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Teaching Scheme Subject Title Th Mathematics II 4 !r 0 Tut 0 Theor" Ma Hr& Mar% 3 100

E am Scheme !ractical Ma Hr& Mar% 0 0 T#$ Ma Mar%& 0 Se&& 50 Total 150

Sr. No. E-301

1. 'ector calculu&( Reorientation, Differentiation of Vectors, Scalars and vector fields. S!rface and Vol!me inte"rals, electroma"netic fields. reen's,

radient of a scalar

f!nction. Directional derivative, Diver"ence and #!rl of a vector f!nction and their $h%sical meanin"s, &ine, a!ss(s and Sto)e's theorems *+itho!t $roof,, Irrotational, Solenoid and S$herical $olar,, -$$lications to conservative vector fields, c!rvilinear coordinators *#%lindrical and

). Matrice&( #ale%-.amilton's theorem, S$ecial matrices li)e .ermitian, S)e/-.ermitian and 0nitar%. 3. *ourier Serie&( 1eriodic f!nctions, Dinchlete conditions, E!ler's form!la, 2o!rier e3$ansion of $eriodic f!nctions, 2o!rier series of $eriod 4, 2o!rier series of even and odd f!nctions, 2o!rier series of ar5itrar% $eriods. +. *ourier tran&,orm&( and #osine transforms. -. .a/lace Tran&,orm&( Definition, &inearit% $ro$ert%, &a$lace transforms of elementar% transforms, &a$lace transforms of derivatives and inte"rals, f!nctions. 0E*E0ENCE 1223S. 819Dr. :.S. RE+-& .i"her En"ineerin" Mathematics 849 1R62. +-R;;<-R = +-R;I<-R - te3t 5oo) of a$$lied mathematics 839 >.1. :-&I -dvanced En"". mathematics 849 <0M:.6?<-R .V. 8@9 ..< .Das En"ineerin" Mathematics 859 Dr. <. R. <achot -dvanced Mathematics for En"ineers .i"her en"ineerin" mathematics #onvol!tion Motivation, f!nctions, Shiftin" theorem, Inverse &a$lace theorem, -$$lication of &a$lace 2o!rier inte"ral theorem *6nl% statement,, #om$le3 form of 2o!rier inte"ral, 2o!rier sine and cosine inte"rals, 2o!rier Sine

transforms in solvin" ordinar% differential e7!ations, &a$lace transforms of $eriodic, 0nit ste$ and Im$!lse


Sr. No. E-304

Teaching Scheme Subject Title Th Electrical 1o/er eneration 4 !r 0 Tut 0 Theor" Ma Hr& Mar% 3 100

E am Scheme !ractical Ma Hr& Mar% 0 0 T#$ Ma Mar%& 0 Se&& 50 Total 150

1. Steam /o4er &tation( Schematic arran"ement, advanta"es and disadvanta"es, choice of site, efficienc% of steam $o/er station, ;%$es of $rime movers, characteristic, s$eed control = a!3iliaries. ). H"5ro /o4er &tation( Schematic arran"ement, advanta"es and disadvanta"es, choice of site constit!ents of h%dro $o/er $lant, .%dro t!r5ine. 3. 6ie&el /o4er &tation( Schematic arran"ement, advanta"es and disadvanta"es, I.#. en"ines +. Nuclear /o4er &tation( Schematic arran"ement, advanta"es and disadvanta"es, selection of site, t%$es of reactors, .aAards -. 7a& turbine /o4er /lant( Schematic arran"ement, advanta"es and disadvanta"es. 8. Combine5 c"cle /o4er /lant #om$arison of vario!s $o/er $lants. 9. Solar energ" ,un5amental an5 Solar thermal /o4er /lant( Solar ener"% ro!tes and $ros$ects, merits and limitations of solar ener"% conversion and !tiliAation, ;%$es of solar thermal collectors, com$arison 5et/een conventional and solar thermal $o/er $lant, ratin"s of solar $o/er $lant heat transfer fl!ids, solar $ond and 5inar% c%cle solar thermal $o/er $lant. :. 7eothermal energ" ,un5amental& 7eothermal electric /o4er /lant( -$$lications, !tiliAation of "eothermal ener"%, eothermal ener"% reso!rces, ori"in of "eothermal reso!rces, #lassification and t%$es of "eothermal $o/er $lants, li7!id dominated "eothermal electric $o/er $lant, 5inar% c%cle li7!id dominated "eothermal $o/er $lant, "eo thermal ener"% $o/er $lant, sco$e for "eothermal ener"% in India. ;. $in5 energ" ,un5amental& $in5 /o4er /lant&( -$$lications, Merits and demerits of /ind ener"%, nat!re and ori"in of /ind, varia5les in /ind ener"% conversion s%stem, /ind velocities and hei"ht from "ro!nd and site selection, t%$es of /ind ener"%

s%stem, /ind t!r5ine "enerator !nit /ith 5atter% stora"e facilities, /ind t!r5ine "enerator !nit /ith diesel "enerator, solar /ind h%5rid, /ind farm sittin", /ind ma$ of India, /ind electric station in India. 10. *uel Cell an5 *uel Cell /o4er /lant& Introd!ction, conce$t, t%$es, Electrochemical Reactions, .%dro"en, 63%"en 2!el cells, 1hos$horic -cid 2!el cells, Molten #ar5onate 2!el cells, Methanol f!el cells, Medi!m tem$erat!re, f!el cell, confi"!ration of $o/er $lant, 1erformance #haracteristics, 2!els, #ommercial $lants in the /orld. 11. Magneto h"5ro 6"namic !o4er generation 1rinci$les, M.D S%stems, -dvanta"es of M.D S%stems, Electrical conditionsB Volta"e and 1o/er o!t$!t of M.D "enerator. 1). 1io ma&& energ" re&ource&( :io mass ener"% reso!rces, 5io mass conversion $rocess, ra/ 5io mass materials for conversion to 5io"as, a"ric!lt!re /aste and a"ric!lt!re ener"% cro$s and fr!it farms. 13. 2cean energ"( 6cean ener"% reso!rces, advanta"es and limitations of ocean ener"% conversion, technolo"ies, ocean thermal ener"% conversion, $rinci$le of 6;E#, o$en c%cle 6;E#, modified o$en c%cle 6;E# $lant, closed c%cle 6;E#, 6;E# conversion $lants in India. 1+. Ti5al energ" con<er&ion( .i"h and lo/ tides, tidal ener"% conversion, tidal $o/er, details a5o!t $lant and e7!i$ments, tidal $o/er $lants in the /orld, tidal ener"% reso!rces in India. 0e,erence&( 819 Ener"% ;echnolo"% 5% S. Rao = Dr. :.:.1ar!le)ar 849 Rene/a5le ener"% so!rces and conversion technolo"% 5% >.<. :ansal 839 - #o!rse in electrical $o/er 5% Soni = :hattna"ar


Sr. No. Subject Title Teaching Scheme Th !r Tut E am Scheme Theor" !ractical T#$ Se&& Total


Ma Mar%


Ma Mar%

Ma Mar%&

E-303 Electrical = Electronics Meas!rement







Intro5uction( 0nits and dimensions in S.I. s%stem, meas!rement of a5sol!te val!es of c!rrent and resistance, standard 5atteries, characteristics of instr!ments- definitions tr!e val!e acc!rac% $recision, error, sensitivit% and resol!tion. ). Mea&urement o, lo4? me5ium = high re&i&tance& 3. Magnetic mea&urement&( Determination of :... c!rve, -.#. ma"netic testin" +. 7al<anometer( $rinci$les and constr!ction. -. Meas!rement of volta"e, c!rrent, $o/er, ener"%, $o/er factor = its related instr!ments *analo" and electronic, /ith e3tension of ran"e 8. AC. = 6.C. /otentiometer&( #onstr!ction and a$$lications 9. 6igital meter&( Di"ital Voltmeter, Electronic m!ltimeter :. C.0.2. ( Introd!ction, :loc) dia"ram, dela% line, s$ecial t%$es of #R6s 0e,erence 1oo%&( 819 Elect. Meas. = Meas. Instr!mentsB E.+. oldin" 849 Elect. = Electronic Meas!rements = Instr!mentation - -.<..Sa/hne%. 839 Modern Electronic Instr!mentation = Meas!rement ;echni7!es C +.D. #oo$er, -l5ert D. .elfric)

E-30+ NET$203 ANA.@SIS

Sr. No. Subject Title Teaching Scheme Th !r Tut E am Scheme Theor" !ractical T#$ Se&& Total

Hr& E-304 >et/or) -nal%sis 4 4 0 3

Ma Mar% 100

Hr& 4

Ma Mar% 45

Ma Mar%& 45



1. Net4or% element&( :asic relationshi$, c!rrent and volta"e relationshi$, /or), $o/er and ener"% consideration. ). Net4or% to/olog"( Definitions, tie set sched!le and c!t set ta5les, so!rce transformation, dot convention, $rinci$le of d!alit%. 3. Net4or% eAuation&( MeshDloo$ c!rrent and node volta"e anal%sis, e7!ations for co!$led circ!its, Initial conditions in elements, $roced!re for eval!atin" initial conditions, Sol!tion of circ!it e7!ations 5% &a$lace transforms, transient anal%sis of R-&, R-# circ!its and R-&-# circ!its. +. Net4or% theorem&( ;hevenin, >orton, S!$er$osition, Millman, Reci$rocit% and Ma3im!m $o/er transfer theorem. -. Im/e5ance ,unction&( #once$t of com$le3 fre7!enc%, transform im$edance and transform circ!its. 8. Net4or% ,unction&( 2or one $ort and t/o $orts, calc!lation of net/or) f!nctions, $oles and Aeros, time domain 5ehavior, ;/o-$ort $arameters, relationshi$s of t/o $ort varia5les, admittance, im$edance, transmission and h%5rid $arameters, relationshi$ 5et/een $arameters sets, seriesD $arallel com5inations of t/o $ort net/or)s. E. 1ro$erties of $ositive real f!nction, necessar% and s!fficient conditions, 5asic s%nthesis $roced!re, s%nthesis of &-#, R-& and R-# drivin" $oint f!nctions. 0e,erence 1oo%&( 819 >et/or) anal%sis-M.E. Van Val)en5er". 849 >et/or) anal%sis- .<. Mithal 839 >et/or) s%nthesis-ME. Van Val)en5er". 849 >et/or) anal%sis-Rao


Sr. No. Teaching Scheme Subject Title Th !r Tut Theor" Ma Hr& Mar% E am Scheme !ractical Ma Hr& Mar% T#$ Ma Mar%& Se&& Total


&inear Electronics






1. !.N. junction 5io5e( Rectifier diode, s/itchin" diode, 5rea)do/n diode, varactor diode, solar cells, $hoto detector, li"ht emittin" diode. ). 0ecti,"ing circuit& an5 6.C. /o4er &u//lie&( .alf, f!ll /ave and 5rid"e rectifiers and their anal%sis, $rinci$les of 3-$hase rectifiers and filter circ!its diode as cli$$er and clam$er, Aener diode as a volta"e re"!lator. 3.Tran&i&tor( :asic transistor am$lifier, #:, #E, ## confi"!ration characteristics and anal%sis, $hototransistors. +. Tran&i&tor bia&ing an5 thermal &tabilit"( Sta5ilit% factors, collector to 5ase 5ias, emitter 5ias, volta"e divider 5ias, 5ias com$ensation. -. Tran&i&tor heat 5i&&i/ation( .eat sin) and thermal dissi$ation. 8. Tran&i&tor h - /arameter circuit&( eneral idea of h $arameters and their a$$lications in each confi"!ration of am$lifiers. 9. .o4 an5 high ,reAuenc" re&/on&e o, tran&i&tor am/li,ier. :. Negati<e ,ee5bac% am/li,ier& Volta"e sh!nt and volta"e series am$lifier. ;. Tran&i&tor o&cillator& an5 Multi<ibrator& Effect of $ositive feed5ac), R.#. $hase shift oscillator and +ien 5rid"e oscillator, transistor as a s/itch, transistors as m!ltivi5rators *asta5le, 5ista5le, monosta5le,. 10. Tran&i&tor am/li,ier&( #lass -, class : and 1!sh-$!ll am$lifier. 11. *iel5 e,,ect tran&i&tor&( ;%$es, their characteristics and a$$lications. 0e,erence 1oo%&( 819 Electronic Devices and circ!itsF -n introd!ction - -lien Mottershed 849 Solid state Electronic Devices - :en Street/a%

E-308 Com/uter TechniAue& ,or Net4or% B.ab onl"C

Teaching Scheme Sr. No. E-30@ Subject Title Theor" Th 0 !r 4 Tut 0 Hr& 0 Ma Mar% 0

#om$!ter ;echni7!es for >et/or) *&a5 onl%,

E am Scheme !ractical T#$ Ma Ma Mar% Hr& Mar% & 4 45 45

Se&& 0

Total 50

1. Intro5uction to Matlab an5 !&/ice. ). Sol<ing &imultaneou& eAuation&. 3. 3ircho,,D& current an5 <oltage la4& an5 &erie&-/arallel re&i&ti<e circuit&. +. No5e an5 .oo/ Anal"&i&. -. Source Tran&,ormation. 8. Net4or% Theorom&. 9. .a/lace Tran&,orm&. :. *reAuenc" 0e&/on&e Anal"&i&. ;. *ourier Anal"&i&. 10. T4o /ort Net4or%&. 11. Circuit Anal"&i& u&ing !&/ice. 0e,erence 1oo%&( 1.&inear #irc!it -nal%sis 5% Ra%mond -. Decarlo and 1en-min &in, 63ford 0niversit% 1ress. 4.2!ndamentals of Electrical En"ineerin" 5% &eonard S. :o5ro/, 63ford 0niversit% 1ress. 3. ettin" Started /ith Matla5 @, R!dra 1rata$. 63ford 0niversit% 1ress. 4. #irc!it -nal%sis 5% -. :r!ce #arlson, ;homson 1!5lishers.

E-309 E.ECT0ICA. $203SH2! B.ab onl"C

Sr. No.

Teaching Scheme Subject Title Th !r Tut Theor" Ma Hr& Mar%

E am Scheme !ractical Ma Hr& Mar% T#$ Ma Mar%& Se&& Total

E-30E Electrical +or)sho$ *&a5 onl%,



1. Electrical &"mbol& ). In5ian electricit" rule& an5 co5e o, /ractice 3. T"/e& o, &4itche& an5 4ire& +. T"/e& o, 4iring -. Motor o/erate5 5e<ice& 8. Heating a//aratu& 9. Megger :. E.C1#MC1 ;. Tran&,ormer an5 motor re4in5ing /ractice

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