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ISL Week 4 1.

Browse the internet for information on implications of behaviorist theories in the teaching and learning of special needs children

2. Summarize all information in the form of concept maps/graphic organizers to be kept in the portfolio.

3. Tutorial preparation: Students study behaviorist theories and analyze using PMI the implications on teaching and learning. Discuss how human beings learn, based on Skinners theory of Operant Conditioning.

Implications of behaviorist theories in the teaching and learning of special needs children.

Break down the tasks into small, manageable segments for teaching.

Explain and demonstrate each stage of learning process. (modeling)

Involves great deal of practice and review of new learning until mastery occurs.

Explicit teaching involves great deal of structure and systematic planning. (students tend to achieve more when they know what to expect)

The use of fast paced lessons with monitoring and feedback. (Students can learn to progress if the lesson includes a chance for monitoring by teacher and students, provisions of feedback, and some type of reinforcement.)

Behaviourist theorist and analyse using PMI (Plus, Minus and Interesting) on the implication on teaching and learning.

Plus Behaviorism is based upon observable behaviours so it is easier to quantify and collect data and information when conducting research. Effective therapeutic techniques such as intensive behavioural intervention, behaviour analysis, token economies and discrete trial training are all rooted in behaviourism. These approaches are often very useful in changing maladaptive or harmful behaviours in both children and adults.

Minus Many critics argue that behaviourism is a one-dimensiona approach to understand human behaviour and that behavioural theories do not account for free will and internal influences such as moods, thoughts and feeling. Behaviourism does not account for other types of learning especially learning that occurs without the use of reinforcement and punishment. People and animals are able to adapt their bahaviour when new information is introduced even if a previous behaviour pattern has been

Interesting While behaviourism is not as dominant today as it was during the middle of the 20th century, it is still remains an influential force in psychology. Beyond psychology, animals trainers, parents, teachers and many others make use of basic behavioural principles to help teaching new behaviours and discourage unwanted ones.

established through reinforcement.

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