Part B Mastery of Knowledge and Skills

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Specimen 1:

Incorrect sentence and structure Cant imagine how i will teaching the kids at school. Correct sentence and structure I cant imagine how I will teach the students/children at school. Explanation Firstly, the sentence contains no subject at the beginning. A correct and complete sentence must consists of subject and predicate. Thus, in order to make this sentence correct, the subject I must be included at the beginning of the sentence.

Secondly, the word cant is a form of contraction. It comes from the word can and not. Thus, an apostrophe (), must be put before to show the contraction that takes place. It supposes to be written as cant. Next, the sentence also contains verb tense error. The verb that follows a modal auxiliary verb must be in the base form. Will is a modal auxiliary verb. Therefore the base form of the verb teaching which is teach must be used in the sentence. Plus, this sentence uses an inappropriate term to indicate the indirect subject which is kids. Kid is referring a child or young person in informal way. It also brings another meaning which is a young goat. So, it is better to use students or children instead of using kids. Lastly, the sentence also violates the punctuation rule. A period must be used at the end of a complete sentence which portrays a statement. The sentence I cant imagine how I will teach the students at school. is a statement. Therefore a period

must be repeated. Specimen 2:

placed at the end of the sentence and it must be placed one only and not be

Incorrect sentence and structure

Only select potato varieties make the cut. Correct sentence and structure Only selected potato varieties make the cut. Explanation

This sentence has an error in world class used. An adjective is used before a noun to describe the noun. Select is a verb while selected is an adjective. Thus, selected is used instead of select.

Specimen 3:

Incorrect sentence and structure Happy Valentines Day MOHD NOR ARIFFIN YUSRIZAL Correct sentence and structure Happy Valentines Day Mohd Nor Ariffin Yusrizal. Explanation This sentence uses incorrect term. The term Valentines Day is significant to Saint Valentine during his time. Thus, the correct term is Valentines Day with an apostrophe () before the s.

Secondly, the sentence also contains word class error. A noun can be divided into two types. They are common noun and proper noun. Common noun is used to describe an object in its universal aspect. For example, the noun dog is a common noun. Proper noun on the other hand is used to refer to a specific object. For example, Awem is my dog. Awem here refers to a specific animal, which is a dog. In addition, proper noun must begin with a capital letter no matter where it occurs in a sentence. In this case, Mohd Nor Ariffin Yusrizal refers to a specific person. Therefore, Mohd Nor Ariffin Yusrizal is a proper noun and its first letter must be capitalised and not all the letters in the noun.

Specimen 4 :

Incorrect sentence and structure Almost two days after the incident, Shafila was still trying to come to grips with losing so many of her friends almost before her eyes as they had been with her and five others just minutes before their deaths. Correct sentence and structure

Almost two days after the incident, Shafila was still trying to come to grip with losing so many of her friends almost before her eyes as they had been with her and five others just minutes before their deaths.


This sentence contains to-infinitive error. The verb that follows a to-infinitive must be in the base form. Therefore the base form of the verb grips which is grip must be used in the sentence to form to grip.

Specimen 5 :

Incorrect sentence and structure hot n tired morning just now wan go skul again Correct sentence and structure It was hot and tiring morning. I went to school again just now. Explanation

In this specimen, there are two sentences that contain grammar mistakes. The sentences are hot n tired morning and just now wan go skul again. In this specimen, it is clearly that the person is using broken English or also known as Manglish (Malaysian English). It may be accepted to be used in informal conversation, but due to its mistakes in grammar, it is not acceptable to be used in formal conversation. Firstly, from the sentence hot n tired morning. This sentence violates the rule in Subject Verb Agreement. It does not contain subject and the verb. Subject and verb are needed to form a complete sentence. If both of these are not in the sentence, it will be a clause. Thus, to make the clause hot and tiring morning becomes a sentence, a subject and a verb have to be added. In this specimen, It is the subject and is is the linking verb used. Is is used because it obeys the rule of Subject Verb Agreement because It is a singular noun. Besides, it uses n to refer the conjunction and. Conjunction and is one of the

subordinate conjunctions that combine two same ideas. Hot and tiring are both adjectives to describe the morning. Thus, conjunction and can be used to join both of these adjectives and not use the letter n to substitute the conjunction and. In this sentence also,

For the next sentence, which is just now wan go skul again is obviously a direct translation from his mother tongue to English which is baru tadi nak pergi sekolah lagi. In this sentence, it breaks the rule of Subject Verb Agreement where there is no subject. The subject I has to be put at the beginning of this sentence. The verb used also must obey the time expression stated. As in this sentence, just now is the time expression that shows the situation has happened earlier. Thus, the verb went is used because it is the simple past of the verb go. Therefore, the correct sentence is I went to school again just now.. It also contains spelling error. The word school is spelt wrongly as skul. The word skul does not bring any meaning. Therefore, in order to make the sentence understandable, the correct spelling has to be put which is school.

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