Mps Ast 1st Year 10-11

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ASSIGNMENT (M.A. First Year Courses) For July 2010 and January 2011 Sessions

Schoo o! Socia Scie"ces I"#ira Ga"#hi Natio"a O$e" %"i&ersit' Mai#a" Garhi( Ne) De hi*++,,-.

M.A. (Po itica Scie"ce) CORE CO%RSES Dear Learner, As we explained in the Programme Guide or !aster"s Degree in Politi#al S#ien#e, you will ha$e to do a %utor !ar&ed Assignment or ea#h #ourse in the Politi#al S#ien#e' %his (oo&let #ontains the assignments o the irst year #ourses o the !asters Programme in Politi#al S#ien#e' )ou need to su(mit all the assignments within the stipulated time or (eing eligi(le to appear in the term*end examination' +e ore you attempt the assignments, please read the instru#tions #are ully pro$ided in the Programme Guide' ,t is important that you write the answers in your own words' )our answers should (e within the approximate range o the word*limit set or a parti#ular se#tion' -emem(er, writing answers to assignment .uestions will impro$e your writing s&ills and prepare you or the term*end examination' All assignments, in#luding these, ha$e to (e su/0itte# to the Coor#i"ator o! 'our Stu#' Ce"tre' -emem(er to o(tain a re#eipt rom the Study /entre or the assignments su(mitted and retain it' , possi(le, &eep a xerox #opy o the assignments with you' %he Study /entre will ha$e to return the assignments to you a ter they are e$aluated' Please insist on this' %he Study /entre will note down the mar&ed awarded or ea#h assignment and orward them to the Student 0$aluation Di$ision 1S0D2 at ,G345, 3ew Delhi' Su/0issio"1 )ou need to su(mit all the assignments within the stipulated time or (eing eligi(le to appear in the term*end examination' %he #ompleted assignments should (e su(mitted as per the ollowing s#hedule' Sessio" For July, 2010 Session For January, 2011 Session Last Date o! Su/0issio" !ar#h 61, 2011 Septem(er 60, 2011 To /e Se"t %o %he /oordinator o the Study /entre allotted to you

Please o(tain a re#eipt rom the Study /entre or the assignments su(mitted and retain it' , possi(le, &eep a 7erox #opy o the assignments with you' %he Study /entre will return the assignments to you a ter they are e$aluated' Please insist on this' %he Study /entre has to send the mar&s to the S-80 Di$ision at ,G345, 3ew Delhi'

G%IDELINES FOR DOING ASSIGNMENTS 9e expe#t you to answer ea#h .uestion as per guidelines or ea#h #ategory as mentioned in the assignment' )ou will ind it use ul to &eep the ollowing points in mind: 12 P a""i"21 -ead the assignments #are ully, go through the 5nits on whi#h they are (ased' !a&e some points regarding ea#h .uestion and then rearrange them in a logi#al order' 22 Or2a"isatio"1 +e a little sele#ti$e and analyti# (e ore drawing up a rough outline o your answer' Gi$e ade.uate attention to your introdu#tion and #on#lusion' !a&e sure that your answer: a2 is logi#al and #oherent; (2 has #lear #onne#tions (etween senten#es and paragraphs, and #2 is written #orre#tly gi$ing ade.uate #onsideration to your expression, style and presentation' 62 Prese"tatio"1 4n#e you are satis ied with your answer, you #an write down the inal $ersion or su(mission, writing ea#h answer neatly and underlining the points you wish to emphasi<e' !a&e sure that the answer is within the stipulated word limit' 9ishing you all the (est,

POLITICAL T3EORY (MPS*,,+) T%TOR MAR4ED ASSIGNMENT Course Co#e1 MPS*,,+ Assi2"0e"t Co#e1 MPSE ,,+5Ast5TMA56,+,*6,++ Mar7s1 +,, A"s)er !i&e 8uestio"s i" a ( se ecti"2 at east t)o 8uestio"s !ro0 each sectio". Each 8uestio" is to /e a"s)ere# i" a/out 9,, )or#s. Each 8uestio" carries 6, 0ar7s. SECTION* I 1' 9hat do you understand (y politi#al theory= 0xplain in your own word' 2' Dis#uss the main postulates o John -awl>s theory o ?usti#e' 6' 9rite an essay on group*di erentiated #iti<enship' @' 0xplain the #on#ept o /i$il So#iety and dis#uss any one tradition o it' A' 9hat is legitimation= 9hy should one o(ey a go$ernment=

SECTION* II B' 9rite short notes on the ollowing in a(out 2A0 words ea#h: 1a2 Justi i#ation o the wel are state 1(2 Fran& urt s#hool C' Des#ri(e the #ore #hara#teristi#s o undamentalism' D' Dis#uss the main tenets o !ulti#ulturalism' E' /omment on the ollowing in a(out 2A0 words ea#h: 1a2 Patriar#hy 1(2 De$elopments in the sexFgender distin#tion in eminist %heory' 10' Dis#uss the ollowing in a(out 2A0 words ea#h: 1a2 %e#hni.ue o non*$iolent a#tion 1(2 /ommunitarian position on state neutrality

INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS1 T3EORY AND PRO:LEMS (MPS*,,6) T%TOR MAR4ED ASSIGNMENT Course Co#e1 MPS*,,6 Assi2"0e"t Co#e1 MPSE ,,65Asst.5TMA56,+,*++ Mar7s1 +,, A"s)er !i&e 8uestio"s i" a ( se ecti"2 at east t)o 8uestio"s !ro0 each sectio". Each 8uestio" is to /e a"s)ere# i" a/out 9,, )or#s. Each 8uestio" carries 6, 0ar7s. SECTION* I
1' 2' 6' @' A' ,denti y the underlying assumptions o li(eralism and (ring out the di eren#es (etween the traditional li(eral and the neoli(eral s#hools' Des#ri(e the essential elements o the #enter* periphery model o underde$elopment (ringing out the $iews o di erent s#holars' /riti#ally examine #urrent de(ate on the uture o nation*state in international relations s#holarship' 0xamine the initiati$es o the world #ommunity or pea#e and de$elopment in the post* /old war years' 9hat are the di erent approa#hes or understanding middle powers= Analyse the role o middle powers in post*/old war period'

B' C' D' E' 10' ,n what way does the !arxist theory o hegemony help us in understanding the dynami#s o international politi#s= ,n your assessment, what are the salient #hara#teristi#s o the #urrent phase o glo(ali<ation= 9hat is ethni#ity= 9hy has there (een an in#rease in ethni# $iolen#e and #on li#t in the post war period= 0xamine the response o the world #ommunity to the growing in#iden#e o terrorism' Assess the position o /hina in the present international order'

INDIA1 DEMOCRACY AND DE;ELOPMENT (MPS*,,<) T%TOR MAR4ED ASSIGNMENT Course Co#e1 MPS*,,< Assi2"0e"t Co#e1 MPSE ,,<5Asst5TMA56,+,*++ Mar7s1 +,, A"s)er !i&e 8uestio"s i" a ( se ecti"2 at east t)o 8uestio"s !ro0 each sectio". Each 8uestio" is to /e a"s)ere# i" a/out 9,, )or#s. Each 8uestio" carries 6, 0ar7s. SECTION* I 1' 2' Dis#uss the nature o relationship (etween demo#ra#y and de$elopment in ,ndia during 1E@C*1EBC' /riti#ally examine the ollowing in a(out 2A0 words ea#h: a2 %he Gara#hi resolution' (2 /aste ine.ualities' Analyse the nature o relationship (etween (ureau#ra#y, poli#e and army in ,ndia' Dis#uss the wor&ing o ederal system in ,ndia' /ompare the main pro$isions o the C6rd and C@th /onstitutional Amendments'

6' @' A'

SECTION* II B' /omment on the ollowing in a(out 2A0 words ea#h: a2 Signi i#an#e o ele#tions in ,ndian demo#ra#y' (2 -ole media in ,ndian demo#ra#y' 9rite a short note on the ollowing in a(out 2A0 words ea#h' a2 Language and politi#s in ,ndia' (2 -ole o #i$il so#iety in ,ndian demo#ra#y' Dis#uss ethni# politi#s in the #ontext o north*east ,ndia' /omment on the ollowing in a(out 2A0 words ea#h: a2 Di eren#es (etween the pro#edural and su(stanti$e demo#ra#ies' (2 /on#ept o sustaina(le de$elopment' 0xamine the impa#t o the new e#onomi# poli#y on the wor&ing #lass in ,ndia'


D' E'


COMPARATI;E POLITICS1 ISS%ES AND TRENDS (MPS*,,=) T%TOR MAR4ED ASSIGNMENT Course Co#e1 MPS*,,= Assi2"0e"t Co#e1 MPS*,,=5Ast5TMA56,+,*++ Mar7s1 +,, A"s)er !i&e 8uestio"s i" a ( se ecti"2 at east t)o 8uestio"s !ro0 each sectio". Each 8uestio" is to /e a"s)ere# i" a/out 9,, )or#s. Each 8uestio" carries 6, 0ar7s.

SECTION* I 1' 2' 6' @' A' Des#ri(e and e$aluate Ga(riel Almond"s Stru#tural Fun#tional approa#h' Des#ri(e the !arxist per#eption o state in de$eloping so#ieties' How is it di erent rom Li(eral perspe#ti$e= 9hat do you understand (y #i$il so#iety= Des#ri(e the main trends that des#ri(e the relationship (etween state and #i$il so#iety' /riti#ally examine the impa#t o !ultinational /orporations on the de$eloping nations' 9rite short notes on the ollowing: a2 !odern #on#ept o 3ationalism (2 %he 5'S' model o /onstitutionalism'

SECTION* II B' C' D' E' 10' Analyse the #on#ept o #ultural depri$ation as an indu#ement to ethni#ity' Do you agree with the o(ser$ation that in the relationship (etween (ureau#ra#y and politi#ians generally (ureau#ra#y dominates= Gi$e reasons or your answer' Analyse the relationship (etween so#ial stru#tures and ederalism' Des#ri(e and e$aluate the #urrent thin&ing on the #on#ept o human de$elopment' 9rite short notes on the ollowing a2 De(ate on Gender and De$elopment (2 Glo(ali<ation o S#ien#e and %e#hnology

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