Advanced SoftwareEngineering

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ADVANCE SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Introduction: Life cycle models, Requirement Analysis and specification, Formal requirements specification.

Fundamental issues in software design: Goodness of design, cohesions, coupling. Function-oriented design: structured analysis and design, Overview of object oriented concepts. Unified Modeling Language (UML): Unified design process, User interface design, Coding standards and guidelines. Code walks through and reviews. Unit testing: Black box and white box testing, Integration and system testing, Software quality and reliability. SEI CMM and ISO 9001: PSP and Six Sigma, Clean room technique. Software maintenance issues and techniques: Software reuse, Client-Server software development. Reference: 1. Ian Sommeriele, Software Engineering, Addison Wesley. 2. C.Easteal and G.Davis, Software Engineering Analysis and Design, Tata McGraw Hill. 3. Pressman, Software Engineering A Practitioners Approach. 4. Richard Fairley, Software Engineering Concepts, Tata Mcgraw Hill. 5. Pankaj Jalote , An Integrated Approach to Software engineering, Narosa Publication.

MODEL PAPER Time: 03Hours Instruction to Candidates Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks 1. a. How iterative enhancement model is helpful during maintenance? Explain various stage cycles of this model. b. Discuss prototype model. What is the effect of designing a prototype on the overall cost of the project? 2. List some of the desirable characteristics of a good SRS document. Discuss the relative advantages of formal requirement specifications. List important issues which an SRS must address. 3. a. What are the objectives of software design? How do we transform an informal design into a detailed design? b. What is cohesion? What problems are likely to arise if modules have low cohesion? 4. a. Why are control components necessary in conventional software and are generally not required in object oriented software? b. Define module coupling. Explain different type of coupling. 5. a. What is UML? Discuss system modeling with UML. b. What is the difference between unified process phase and unified process workflow? 6. a. What is the significance of activity diagram? How will you draw an activity diagram, .explain with the help of some example? b. What is the difference between white box testing and black box testing? In which cases, the black box testing is preferred? Maximum Marks: 100

7. a. What are the main requirements of ISO 9001? How does this apply in software context? b. Explain how CMM encourages continuous improvement in software process? 8. a. What is software maintenance? Describe various categories of maintenance. Which categories consume maximum effort and why? b. What is the difference between reverse engineering and reengineering?

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