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Computer Organization & System Buses

The instruction set architecture, described in earlier provides a good description of what a microprocessor can do, but it provides virtually no information on how to use the microprocessor. The ISA describes the instructions that the microprocessor can process, but says nothing about how the processor accesses these instructions. A system designer needs more information than the ISA provides in order to design a complete computer system. In this chapter, we examine the organization of basic computer systems. A simple computer has three primary subsystems. The central processing unit, or CPU, performs many operations and controls the computer. A microprocessor usually serves as the computers CPU. The memory subsystem is used to store programs being executed by the CPU, along with the programs data. The input/output, or I/O, subsystem allows the CPU to interact with input and output devices, such as the keyboard and monitor of a personal computer, or the keypad and digital display of a microwave oven. This chapter begins with an overview of basic system organization, including the system buses used by the CPU, memory subsystem, and I/O subsystem to communicate with each other. Next, we examine the three system components in more detail. We describe the functionality and organization of each component, as well as its interface with the rest of the computer system. Finally we look at the organization of two computer systems, one based on the Relatively Simple CPU, introduced in Chapter 3, and another based on Intels 8085 microprocessor. In later chapters, we examine the subsystems and system architecture in greater detail.


Most computer systems, from the embedded controllers found in automobiles and consumer appliances to personal computers and mainframes, have the same basic organization. This organization has three main components: he CPU, the memory subsystem, and the I/O subsystem. We discuss each of these components in more detail later in this chapter. The generic organization of these components is shown in Figure 4.1. Figure 4.1 Generic computer organization

In this section, we first describe the system buses used to connect the components in the computer system. Then we examine the instruction cycle, the sequence of operations that occurs within the computer as it fetches, decodes, and executes an instruction.

Physically, a bus is a set of wires. The components of the computer are connected to the buses. To send information from one components to another, the source component outputs data onto the bus. The destination component then inputs this data from the bus. As the complexity of a computer system increases, it becomes more efficient (in terms of minimizing connections) at using buses rather than direct connections between every pair of devices. Buses use less space on a circuit board and require less power than a large number of direct connections. They also require fewer pins on the chip or chips that comprise the CPU. The system shown in Figure 4.1 has three buses. The uppermost bus in this figure is the address bus. When the CPU read data or instructions from or writes data to memory, it must specify the address of the memory location it wishes to access. It outputs this address to the address bus; memory inputs this address from the address bus and uses it to access the proper memory location. Each I/O device, such as a keyboard, monitor, or disk drive, has a unique address as well. When accessing an I/O device, the CPU places the address of the device on the address bus. Each device can read the address off of the bus and determine whether it is the device being accessed

by the CPU. Unlike the other buses, the address bus always receives data from the CPU; the CPU never reads the address bus. Data is transferred via the data bus. When the CPU fetches data from memory, it first outputs the memory address on its address bus. Then memory outputs the data onto the data bus; the CPU can then read the data from the data bus. When writing data to memory, the CPU first outputs the address onto the address bus, then outputs the data onto the data bus. Memory then reads and stores the data at the proper location. The processes for reading data from and writing data to the I/O devices are similar. The control bus is different from the other two buses. The address bus consists of n lines, which combine to transmit one n-bit address value. Similarly, the lines of the data bus work together to transmit a single, multibit value. In contrast, the control bus is a collection of individual control signals. These signals indicate whether data is to be read into or written out of the CPU, whether the CPU is accessing memory or an I/O device, and whether the I/O device or memory is ready to transfer data. Although this bus is shown as bi-directional in Figure 4.1, it is really a collection of (mostly) unidirectional signals. Most of these signals are output from the CPU to the memory and I/O subsystems, although a few are output by these subsystems to the CPU. We examine these signals in more detail when we look at the instruction cycle and the subsystem interface. A system may have a hierarchy of buses. For example, it may use its address, data, and control buses to access memory, and an I/O controller. The I/O controller, in turn, may access all I/O devices using a second bus, often called an I/O bus or a local bus. The practical perspective describes the PCI bus, a local bus commonly used in personal computers.

The instruction cycle is the procedure a microprocessor goes through to process an instruction. First the microprocessor fetches, or reads, the instruction from memory. Then it decodes the instruction, determining which instruction it has fetched. Finally, it performs the operations necessary to execute the instruction. (Some people also include and additional element in the instruction cycle to store results. Here, we include that operation as part of the execute function.) Each of these functionsfetch, decode, and executeconsists of a sequence of one or more operations. PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE: the peripheral component interconnects bus Early IBM personal computers, starting with the PC-AT, used a single bus to interface with I/O devices. The industry standard Architecture, or ISA, bus was used to connect the CPU and I/O devices within the computer. The ISA bus incorporated the address, data, and control buses into a single standard. The ISA bus could transfer data at clock speeds up to 8 MHz (8 million cycles per second.) As computer performance improved, this bus became a bottleneck in system performance. Designers developed faster local buses, separate from the main system bus, for interacting with I/O devices. Of these, the Peripheral Component Interconnect, or PCI, bus is the most commonly used in personal computers. The PCI bus transfers data at speeds of up to 66 MHz and contains 100 signals. Thirty-two of these signals are for address bus information, and another 32 are multiplexed address/data lines. (Part of the time, these lines carry address bus

information and the rest of the time they carry data bus information.) The remaining lines incorporate control bus signals and signals used for error checking and reporting, as well as signals to support cache memory and interrupts. Lets start where the computer starts, with the microprocessor fetching the instruction from memory. First, the microprocessor places the address of the instruction on to the address bus. The memory subsystem inputs this address and decodes it to access the desired memory location. After the microprocessor allows sufficient time for memory to decode the address and access the requested memory location, the microprocessor asserts a READ control signal. The READ signal is a signal on the control bus, which the microprocessor asserts when it is ready to read data from memory or an I/O device. (Some processors have a signal to perform this function.) Depending on he microprocessor, the READ signal may be active high (asserted = 1) or active low (asserted = 0). When the READ signal is asserted, the memory subsystem places the instruction code to be fetched onto the computer systems data bus. The microprocessor then inputs this data from the bus and stores it in one of its internal registers. At this point, the microprocessor has fetched the instruction. Next, the microprocessor decodes the instruction. Each instruction may require a different sequence of operations to execute the instruction. When the microprocessor decodes the instruction, it determines which instruction it is in order to select the correct sequence of operations to perform. This is done entirely within the microprocessor; it does not use the system buses. Finally, the microprocessor executes the instruction. The sequence of operations to execute the instruction varies from instruction to instruction. The execute routine may read data from memory, write data to memory, read data from or write data to an I/O device, perform only operations within the CPU, or perform some combination of these operations within the CPU, or perform some combination of these operations. We now look at how the computer performs these operations from a system perspective. To read data from memory, the microprocessor performs the same sequence of operations it uses to fetch an instruction from memory. After all, fetching an instruction is simply reading it from memory. Figure 4.2(a) shows the timing of the operations to read data from memory. Figure 4.2 Timing diagrams for (a) memory read and (b) memory write operations

In Figure 4.2, notice the top symbol, CLK. This is the computer system clock; the microprocessor uses the system clock to synchronize its operations. the microprocessor places the address onto the bus at the beginning of a clock cycle, a 0/1 sequence of the system clock. One clock cycle later, to allow time for memory to decode the address and access its data, the microprocessor asserts the READ signal. This causes memory to place its data onto the system data bus. During this clock cycle, the microprocessor reads the data of the system bus and stores it in one of is registers. At the end of the clock cycle it removes the address from the address bus and deasserts the READ signal. Memory then removes the data from the data bus, completing the memory read operation. The timing of the memory write operation is shown in Figure 4.2(b). The processor places the address and data onto the system buses during the first clock cycle. The microprocessor then asserts a WRITE control signal (or its equivalent) at the start of the second clock cycle. Just as the READ signal causes memory to read data, the WRITE signal triggers memory to store data. Some time during this cycle, memory writes the data on the data bus to the memory location whose address is on the address bus. At the end of this cycle, the processor completes the memory write operation by removing the address and data from the system buses and deasserting the WRITE signal. The I/O read and write operations are similar to the memory read and write operations. Recall from Chapter 3 that a processor may use either memory mapped I/O or isolated I/O. If the processor supports memory mapped I/O, it follows the same sequences of operations to input or output data as to read data from or write date to memory, the sequences shown in Figure 4.2. (Remember, in memory mapped I/O, the processor treats an I/O port as a memory location, so it is reasonable to treat an I/O data access the same as a memory access.) Processors that use isolated I/O can have a memory location and an I/O port with the same address, which makes this extra signal necessary.) For example, the 8085 microprocessor has a control signal called IO/M . The processor sets IO/M to 0 for the entire length of a memory read or write operation. For I/O operations, the processor sets IO/M to 1 for the duration of the I/O read or write operation. Finally, consider instructions that are executed entirely within the microprocessor. The INAC instruction of the Relatively Simple CPU, and the MOV i1, r2 instruction of the 8085 microprocessor, can be executed without accessing memory or I/O devices. As with instruction decoding, the execution of these instructions does not make use of the system buses.

STUDENT ACTIVITY Answer the following questions:

1. Explain System Buses in detail. 2. What do you mean by instruction cycle.

3. Explain computer organization with diagram.

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