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GUIDE PHARISEES PERFECT A study of sin GEORGE R. KNIGHT Edited by Marvin Moore Designed by Tims Larson Cover photo by Bey Ble ‘Typeset in 11/13 Janson Te Copyright © 1992 by Pcie Press Publishing Association Printed in United Staes of America All Rights Reserved Unless otherwise noted, Bible texts in this book are fom che Revised ‘Seandand Version of the Bible, copyrighted 1946, 1952 © 1971, 1973 Ip the Division of Christian Fdveation of the National Council of Churches of Christin the US. ‘With the exception of quotations ffom the Bible andthe writings of Ellen G. Whit, the autor is responsible forthe accuracy of all {quotations cited in this book Library of Congress eataloging-in-publicaton data: ‘Knight, George R The Pharisees guide ro perfec holiness a sudy of sin and sava- sion / George R. Knight pen Includes index. ISBN 0-8163-1075.0 I, Perfection—Religious specte—Chrisianiy. 2. Sin, 3. Jusica- sion. 4. Sanctifation. 5, Seventh-day Advendst-—Doctrins. 6, Ad- ‘entists—Doctrines. 1, Tile BIT60K55 1982 91-9557, 234-de20, oP Contents A Word to the Reader: ° 1 Pharisees Are Good People... prea) The Fy in Phares’ Theological Oinenent ‘The Problem With Being Good hail Is Ave and Well Sin Orginal and Net So Orginal. ocecescesvee BE Brena ‘he tnnealy on ‘Then Segal “Thecouls oe oral in io tetine toe Coe of . ‘Most sincere Christians are not concerned with SIN Serene spe fan sis ne NS Seung epcne ala Use of the Law "The Purpose of te Law Wall he “Real Law Please Sand Up The Christian andthe Law Jean the Work of LifvimeSanctication the Work of « Moment 7 Getting What We Don't Deserve ‘Grbbing Hold of Whar We Don't Deserve 57 n “The nate office The role ofthe wil Repentance Selection Josifcacon and Related Tses Jaxseation Regeneration and conversion ‘lopdan ino the covenant and asirince of sein “he ls of Univer Jneiestion Now, Whe Abo Jastfeston Being the Work ofa Lifetime ‘and Sanetieation Being the Work of Moment? Jussi snd Sanction Can Be Relatively Meaningless Terme ‘More on Sanedfeaton Growin in Christ “The Tension in Christian Living Berween the Idcal andthe Real Moving Beyond “Clothesline” Sancifcation ‘The Holy Spin’ Taskin Sanctifeston What host Wor “Good Works and “Bad” Works ‘What About Human Effore? Works inthe Judgment Sancfiestion and the “Means of Grace” 103 Sanctification, Perfection, and the Example of Jesus -. 129 Maving Beyond the Ba-News Intespetaton of he Good News Initadng Jeate A New Testamene Inperstive ‘The Essence of Chast's Tempation and Victory ‘The Character of Cast - The Bible on Perfection and Sinlessness Being Perfect A Bible Command Biblical Perfection [Biblical Snlssness John Wesleyan the Restoration of Perfeton “7 3. Ellen White on Perfection and Sinlesenes -, 167 Methodologies! Confusion Between the "Lees" and the “Grete” Lights Ellen White's High View of Character Perfection Perfect Like Christ Perfection: A Dynamic Process Sikes but Noe Vee Sinles The Chanter of Charster Perfection 9 esfeton and he Final Generation 183 ‘Tyetibi on Tina Genention Perfection “Hlen White on End-Time Polarzsion and the Cleansing ofthe Sine Perec Reproducing the Character of Christ Sending Through he Tne of Trgble Withow a Mediator Pomesing te Traniation Faith of Epoch and Ehjah ‘Reo Rinks of Fefeeaon and God's Final Demonsraon tothe Universe ‘Two lids of perection Go inal demonseation 10, Growth Toward Perfection Throughout Etemiy .... 209 ‘The Nature of Ersly Perfection ‘The Role of Rewreccion and Translation in che Continaing Development of Perfection Dynami Growth in Perfection Throughout Exerisy Notes «+. 29 2s Index of Biblical References «.... Index of Names and Topice <..-+s-sessessesssesseess 280)

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