Dream Tunnel

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Dream Tunnel

The characters fall into a heavy/ comatose sleep and have very vivid dreams. They wake up a week later very hungry with possible changes. Roll a d20 and determine outcome. 1. Climbing mountains, cliffs, castles and other objects very windy characters falls roll DEX x3 and gain +10% in climbing fail by DEX x5 and character is afraid of heights. Roll POW x 5 or age 1 year. 2. Fighting in a major war campaign for what seems like years. Roll Bravery x3 and increase Attack and parry skills + 10%. Roll POW x 5 or age 1 year. 3. Character performs many brave and selfless acts (Save town from attacking hoards, save a castle by slaying a dragon). Roll POW x3 and gain +D3 Bravery if fail +1 Bravery. Roll POW x 5 or age 1 year. 4. Fighting all types of chaotic creatures and lose. Build up a hatred for chaos. Roll POW x3 and gain the ability to sense chaos, fail the roll by POW x 5 and die. Roll POW x 5 or age 1 year. 5. In charge of a museum which has all types of weapons and magic items. Roll POW x 3 and gain the ability to ID regular magic at a 35% and special magic at 25% both skills are checkable and the character will want to horde that type of weapon or magic items. Roll a D4 to determine the type of specialty. 1. Missile weapons 2. Blade weapons 3. Bludgeon weapons 4. Magic items. The character will also want to start a museum or join one. Roll POW x 5 or age 1 year. 6. Character adventures and watches his party continuously being killed watches his friends and family die while being helpless to do anything. Roll Bravery x3 and gain Fanaticism fail by more than Bravery x5 and permenately demoralized, will quit adventuring. Roll POW x 5 or age 1 year. 7. Fighting a large Minotaur when their right arm is cut off. Saved by a nobleman who teaches them how to use a rapier and dodge. Roll POW x3 and will be able to use left hand at only -20% from right hand skill. If failed by more than POW x5 the character will wake up missing his right arm but his weapon will be replaced with a rapier with a +20% to use (base 5 + Attack modifier) and plus 10% to dodge. Roll POW x 5 or age 1 year. 8. Completes a huge quest to save a princess from a dragon with other heroes. A large ceremony is thrown for them and they are rewarded well. Roll POW x 3 and find a gem worth 5000 lunars in pouch. Roll POW x 5 or age 1 year. 9. Working in a large library with books on any subject. Roll POW x3 and will be able to study any two subjects or skills at +10%. If learning a new skill roll a D6 +1 and add modifiers. Roll POW x 5 or age 1 year. 10. Working in a large hospital during a long war campaign with the Chalona Arroy cult. Roll POW if = POW x3 gain spirit spell Heal 1 if less than POW x2 gain Heal 2, if already know heal add 1 or 2 points to spell already known. Make a second POW roll if POW x4 or less learn Treat Poison and Treat Disease at +5%, POW x3 at +15%, POW x2 at +25%. Roll POW x 5 or age 1 year. 11. Work as a scout for an army during a long war campaign was very successful and worked up to captain of the scouts. Roll POW if = POW x5 gain sneak +10%, if POW x4 gain sneak, hide +10%,










if POW x3 gain sneak, hide, ride +10%, if POW x2 gain sneak, hide, ride, track +10%. Roll POW x 5 or age 1 year. Walk in the realms of the gods and able to meet own god. Roll POW x3 and choose any divine spell of your choice. The spell cost no permanent POW (up to 2 points) and is reusable as if character was Rune lord or Rune Priest. Roll POW x 5 or age 1 year. Was aboard a ship wreck and stranded in the ocean. Watch as sharks swim by and eat friends and fellow sailors. Roll POW x3 and gain ship handling and swimming +10%. Fail by more than POW x5 and will be afraid of the water. Roll POW x 5 or age 1 year. Train at the best academy of skills and learn how to better self, recognize great heroes like Hercules. Roll POW x 3 and gain +1 in any characteristic (STR, CON, and DEX). Roll POW x 5 or age 1 year. Travel through the spirit plane fighting and learning from spirits. Roll POW if = POW x1 learn 3 points of random Spirit or Sorcery spells, if POW x2 learn 2 points of random Spirit or Sorcery spells, if POW x3 learn 1 point of random Spirit or Sorcery spells. Roll POW x 5 or age 1 year. Work with gems and jewelry for a famous Dwarf. Assist in making fine jewelry for kings and queens. Roll POW x3 and gain Evaluate, Devise +20% and Gem cutting at 25%. Character will be greedy and want all of the partys gems. If failed by more than POW x5 character will gain Evaluate and devise +10% and will be greedy and want all of the partys gems. Roll POW x 5 or age 1 year. Do a favor for your god, a dangerous quest that you complete. Roll POW x3 and choose one of the following. A weapon of your choice with True weapon on it. Soft Leather magically enhanced to an AP of 5. An 8 point Power crystal. Roll POW x 5 or age 1 year. Work as a sage / scholar/ speaker in a large city. Has access to library and temples. Roll POW if POW x4 gain orate +10%, POW x3 gain orate, fast talk +10% POW x2 gain Orate, fast talk and one other language +10% POW x 1 gain Orate, fast talk and two other languages +10%. Roll POW x 5 or age 1 year. Stay with some monks at a monastery; learn how to meditate and their ways. Roll POW x3 and gain +10% in marital arts, Quarter staff attack and parry +10% and brewing beer + 10%. Roll POW x 5 or age 1 year. Work with a dwarf making weapons and placing magical enchantments on them. Roll POW x3 gain Weapon making skill +20% ceremonies and enchantment +10%. Roll POW x 5 or age 1 year.

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