Bottle Wall Construction Seminar Report 2014

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Bottle wall construction Seminar Report 2014

A new revolution, a new movement, a new awareness is spreading across the world. Governments and organizations are working together to find solutions for a greener future, while prospective zero carbon sustainable cities are already underway. The plastic waste is a serious environmental threat to modern civilization. Since plastic is a non biodegradable material, land filling using plastic would mean preserving the harmful material forever. Though recycled plastic has proven to be an incredibly strong and durable building block that!s used in structures from military bridges to deck lumber, empty "olyethylene terephthalate #"$T% bottles may not be what comes to mind when thinking of ideal construction materials. &ut that hasn!t stopped some creative and resourceful individuals from using them. Attempting to e'periment by using and recycling waste materials, "$T bottles which normally end up in landfills is used as a construction material. (t takes an average of )** years for a plastic bottle to completely disintegrate into the ground, during which time a substantial amount of to'ins and chemicals are released into the earth. (t is difficult to think of a bottle as a brick. &ut a mud filled bottle is as strong as a brick and whatever can be done with a brick can be done with a bottle too. (t!s not that the concept innovation in sustainable products is new. The structures built using waste materials, have taught lessons about the economic value of such materials and the utility of recycling them. The huge +uantities of non returnable beverage containers #primarily "$T soft drink bottles% collected, and not knowing how to convert them into useful inputs or end products. This is an effective solution for reusing the plastic. ,ost of the "$T bottles used are recovered in clean up campaigns and recycling drives. The community then fills them with sand. "olly!s self interlocking plastic bricks are translucent thereby allowing the play of natural light to shine through. They are good thermal and sound insulators and can withstand hurricane force winds. Taking into account the time, energy and firewood used right from mi'ing the clay to baking it in the kiln, it can be seen that the bottle brick is far more energy efficient. The technology also reduces the carbon emission that happens during the baking of an ordinary brick.
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Bottle wall construction Seminar Report 2014


"olyethylene terephthalate , commonly abbreviated "$T, "$T$, or the obsolete "$T" or "$T ", is a thermoplastic polymer resin of the polyester family and is used in synthetic fibers- beverage, food and other li+uid containers- thermoforming applicationsand engineering resins often in combination with glass fiber. The term polyethylene terephthalate is a source of confusion because this substance, "$T, does not contain polyethylene. "$T consists of polymerized units of the monomer ethylene terephthalate, with repeating ./*0123 units. "$T bottles are characterized by high strength, low weight, and low permeability of gases #mainly .24% as well as by their aesthetic appearance #good light transmittance, smooth surface%. 2.1 FACTS ABOUT PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate PLASTIC There are over 1* billion plastic bottles manufactured each year. The 56 recently estimated that over 7* billion of these are not recycled. The .ontainer 8ecycling (nstitute estimate 19: of "$T is not recycled. ,ost "$T bottles make their way into the ocean. "lastic is composed of several to'ic chemicals, and therefore plastic pollutes soil, air and water. The raw materials used to produce "$T are petrochemicals; crude oil, natural gas and ethylene glycol. 2nce molded, "$T has a high resistance to moisture and is very strong. To create "$T plastic, crude oil e'tracted hydrocarbons are mi'ed with chemical catalysts. The production of / kg of "$T, re+uires the e+uivalent of 4 kg of oil for energy and raw material. &urning / kg of oil creates about ) kg of carbon dio'ide. (n other words per kg of plastic, about 7 kg carbon dio'ide is created during production and incineration. <or each ton of "$T plastics recycled, /.= tons of .2 4 emissions are prevented. (t is believed that waste is a sign of an inefficient system. The burning of waste threatens health and destroys resources that could be reused and recycled. The .ontainer 8ecycling (nstitute reports that appro'imately /1 million barrels of crude oil e+uivalent were consumed in 4**9 to replace the 4 million tons of "$T bottles that were wasted instead of being recycled. >hen "$T plastic bottles are made from virgin materials rather than used bottle resin, more greenhouse gases are produced as

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Bottle wall construction Seminar Report 2014

well. An estimated 1** thousand metric tons of carbon e+uivalent #,T.$% were released in the process of making appro'imately 9* billion new "$T bottles from virgin rather than recycled materials. ?iscarded mineral water bottles are a huge problem in all parts of the world. According to G8$$6"$A.$; Today, forests face another threat climate change. ?estroying of the forests ends in climate change because forests trap carbon and help stabilize the world!s climate. >hen forests are trashed, the carbon trapped in trees, their roots and the soil is released into the atmosphere. ?eforestation accounts for up to 4*: of all carbon emissions. As forests are cut down, millions of indigenous people suffer human rights abuse, and poverty and disease. Their food and medicine sources are destroyed. Their drinking water is polluted by soil erosion. >ith less than 9: of the logs value given back to the communities, the business of logging is moving landholders from subsistence affluence to a desperate type of poverty. >aste prevention systems conserve resources- enhance environmental @ustice and sustainable development. >aste prevention regulation can also create well paying @obs in the reuse and recycling industries. The use of "$T bottles as a construction material is a real contribution to greenhouse gas reduction and thus a positive step against global warming. The application of this method generates no pollution. $ach "$T bottle brick is one less bottle burned or thrown into the river or sea. 2.2 PLASTIC AN IDEAL !ATERIAL FOR BUILDIN"


>astes "$T are being used as construction material an environmentally smart strategy of chipping away at a housing shortage. (t is made from capped, sand filled plastic bottles, each weighing ) kgs. The bottles are stacked into layers and bonded

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Bottle wall construction Seminar Report 2014

together by mud and cement, with an intricate network of strings holding each bottle by its neck, providing e'tra support to the structure. &ottle caps of various colours protrude from the cement plastered walls, giving them a uni+ue look. Those behind the pro@ect claim the sand filled bottles are stronger than ordinary cinder blocks. The structure has the added advantage of being fire proof, bullet proof and earth+uake resistant, with the interior maintaining a constant temperature of /1 * . #73 * <% which is good for tropical climate. They are cheap to construct as it costs a +uarter of the money re+uired to build a conventional house. #.1 SOURCE AND &UANTITY OF PET BOTTLES COLLECTED "lastic bottles are discarded all over the city and constitute an unused material. .ollecting System bottles gathers in which some were used to construct. The economy in the area, where A.ollecting SystemB is set up, is based on self employment and from collecting unused materials. These materials could be used for building temporary dwellings. The bottles also have an economic value and can be sold. .ollected ,aterial ?welling is set up in a peripheral zone of the city on occupied land. "eople are gathered to collect bottles made out of the plastic type "$T. The "$T plastic is commonly used in production of bottles for soft drinks. #.2 PRO'IDIN" A$ARENESS ,aking the population understand that waste, in this particular instance plastic bottle, can be reused as building material is still the most difficult thing. Teaching the construction method is still important but, it is the environmental awareness that is crucial. "eople were gathered in a workshop to prepare the leftover materials for construction.

#.# CLASSIFICATION BY S%APE AND SI(E "$T bottles were classified by shape and size. .alculations were made to determine technical issues like width, resistance, and for the best additional methods to be used to make a low cost construction. This part of the process was informed by the collected

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Bottle wall construction Seminar Report 2014

e'perience of different people. <or instance, small bottles make more resistance structures using a method like sew them together making a net with steel wire. &ig bottles are better to make filled with sifted sand or water to make it more stable wall. (t resulted in a material similar to concrete in strength and resistance. #.) T%E DESI"N CONCEPT The structure constructed using "$T bottles were designed by using a combination of one litre and half litre "$T bottles. The one litre bottles are for the e'ternal walls and the half litre ones are for the internal walls. The surfaces of the walls are plastered with a mi'ture of mud, clay, sand, rice husk and water. The e'ternal surface plaster is mi'ed with a waterproofing agent to prevent damage during heavy rains. The bottles are filled with rammed earth procured from the construction site itself. They are then laid over the foundation, which is made with two litre bottles to provide strength and stability to the structure. The roofing framework is of salvaged wood obtained from shipyards or from old structures which were demolished. The final roofing system can be of any one of the materials listed below; .orrugated sheets #These actually create a difference in temperature of CD 9 degrees from the outside temperature% Shingles made out of recycled tires.

#.* CONSTRUCTION The basis of the method is to fill the plastic bottles with earth so as to obtain a brick. Thus both the problem of waste and the housing problem in poor regions will be solved. (t was because of the +uantities of "$T bottles thrown away in the cities and the
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Bottle wall construction Seminar Report 2014

helplessness of the populations facing with the size, the idea of using these bottles and giving them a second life as a building material was chosen. A "$T bottle C a little earth E a brick #.*.1 Steps involve <irst step was to collect as many discarded plastic bottles which can be of various 6e't step was to find a place where a hell load of dry sand #finer, the better% can

capacities. be obtained. 6e't process was to fill them with sand, seal them and then paste them with a

mi'ture made of earth, clay, sawdust and a little cement to provide additional strength and durability # <ig. )./. %.

<ig. )./. <illing the bottle with sand

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Bottle wall construction Seminar Report 2014

<ig. ).4. Sewed plastic bottles Three different methods for stabilityDstrength to the construction; a. &ottles with water thigh with steel wire. b. &ottles filled with compressed sand, gives strength similar to concrete, are more stable also helps for thermal aim. c. &ottles and concrete, wrap with a steel net, walls can be covered with concrete and obtain a look like a regular house. This also can be useful for seal off the rain and thermal aim. #.*.2 Construction of pillar A cylindrical pit about 7*cm in depth was dug. The radius should be at least /*cm more than the length of the bottle for constructing the pillar. A cement bed #about 3cm thickness% was made in the pit. A long ironDsteel rod was inserted at the centre. A long and strong thread was tied to the rod. /* or // bottles were laid around this rod. <irst, a bottle was laid on the bed such that the bottle is radially oriented towards the centre. #i.e., the cap is oriented towards the rod%. A knot was made around the neck of the bottle using a thread. The ne't bottle was placed in the similar way keeping in mind that the caps of the 4 bottles touch

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Bottle wall construction Seminar Report 2014

each other. A knot was made around the second bottle also. The steps were repeated until all the // bottles were laid. The gaps between the bottles were filled with rubble and cement. The ne't bed was made and this process was continued till the entire pit was filled. Thus the foundation was completed. (t was left for a few hours so that the cement will solidify #<ig. ).) %.

<ig. ).).<oundation of pillar After the foundation for all the pillars were made, building of pillars began. The bottles were laid as it was laid for the foundation. &roken bricks or other construction wastes were put between the bottles so that they donFt move. The pillar was plastered with cement. This pillar is twenty times stronger and much cheaper than an ordinary pillar made with bricks # <ig. ).3 %.

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Bottle wall construction Seminar Report 2014

<ig. ).3. "illar After building all the pillars, An outline of the platform was made with chalk powder or any color powders. A clay bed about 9cm height and widthE9 cm G length of the bottles was made. This bed runs along the perimeter of the platform # <ig. ).9 %.

<ig. ).9. .onstruction of platform The bottles #with their neck facing outwards% were laid one by one on this bed and were tied to each other. The bottles were attached to each other by means of a kind of mesh as shown in the picture # <ig. ).7 %.

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Bottle wall construction Seminar Report 2014

<ig. ).7. Tying of bottles After the course was laid, the inside area was filled with cement, clay or rubble. A mi'ture of cement and lime was used here and there to consolidate the walls and avoid any problems if construction is carried out during the rainy season. &y avoiding the use of cement as far as possible, the construction price is 3*: lower than for HtraditionalI buildings. To make more courses, each bottle of the underlying course were knotted with the above course as shown in the picture. This is to impart more strength to the structure. The platform was made #<ig. ).=.% and tiles or ceramics were used for flooring. 8oof can be placed over this because the pillars are really strong enough to hold them.

<ig. ).=. .onstruction of wall

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Bottle wall construction Seminar Report 2014

These houses are ideal for people with modest means, but also for better off people too because they are real works of art which will last, much more so than brick houses, with the bottles being much stronger than bricks. They are also comfortable, safe, and energy efficient and can withstand earth+uakes. Some structures built with pet bottles are shown here. #<ig. ).1.%

<ig. ).1. A house built with "$T bottles

Chapter ) CASE STUDY

There are a lot of case studies being discussed on the reuse of the "$T bottles as a construction material. <ew of the case studies are discussed below with its conclusion on the properties of the "$T bottles. ).1 SC%OOL IN DEL%I

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Bottle wall construction Seminar Report 2014

Samarpan <oundation has chosen to transform and repurpose the environmentally harmful plastic bottle into one that is a useful resource. They have constructed a functional living space in 6ew ?elhi, using hundreds of used "$T bottles instead of conventional bricks #<ig. 3./.%. ?iscarded "$T bottles were collected, manually sorted by size, compactly filled with mud and sealed. Then these bottle bricks were cemented together to construct the floor, walls and roof of the dwelling. A mud filled bottle is as strong as a brick and has many other advantages. (t forms a valuable alternate building material. Jow cost and maintenance, along with its long life, make it e'cellent value for money. The orienting process of "$T serves to improve its gas and moisture barrier properties also. "$T bottles are non biodegradable. Therefore any structure made with it can last a couple of hundred years or more. And then at the end of its life, the structure may be recycled and reused once more. "lastic has high tensile strength which makes it strong, durable and versatile. &ottle walls act as heat insulators. ,ud filled "$T bottles are non brittle and can therefore withstand heavy shock loads without fatigue or failure. (n earth+uake prone and flood affected areas plastic bricks structures with its high impact resistance can prevent large scale damage to properties and washing away of homes. 8eplacing conventional bricks with plastic bottles will help the environment in many ways. >aste creation will be greatly reduced as bottles become a resource and attract value. &ricks are e'pensive. 0ere bottles, filled with mud and capped tightly, will be used in their place. After being laid out, the walls are plastered. The mud and the plaster provide double insulation and help keep the house cool. This pro@ect demonstrates the effective use of waste. "$T bottles do not disintegrate and remain intact for around /,79* years. They trap harmful dio'ins and donFt release them into the air. The house built using "$T is eco friendly, solar powered and, at night, will use water turbine energy#<ig. 3.4.%.

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Bottle wall construction Seminar Report 2014

<ig. 3./. "$T bottles for school construction

<ig. 3.4. School constructed with "$T bottles (mproved sustainable management of plastic bottle waste will greatly reduce pollution of land and water bodies. (t will help reduce carbon emissions during baking of bricks and also considerably lower the demand for conventional construction materials. (n rural areas this can lead to the creation of new @obs especially for women and youth. 8ecycling plastic bottles is a great idea.

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Bottle wall construction Seminar Report 2014

).2 !INI$I( ,iniwiz Sustainable $nergy ?evelopment, a Taiwanese agency, designed this building, the first in the world to use recycled bottles on such a scale. Taiwan is one of the biggest consumers of polyethylene terephthalate #"$T% bottles in the world, with its 4) million inhabitants using 3.7 billion of them a year. (t therefore took ,iniwiz only a few weeks to collect these Hbuilding bottlesI from department stores of the <ar $astern Group, one of the largest business conglomerates on the island and sponsor of the pro@ect #<ig. 3.).%.

<ig. 3.). ,iniwiz


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Bottle wall construction Seminar Report 2014

This is an effective solution for reusing the plastic. &ottles have the following advantages over bricks and other construction materials. %ow cost &uilding with bottles is typically less e'pensive than building with bricks as the main construction material is trash. "urchasing bottles from vendors is still significantly less e'pensive than purchasing bricks and essentially funds a grassroots recycling campaign in the absence of a government instituted waste management system. Energ& Efficient The time and energy used right from mi'ing the clay to baking it in the kiln and taking into account the firewood used for that, the bottle brick is far more energy efficient. 'on(Brittle Since they are not brittle, there can take up heavy loads without failure. Stronger The waste plastic bottle brick building has stronger walls than those of the mud brick walls hence an immediate substitute to mud bricks. Re(usa)le S*oc+ Resistant The plastic coating of Kbottle bricks! makes them more fle'ible than fired bricks. &ottle construction has greater shock resistance and is well suited for earth+uake prone areas. %ess construction material An ecological house constructed in 0onduras using some 1,*** "$T bottles, in the process freeing up an estimated /4 cubic meters #m)% in the local landfill.

Eas& to )uil

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Bottle wall construction Seminar Report 2014

There!s no limit to the shapes possible with these bottles. ,reen Construction

+uick and easy to construct, everything is

The house also features a living roof #sometimes called a green roof%. Such roofs not only have aesthetic appeal, but tend to insulate the house better than conventional roofs, lowering heating and cooling costs. They are also cheaper than conventional roofs. >hen wet, the /*4 s+uare meters #m4%, living roof can weigh as much as )* metric tons. The "$T bottle walls can support the weight. Environmental -rotection The innovation is going to help in the eradication of waste plastic "$T bottles that suffocate the soil to reduce soil fertility from the environment. ,aking bottle bricks doesnFt re+uire cutting down trees to burn them like it is with mud bricks hence will reduce on the rate of tree cutting. 5nlike traditional bricks which use firewood and contribute to deforestation, Kbottle bricks! are not fired. Dura)le "$T &ottle can last as long as )** years #undoubtedly longer than the cement used to bind the bottles together in the wallsL% Solar -anels The thickness of the walls finished in mud plaster actually create a naturally insulated structure which keeps the structure cool in the summers and warm in the winters on the inside.
.aste management

(n areas where tap water is unsafe for drinking, bottled water is +uite common, particularly at conferences parties, and gatherings. A small house can use as many as /*,*** bottles, waste that would otherwise be deposited in a landfill or burned.

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Bottle wall construction Seminar Report 2014

The +uest for sustainable development is not @ust a mere understanding of the guidelines but also a mandatory aspect for implementation. Since, the .entral and South America. and other Asian countries like (ndia have understood the importance of environment and the impacts on it due to the conventional construction techni+ues ,transportation and use of materials. The technology also reduces the carbon emission that happens during the baking of an ordinary brick. The heat generation from cement factories can also be reduced as this technology uses only five percent cement. The foundation for the entire construction is obtained from building waste and so the mountains from which granite is blasted out can be saved too. ,any assessment tools have also effectively certified building by monitoring the sustainability of the structure. Thus indicating that the future can be saved and the yet to come generation can have a safe environmental resources and en@oy it. H2ur resources are being depleted at a faster pace in the last 9* years than ever since the e'istence of the human race. >e believe now is the time to ensure that we try to put an end to the e'ploitation of our natural resources and start conserving the environment in every field possible. ,y initiative is @ust a small step towards a greener future.I


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Bottle wall construction Seminar Report 2014

/. ?igital @ournal, http;DDdigital@ournal.comDarticleD)/)743 4. 0anifi &inici, 8emzi Gemci, 0asan Maplan,H "hysical and mechanical properties of mortars without cementI, Construction /n Buil ing 0aterials, N. , 2ctober 4*// , pp. )91 http;DDwww.miniwiz.comDminiwizDimagesDstoriesDmediaDpressDpdfDwallstreet@o urnal.pdf ). (nternational Nournal 2f Sustainable $ngineering Oolume 6umber ; 3 , http;DDwww.tandfonline.comDtocDtsue4*D3D/ 3. The (ndian ?esign ,agazine, (nside 2utside, (ssue )/=, 6ovember 4*//, pp. 33 37 9. The >all Street Nournal

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