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Ma. Jastine M. Amores Ma. Jenna D.

Braga EXPERIMENT 4 Properties of Protein

INTODUCTION: Proteins are polymers of the 20 common amino acids. The amino acids are linked through their -amino and -carboxyl groups to form peptide bonds. Casein (milk protein) and egg albumin are soluble in water in their native or natural state. However, they may precipitate from solution in the presence of acids, alkali, heavy metals and other denaturing agents. Many of the chemical properties of proteins are due to the characteristics of the R groups of the amino acids that make up the protein. For example, acidification of ionized groups in proteins may neutralize their ionic charges resulting in decreased solubility in water or alterations in their interactions with other ionic and polar groups, causing them to precipitate. Heavy metals may bind to ionic or polar groups on the surface of proteins, causing them to aggregate and diminishing their interactions with water molecules and rendering them insoluble in water. Some of the amino acids in proteins are aromatic, such as tyrosine and tryptophan. You will study the nitration of these amino acids using nitric acid and show that the reactions can also occur when these amino acids are part of a protein chain. You will also study the reaction of sodium nitrite with the phenol group in tyrosine to produce a pink or red product. Other chemical reactions used to characterize proteins are due to interactions with the peptide bond, such as the complexation of copper (Cu) ions in the presence of strong base, which is the basis of the biuret test for protein.

OBJECTIVE: To study chemical and physical properties of proteins from natural sources (egg and milk) and some chemical reactions of amino acid residues in these proteins, as well as the effects of denaturing agents on these protein

PROCDURE: Refer to Laboratory Manual page 19 to by Ms. Elizabeth Ibuyan.

QUESTIONS: Precipitation of Metallic Salts Why is egg white used as an antidote for lead and mercury poisoning?

-Egg white is considered to be an antidote for lead and mercury poisoning because these
metallic compounds, instead of oxidizing our proteins and nucleic acid in our body, it will be oxidize by the albumin of the egg and be isolated and probably be taken off from our stomach.

Precipitation by Alkaloidal Reagents What are alkaloid reagents? -Alkaloids are highly reactive substances with biological activity in low doses. Hellers Test What practical application does this test find?

Salting Out Explain the result What proteins are precipitated by saturating their solution with ammonium sulfate; with 50% ammonium sulfate? Coagulation Test Why is the acid added? What protein coagulate in boiling? -Milk

Denaturation What physical property of protein influences the solubility of protein in the experiment? What other methods may be used to denature proteins?

- The various proteins denature at different levels of the following factors.

Acidity - an acid or a base may denature an enzyme Solvents - a solvent (a liquid or gas that dissolves solutes) may denature an enzyme. Specifically we would be looking at alcohols such as ethanol Heat - such as the heat of a frypan that denatures the proteins of an egg

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What chemicals change is associated with the denaturation of egg albumin? Precipitation of Protein in Alcohol Which tubes show the presence of insoluble proteins ? Is the egg albumin in water at its isoelectric point? -


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