$, aA!ain#Trachyspermum ammi$, long#(love$, angur#6rapes$ etc are most common. 9ince long the allopathic practitioners give Bitamin ( along !ith antibiotics for better and effective results. Bitamin ( in itself if given in needful dosage act as antibiotic. Bitamin ( has a tendency to kill certain types of bacteria. 'n Ayurveda the importance of Ambla has been described in detail and it has been scientifically porved that the vitamins present in ambla are al!ays present in any stage ie. "ethere u boil them, bake them , crush them etc. 't has been described as best immune boosting medicine in ayurveda. Ambla in combination !ith Bitamin ( can have effective results in curing aids, polio, diahorrea, titanus and disease of origin due to lo! immune health. Tulsi in 'ndian has been kno! as -ata/ ie. -other. 't is !orshiped too. 't has nearly C1 percent of Antibiotic 4roperties. 't is so effective that presence of the herb has an anti viral effect around its environment. .ood accompanied !ith the leaves of tulsi neutralises the to+ins in the food to great e+tent. The pulp of grapes have an effective antibacterial and antifungal properties. <ahsun and long have properties of antibacterial,anti viral, anti fugal, anti allergic etc. and those have been scientifically proved. <ahsun has an effective role in treating disease involving resistant bacteria. @oney is not less than a natureDs blessings. 'n ancient ages there are evidences of drinking and even bathing !ith honey. After scientific analysis it has been found that honey contains antibacterial and antio+idant properties. )lcers, burns, infections, sinuses heal early and easily on application of honey. 9o nature has in itself provided the means to remain healthy and long live and even to cure the diseases provided they are used patiently, orderly and in re8uired doses, !ith faith in it.

Home Remedies "or Asthma

Asthma is a chronic lung disease !here a patient have difficulty in breathing easily. This happens due to some kind of obstruction in the flo! of air in the lungs. Asthma can either !e acute or chronic# 9ome of the common causes of asthma are allergy, air pollution, respiratory infections, sulfites in food and certain medications. Common symptoms associated $ith asthma are coughing% $hee&ing% and shortness o" !reath and chest tightness# There are many medical !ays to treat asthma but an asthmatic person can also get relief from it by trying some simple natural remedies. @ere are top 01 home remedies for Asthma.

To treat asthma, garlic can be very useful. Take ten to fifteen cloves of garlic and boil them in half cup of milk. &rink this solution once in a day to cure asthma symptoms. 2lse you can even make garlic tea by adding three to four cloves of garlic to a pot of hot !ater and allo! it to steep for five minutes. Allo! the solution to come to room temperature and then drink it. This remedy !ill clear off the congestion in lungs and give you instant relief.

6inger is a !ell kno!n ingredient used in different kinds of treatments. "hen suffering

from asthma, take one inch of ginger cut it into small pieces and add it to a pot of boiling !ater and allo! it to steep for five minutes. Allo! the solution to cool and then drink it. 'f you !ish you can even eat ra! ginger mi+ed !ith salt to get some relief. 2lse mi+ one tablespoon of ginger Auice and one tablespoon of honey to t!o tablespoon of fenugreek seeds soaked in !ater overnight. &rink this solution every morning and evening in order to deto+ify the lungs.

?our regular cup of hot coffee !ithout milk can also help a lot !hen suffering from asthma. The caffeine in regular coffee can help to prevent and control asthma attacks. @ot coffee !ill rela+ and clear the air!ays also !hich !ill help you to breathe easily. Try to go for a stronger cup of coffee as the stronger the coffee, the better !ill be the result. 3ut you should not drink more than three cups of black coffee in a day. 'f you do not like coffee you can opt for a cup of hot black tea.

+#,ucalyptus -il
?ou can also use pure 2ucalyptus oil to treat asthma symptoms. Eust put a fe! drops of 2ucalyptus oil on a paper to!el and keep it by your head !hen sleeping. "hen you breathe 2ucalyptus oil it !ill give your relief from asthma symptoms along !ith cold symptoms. 2lse put t!o to three drops of 2ucalyptus oil into a bo!l of hot !ater and then breathe in the steam as much as you can. Try to take deep breaths for 8uicker and faster results.

@oney is one of the oldest natural cures for asthma. Eust by inhaling the smell of honey you can notice improvement in your breathing pattern. 't is the alcohol and ethereal oils present in honey that !ill help people suffering from asthma. ?ou can also take a glass of hot !ater and mi+ one teaspoon of honey into it and try to drink it slo!ly at least three times a day. 2lse mi+ one teaspoon of honey !ith half a teaspoon of cinnamon po!der and eat it Aust before going to bed. This !ill help in removing phlegm from the throat.

/#Mustard -il
"hile having an asthma attack, you can also get much relief from mustard oil. -i+ some mustard oil !ith a little camphor and then use this solution to massage the back of the chest. Try to massage gently and do not put too much pressure. -assaging !ith mustard oil !ill clear up the respiratory passage and help you to breathe normally. :epeat this remedy several times a day until you get relief from various symptoms of asthma.

<emon can also be used to treat asthma symptoms at home. 98ueeze the Auice of half a lemon in a glass of !ater and add some sugar according to your taste. &rink this solution !henever you are suffering from an asthma attack. 4eople !ith asthma have lo! levels of vitamin ( and the Bitamin ( present in lemon !ill fulfill that re8uirement. Also the antio+idant property of lemon Auice !ill help in decreasing asthma symptoms. Along !ith lemon, you can also take orange Auice, papaya, blueberries and stra!berries.

,nions have anti/inflammatory properties that can help in reducing the constriction of the air!ays !hen suffering from asthma. Also the sulfur content in onions can help in decreasing inflammation in the lungs. "hen you eat ra! onions it !ill clear the air passage!ays for better breathing. 'f you cannot bear the taste of ra! onions you can even eat cooked onions to lessen the various symptoms of asthma attacks.

:ich in omega/> fatty acids, salmon can help a lot during asthma attacks. ,mega/> fatty acids help the lungs to react in a better manner to irritants causing asthma. 't can also reduce air!ay narro!ing and inflammation !hich can ultimately give relief from various symptoms of asthma. Along !ith salmon, you can even try fishes such as cod, sardines, mackerel and tuna. Also if ra! salmon is not available, you can try salmon oil to get relief from asthma to a certain e+tent.



.igs can be used to treat asthma at home as it helps to drain phlegm. The nutritional properties of fig promotes respiratory health and help to alleviate breathing difficulties. "ash three dried figs and soak them in a cup of !ater at night. 'n the morning, eat the soaked figs and drink the fig !ater on an empty stomach. This !ay the nutrients present in figs !ill 8uickly enter the bloodstream and help in getting relief from asthma symptoms. -i+ture of garlic, black pepper, ginger,alligator pepper and honey has been very helpful to me F ' grind them together and mi+ !ith honey. ' use it first thing in the morning !hen 'Dm a!ake from sleep and as many times as possible. ' hope itDd be helpful to others too. :eply

Home remedies 6 natural treatment "or Asthma

A !ord derived from 6reek etymology !hich literally means GpantingG or GgaspingG for breathH is attributed to a disease related to the respiratory tract. Triggered by !ay of an allergic reaction of the body to one or many stimulants or GallergensGH a patient in its attacking spell suffers from breathlessness. -arked by a prolonged difficulty in breathing out, asthma is marked by involuntary spasm of small muscular air passages of lungs. ,ccurring primarily due to an allergic reaction a number of triggers or irritants including those from !eather, food, medication and use or e+posure to certain chemicals may mark the onset of asthmatic attack. .or effective control and remedy of asthmaH one needs to ascertain the allergen or irritant !hich triggers such an attack. Thus controlling the conditions !hich account for asthma !ill indirectly lead to fe!er attacks of asthma.

Home Remedy 5or Asthma - ,""ective 7atural Asthma Treatment

.or people susceptible to asthma on account of pollen, dust and pets need to ensure their protection against the causal factors. 't is imperative that they go for air conditioning of their

rooms and cars to prevent e+posure to the sources of irritation. 't is imperative that they stay a!ay from carpets, draperies and toys !hich accumulate dust. The ones allergic to animal furs need to ensure that pets are not allo!ed in vicinity of living rooms. 3esides avoiding the likely allergens, certain dietary means have been found beneficial for those prone to asthmatic attacks. .or instance po!dered turmeric added to milk keeps such attacks a!ayH if consumed daily on empty stomach. .ive to si+ cloves boiled in half a glass of !ater !ith a spoon full of honey serve as an e+cellent decoction against asthmaH if taken t!ice a day. (rushed cloves of garlic may be boiled in si+ tea spoons of milk for regular consumption of the same by an asthma prone person. :elated <ink I =no! about asthma J asthma treatment in ayuveda

:egular e+posure to fresh air and sun light free from pollutants contributed by factories and means of transport is also important in order to counter the attacks of asthma. ,ne of the naturally effective home remedies include a decoction including tea spoon full measures of ra! honey, ginger po!der and ground black pepper. &ried grapes soaked in !ater and then in cold milk may be had on an empty stomach in order to counter asthmatic attacks. (onsumption of grapes serves to strengthen lungs and flush the to+ic contents of human body. &ried figs also serve to flush out the phlegm content of the respiratory tract. 28ual measures of honey and olive oil may be added to !arm milk. The consumption of the resulting milk along !ith a fe! cloves of garlic before breakfast acts as an antidote to asthmatic attacks. @alf a glass measure of boiled fenugreek Auice along !ith tea spoons measure of ginger Auice is also an e+cellent natural remedy. 't serves to decongest and deto+ify the lungs. :egular consumption of fennel seeds also has a similar purpose to serve. @erbal tea !ith ground ginger and a dash of lime Auice is also effective. 4atients susceptible to asthmatic attacks may choose the same over milk tea to be consumed t!ice a day. @erbal tea based on licorice root is e+tremely beneficial. Turmeric and honey taken separately early in the morning keeps you a!ay from the painful bouts of asthmatic attacks. (rushed gooseberry in a table spoon of honey also serves as a natural remedial medicine. :elated <ink I 7atural home remedies for cough 9oup made out of radish, honey and lemon Auice may be made by blending the mentioned ingredients. :egular consumption of at least ten grams the same mi+ture is beneficial for asthma patients. 3oth the medicinally enriched natural ingredients !ill serve to e+crete mucus and deto+ify the respiratory tract. 3roth made out of leaves of drumstick is e8ually helpful for patients afflicted !ith asthma. Euice of bitter gourd added to honey and paste of basil also ranks amongst the numerous natural options. 9poon full of the same serves to defend yourself from asthmatic attacks. &ried pomegranates and raisins boiled in milk also serve to be an effective remedial measure. &ried and po!dered seeds of safflo!er acts as a natural e+pectorant if consumed !ith a spoon full measure of honey. 'n case one finds himself in the grip of an attack !arm mustard oil !ith a bit of crushed camphor should be massaged on the victimGs back and chest to make !ay for ease in breathing. 'nhaling of steam from !ater boiled in GaA!ainG seeds !ill also prove to be relieving.

'nhaling steam from !ater enriched !ith herbal oil of GAuniperG may be another relieving option. 'nhaling the smell of honey is also said to be similarly beneficial. Apart from adopting a dietary regimen insisting on fruits, vegetable and honeyH patients susceptible to breathing spasms on account of asthma should be cautious about his !eight. 9pecial medical advice and care should be taken as to the use of humidifiers and inhalers if the bouts of attack are fre8uent.

Asthma - Treatments% Prevention and Cure

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Asthma is an inflammatory disease of the air!ay and mainly arises from allergies. 9ome of the common characteristics or symptoms of asthma are recurrent breathing problems, breathlessness, !heezing, chest tightness, coughing etc... Asthma assessment test : &o you have asthma* &iagnose from symptoms

Asthma Treatment - Ayurvedic asthma treatment and cure

=no! as Shwas Roga in Ayurveda, Asthma is a chronic condition involving the respiratory system in !hich one e+periences shortness of breath.

Causes o" asthma

The cause of asthma is unkno!n till date. Also it is not fully understood as to !hy asthma occurs in some but not in others. Asthma symptoms vary over time, and also differ from one individual to another. 9ome common causes of asthma are allergens from nature like house dust mite and cockroach, grass, pollen, foods, climatic changes, animals like cats, dogs etc. Ayurveda classifies the causes of asthma into three based on the causative factors / &iet related factors, "ork related factors and ,ther .actors

8ietary Treatments "or Asthma

Avoid fried and processed foods Avoid food such as rice, curds, buttermilk, sugar, lentils, heavy milk products like cheese, paneer etc...!hich has natural tendency to produce the phlegm or to accumulate the mucus &rink boiled !ater in plenty Avoid over eating . Take light dinner one hour before going to bed Avoid fruits such as guava, papaya, !atermelon and banana

Home remedies "or asthma treatment

Take a mi+ture of 0 tablespoon of !ater and ; tablespoon of fresh lemon Auice t!ice a day.

Take a teaspoon of fresh ginger Auice mi+ed !ith a cup of fenugreek decoction and honey to taste. &rink a glass of ;K> carrot Auice, 0K> spinach Auice, > times a day. -i+ 01 / 05 drops of garlic Auice in !arm !ater and take internally. 6rind to po!der form / ; gms each of 7agar #7ut grass, (yperus rotundus$ and 3harangi and mi+ them in !ater to prepare a paste !hich should be taken, !ith !arm luke!arm !ater, t!ice daily. -i+ 0 teaspoon honey !ith 0 teaspoon of 'ndian bay leaf #(innamomum tamala$ po!der and have it before going to bed at night. This !ill help you in preventing the attack of asthma at night. Take 01 cloves of garlic boiled !ith >1 ml of milk once a day. -ake paste of 3lack resin,dates, long 4ippli #4iper longum$ and honey, in e8ual 8uantity.Take one teaspoonful of it morning and evening !ith !arm milk.

Ayurveda 96A Home remedies "or asthma

&r 6o!thaman, -edical &irector of rBita, ans!ers readersD 8uestions on Ayurveda. 6et your doubts cleared and see them featured on our .AL page every Tuesday. This $eek:s ans$ers '# My son% Anand R% '/ years is su""ering "rom severe respiratory pro!lem due to one o" his nostrils muscles have contracted% according to 8octors $ho diagnosed him# They advised operation a"ter '3 years ;adult stage<# =hat is the interim solution "or relie"% as his studies are a""ected due to this everyday pro!lem kindly advise ( B : 'yer % .ather ?es, Ayurveda and ?oga !ith d&iet can help. 'ndukantam kashayam tablets #> 7umbers$ !ith !arm milk t!ice daily before food M &hanvantharam gutika #; 7umbers$, Agasthya :asayanam 0 tablespoon at bed time follo!ed by !arm milk, :asnadi choornam % 0 tablespoon mi+ed !ith !arm milk as e+ternal application over forehead follo!ed by !arm !arm !ater !ash after 05 minutes helps. Avoid curd, cold, salty, spicy foods and drinks, 2+posure to cold etc. )# Su""ering "rom Asthma "or the last '4 years# Taking alopathic medicines and taking in>ections $hen it is acute# Pl advise ayurvedic medicines and home medicines to get rid o" alopathic medinces and get relie" -eenakshi :amesh Asthma can be better managed !ith a holistic approach !ith Ayurveda, yoga and diet than simply using the medicines. Yoga postures are good "or asthma 4rarambhik 9thiti #base position$ is very effective in curing asthma. 3addhakonasana #restrained angle pose$ also strengthens the pelvic region of the body and helps to prevent asthma. )pavista =onasana #seated angle pose$ is yet another means to combat asthma. This !ill also minimize the chance of arthritis and sciatic pains. 9upta 3addhakonasa #sleeping restrained angle pose$ is another e+ercise that can effectively cure the disease -edicines like 'ndukantam =ashayam, Byagryadi kashayam, 3harngyadi =ashayam, 3alaAeerakadi kashayam etc are found to be effective to improve the lung capacity and rela+es the respiratory muscles. #05 ml M N5 ml of !arm !ater t!ice daily before food$ Home remedies O @oney is very effective to cure asthma. O .igs can be a very good remedy in the treatment of asthma. O <emon Auice drunk !ith !ater also has a positive effect on asthma.

O -i+ture of 5 gm of 'ndian 6ooseberry !ith 0 tablespoon of honey to control asthma. O The roots of bitter gourd are also useful in the treatment of asthma. O 9oup of drumstick leaves can treat asthma effectively. O A mi+ture of ginger and fenugreek decoction along !ith honey act as an effective means to control asthma. O 'n the initial stages, garlic mi+ed in milk !orks as a tonic against asthma. O 3ishopDs !eed is another means to cure asthma. 't should be taken t!ice !ith buttermilk. O 9afflo!er seeds are also very useful in curbing bronchial asthma *# 8ear Sir% My son is having a comlaint o" $hee&ing occassionaly# He is "i"teen years o" age#?indly respond#Thanking you% EoAo 9ebastian. As discussed an holistic approach may be helpful. This is not Aust a problem related to respiratory systemH it has stronger effects on digestive, metabolic and immune system hence a holistic approach !ith Ayurveda, yoga and breathing e+ercises, diet and nutritional plans can help better. 9ome simple practices like taking early dinner, adding more fiber and fresh foods and drinks, avoiding cool, dry, salty, spicy foods and drinks etc may help. -ilk processed !ith fresh ginger and palm sugar is an effective remedy to prevent the bouts. 'n 'ndia, most of the traditional and tribal practitioners give fresh Auice of Basa #Adathoda vasica$ !ith honey in empty stomach for asthma. These remedies are clinically proven effective for asthma and also improve general health and metabolic system of the child. :egular practice of yoga and 4ranayama, !ith some Ayurvedic medicines and proper diet and nutrition follo! ups can minimise the asthmatic attacks and the same time may help in establishing self confidence against asthma. 'ntake of dates syrup, grape, !ine are !idely recommended to improve metabolism and digestion. -any practitioners suggest regular intake of Auice of amla #2mblica officinalis$Kaloe veraKnoni to help improve digestion and metabolism and increase the bio assimilation of essential nutrients !hich in turn can reduce the bouts of the disease. Avoiding non/vegetarian foods and drinks, alcohol, completely avoiding citrus fruits etc may be helpful.

Bronchial asthma is a common disease affecting 10-20 per cent of the population. In the vast majority of cases, the disease is mild and often unrecognised. There is evidence that the prevalence of asthma is increasing. In spite of better understanding of the pathophysiological processes involved in this disease, mortality from asthma has not been influenced, and in our country, it has been increased !sthma means t"itchy air"ays These narro"ed air"ays may lead to coughing, "hee#ing, chest tightness and shortness of breath, symptoms often being "orse at night. Invasion of allergens into our daily life is the prime cause for it. Increasing industrialisation and spreading urbanisation are the provo$ing factors for it. %urprisingly, in a majority of the cases, allopathic drugs such as betaantagonists, aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs often cause acute attac$s of asthma. It is often aggravated by non-specific factors such as cold air, tobacco smo$e, dust and acrid fumes, respiratory viral infection and emotional stress. !sthma is a clinical condition characterised by attac$s of "hee#ing,

breathlessness and cough due to the narro"ing of the air passage "ithin the lungs. There are t"o types of asthma&e'trinsic and intrinsic. ('trinsic asthma occurs in the younger age group. )atients are usually sensitive to pollen, house mice, feathers, food, fur, and drugs and have a family history of similar sensitivities. ('posure to the precipitating factor causes an inflammatory allergic reaction in the mucous membrane. This type of asthma tends to be sporadic. Intrinsic asthma tends to occur in older patients. It is a chronic condition. It has no apparent allergic cause or family history. This type of asthma is precipitated by bronchial infections, chronic bronchitis, strenuous e'ercise, stress or an'iety. Throughout the "orld, bronchial asthma is on the rise. *ut of sheer desperation, sufferers readily fall for any "onder cure. +onse,uently, hundreds of traditional healers ma$e tall claims of having found a permanent cure for asthma. -ost of these healers are ,uac$s. Bronchial asthma is a comple' disorder, "hich needs to be treated by a ,ualified medical doctor. Instead of searching for symptomatic relief or a magical cure, it is al"ays better to concentrate on predisposing conditions and causative factors. If you identify them, then you can avoid fre,uent attac$s.

!yurvedic .ie"
Bronchial asthma is $no"n as tama$a svassa in !yurveda. This medical science emphasises on gastro-intestinal factors apart from the respiratory afflictions to be the cause for bronchial asthma. That is "hy in the preliminary stage of the disease or just before its onset, the patient complains of indigestion, constipation or diarrhoea. It is mainly a $apha syndrome, though differentiation of humoural types also e'ists. In other "ords, bronchial asthma can be from any of the three humours&vaata, pitta or $apha. -ost often, the disease is $apha in nature. .aata type asthma, is characterised by dry cough and "hee#ing. !dditional symptoms are thirst, dry mouth, dry s$in, constipation, an'iety and craving for "arm drin$s. !ttac$s occur predominantly at vaata time&da"n and dus$. )itta type asthma is characterised by cough and "hee#ing "ith yello" phlegm. *ther symptoms are fever, s"eating, irritability and need for cool air. !ttac$s are at pitta time&noon and midnight. /apha type asthma is characterised by cough and "hee#ing "ith abundant clear or "hite phlegm. The lungs are often congested producing a "histling sound. !ttac$s are at $apha time&morning and evening.

0uidelines 1 ayurvedic remedies

The treatment of asthma consists in the employment of remedies to allay the paro'ysms, and in the adoption of measures li$ely to prevent the recurrence. !ccording to !yurveda, the asthma of recent origin can be treated effectively but if it becomes chronic, it can only be managed. It is not the drug alone that can give relief from asthma but regulation of diet and the change of conceptual thin$ing can also play a great role. !long "ith proper medication and control over eating and living, asthmatics can get better and ,uic$ results. 2uring an acute attac$, a hot chest and shoulder pac$, repeatedly given every half an hour, "ill have a sedative effect upon the nerves and a rela'ing influence generally, giving the ,uic$est and most satisfactory relief. 3ot mil$ or hot "ater "hen sipped little by little, provides immediate relief from the attac$. The inhalation of steam-laden air may be provided by using an ordinary tea$ettle, attaching a funnel to the spout, and inhaling from the upper "ide end of the cone. This is very effective in relieving spasms. In many acute attac$s, relief "ill be found in a simple hot hand-bath or hot foot-bath 4immersing hands or feet up to the elbo"s or $nees5. +oncussion to the cervical vertebrae from the fourth to the seventh for si' to eight minutes "ith half minute interruptions every minute is e'cellent to relieve attac$s. ! creeping plant $no"n as somalataa 4(phedra vulgaris5 is found to be highly efficacious in relieving asthma. This gro"s in "estern 3imalayas in abundance and is sent in hundreds of tonnes to "estern countries "here ephedrine is prepared from it. The po"der made from the "hole plant, after drying in the shade and is given in the dosage of 100 to 260 milligrams, mi'ed "ith honey or "ater at the intervals of 7 to 8 hours. !t the time of a full attac$, "rapping a hot bric$ in a rough cloth and then giving dry fomentation "ith it to the chest is found to be useful in asthma. %mearing chandanaadi oil and then giving heat fomentation is also good. Turmeric paste used as poultice on the chest or "arming the chest "ith it is very soothing. *nly the use of pippalee 4)iper longum5 po"der along "ith pure honey, ma$es an attac$ of asthma subside. The rhi#omes of turmeric are to be ba$ed in hot sand slightly and made into fine po"der. This is to be ta$en 9 grams t"ice a day "ith sugar. The dose can be increased up to 10 grams in due course. 2uring an acute attac$ of asthma, drin$ some hot "ater "ith the juice of one clove of garlic. Ta$e the juice of the "hole plant of %olanum surattense 4chote $ateri5 &: to 18 ml as such, or "ith Tri$atu 4e,ual parts of dried ginger, long

pepper and blac$ pepper5&one gm t"ice a day. ;ou can even ta$e Terminalia bellirica po"der 4baheda5&9 to < grams "ith 8 to < grams honey t"ice a day. -ustard oil 4sarason5 is a good remedy. Ta$e a spoonful "ith jaggery, t"ice a day. If you "ish to use a compound formulation, then here is a medicine for you. )repare a decoction by boiling e,ual parts of root of !dhatoda vasica 4adoosaa5, rhi#ome of turmeric, stem of Tinospora cordifolia 4giloa5, and the fruit of %olanum surattense 4chote $ateri5. Ta$e this decoction internally, 18 to 27 ml. "ith one gram of po"dered blac$ pepper t"ice a day. %mo$e leaf of 2atura stramonium 4dhatura5. This gives instant relief but needs medical supervision.

%pecific -edicines
/apha $artari= This cuts the $apha li$e scissors, hence the name. !bout 200 milligrams of this po"der is to be "rapped in a betel leaf and che"ed slo"ly. !s soon as the saliva mi'es "ith the po"der and reaches the stomach, its effect "ill be clearly felt. (ven "hen the attac$ subsides, four doses of it are to be ta$en for the ne't 28 hours. Bhaarangee guda= It is a good remedy for asthma. It also relieves all types of coughs. ! dose of 12 grams is ta$en together "ith one boiled fruit of hareeta$ee 4harad>Termilalia chebula5. /ana$aasava= It is a proven medicine for asthma and allied-complaints li$e cough, tuberculosis, bronchiectasis, chronic fevers and haemoptysis. The principal ingredient in this preparation is $ana$a 42atura stramonium5, "hich has been a reliable drug for asthma. 10-90 ml of this medicine is to be ta$en t"ice a day after meals. +hyavana praasa and !gastya rasaayana= The main ingredient of the former medicine is amla, the richest source of vitamin + in nature. ! peculiarity of this fruit is that its vitamin content is not lost by e'posure to heat, as is the case "ith other drugs and fruits. The latter preparation is indicated in cases of asthma "here the patient is constipated. 3o"ever, chyavana praasa is the better remedy. Both the medicines can be ta$en in one teaspoonful doses thrice a day, preferably before food inta$e. They are slo" acting remedies but are surer in the efficacy. In chronic cases, their effect is evident from the increasing gap bet"een successive attac$s. %itopalaadi choorna= This should be ta$en three or four times a day in one teaspoonful dose "ith honey. %ince the drug is li$ely to cause irritation of the throat, it is better "hen mi'ed "ith honey and ta$en as a linctus.

2uring !cute !ttac$

In severe cases, any of the follo"ing medicines can be tried "ith the

advice of the physician&%"aasa$aasa chintaamanee rasa, %"aasa $uthaara rasa etc. In case a patient has a long history of asthma and other complications are present, the pancha$arma therapy of !yurveda gives satisfactory results.

2iet and other considerations

!void foods that can aggravate asthma. +ommon foods, "hich trigger asthma, are animal foods, mil$ products, food items "hich ta$e more than t"o hours to digest, mucous producing foods such as curd, bananas, sugar, s"eets, blac$ gram, etc. 2rin$ plenty of li,uids, 7 to 10 glasses a day, to $eep secretions loose. ?ind out "hat triggers your asthma, and get rid of things that bother you at home and "or$. @pper respiratory infections, either viral or bacterial often trigger an asthmatic attac$. ('posure to smo$e, perfumes, paints or other strong chemical odours are common culprits. +hange in "eather, e'posure to moulds, animal dander, grass or tree pollen triggers asthmatic attac$s. +ertain food colourings and preservatives may trigger asthma. 2rugs, such as aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, beta-bloc$ers, !+( inhibitors can precipitate an asthma attac$. -a$e a special effort to $eep your bedroom allergen-free. %leep "ith a foam or cotton pillo", not a feather pillo". @se a plastic cover over the mattress. If possible, "ash your mattress in hot "ater every "ee$. 2ust your room often, but not "ith a broomstic$. .acuum cleaning is the better option. Aear a dust filter mas$ "hen you do so. !void using perfumes. Aear a scarf round your mouth and nose in cold "eather. 2oing so "ill "arm the air as you breathe in and "ill prevent cold air from reaching sensitive air"ays. -ild e'ercise, li$e s"imming, is good for asthmatics. 3o"ever, some asthmatics are allergic to chlorine, "hich rules out s"imming in a public pool. 2uring an asthma attac$, sit up straight or bend for"ard. 2o not lie do"n. If you have an air conditioner, change its filter regularly. -a$e a paste of roc$-salt and old ghee or mustard oil. Bub it on the chest. !lternately, you can massage %aindhavaadi tailam on the chest. )lace a hot to"el over the chest. This helps to rela' muscles and restore normal breathing. ?or an acute asthma attac$, try steam inhalation. !dd a fe" drops of eucalyptus oil in a bo"l of hot "ater. +over your head and the bo"l "ith a to"el. Be careful that the "ater is not so hot that the steam burns your face.

;ou should not suppress natural urges li$e urination, thirst and cough. In addition, you must avoid smo$ing and moving in the sun. It may be useful to assess the alignment of your spine. *ften the upper throacic vertebrae are not in alignment "ith the spine after an asthmatic attac$. This ultimately puts greater pressure on the lungs and possibly precipitates another attac$. 0etting a professional massage, specifically bet"een the shoulder blades "ith +handana bala laa$shaadi taila can reduce the fre,uency of attac$s. ;oga benefits asthmatics. The integral yoga approach to asthma includes correction of distorted posture and faulty breathing habits, methods for the e'pectoration of mucous, teaching a system of general muscle rela'ation, techni,ues for the release of suppressed emotion and for reducing an'iety. In yoga, the purpose of functional breathing e'ercise is to learn to engage both abdominal muscles and the diaphragm in breathing. The duration of e'halation should double the inhalation. 2uring the process of breathing, you must learn to rela'. !sanas such as suryanamas$aara, shashan$aasana, pranamaasana, sarvangaasana, supta vajraasana, ushtraasana, hasta-uttanaasana, uttita-lolaasana, d"i$onaasana, matsyaaasana are helpful. )ranaayaamas li$e naadishodhana, bhastri$a, $apaala-bhaati are beneficial. If you "ant to try some higher range of yoga procedures, shat $armas such as vastradhauti, shan$ha-pra$shaalana, jalaneti are considered therapeutic. *ther yoga related aspects li$e yoga-nidra, antar-mouna, meditation and rela'ation techni,ues are useful to remove the source of nervousness. The first and foremost thing is to $eep the bo"els regular. +onstipation should not be allo"ed to supervene. ('posure to cold should be avoided. (dibles, "hich are hard to digest, should also be avoided. The supper should contain easily digestible and light food. It is better if the food is ta$en before sunset. Boiled "ater should invariably be ta$en. If mil$ increases coughing or phlegm, it may be boiled "ith, e,ual ,uantity of "ater and t"o or three numbers of pippalee 4long pepper5 crushed and ground. +urd, buttermil$, bananas, guavas and fried foods are to be avoided. !ll sour substances should be banned. %mo$ing&both active and passive, should be strictly prohibited. !llergens and other substances liable to provo$e attac$s of asthma are to be avoided. ?or e'ample, pollen may be avoided by not being e'posed to flo"ering vegetation and closing the bedroom "indo"s. -ites in house dust may be prevented by cleaning mattresses and blan$ets "ith vacuum cleaners. !nimal dander is best avoided if contact "ith dogs, cats, horses or other animals is avoided. It "ill be good if feather pillo"s are substituted "ith cotton pillo"s. *ften,

allergens are produced from certain foods such as fish, eggs, mil$, yeast and "heat. These should be carefully identified and eliminated from diet. ('posure to chemicals is to be avoided. If it is not possible, it is better to change the profession. In addition, indiscriminate usage of chemical pain relieving drugs should be avoided. )hysical and mental stress should be avoided.

!s "e all are genetically different "ith different constitutions and patterns, "e respond to treatments in many different "ays. 3ence %tandard !yurvedic Treatments are al"ays individually formulated. This article is intended only for information. It is not a substitute to the standard medical diagnosis, personali#ed !yurvedic treatment or ,ualified !yurvedic physician. ?or specific treatment, al"ays consult "ith a ,ualified !yurvedic physician.

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